986 resultados para miR-34a


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Splenic marginal zone lymphoma (SMZL) is an indolent B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder characterised by 7q32 deletion, but the target genes of this deletion remain unknown. In order to elucidate the genetic target of this deletion, we performed an integrative analysis of the genetic, epigenetic, transcriptomic and miRNomic data. High resolution array comparative genomic hybridization of 56 cases of SMZL delineated a minimally deleted region (2.8 Mb) at 7q32, but showed no evidence of any cryptic homozygous deletion or recurrent breakpoint in this region. Integrated transcriptomic analysis confirmed significant under-expression of a number of genes in this region in cases of SMZL with deletion, several of which showed hypermethylation. In addition, a cluster of 8 miRNA in this region showed under-expression in cases with the deletion, and three (miR-182/96/183) were also significantly under-expressed (P<0.05) in SMZL relative to other lymphomas. Genomic sequencing of these miRNA and IRF5, a strong candidate gene, did not show any evidence of somatic mutation in SMZL. These observations provide valuable guidance for further characterisation of 7q deletion.


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The present study describes in primates the effects of a spinal cord injury on the number and size of the neurons in the magnocellular part of the red nucleus (RNm), the origin of the rubrospinal tract, and evaluates whether a neutralization of Nogo-A reduces the lesioned-induced degenerative processes observed in RNm. Two groups of monkeys were subjected to unilateral section of the spinal cord affecting the rubrospinal tract; one group was subsequently treated with an antibody neutralizing Nogo-A; the second group received a control antibody. Intact animals were also included in the study. Counting neurons stained with a monoclonal antibody recognizing non-phosphorylated epitopes on neurofilaments (SMI-32) indicated that their number in the contralesional RNm was consistently inferior to that in the ipsilesional RNm, in a proportion amounting up to 35%. The lesion also induced shrinkage of the soma of the neurons detected in the contralesional RNm. Infusing an anti-Nogo-A antibody at the site of the lesion did not increase the proportion of SMI-32 positive rubrospinal neurons in the contralesional RNm nor prevent shrinkage.


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El món està mal repartit, això és evident. La qüestió és: fins a quin punt? El treball que segueix a continuació pretén estudiar aquest mal repartiment a través d'un àmbit concret: el de la indústria farmacèutica.Els recursos per a la investigació farmacèutica sovint es destinen a finalitats que estan lluny d'aconseguir benestar pel màxim nombre de persones possible. En canvi, es destinen allà on hi ha més possibilitat d'obtenir uns elevats rendiments econòmics. Malgrat no haver-hi dades concretes que evidenciïn aquest fet, sí que n'hi ha d'indirectes que ens ajudaran a esbrinar-ho.En l'estudi es posa en evidència les enormes discriminacions que pateixen diferents tipus de malalties, així com també algunes solucions que permetrien arreglar el problema, però que no es duen a terme. A més, ens endinsem en el món de la indústria farmacèutica a partir de dos països i dues malalties que mostren de primera mà la situació de la indústria farmacèutica mundial.


