982 resultados para citric pulp


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Use of natural xanthine derivates in medicine is complicated with their physical properties. Theobromine is poorly soluble while theophylline is highly sensitive to hydration. The aim of this study was to improve bioavailability of xanthines by co-crystallization, theophylline was also cocrystallized with carboxylic acids (capric, citric, glutaric, malenic, malonic, oxalic, stearic, succinic) and HPMC. Co-crystallization was performed by slow evaporation and ball milling. Physical stability was checked by wet granulation and water sorption methods, solubility was measured by intrinsic tablet dissolution. Theobromine formed co-crystal with other xanthines and theophylline interacted with all acids except stearic and HPMC, the latter showed alternative interactions based on hydrogen bonding. Hydration resistance was good in theophylline:succinic acid co-crystal and excellent in complexes containing capric, stearic acids and HPMC. Theophylline:HPMC showed improved solubility. The reported approach can promote use of xanthines and can be recommended for other compounds with similar problems.


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Human activities extract and displace different substances and materials from the earth s crust, thus causing various environmental problems, such as climate change, acidification and eutrophication. As problems have become more complicated, more holistic measures that consider the origins and sources of pollutants have been called for. Industrial ecology is a field of science that forms a comprehensive framework for studying the interactions between the modern technological society and the environment. Industrial ecology considers humans and their technologies to be part of the natural environment, not separate from it. Industrial operations form natural systems that must also function as such within the constraints set by the biosphere. Industrial symbiosis (IS) is a central concept of industrial ecology. Industrial symbiosis studies look at the physical flows of materials and energy in local industrial systems. In an ideal IS, waste material and energy are exchanged by the actors of the system, thereby reducing the consumption of virgin material and energy inputs and the generation of waste and emissions. Companies are seen as part of the chains of suppliers and consumers that resemble those of natural ecosystems. The aim of this study was to analyse the environmental performance of an industrial symbiosis based on pulp and paper production, taking into account life cycle impacts as well. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool for quantitatively and systematically evaluating the environmental aspects of a product, technology or service throughout its whole life cycle. Moreover, the Natural Step Sustainability Principles formed a conceptual framework for assessing the environmental performance of the case study symbiosis (Paper I). The environmental performance of the case study symbiosis was compared to four counterfactual reference scenarios in which the actors of the symbiosis operated on their own. The research methods used were process-based life cycle assessment (LCA) (Papers II and III) and hybrid LCA, which combines both process and input-output LCA (Paper IV). The results showed that the environmental impacts caused by the extraction and processing of the materials and the energy used by the symbiosis were considerable. If only the direct emissions and resource use of the symbiosis had been considered, less than half of the total environmental impacts of the system would have been taken into account. When the results were compared with the counterfactual reference scenarios, the net environmental impacts of the symbiosis were smaller than those of the reference scenarios. The reduction in environmental impacts was mainly due to changes in the way energy was produced. However, the results are sensitive to the way the reference scenarios are defined. LCA is a useful tool for assessing the overall environmental performance of industrial symbioses. It is recommended that in addition to the direct effects, the upstream impacts should be taken into account as well when assessing the environmental performance of industrial symbioses. Industrial symbiosis should be seen as part of the process of improving the environmental performance of a system. In some cases, it may be more efficient, from an environmental point of view, to focus on supply chain management instead.  


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The flocculation and filtration characteristics of typical Indian iron ore fines have been studied using starch as flocculant in the presence of an inorganic electrolyte, namely calcium chloride. The effect of various parameters such as pH, starch and calcium chloride concentrations and pulp density on the settling and filtration rates, turbidity of the supernatant and on residual starch and calcium ion concentrates has been investigated through a statistical design and analysis approach and subsequently optimised on a laboratory scale. The adsorption mechanisms of starch onto haematite have been elucidated through adsorption density measurements, infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopic techniques. The rheological property of the polymer solutions of relevance to flocculations has also been investigated. Further, the role of metal ion-starch interactions in the bulk solution, has been studied. In order to understand the nature of polymer adsorption at the double-layer, electrokinetic studies have been carried out with the iron ore mineral samples using starch and calcium chloride. Based on the above findings, selective floculaation tests on artificial mixtures of iron ore minerals have been carried out to determine the separation efficiencies from the view point of alumina and silica removal from haematite as well as the control of alumina: silica ratio in Indian iron ores.


