932 resultados para Veterinary Drugs.
Les modèles animaux d’arthrose permettent d’évaluer le potentiel d’agents thérapeutiques en phase préclinique de développement. Le présent ouvrage tient compte du chien comme modèle d’arthrose naturelle (chez l’animal de compagnie) ou expérimentale (par sectionnement chirurgical du ligament croisé crânial). Au sein des expérimentations, la force de réaction au sol verticale maximale, mesurée lors de l’analyse cinétique de la locomotion, est proposée comme témoin d’effets fonctionnels et structuraux sur ces modèles d’arthrose. Sur un modèle canin d’arthrose naturelle, le seuil de changement minimal détectable a été déterminé. Les changements au dysfonctionnement locomoteur peuvent désormais être cernés en s’affranchissant de la marge d’erreur inhérente à la mesure de la force verticale maximale. Il en découle l’identification de répondants lors d’essais cliniques entrepris chez le chien arthrosique. Une analyse rétrospective a, par la suite, déterminé un taux de répondants de 62.8% et d’une taille d’effet de 0.7 pour des approches thérapeutiques actuellement proposées aux chiens arthrosiques. Cette analyse détermina également que la démonstration d’une réponse thérapeutique était favorisée en présence d’un fort dysfonctionnement locomoteur. Sur un modèle canin d’arthrose par sectionnement chirurgical du ligament croisé crânial, la force verticale maximale a démontré une relation inverse avec certains types de lésions arthrosiques évaluées à l’aide d’imagerie par résonance magnétique. Également, la sensibilité de la force verticale maximale a été mise en évidence envers la détection d’effets structuraux, au niveau de l’os sous-chondral, par un agent anti-résorptif (le tiludronate) sur ce même modèle. Les expérimentations en contexte d’arthrose naturelle canine permettent de valider davantage les résultats d’essais cliniques contrôlés utilisant la force verticale maximale comme critère d’efficacité fonctionnelle. Des évidences cliniques probantes nécessaires à la pratique d’une médecine basée sur des faits sont ainsi escomptées. En contexte d’arthrose expérimentale, la pertinence d’enregistrer le dysfonctionnement locomoteur est soulignée, puisque ce dernier est en lien avec l’état des structures. En effectuant l’analyse de la démarche, de pair avec l’évaluation des structures, il est escompté de pouvoir établir la répercussion de bénéfices structurels sur l’inconfort articulaire. Cet ouvrage suggère qu’une plateforme d’investigations précliniques, qui combine le modèle canin d’arthrose par sectionnement chirurgical du ligament croisé crânial à un essai clinique chez le chien arthrosique, soit un moyen de cerner des bénéfices structuraux ayant des impacts fonctionnels. Le potentiel inférentiel de ces modèles canins d’arthrose vers l’Homme serait ainsi favorisé en utilisant la force verticale maximale.
Chez les animaux de laboratoire, même si les anesthésiques par inhalation sont généralement plus sécuritaires que les injectables, leur utilité est souvent restreinte lorsqu’un protocole expérimental exige une autre approche. Des combinaisons d’anesthésiques contenant de la kétamine sont considérées comme l’option de choix pour les anesthésies injectables chez les rats. Le vieillissement entraîne des changements dégénératifs au niveau de la structure et la fonction des organes, modifiant souvent à la pharmacocinétique des drogues. Ce projet porte sur l’évaluation des changements pharmacodynamiques (physiologiques, biochimiques et histologiques) et pharmacocinétiques, lors d’une combinaison anesthésique de kétamine-‐xylazine chez le rat Sprague-‐Dawley vieillissant. Une anesthésie à la kétamine-‐xylazine fut induite chez des rats Sprague-‐Dawley de différents âges. Afin d’évaluer l’effet du vieillissement sur le métabolisme des deux drogues, des prélèvements sanguins périodiques pour l’analyse de la pharmacocinétique ainsi que des mesures des paramètres physiologiques, biochimiques et une histopathologie furent effectués. Le vieillissement a causé certaines modifications notamment en produisant une diminution de la saturation d’oxygène, une baisse marquée de la fréquence cardiaque et respiratoire, une hypoalbuminémie ainsi qu’une augmentation de la durée d’anesthésie. Les paramètres pharmacocinétiques de la kétamine et de la xylazine furent grandement affectés par le vieillissement causant une augmentation progressive significative de l’aire sous la courbe (AUC) et du temps de demi-‐vie, ainsi qu’une diminution de la clairance. À la lumière de ces résultats, les doses de kétamine et de xylazine doivent être adaptées chez les rats vieillissants pour permettre une anesthésie de durée raisonnable et un réveil sans complications.