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Com a estudiants tenim moltes obligacions i la universitat ens absorbeix gran part del temps. És freqüent que en nosaltres sorgeixin inquietuds sobre quina seria la nostra situació si estiguéssim en una altra universitat o context que ens donés més marge d’autonomia i poguéssim, per exemple, dedicar part del nostre temps a treballar i obtenir ingressos. Per tant, la nostra percepció és que la majoria d’estudiants universitaris ho podem ser perquè darrere tenim una família que ens dóna suport en l’aspecte econòmic. Estudiar, entre altres coses, representa una inversió. Una inversió de temps el cost d’oportunitat de la qual és igual al total d’ingressos que podríem obtenir durant els anys que duren els estudis. No obstant, aquest elevat cost d’oportunitat es veu recompensat un cop acabats els estudis en forma d’una remuneració superior a aquest. Però, ha d’implicar sempre això? És obligatori renunciar a uns ingressos per tal de poder-se formar? La societat està interessada en que estudiem, però, dóna recursos per a que ho fem? Quines són les opcions que tenim els estudiants per a poder assolir una certa independència econòmica? Quin paper hi juga la universitat? En quin grau influeix el model d’universitat en el grau de dependència?Estudiem en una universitat, la UPF, la filosofia de la qual és que els estudiants han de ser-ho a temps complert, evitant que treballin mentre cursen la carrera:“Els plans d’estudis, dissenyats a partir de […], l’alta exigència acadèmica i de superació personal, la dedicació completa…” (www.upf.edu)La qualitat dels estudis es relaciona directament amb la dedicació absoluta. És difícil objectar el fet que quant més temps es dedica als estudis, millors són els resultats. No obstant i desgraciadament, no tothom pot permetre’s el luxe de invertir el cent per cent del seu temps als estudis i no treballar. El Pacte Internacional pels Drets Econòmics, Socials i Culturals de la ONU ratificat el 1966 i que va entrar en vigor l’any 1976, defensa, a l’article 13, el dret de tota persona a l’educació: “La enseñanza primaria debe ser obligatoria y accesible a todos gratuitamente"; “La enseñanza secundaria, en sus diferentes formas, incluso la enseñanza secundaria técnica y profesional, debe ser generalizada y hacerse accesible a todos, por cuantos medios sean apropiados, y en particular por la implantación progresiva de la enseñanza gratuita" “La enseñanza superior debe hacerse igualmente accesible a todos, sobre la base de la capacidad de cada uno, por cuantos medios sean apropiados, y en particular por la implantación progresiva de la enseñanza gratuita"En aquest treball hem volgut estudiar quins factors influeixen i de quina manera en la independència econòmica que pot assolir un estudiant. Hem volgut donar un fort èmfasi a l’àmbit universitari a l’hora de fer el treball ja que com a estudiants ens trobem en ple procés formatiu i aquesta té un pes rellevant en les nostres vides quotidianes, sobretot en matèria de temps i dedicació.


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MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small non-coding RNAs that regulate various biological processes. Cell-free miRNAs measured in blood plasma have emerged as specific and sensitive markers of physiological processes and disease. In this study, we investigated whether circulating miRNAs can serve as biomarkers for the detection of autologous blood transfusion, a major doping technique that is still undetectable. Plasma miRNA levels were analyzed using high-throughput quantitative real-time PCR. Plasma samples were obtained before and at several time points after autologous blood transfusion (blood bag storage time 42 days) in 10 healthy subjects and 10 controls without transfusion. Other serum markers of erythropoiesis were determined in the same samples. Our results revealed a distinct change in the pattern of circulating miRNAs. Ten miRNAs were upregulated in transfusion samples compared with control samples. Among these, miR-30b, miR-30c, and miR-26b increased significantly and showed a 3.9-, 4.0-, and 3.0-fold change, respectively. The origin of these miRNAs was related to pulmonary and liver tissues. Erythropoietin (EPO) concentration decreased after blood reinfusion. A combination of miRNAs and EPO measurement in a mathematical model enhanced the efficiency of autologous transfusion detection through miRNA analysis. Therefore, our results lay the foundation for the development of miRNAs as novel blood-based biomarkers to detect autologous transfusion.


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Our purpose is to determine the inflammatory changes in the airways of allergic paediatric asthma patients treated with omalizumab, measured by the percentage of eosinophils in induced sputum and exhaled nitric oxide (FENO). We observed a progressive and statistically significant decrease of eosinophil count in the induced sputum meanwhile FENO, although very sensible, was a less reproducible and thus a less reliable method to evaluate chronic airway inflammation in this population. Induced sputum seems to be a better method to monitor chronic inflammation and thus the response to chronic omalizumab treatment while FENO measurement would be more useful to monitor acute events preceding exacerbations.