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In the present study silver nanoparticles were rapidly synthesized at room temperature by treating silver ions with the Citrus limon (lemon) extract The effect of various process parameters like the reductant con centration mixing ratio of the reactants and the concentration of silver nitrate were studied in detail In the standardized process 10(-2) M silver nitrate solution was interacted for 411 with lemon Juice (2% citric acid concentration and 0 5% ascorbic acid concentration) in the ratio of 1 4(vol vol) The formation of silver nanoparticles was confirmed by Surface Plasmon Resonance as determined by UV-Visible spectra in the range of 400-500 nm X ray diffraction analysis revealed the distinctive facets (1 1 1 200 220 2 2 2 and 3 1 1 planes) of silver nanoparticles We found that citric acid was the principal reducing agent for the nanosynthesis process FT IR spectral studies demonstrated citric acid as the probable stabilizing agent Silver nanoparticles below 50 nm with spherical and spheroidal shape were observed from transmission electron microscopy The correlation between absorption maxima and particle sizes were derived for different UV-Visible absorption maxima (corresponding to different citric acid concentrations) employing MiePlot v 3 4 The theoretical particle size corresponding to 2% citric acid concentration was corn pared to those obtained by various experimental techniques like X ray diffraction analysis atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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This dissertation investigates the atomic power solution in Finland between 1955 - 1970. During these years a national arrangement for atomic energy technology evolved. The foundations of the Finnish atomic energy policy; the creation of basic legislation and the first governmental bodies, were laid between 1955 - 1965. In the late 1960's, the necessary technological and political decisions were made in order to purchase the first commercial nuclear reactor. A historical narration of this process is seen in the international context of "atoms for peace" policies and Cold War history in general. The geopolitical position of Finland made it necessary to become involved in the balanced participation in international scientific-technical exchange and assistive nuclear programs. The Paris Peace Treaty of 1947 categorically denied Finland acquisition of nuclear weapons. Accordingly, from the "Geneva year" of 1955, the emphasis was placed on peaceful purposes for atomic energy as well as on the education of national professionals in Finland. An initiative for the governmental atomic energy commission came from academia but the ultimate motive behind it was an anticipated structural change in the supply of national energy. Economically exploitable hydro power resources were expected to be built within ten years and atomic power was seen as a promising and complementing new energy technology. While importing fuels like coal was out of the question, because of scarce foreign currency, domestic uranium mineral deposits were considered as a potential source of nuclear fuel. Nevertheless, even then nuclear energy was regarded as just one of the possible future energy options. In the mid-1960 s a bandwagon effect of light water reactor orders was witnessed in the United States and soon elsewhere in the world. In Finland, two separate invitations for bids for nuclear reactors were initiated. This study explores at length both their preceding grounds and later phases. An explanation is given that the parallel, independent and nearly identical tenders reflected a post-war ideological rivalry between the state-owned utility Imatran Voima and private energy utilities. A private sector nuclear power association Voimayhdistys Ydin represented energy intensive paper and pulp industries and wanted to have free choice instead of being associated themselves with "the state monopoly" in energy pricing. As a background to this, a decisive change had started to happen within Finnish energy policy: private and municipal big thermal power plants became incorporated into the national hydro power production system. A characteristic phenomenon in the later history is the Soviet Union s effort to bid for the tender of Imatran Voima. A nuclear superpower was willing to take part in competition but not on a turnkey basis as Imatran Voima had presumed. As a result of many political turns and four years of negotiations the first Finnish commercial light water reactor was ordered from the East. Soon after this the private nuclear power group ordered its reactors from Sweden. This work interprets this as a reasonable geopolitical balance in choosing politically sensitive technology. Conceptually, social and political dimensions of new technology are emphasised. Negotiations on the Finnish atomic energy program are viewed as a cooperation and a struggle, where state-oriented and private-oriented regimes pose their own macro level views and goals (technopolitical imaginaries) and defend and advance their plans and practical modes of action (schemata). Here, not only technologists but even political actors are seen to contribute to technopolitical realisations.


