800 resultados para gravitational lenses


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The present work is an attempt to explain particle production in the early univese. We argue that nonzero values of the stress-energy tensor evaluated in squeezed vacuum state can be due to particle production and this supports the concept of particle production from zero-point quantum fluctuations. In the present calculation we use the squeezed coherent state introduced by Fan and Xiao [7]. The vacuum expectation values of stressenergy tensor defined prior to any dynamics in the background gravitational field give all information about particle production. Squeezing of the vacuum is achieved by means of the background gravitational field, which plays the role of a parametric amplifier [8]. The present calculation shows that the vacuum expectation value of the energy density and pressure contain terms in addition to the classical zero-point energy terms. The calculation of the particle production probability shows that the probability increases as the squeezing parameter increases, reaches a maximum value, and then decreases.


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Die stereoskopische 3-D-Darstellung beruht auf der naturgetreuen Präsentation verschiedener Perspektiven für das rechte und linke Auge. Sie erlangt in der Medizin, der Architektur, im Design sowie bei Computerspielen und im Kino, zukünftig möglicherweise auch im Fernsehen, eine immer größere Bedeutung. 3-D-Displays dienen der zusätzlichen Wiedergabe der räumlichen Tiefe und lassen sich grob in die vier Gruppen Stereoskope und Head-mounted-Displays, Brillensysteme, autostereoskopische Displays sowie echte 3-D-Displays einteilen. Darunter besitzt der autostereoskopische Ansatz ohne Brillen, bei dem N≥2 Perspektiven genutzt werden, ein hohes Potenzial. Die beste Qualität in dieser Gruppe kann mit der Methode der Integral Photography, die sowohl horizontale als auch vertikale Parallaxe kodiert, erreicht werden. Allerdings ist das Verfahren sehr aufwendig und wird deshalb wenig genutzt. Den besten Kompromiss zwischen Leistung und Preis bieten präzise gefertigte Linsenrasterscheiben (LRS), die hinsichtlich Lichtausbeute und optischen Eigenschaften den bereits früher bekannten Barrieremasken überlegen sind. Insbesondere für die ergonomisch günstige Multiperspektiven-3-D-Darstellung wird eine hohe physikalische Monitorauflösung benötigt. Diese ist bei modernen TFT-Displays schon recht hoch. Eine weitere Verbesserung mit dem theoretischen Faktor drei erreicht man durch gezielte Ansteuerung der einzelnen, nebeneinander angeordneten Subpixel in den Farben Rot, Grün und Blau. Ermöglicht wird dies durch die um etwa eine Größenordnung geringere Farbauflösung des menschlichen visuellen Systems im Vergleich zur Helligkeitsauflösung. Somit gelingt die Implementierung einer Subpixel-Filterung, welche entsprechend den physiologischen Gegebenheiten mit dem in Luminanz und Chrominanz trennenden YUV-Farbmodell arbeitet. Weiterhin erweist sich eine Schrägstellung der Linsen im Verhältnis von 1:6 als günstig. Farbstörungen werden minimiert, und die Schärfe der Bilder wird durch eine weniger systematische Vergrößerung der technologisch unvermeidbaren Trennelemente zwischen den Subpixeln erhöht. Der Grad der Schrägstellung ist frei wählbar. In diesem Sinne ist die Filterung als adaptiv an den Neigungswinkel zu verstehen, obwohl dieser Wert für einen konkreten 3-D-Monitor eine Invariante darstellt. Die zu maximierende Zielgröße ist der Parameter Perspektiven-Pixel als Produkt aus Anzahl der Perspektiven N und der effektiven Auflösung pro Perspektive. Der Idealfall einer Verdreifachung wird praktisch nicht erreicht. Messungen mit Hilfe von Testbildern sowie Schrifterkennungstests lieferten einen Wert von knapp über 2. Dies ist trotzdem als eine signifikante Verbesserung der Qualität der 3-D-Darstellung anzusehen. In der Zukunft sind weitere Verbesserungen hinsichtlich der Zielgröße durch Nutzung neuer, feiner als TFT auflösender Technologien wie LCoS oder OLED zu erwarten. Eine Kombination mit der vorgeschlagenen Filtermethode wird natürlich weiterhin möglich und ggf. auch sinnvoll sein.


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This article is concerned with the numerical simulation of flows at low Mach numbers which are subject to the gravitational force and strong heat sources. As a specific example for such flows, a fire event in a car tunnel will be considered in detail. The low Mach flow is treated with a preconditioning technique allowing the computation of unsteady flows, while the source terms for gravitation and heat are incorporated via operator splitting. It is shown that a first order discretization in space is not able to compute the buoyancy forces properly on reasonable grids. The feasibility of the method is demonstrated on several test cases.