Objective: The aim of this study was to estimate costs attributable to substance use and misuse in Canada in 2002. Method: Based on information about prevalence of exposure and risk relations for more than 80 disease categories, deaths, years of life lost, and hospitalizations attributable to substance use and misuse were estimated. In addition, substance-attributable fractions for criminal justice expenditures were derived. Indirect costs were estimated using a modified human capital approach. Results: Costs of substance use and misuse totaled almost Can. $40 billion in 2002. The total cost per capita for substance use and misuse was about Can. $1,267: Can. $463 for alcohol, Can. $262 for illegal drugs, and Can. $541 for tobacco. Legal substances accounted for the vast majority of these costs (tobacco: almost 43% of total costs; alcohol: 37%). Indirect costs or productivity losses were the largest cost category (61%), followed by health care (22%) and law enforcement costs (14%). More than 40,000 people died in Canada in 2002 because of substance use and misuse: 37,209 deaths were attributable to tobacco, 4,258 were attributable to alcohol, and 1,695 were attributable to illegal drugs. A total of about 3.8 million hospital days were attributable to substance use and misuse, again mainly to tobacco. Conclusions: Substance use and misuse imposes a considerable economic toll on Canadian society and requires more preventive efforts.
The scientific literature often mentions that there is a statistical connection between alcohol and drug consumption and criminal behaviour. However, there is little information available which would make it possible to quantify this connection, and specify the impact that drugs and alcohol have on criminal behaviour. Consumption of psychoactive substances has two major effects: intoxication and addiction. These effects are related, respectively, to the psycho-pharmacological and economic-compulsive models of the connection between drugs and crime. The first model associates drug use and intoxication with a decrease in cognitive functions and a lack of self-control, leading to aggressive impulses, violence and lack of inhibitions. The second model refers to the huge costs that are associated with being addicted to certain drugs. A person addicted to these drugs would need to engage in lucrative criminal activities in order to pay for them. This article explores and attempts to further define the links between alcohol, illicit drugs and criminal behaviour, taking into account the types of drugs consumed and the types of criminal behaviour displayed.
Les glucocorticoïdes sont les médicaments les plus efficaces pour le contrôle de l'obstruction respiratoire chez les chevaux atteints du souffle, et de l'asthme humain. Toutefois, les neutrophiles persistent dans les voies respiratoires suite à ce traitement. Nous avons précédemment rapporté que les neutrophiles sanguins humains et équins sont sensibles à l'action des glucocorticoïdes. Comme elle contribue à l'insensibilité des cellules épithéliales pulmonaires humaines aux glucocorticoïdes, nous avons émis l'hypothèse que l'IL-17 a un effet similaire sur les neutrophiles et qu’elle contribue à leur persistance dans les voies respiratoires asthmatiques. Objectifs : Évaluer 1. L’expression des deux sous-unités du récepteur de l’IL-17 (l'IL-17RA/IL-17RC) chez les neutrophiles équins hautement purifiés. 2. Si l'IL-17 active directement les neutrophiles et si cette réponse est sensible à l'action des glucocorticoïdes. 3. L'effet de l'IL-17 sur la viabilité et l'apoptose des neutrophiles. Résultats: 1. Les neutrophiles expriment l’IL-17RA/IL-17RC aux niveaux translationnel et protéique. 2. L’IL-17 induit une activation sélective des neutrophiles (surrégulation de l’IL-8), qui n’est pas atténuée par dexaméthasone et 3. l’IL-17 augmente la viabilité des neutrophiles stimulés (LPS) par une diminution de l'apoptose. Nos résultats indiquent que l'IL-17 active directement le neutrophile équin, et que l’augmentation de l’IL-8 (puissant chimioatractant des neutrophiles) qui en résulte n’est pas contrôlée par la dexaméthasone. L'IL-17 pourrait aussi contribuer à la persistance de neutrophiles dans les voies respiratoires chez les chevaux atteints du souffle, en diminuant l'apoptose.