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Marked-ball grinding tests were carried out under different grinding conditions and environments. Three types of balls were used, namely, cast hyper steel, high chrome cast iron and EN-31 (forged), which cover a wide range of chemical composition, microstructure and media hardness. The effect of pulp density on ball wear and grinding efficiency was also studied. Relative pulp viscosities at different percent solids for the ore slurry were also determined. As the Kudremukh ore contained about 0.2% pyrite, the effect of addition of pyrite on ball wear was studied separately. Results of marked-ball grinding tests indicated that ball wear increased with time and showed a sharp increase for wet grinding over dry grinding. Ball wear under wet grinding conditions was also influenced by the gaseous atmosphere in the mill. At 70% solids, the best results in terms of reduced ball wear coupled with satisfactory grinding efficiency were obtained. The influence of oxygen on the corrosive wear of grinding balls was increasingly felt only if sulphide minerals such as pyrite were also present in the ore. The various ball materials could be arranged in the following order with respect to their overall wear resistance: high chrome cast iron > EN-31 (forged) > cast hyper steel.Possible ball wear mechanisms involved in the grinding of Kudremukh ore are discussed.


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Polyphenolic compounds occurring naturally in knotwood of plants are known to have antimicrobial effects. The knots (i.e. the branch bases inside tree stems) and outer branches in pine trees contain a remarkably high concentration of phenolic stilbenes, while lignans are the major phenolic constituents of spruce knots. Large amount of these phenolic compounds can be extracted from wood knots at pulp and paper mills where their presence is undesirable. In Finland, marinating of broiler meat is done not only to increase or add value to the meat, but also to enhance the safety and shelf-life. These products are usually packed under a modified atmosphere for further protection against spoilage microorganisms. However, studies have revealed that addition of marinades to poultry products do not have an inhibitory effect on either some psychrotrophic anaerobic bacteria, such as Brochothrix thermosphacta or lactic acid bacteria associated with spoilage. Also, the activity of pathogenic Campylobacter jejuni is not affected by marinating. The objective of this study was to investigate the inhibitory and lethal activities of extracts from spruce (Picea spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) knotwood and outer branches that are dissolved in ethanol against the spoilage microorganisms in modified atmosphere packaged marinated broiler products. Modified atmosphere packaged broiler products were separately inoculated with ‘normal’ marinades, marinades with 70% ethanol, marinades with a mixture of spruce and pine extracts dissolved in 70% ethanol or mixture of spruce and pine extracts in powder form. The bacterial colony forming units per gram obtained from each of the samples were analysed on de Man Rogosa and Sharpe agar at days 1, 6, 12 and 15. The results showed that there were significant differences in bacterial colony forming units per gram (P <0.05) between packages with ‘normal’ marinades and packages with extracts added to their marinades on the 12th and 15th day. It can be concluded that the addition of extracts from spruce and pine knotwood to marinades significantly retarded growth of spoilage microorganisms during the 15 day test period. However further research is warranted to characterise and establish the safety and suitability of the compound(s) in spruce and pine knotwood extracts that are responsible for inhibitory or lethal activity against the microbes that may be present in marinated poultry meat.


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Finnish forest industry is in the middle of a radical change. Deepening recession and the falling demand of woodworking industry´s traditional products have forced also sawmilling industry to find new and more fertile solutions to improve their operational preconditions. In recent years, the role of bioenergy production has often been highlighted as a part of sawmills´ business repertoire. Sawmilling produces naturally a lot of by-products (e.g. bark, sawdust, chips) which could be exploited more effectively in energy production, and this would bring more incomes or maybe even create new business opportunities for sawmills. Production of bioenergy is also supported by government´s climate and energy policies favouring renewable energy sources, public financial subsidies, and soaring prices of fossil fuels. Also the decreasing production of domestic pulp and paper industry releases a fair amount of sawmills´ by-products for other uses. However, bioenergy production as a part of sawmills´ by-product utilization has been so far researched very little from a managerial point of view. The purpose of this study was to explore the relative significance of the main bioenergy-related processes, resources and factors at Finnish independent industrial sawmills including partnerships, cooperation, customers relationships and investments, and also the future perspectives of bioenergy business at these sawmills with the help of two resource-based approaches (resource-based view, natural-resource-based view). Data of the study comprised of secondary data (e.g. literature), and primary data which was attracted from interviews directed to sawmill managers (or equivalent persons in charge of decisions regarding bioenergy production at sawmill). While a literature review and the Delphi method with two questionnaires were utilized as the methods of the study. According to the results of the study, the most significant processes related to the value chain of bioenergy business are connected to raw material availability and procurement, and customer relationships management. In addition to raw material and services, the most significant resources included factory and machinery, personnel, collaboration, and geographic location. Long-term cooperation deals were clearly valued as the most significant form of collaboration, and especially in processes connected to raw material procurement. Study results also revealed that factors related to demand, subsidies and prices had highest importance in connection with sawmills´ future bioenergy business. However, majority of the respondents required that certain preconditions connected to the above-mentioned factors should be fulfilled before they will continue their bioenergy-related investments. Generally, the answers showed a wide divergence of opinions among the respondents which may refer to sawmills´ different emphases and expectations concerning bioenergy. In other words, bioenergy is still perceived as a quite novel and risky area of business at Finnish independent industrial sawmills. These results indicate that the massive expansion of bioenergy business at private sawmills in Finland is not a self-evident truth. The blocking barriers seem to be connected mainly to demand of bioenergy and money. Respondents´ answers disseminated a growing dissatisfaction towards the policies of authorities, which don´t treat equally sawmill-based bioenergy compared to other forms of bioenergy. This proposition was boiled down in a sawmill manager´s comment: “There is a lot of bioenergy available, if they just want to make use of it.” It seems that the positive effects of government´s policies favouring the renewables are not taking effect at private sawmills. However, as there anyway seems to be a lot of potential connected to emerging bioenergy business at Finnish independent industrial sawmills, there is also a clear need for more profound future studies over this topic.