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Context Heart failure (HF) is the most common complication of infective endocarditis. However, clinical characteristics of HF in patients with infective endocarditis, use of surgical therapy, and their associations with patient outcome are not well described.Objectives To determine the clinical, echocardiographic, and microbiological variables associated with HF in patients with definite infective endocarditis and to examine variables independently associated with in-hospital and 1-year mortality for patients with infective endocarditis and HF, including the use and association of surgery with outcome.Design, Setting, and Patients The International Collaboration on Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study, a prospective, multicenter study enrolling 4166 patients with definite native- or prosthetic-valve infective endocarditis from 61 centers in 28 countries between June 2000 and December 2006.Main Outcome Measures In-hospital and 1-year mortality.Results Of 4075 patients with infective endocarditis and known HF status enrolled, 1359 (33.4% [95% CI, 31.9%-34.8%]) had HF, and 906 (66.7% [95% CI, 64.2%-69.2%]) were classified as having New York Heart Association class III or IV symptom status. Within the subset with HF, 839 (61.7% [95% CI, 59.2%-64.3%]) underwent valvular surgery during the index hospitalization. In-hospital mortality was 29.7% (95% CI, 27.2%-32.1%) for the entire HF cohort, with lower mortality observed in patients undergoing valvular surgery compared with medical therapy alone (20.6% [95% CI, 17.9%-23.4%] vs 44.8% [95% CI, 40.4%-49.0%], respectively; P < .001). One-year mortality was 29.1% (95% CI, 26.0%-32.2%) in patients undergoing valvular surgery vs 58.4% (95% CI, 54.1%-62.6%) in those not undergoing surgery (P < .001). Cox proportional hazards modeling with propensity score adjustment for surgery showed that advanced age, diabetes mellitus, health care-associated infection, causative microorganism (Staphylococcus aureus or fungi), severe HF (New York Heart Association class III or IV), stroke, and paravalvular complications were independently associated with 1-year mortality, whereas valvular surgery during the initial hospitalization was associated with lower mortality.Conclusion In this cohort of patients with infective endocarditis complicated by HF, severity of HF was strongly associated with surgical therapy and subsequent mortality, whereas valvular surgery was associated with lower in-hospital and 1-year mortality.


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La enseñanza se dedica a transmitir el saber; pero los nuevos conocimientos permitendescubrir nuevas ignorancias. El artículo expone una reformulación creativa de la ignorancia como campo de especulación pedagógica. Se propone una articulación de temas enfocados mediante lo que todavía se pregunta y se tratan algunos ejemplos


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A transesterificação de óleos vegetais ou gorduras animais com um álcool de baixo peso molecular é o principal processo utilizado na produção de biodiesel. Actualmente os processos industriais utilizam catalisadores homogéneos para acelerar a reacção. No entanto a utilização de catalisadores heterogéneos, no processo de transesterificação, tem sido sugerido por vários investigadores pois, são amigos do ambiente e podem ser regenerados e reutilizados portanto possibilitam a utilização de processos contínuos. Neste contexto, a utilização de hidrotalcites Mg-Al, como catalisadores heterogéneos para produção de biodiesel foi investigada neste trabalho experimental. As hidrotalcites com diferentes razões molares Mg/Al (Mg/Al=1, 2, 3 e 4) foram preparadas pelo método de co-precipitação. As diversas matrizes catalíticas obtidas, calcinadas a diferentes temperaturas, foram caracterizadas por difracção de raios X (DRX), análise térmica (TG-DSC), espectroscopia de infravermelhos (MIR), microscopia electrónica de varrimento (SEM) e isotérmicas de adsorção com azoto (BET). Estes catalisadores foram testados na metanólise de óleos vegetais para produzir biodiesel. As hidrotalcites Mg/Al=2, HT2A e HT2B (preparada com metade da quantidade de NaOH) calcinadas a 507 ºC e 700 ºC, respectivamente, foram as que apresentaram melhores resultados ao catalisar a reacção com um rendimento em éster superior a 97%, utilizando 2.5% da massa de catalisador, em relação à massa do óleo, razão molar metanol/óleo igual a 12, temperatura reaccional de 65 ºC durante 4h. Foi também investigada a reutilização do catalisador e o efeito da temperatura de calcinação. Constatou-se que o catalisador hidrotalcite HT2B apresentou melhor comportamento catalítico pois permitiu catalisar a reacção de transesterificação até três ciclos reaccionais, convertendo em ésteres 97%, 92% e 34% no primeiro, segundo e terceiro ciclos reaccionais, respectivamente. A análise de, algumas propriedades do biodiesel obtido como, o índice de acidez, a viscosidade e o índice de iodo mostraram que os resultados obtidos estão dentro dos valores limite recomendados pela norma EN 14214. Em anexo apresenta-se uma comunicação à First International Conference on Materials for Energy, Karlsruhe, 2010.