Aquaculture is a form of agriculture that involves the propagation, cultivation and marketing of aquatic plants and animals in a controlled environment (Swann, 1992). After growing steadily, particularly in the last four decades, aquaculture is for the first time set to contribute half of the fish consumed by the human population worldwide. Given the projected population growth over the next two decades, it is estimated that at least an additional 40 million tonnes of aquatic food will be required by 2030 to maintain the current per capita consumption (FAO, 2006). Capture fisheries and aquaculture supplied the world with about 110 million tonnes of food fish in 2006. Of this total, aquaculture accounted for 47 percent (FAO, 2009). Globally, penaeid shrimp culture ranks sixth in terms of quantity and second in terms of value amongst all taxonomic groups of aquatic animals cultivated (FAO, 2006). In places where warm-water aquaculture was possible black tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon became the preferred variety of shrimp cultivar owing to its fast growth, seed availability and importantly due to high prices it fetches (Pechmanee, 1997). World shrimp production is dominated by P.monodon, which accounted for more than 50 % of the production in 1999 (FAO, 2000). In the last few years the whiteleg shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, has replaced P.monodon in many countries. Indian shrimp culture is dominated by P.monodon with the East Coast accounting for 70% of the production (Hein, 2002). Intensive culture, apart from other problems, results in enhanced susceptibility of the cultured species to diseases (Jory, 1997), which in fact have become the biggest constraint in shrimp aquaculture (FAO, 2003).
Livestock production contributes substantially to the livelihoods of poor rural farmers in Pakistan; strengthening pastoral communities plays an imperative role in the country’s thrive for poverty alleviation. Intestinal helminths constitute a major threat for pastoral livestock keepers in the whole country because chronic infestation leads to distinct losses in livestock productivity, particularly the growth of young animals. Synthetic anthelmintics have long been considered the only effective way of controlling this problem but high prices, side effects and chemical residues/toxicity problems, or development of resistance, lead to their very limited use in many pastoral systems. Additionally, poor pastoralists in remote areas of Pakistan hardly have access to appropriate anthelmintic drugs, which are also relatively expensive due to the long routes of transportation. The search for new and more sustainable ways of supporting livestock keepers in remote areas has given rise to studies of ethno-botanicals or traditional plant-based remedies to be used in livestock health care. Plant-based remedies are cheap or free of cost, environmentally safe and generally create no problem of drug resistance; they thus might substitute allopathic drugs. Furthermore, these remedies are easily available in remote areas and simple to prepare and/or administer. Cholistan desert is a quite poor region of Pakistan and the majority of its inhabitants are practicing a nomadic life. The region’s total livestock population (1.29 million heads) is almost twice that of the human population. Livestock husbandry is the primordial occupation of the communities and traditionally wealth assessment was based on the number of animals, especially goats and sheep, owned by an individual. Fortunately, about 60% of this desert region is richly endowed with highly adapted grasses, shrubs and trees. This natural flora has a rich heritage of scientifically unexplored botanical pharmacopoeia. Against this background, the present research project that was conducted under the umbrella of the International Center for Development and Decent Work at Kassel University, focused on a development aspect: in the Cholistan desert region it was firstly examined how pastoralists manage their livestock, which major health problems they face for the different animal species, and which of the naturally occurring plants they use for the treatment of animal diseases (Chapter 2). For this purpose, a baseline survey was carried out across five locations in Cholistan, using a structured questionnaire to collect data from 100 livestock farmers (LF) and 20 local healers (LH). Most of LF and LH were illiterate (66%; 70%). On average, LH had larger herds (109 animals) than LF (85 animals) and were more experienced in livestock husbandry and management. On average LF spent about 163 Euro per year on the treatment of their livestock, with a huge variability in expenditures. Eighty-six traditional remedies based on 64 plants belonging to 43 families were used. Capparaceae was the botanical family with the largest number of species used (4), followed by Chenopodiaceae, Poaceae, Solanaceae and Zygophyllaceae (3). The plants Capparis decidua (n=55 mentions), Salsola foetida (n=52), Suaeda fruticosa (n=46), Haloxylon salicornicum (n=42) and Haloxylon recurvum (n=39) were said to be most effective against the infestations with gastrointestinal parasites. Aerial parts (43%), leaves (26%), fruits (9%), seeds and seed oils (9%) were the plant parts frequently used for preparation of remedies, while flowers, roots, bulbs and pods were less frequently used (<5%). Common preparations were decoction, jaggery and ball drench; oral drug administration was very common. There was some variation in the doses used for different animal species depending on age, size and physical condition of the animal and severity of the disease. In a second step the regionally most prevalent gastrointestinal parasites of sheep and goats were determined (Chapter 3) in 500 animals per species randomly chosen from pastoral herds across the previously studied five localities. Standard parasitological techniques were applied to identify the parasites in faecal samples manually collected at the rectum. Overall helminth prevalence was 78.1% across the 1000 animals; pure nematode infestations were most prevalent (37.5%), followed by pure trematode (7.9%), pure cestode (2.6%) and pure protozoa infestations (0.8%). Mixed infestations with nematodes and trematodes occurred in 6.4% of all animals, mixed nematode-cestode infestations in 3.8%, and all three groups were found in 19.1% of the sheep and goats. In goats more males (81.1%) than females (77.0%) were infested, the opposite was found in sheep (73.6% males, 79.5% females). Parasites were especially prevalent in suckling goats (85.2%) and sheep (88.5%) and to a lesser extent in young (goats 80.6%, sheep 79.3%) and adult animals (goats 72.8%, sheep 73.8%). Haemonchus contortus, Trichuris ovis and Paramphistomum cervi were the most prevalent helminths. In a third step the in vitro anthelmintic activity of C. decidua, S. foetida, S. fruticosa, H. salicornicum and H. recurvum (Chapter 2) was investigated against adult worms of H. contortus, T. ovis and P. cervi (Chapter 3) via adult motility assay (Chapter 4). Various concentrations ranging from 7.8 to 500 mg dry matter/ml of three types of extracts of each plant, i.e. aqueous, methanol, and aqueous-methanol (30:70), were used at different time intervals to access their anthelmintic activity. Levamisol (0.55 mg/ml) and oxyclozanide (30 mg/ml) served as positive and phosphate-buffered saline as negative control. All extracts exhibited minimum and maximum activity at 2 h and 12 h after parasite exposure; the 500 mg/ml extract concentrations were most effective. Plant species (P<0.05), extract type (P<0.01), parasite species (P<0.01), extract concentration (P<0.01), time of exposure (P<0.01) and their interactions (P<0.01) had significant effects on the number of immobile/dead helminths. From the comparison of LC50 values it appeared that the aqueous extract of C. decidua was more potent against H. contortus and T. ovis, while the aqueous extract of S. foetida was effective against P. cervi. The methanol extracts of H. recurvum were most potent against all three types of parasites, and its aqueous-methanol extract was also very effective against T. ovis and P. cervi. Based on these result it is concluded that the aqueous extract of C. decidua, as well as the methanol and aqueous-methanol extract of H. recurvum have the potential to be developed into plant-based drugs for treatment against H. contortus, T. ovis and P. cervi infestations. Further studies are now needed to investigate the in vivo anthelmintic activity of these plants and plant extracts, respectively, in order to develop effective, cheap and locally available anthelmintics for pastoralists in Cholistan and neighboring desert regions. This will allow developing tangible recommendations for plant-based anthelminthic treatment of sheep and goat herds, and by this enable pastoralists to maintain healthy and productive flocks at low costs and probably even manufacture herbal drugs for marketing on a regional scale.