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‪This dissertation examines the impacts of energy and climate policies on the energy and forest sectors, focusing on the case of Finland. The thesis consists of an introduction article and four separate studies. The dissertation was motivated by the climate concern and the increasing demand of renewable energy. In particular, the renewable energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission reduction targets of the European Union were driving this work. In Finland, both forest and energy sectors are in key roles in achieving these targets. In fact, the separation between forest and energy sector is diminishing as the energy sector is utilizing increasing amounts of wood in energy production and as the forest sector is becoming more and more important energy producer.‬ ‪The objective of this dissertation is to find out and measure the impacts of climate and energy policies on the forest and energy sectors. In climate policy, the focus is on emissions trading, and in energy policy the dissertation focuses on the promotion of renewable forest-based energy use. The dissertation relies on empirical numerical models that are based on microeconomic theory. Numerical partial equilibrium mixed complementarity problem models were constructed to study the markets under scrutiny. The separate studies focus on co-firing of wood biomass and fossil fuels, liquid biofuel production in the pulp and paper industry, and the impacts of climate policy on the pulp and paper sector.‬ ‪The dissertation shows that the policies promoting wood-based energy may have have unexpected negative impacts. When feed-in tariff is imposed together with emissions trading, in some plants the production of renewable electricity might decrease as the emissions price increases. The dissertation also shows that in liquid biofuel production, investment subsidy may cause high direct policy costs and other negative impacts when compared to other policy instruments. The results of the dissertation also indicate that from the climate mitigation perspective, perfect competition is the favored wood market competition structure, at least if the emissions trading system is not global.‬ ‪In conclusion, this dissertation suggests that when promoting the use of wood biomass in energy production, the favored policy instruments are subsidies that promote directly the renewable energy production (i.e. production subsidy, renewables subsidy or feed-in premium). Also, the policy instrument should be designed to be dependent on the emissions price or on the substitute price. In addition, this dissertation shows that when planning policies to promote wood-based renewable energy, the goals of the policy scheme should be clear before decisions are made on the choice of the policy instruments.‬


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Electrochemical precipitation of cobalt(II) hydroxide from nitrate solutions containing organic molecules, such as glucose, fructose, lactose, glycerol, and citric acid, yields a new modification of cobalt (II) hydroxide (a = 3.09 +/- 0.03 Angstrom, c = 23.34 +/- 0.36 Angstrom) that is isostructural with cu-nickel hydroxide; precipitation in the absence of organic additives gives the stable, brucite-like, beta-CO (OH)(2). (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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A new class of biodegradable copolyesters was synthesized by the catalyst-free melt condensation of sorbitol with citric acid, tartaric acid, and sebacic acid. The resulting polymers were designated as poly(sorbitol citric sebacate) p(SCS)] and poly(sorbitol tartaric sebacate) p(STS)]. The synthesized polymers were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry analysis. Porous spongelike scaffolds were prepared with a salt-leaching technique and characterized with scanning electron microscopy. Tensile testing of the p(SCS) and p(STS) polymers showed that they exhibited a wide range of mechanical properties. The Young's modulus and tensile strengths of the polymers ranged from 1.06 +/- 0.12 to 462.65 +/- 34.21 MPa and from 0.45 +/- 0.04 to 20.32 +/- 2.54 MPa, respectively. In vitro degradation studies were performed on disc-shaped polymer samples. The half-life of the polymers ranged from 0.54 to 38.52 days. The percentage hydration of the polymers was in the range 9.36 +/- 1.26 to 78.25 +/- 1.91, with sol contents of 2-14%. At any given polymer composition, the Young's modulus and tensile strength of p(SCS) was higher than that of p(STS), whereas the degradation rates of p(SCS) was lower than that of p(STS). This was attributed to the structural difference between the citric and tartaric monomers and to the degree of crosslinking. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 121: 2861-2869, 2011


