494 resultados para Venenos de araña


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Currently, the biodiversity is considered as a powerful food security strategy, ecological and economical for humanity. Brazil is one of the main centers of genetic diversity of native fruit in the world. However, little is known about most of these species. In southwestern Paraná region, this diversity can be found, however, due to human action to increase genetic erosion, it is losing genotypes with potential for use. Thus, the conservation of genetic resources is essential for reduction strategies for damage caused to the environment and the lack of tech-nical information to increase the use of them. This study aimed to obtain information for cre-ating on farm net conservation in four citties this region. This study was carried out in rural properties from Dois Vizinhos, Itapejara D’Oeste, Verê and São Jorge D'Oeste citties, Paraná State, Brazil. It was action plan was established with the rural communities through gathering information with agents considered key in the process, it seeking the greatest number of farm-ers who had their properties in the native fruits as pitanga, jabuticaba, uvaia, cereja-do-mato, guabiroba, guabiju, sete capote, goiaba serrana, araça amarelo e vermelho trees. Semi-structured questionnaire was applied, which concerned issues of presence, handling and use of Myrtaceae fruit trees on their properties and informed consent term. There was a survey of the number and native fruits present in each property. The characterization of each household in terms of diversity handled and used in native fruit was performed. It was realized the soil col-lect in 200 properties with the presence of at least some native fruit tree naturally occurring, in order to determine the preference of the species for the chemical characteristics of the soil. The four citties have native fruits trees in quantity and diversity for the creation of on farm net conservation, with farmers demonstrating knowledge of their role as guardians of this heritage of humanity.


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The most native fruit trees are belonging to Myrtaceae family, which it have as main marketing potential their fruit. Despite the wide acceptance of the fruits of these native fruit cultura, the establishment of commercial orchards is still necessary, because if it prevails extraction in the forest. To start the cultivo in the orchard, the first point is on the mother plant choice, which should provide superior characteristics when compared to other genotypes. Then, it is necessary to choose the method to can produce satisfactory amount of seedlings and preferably without it to lose the mother plant characteristics. For this, it adopts the asexual thechniques, with option for grafting, cuttings and air layering. These techniques when tested with native fruits tree, it proved limiting in theses results, with this, it should to test other it to recommend its use, especially, those fruit native of higher potential as jabuticaba tree, pitanga tree, sete capote tree and araça amarelo tree. The aim of this study was to test the use of asexual propagation through mini-cuttings in these native fruit trees, according to the time of collection, the mini-cutting length and concentration of IBA, as well as, it to relate the results of rooting with tryptophan extracted at certain times. The work was carried out at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Brazil. The samples were collected each two months. The mini-cutting were prepared with 6 or 8 cm, with a pair of leaves reduced to 25% of the original size. The mini-cuttings had their base immersed in liquid solution of indole-butyric acid (IBA) in the concentrations of 0, 3000 and 6000 mg L-1 and then were placed in tubes containing commercial substrate. The experimental design was completely randomized with factorial 2 x 3 x 6 (mini-cutting length x IBA concentration x time of collection), with four replications, it being each plot varied according to the amount of shoots obtained by period time. After 120 days, the rooting and callus formation (%), average number of roots per mini-cutting and the average length of the roots were evaluated. After 60 days of these evaluations, the survival of mini-cuttings rooted after transplant was evaluated. It was evaluated also the production of mini-cuttings of each size in each period time. At the end of the experiment it was evaluated the percentage of survival of mother plantlets. For analysis of tryptophan was used materials branches, leaves and twigs with leaves, taken from the materials used for the production of mini-cutting. It was recommended for hybrid jabuticaba tree the use mini-cutting with eight cm, treated with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA and collected in June. For jabuticaba tree of cabinho and araça amarelo tree the period for propagation by mini-cuttings should be in August, regardless of IBA concentration and length of the mini-cutting. In the jabuticaba tree sabara and sete capote tree is important to obtain more satisfactory results realized the collect in October or December, with the same independence of other levels tested in other factors. However, for sete capote tree should test other techniques to increase the efficiency of propagation. And with pitanga tree recommended to the collection in June, but with 6cm the application of 3000 mg L-1 of IBA and 8 cm with 6000 mg L-1 of IBA.


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Tesis (Médico Veterinario). -- Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias. Programa de Medicina Veterinaria, 2014


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Snake venom proteins from the C-type lectin family have very distinct biological activities despite their highly conserved primary structure, which is homologous to the carbohydrate recognition region of true C-type lectins. We purified a lectin-like protein (BmLec) from Bothrops moojeni venom and investigated its effect on platelet aggregation, insulin secretion, antibacterial activity, and isolated kidney cells. The BmLec was purified using two chromatographic steps: affinity chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). BmLec showed a dose-dependent platelet aggregation and significantly decreased the bacterial growth rate in approximately 15%. During scanning electron microscopy, the profile of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. passiflorae treated with lectin disclosed a high vesiculation and membrane rupture. BmLec induced a strong and significant increase in insulin secretion at 2.8 and 16.7 mM glucose concentrations, and this effect was seen in the presence of EGTA in both experiments. BmLec (10 mu g/mL) increased the perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance and urinary flow. The glomerular filtration rate and percentages of sodium, potassium and chloride tubular transport were reduced at 60 minutes of perfusion. Renal alterations caused by BmLec were completely inhibited by indomethacin in all evaluated parameters. In conclusion, the C-type lectin isolated from Bothrops moojeni affected platelet aggregation, insulin secretion, antibacterial activity and isolated kidney function.