A study was done to establish work practices and preventive measures for nurses handling antineoplasticdrugs (AND) and to determine the risk of developing AND-related symptoms. A descriptive cross sectional study was made. Workers from 5 health centers in Valencia, Venezuela, were selected. Demography, occupational and clinical history, shift, work practices, safety precautions, antineoplastic drugs used, residues disposal and life styles were obtained via a questionnaire. Most prevalent symptoms were adjusted for age, shift, and smoking. Age was significant for cough and dizziness; smoking was significant for abdomipo seleccionado de trabajadores que manejan FAN en cinco centros de salud de la ciudad de Valencia, Venezuela, con el propósito de evaluar de forma preliminar su riesgo potencial de desarrollar signos-síntomas derivados de este oficio; a su vez, establecer si existe la necesidad de continuar con una evaluación más profunda que permita hacer recomendaciones concluyentes para evitar sus efectos adversos. Metodología La población estuvo constituida por el personal de las unidades de oncología de cinco centros de salud de la ciudad de Valencia, Venezuela. La muestra la conformaron veinte trabajadores que pertenecen a dichos centros. La participación fue voluntaria y mediante firma de una carta de consentimiento. Recolección de datos Se realizó una entrevista a cada participante con información que hizo referencia a datos demográficos, historia ocupacional, turnos de trabajo, entrenamiento en medidas de seguridad para el manejo de este tipo de fármacos, actividades que realizan, uso de equipos de protección personal (EPP), sitio de manipulación de nal pain and shift was significant for nausea and cough. Nauseas were the most prevalent symptom (55%). Dizziness was directly associated with use of gowns and inversely half-face respirator. None of the studied centers had satisfactory working conditions. A follow up study should be made including physical exam and environmental and biological monitoring.
Examina la compleja red que conecta a personas en todo el mundo, desde el agricultor de adormidera afgano hasta el adicto a la heroína de Londres. El tráfico de drogas es una gran industria a nivel mundial, que produce más ingresos que el turismo pues solo un diez por ciento de las drogas ilegales es interceptado en las aduanas y por la policía. También, estudia la producción, distribución y uso de los estupefacientes, y se investigan posibles soluciones para reducir la oferta y la demanda.
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As tetraciclinas são compostos antibacterianos utilizados em bovinos de leite para tratamento de doenças infecciosas, como a mastite, mas também como aditivos em ração animal. O uso das tetraciclinas pode conduzir à presença de resíduos destes fármacos no leite, principalmente se não forem utilizados de acordo com as indicações, nem respeitado o período mínimo de eliminação dos antibióticos pelo leite. A presença de resíduos de antibióticos no leite interfere no processo industrial dos seus derivados, podendo inviabilizar a produção destes e, consequentemente, causar igualmente prejuízos económicos, como por exemplo, pela inibição de fermentos lácticos que são culturas de microorganismos utilizados na produção de iogurtes, queijos e outros produtos lácteos. Os resíduos de antibióticos no leite de consumo podem representar riscos à saúde humana, podendo causar reacções alérgicas em indivíduos sensíveis ou ter um efeito adverso na flora intestinal humana, prejudicando a sua acção protectora local, além de propiciar a selecção de populações bacterianas resistentes.(Denobile & Nascimento, 2004)