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We have analyzed the spatial accuracy of European foreign trade statistics compared to Latin American. We have also included USA s data because of the importance of this country in Latin American trade. We have developed a method for mapping discrepancies between exporters and importers, trying to isolate systematic spatial deviations. Although our results don t allow a unique explanation, they present some interesting clues to the distribution channels in the Latin American Continent as well as some spatial deviations for statistics in individual countries. Connecting our results with the literature specialized in the accuracy of foreign trade statistics; we can revisit Morgernstern (1963) as well as Federico and Tena (1991). Morgernstern had had a really pessimistic view on the reliability of this statistic source, but his main alert was focused on the trade balances, not in gross export or import values. Federico and Tena (1991) have demonstrated howaccuracy increases by aggregation, geographical and of product at the same time. But they still have a pessimistic view with relation to distribution questions, remarking that perhaps it will be more accurate to use import sources in this latest case. We have stated that the data set coming from foreign trade statistics for a sample in 1925, being it exporters or importers, it s a valuable tool for geography of trade patterns, although in some specific cases it needs some spatial adjustments.


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We describe 3 patients with left-sided staphylococcal endocarditis (1 with methicillin-susceptible Staphylococcus aureus [MSSA] prosthetic aortic valve endocarditis and 2 with methicillin-resistant S. aureus [MRSA] native-valve endocarditis) who were successfully treated with high-dose intravenous daptomycin (10 mg/kg/day) plus fosfomycin (2 g every 6 h) for 6 weeks. This combination was tested in vitro against 7 MSSA, 5 MRSA, and 2 intermediately glycopeptide-resistant S. aureus isolates and proved to be synergistic against 11 (79%) strains and bactericidal against 8 (57%) strains. This combination deserves further clinical study.


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Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d’ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l’any 2010. El treball te com objectiu reivindicar la complexitat de l'obra de Calders defugint la simplificació amb què és generalment percebuda. Calders va més enllà de l'humor amable i la llengua que utilitza és rica en recursos poètics. La ironia, més que un recurs, és el tot, el vehicle d'expressió de la cosmovisió de l'autor.


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El Treball Final de Màster ha permès avaluar l’ús del vídeo de curta durada endiferents moments del procés didàctic: en la seva selecció per part delprofessor, en la influència en l’aprenentatge dels alumnes i com a eina desíntesi d’una unitat didàctica.La primera de les aportacions del treball és un sistema d’indicadors per a laselecció dels vídeos que ha de facilitar al professorat la selecció d’aquellsrecursos amb un valor pedagògic adequat a l’alumnat.Durant el treball també es demostra que l’ús d’un vídeo, seleccionat mitjançantl’ús del sistema d’indicadors, pot incrementar la motivació i l’aprenentatgesignificatiu de l’alumnat.Finalment, s’evidencia que l’ús d’una base d’orientació, com a metodologiad’autoregulació per a l'elaboració d'un vídeo, facilita la planificació de l’alumne.A l’avaluar l’aprenentatge del conceptes clau de la unitat didàctica, es detectaque cal deixar el temps suficient per fer el vídeo, sinó els alumnes prioritzen laseva dedicació a temes més tècnics del muntatge.


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En aquest treball d’investigació, s’estudiaran nanopartícules magnètiques concretament nanopartícules de magnetita (Fe3O4) on a partir de diferents precursors i amb unes condicions determinades es poden variar la seva forma i la seva mida. Aquestes mides i formes diferents són molt útils a l’hora d’introduir-les dins d’una solució de precursor del material superconductor ceràmic YBa2Cu3O7-δ (YBCO) ja que es produeix un augment significatiu de la densitat de corrent crítica. El mètode sintètic utilitzat en aquests treball d’investigació, és l’anomenat descomposició tèrmica, que ens permet sintetitzar nanopartícules de magnetita amb el corresponent control de mida i de forma desitjats.