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Information display technology is a rapidly growing research and development field. Using state-of-the-art technology, optical resolution can be increased dramatically by organic light-emitting diode - since the light emitting layer is very thin, under 100nm. The main question is what pixel size is achievable technologically? The next generation of display will considers three-dimensional image display. In 2D , one is considering vertical and horizontal resolutions. In 3D or holographic images, there is another dimension – depth. The major requirement is the high resolution horizontal dimension in order to sustain the third dimension using special lenticular glass or barrier masks, separate views for each eye. The high-resolution 3D display offers hundreds of more different views of objects or landscape. OLEDs have potential to be a key technology for information displays in the future. The display technology presented in this work promises to bring into use bright colour 3D flat panel displays in a unique way. Unlike the conventional TFT matrix, OLED displays have constant brightness and colour, independent from the viewing angle i.e. the observer's position in front of the screen. A sandwich (just 0.1 micron thick) of organic thin films between two conductors makes an OLE Display device. These special materials are named electroluminescent organic semi-conductors (or organic photoconductors (OPC )). When electrical current is applied, a bright light is emitted (electrophosphorescence) from the formed Organic Light-Emitting Diode. Usually for OLED an ITO layer is used as a transparent electrode. Such types of displays were the first for volume manufacture and only a few products are available in the market at present. The key challenges that OLED technology faces in the application areas are: producing high-quality white light achieving low manufacturing costs increasing efficiency and lifetime at high brightness. Looking towards the future, by combining OLED with specially constructed surface lenses and proper image management software it will be possible to achieve 3D images.


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This book explains why it was possible for the Worker’s Party (PT) in Brazil and the African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa to pursue a developmental state trade policy, in spite of neoliberal constraints. The major theoretical lenses are three-fold. It applies state theory (macrolevel), policy network analysis (meso-level) and theories on political parties with emphasis on factional politics (micro-level). This book highlights the socio-political relevance of comparatively progressive policy frameworks and expands the debate on how to re-gain national policy space for progressive reform policies even under neoliberal constraints.


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We develop an algorithm that computes the gravitational potentials and forces on N point-masses interacting in three-dimensional space. The algorithm, based on analytical techniques developed by Rokhlin and Greengard, runs in order N time. In contrast to other fast N-body methods such as tree codes, which only approximate the interaction potentials and forces, this method is exact ?? computes the potentials and forces to within any prespecified tolerance up to machine precision. We present an implementation of the algorithm for a sequential machine. We numerically verify the algorithm, and compare its speed with that of an O(N2) direct force computation. We also describe a parallel version of the algorithm that runs on the Connection Machine in order 0(logN) time. We compare experimental results with those of the sequential implementation and discuss how to minimize communication overhead on the parallel machine.


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This work demonstrates how partial evaluation can be put to practical use in the domain of high-performance numerical computation. I have developed a technique for performing partial evaluation by using placeholders to propagate intermediate results. For an important class of numerical programs, a compiler based on this technique improves performance by an order of magnitude over conventional compilation techniques. I show that by eliminating inherently sequential data-structure references, partial evaluation exposes the low-level parallelism inherent in a computation. I have implemented several parallel scheduling and analysis programs that study the tradeoffs involved in the design of an architecture that can effectively utilize this parallelism. I present these results using the 9- body gravitational attraction problem as an example.


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This report describes development of micro-fabricated piezoelectric ultrasonic motors and bulk-ceramic piezoelectric ultrasonic motors. Ultrasonic motors offer the advantage of low speed, high torque operation without the need for gears. They can be made compact and lightweight and provide a holding torque in the absence of applied power, due to the traveling wave frictional coupling mechanism between the rotor and the stator. This report covers modeling, simulation, fabrication and testing of ultrasonic motors. Design of experiments methods were also utilized to find optimal motor parameters. A suite of 8 mm diameter x 3 mm tall motors were machined for these studies and maximum stall torques as large as 10^(- 3) Nm, maximum no-load speeds of 1710 rpm and peak power outputs of 27 mW were realized. Aditionally, this report describes the implementation of a microfabricated ultrasonic motor using thin-film lead zirconate titanate. In a joint project with the Pennsylvania State University Materials Research Laboratory and MIT Lincoln Laboratory, 2 mm and 5 mm diameter stator structures were fabricated on 1 micron thick silicon nitride membranes. Small glass lenses placed down on top spun at 100-300 rpm with 4 V excitation at 90 kHz. The large power densities and stall torques of these piezoelectric ultrasonic motors offer tremendous promis for integrated machines: complete intelligent, electro-mechanical autonomous systems mass-produced in a single fabrication process.