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Strategies for efficient start-up of a continuous process for biooxidation of refractory gold ore and concentrate obtained from Hutti, Gold Mines Limited (HGML), India are discussed in this work. The biooxidation of the concentrate at high pulp density (10%) with wild strain of Thiobacillus ferrooxidans isolated from HGML mines is characterized by significant lag phase (20 days) and incomplete oxidation (35%) even after prolonged operation (60 days). Two strategies, biooxidation with concentrate adapted cells and a step leaching strategy, in which the pulp density is progressively increased from 2% to 10% were considered and the latter resulted in efficient biooxidation of concentrate. Conversion of such a process from batch to continuous operation is shown to result in complete biooxidation of the concentrate and gold extraction efficiency in excess of 90%. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polistes dominulus is one of the most common social wasps in Europe and is an invasive species in the United States. Its wide prevalence has made it one of the best-studied social wasps. In most social wasps, the female wasps live in a colony and organize themselves into a behavioral dominance hierarchy such that only the dominant alpha individual (the queen) reproduces while the rest function as apparently altruistic, sterile subordinates (workers), building the nest, foraging for food and pulp, and feeding and caring for the brood. Why should workers invest their time and energy helping to rear the queen's brood, rather than found their own nests and rear their own brood—something they are quite capable of? On page 874 of this issue, Leadbeater et al. (1) show that the subordinates indeed produce their own offspring and this raises interesting questions about the links between altruism, direct reproduction, and the evolution of social behavior.


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A bacterium Bacillus polymyxa was found to be capable of selective removal of calcium and iron from bauxite. The bioleached residue was found to be enriched in its alumina content with insignificant amounts of iron and calcium as impurities. The developed bio- process was found to be capable of producing a bauxite product which meets the specifica- tions as a raw material for the manufacture of alumina based ceramics and refractories. The role of bacterial cells and metabolic products in the selective dissolution of calcium (present as calcite) and iron (present as hematite and goethite) from bauxite was assessed and possi- ble mechanisms illustrated. The effect of different parameters such as sucrose concentra- tion, pH, pulp density and time on selective biodissolution was studied. It was observed that periodic decantation and replenishment of the leach medium was beneficial in improving the dissolution kinetics. Calcium removal involves chelation with bacterial exopolysaccha- tides and acidolysis by organic acid generation. Hematite could be solubilized through a reductive dissolution mechanism.


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Nano sized copper chromite, which is used as a burn rate accelerator for solid propellants, was synthesized by the solution combustion process using citric acid and glycine as fuel. Pure spinel phase copper chromite (CuCr2O4) was synthesized, and the effect of different ratios of Cu-Cr ions in the initial reactant and various calcination temperatures on the final properties of the material were examined. The reaction time for the synthesis with glycine was lower compared to that with citric acid. The synthesized samples from both fuel cycles were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), BET surface area analysis, and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Commercial copper chromite that is currently used in solid propellant formulation was also characterized by the same techniques. XRD analysis shows that the pure spinel phase compound is formed by calcination at 700 degrees C for glycine fuel cycle and between 750 and 800 degrees C for citric acid cycle. XPS results indicate the variation of the oxidation state of copper in the final compound with a change in the Cu-Cr mole ratio. SEM images confirm the formation of nano size spherical shape particles. The variation of BET surface area with calcination temperature was studied for the solution combusted catalyst. Burn rate evaluation of synthesized catalyst was carried out and compared with the commercial catalyst. The comparison between BET surface area and the burn rate depicts that surface area difference caused the variation in burn rate between samples. The reason behind the reduction in surface area and the required modifications in the process are also described.