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The paper analyses the regional flows of domestic tourism that took place in Spain in year 2000, contributing to the state of knowledge on tourism required by authorities and private firms when faced with decision making, for example, for regional infrastructure planning. Although tourism is one of the main income-generating economic activities in Spain, domestic tourism has received little attention in the literature compared to inbound tourism. The paper uses among others, gravitational model tools and concentration indices, to analyse regional concentration of both domestic demand and supply; tourism flows among regions, and the causes that may explain the observed flows and attractiveness between regions. Among the most remarkable results are the high regional concentration of demand and supply, and the role of population and regional income as explanatory variables. Also remarkable are the attractiveness of own region and neighbour ones, and that domestic tourism may be acting as a regional income redistributing activity


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Catadioptric sensors are combinations of mirrors and lenses made in order to obtain a wide field of view. In this paper we propose a new sensor that has omnidirectional viewing ability and it also provides depth information about the nearby surrounding. The sensor is based on a conventional camera coupled with a laser emitter and two hyperbolic mirrors. Mathematical formulation and precise specifications of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the sensor are discussed. Our approach overcomes limitations of the existing omni-directional sensors and eventually leads to reduced costs of production


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La cirugía de cataratas por Facoemulsificación es tal vez uno de los procedimientos más realizados en la práctica de oftalmología general, sin embargo el resultado refractivo de esta cirugía no siempre llena las expectativas del oftalmólogo y del paciente, es por esto que es de gran importancia observar los resultados post quirúrgicos obtenidos y las distintas variables que pudieron influir en dicho resultado. Objetivo: determinar la capacidad predictiva de la formula biométrica empleada en el preoperatorio con el resultado refractivo post operatorio expresada en porcentajes. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un estudio de correlación basándose en la refracción prevista por la biometría y la refracción encontrada en el post operatorio. Se analizó los diferentes grupos de pacientes miopes, hipermétropes y emétropes en de los rangos de 0,50D, 0,75 D y 1,00D. Resultados: el porcentaje de pacientes que presento 0,50D de diferencia con el previsto fue de 57,7% para el total, 100% para hipermétropes, 53,1% para emétropes, 56,3% para miopes. En el rango de 0,75D 71,2% para el total, 62,5% para emétropes y 81,3% para miopes. En el rango de 1,00D 82,7% para el total, 75% para emétropes y 93,8% para miopes. Conclusiones: la formula SRK/T presento un buen desempeño en todos los grupos encontrándose resultados concordantes con los descritos en la literatura.


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El presente trabajo de grado busca optimizar el proceso de Picking en la empresa productora de lentes oftálmicos Compulens y Llanes LTDA, para disminuir tiempos y agilizar la operación. Se utilizarán herramientas vistas a lo largo del pregrado de Administración en Logística y Producción, para realizar un análisis profundo del estado actual del proceso y el Layout de la bodega, para después aplicar herramientas propias de la investigación de operaciones, logística interna, entre otras, y proponer soluciones para conseguir los resultados esperados. Se partirá de un análisis de todos los tipos de bases para lentes oftálmicos que se tallan en la empresa, para plantear mejoras y buenas prácticas en los procesos que se llevan a cabo dentro de la bodega de almacenamiento. Dichas mejoras y recomendaciones tienen como finalidad ayudar a la empresa a cumplir la promesa de servicio a los clientes y evitar el atraso en la entrega de pedidos.


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El presente estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, comparó la percepción de color (Test de Farnsworth-100 y de Ishihara) y la sensibilidad al contraste en un grupo de 35 ojos con implantes de lentes intraoculares claros esféricos y otro grupo de 35 ojos con LIOs amarillos esféricos, para evaluar las diferencias entre tener o no el filtro de luz azul. Adicionalmente, después de un examen oftalmológico completo en el ojo a estudiar, se realizaron preguntas de satisfacción POP para evaluar el resultado subjetivo del procedimiento. Todos los pacientes tenían más de 3 meses POP. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las pruebas de percepción de color que sugirieran que las alteraciones correspondían al filtro de luz azul, y aunque los pacientes con los LIOs amarillos lograron un mejor desempeño en la prueba de sensibilidad al contraste al analizarlos estadísticamente, clínicamente esto no parece tener importancia. La satisfacción general en ambos grupos tuvo una gran puntuación, y dentro de las molestias referidas más frecuentemente y que estaban presentes desde el procedimiento, se encontraban ardor ocular, lagrimeo y dificultad para ver de cerca sin corrección. Según estudios en modelos animales, hay evidencia que sugiere que los LIOs amarillos, al compararlos con LIOs claros, protegen de mejor manera la retina una vez el cristalino se ha retirado. Según este y otros estudios publicados a la fecha, la agudeza visual, sensibilidad al contraste y percepción de color no varían de manera importante entre ambos tipos de lentes en la población general.


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Esta investigación está creada para proyectar lo que sería la creación de un laboratorio de lentes llamado Anblick Lens, su ubicación en la ciudad de Bogotá permitirá un lugar central para de esta manera facilitar la distribución de los bienes que ofrece el mismo.


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