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In the present study, the effects of Polybia paulista venom (PPV) on renal and vascular tissues were investigated. Isolated kidneys perfused with PPV (1 and 3 mu g/mL) had increased perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow, and glomerular filtration rate; and reduced sodium tubular transport. Histological evaluation demonstrated deposits of proteins in Bowman's space and tubular lumen, and focal areas of necrosis. The venom promoted a cytotoxic effect on Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. A significant increase in lactic dehydrogenase levels was observed in response to venom exposure. In isolated mesenteric vascular beds, pressure and vascular resistance augmented in a dose-dependent manner. PPV increased the contractility of aortic rings maintained under basal tension. This contractile response was inhibited when preparations were maintained in Ca2+-free medium. Likewise, verapamil, a voltage-gated calcium channel blocker, also inhibited the contractile response. In this study, phentolamine, a blocker of a-adrenergic receptor blocker, significantly reduced the contractile effect of PPV in the aortic ring. In conclusion, PPV produced nephrotoxicity, which suggests a direct effect on necrotic cellular death in renal tubule cells. The vascular contractile effect of PPV appears to involve calcium influx through voltage-gated calcium channels via adrenergic regulation.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências Veterinárias na Especialidade de Ciências Biológicas e Biomédicas


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Al leer las obras de Italo Calvino a la luz de su biografía, se ha detectado un fuerte componente autobiográfico. Entre los innumerables niveles de lectura posibles de la obra de este escritor, nos pareció justificado elegir también aquel biográfico e investigar cuánto y con qué fin la experiencia existencial se convierte en materia literaria. ¿Cuánto de la autobiografía del autor es rastreable en la obra, explícita e implícitamente? También, hemos visto cómo la relación de Calvino con la autobiografía no fue nunca ni tranquila ni lineal. Por tanto, tuvimos que preguntarnos qué relación compleja existe entre la experiencia de vida, su recuerdo y la escritura; qué valor asume para el autor la reelaboración de la propia experiencia, que a veces se presenta de forma explícita, a veces oculta, en máscaras alegóricas y en deformaciones expresionistas. Responder a estas preguntas ha sido el objetivo del presente trabajo. Hemos decidido circunscribir nuestra investigación a la primera producción narrativa realista, que ha incluido por tanto algunos cuentos francamente autobiográficos de Ultimo viene il corvo (Por último, el cuervo), la primera novela Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno (El sendero de los nidos de araña), la trilogía L'entrata in guerra (La entrada en guerra), y los tres cuentos largos o novelas cortas, La formica argentina (La hormiga argentina), La speculazione edilizia (La especulación inmobiliaria) y La nuvola di smog (La nube de smog), que forman el cuarto libro, La vita difficile (La vida difícil), de la edición de I racconti (Los cuentos) de 1958, y para terminar La giornata di uno scrutatore (La jornada de un interventor electoral)...


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Orientalismos: exilio, alteridad y cultura árabe en la obra de Paul Bowles propone un recorrido por la obra del escritor norteamericano centrándose en sus trabajos realizados durante sus viajes por el norte de África y sus casi cincuenta años como expatriado en Marruecos, incluyendo las novelas El cielo protector (1949) y La casa de la araña (1955), distintos ensayos de viajes, varios poemas, numerosos relatos breves, diferentes traducciones de autores marroquíes y Points in Time (1992), una historia lírica de Marruecos. El objetivo de la tesis es revisar el papel de Paul Bowles dentro de la tradición literaria Orientalista en el Magreb y determinar en qué sentido es continuador de esta tradición o bien rupturista, ofreciendo una alternativa a la tradicional lectura poscolonialista de su obra a la luz del nuevo marco teórico del cosmopolitismo. La tesis aborda una lectura triple de la obra de Paul Bowles (1910-1999) que, en mi opinión, se corresponde con tres fases literarias que el autor desarrollará en Marruecos y que, a su vez, responden a tres sensibilidades distintas que irán evolucionando con el paso de los años. La primera es una lectura orientalista de sus ensayos de viajes estableciendo una comparativa con la tradición literaria anglo-americana en el Magreb desde finales del siglo XVIII hasta bien entrado el siglo XX. A continuación, rastrearemos elementos de esta tradición hasta su novela El cielo protector. La segunda sección propone una lectura desde el punto de vista de la antropología, que se corresponde con una etapa de mayor interés por la cultura popular y las heterodoxas tradiciones y creencias marroquíes...


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Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los trastornos músculoesqueléticos y la asociación con factores sociodemográficos y hábitos de vida en trabajadores de las áreas administrativa y operativa de dos empresas de servicio de la ciudad de Bogotá 2015. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, con información secundaria, procedente de bases de datos suministrada por las dos empresas con 696 registros de trabajadores de servicios generales, y 943 registros de trabajadores del área administrativa, para un total de 1639 registros, en los cuales se evaluó la presencia de síntomas osteomusculares clasificados por segmento. Adicionalmente se contaba con información de características sociodemográficas y estilos de vida de estos trabajadores. Se obtuvieron las distribuciones de frecuencias absolutas y relativas para las variables cualitativas, y las medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión para las variables cuantitativas. Para establecer la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos con las variables dependientes se utilizó la prueba chi2 de asociación. Resultados: La prevalencia de molestia o dolor en los diferentes segmentos corporales fue de 21.5 % (n = 203) en cuello para la población administrativa y de 17.5% (n = 148) en mano y muñeca derecha para la población de servicios generales. Vale la pena aclarar que el diagnóstico médico más frecuente referido por la población en estudio fue traumas en musculo, bursa tendón y/o ligamento con 10.5% en la población administrativa y con el 12.4% en la población de servicios generales. De las asociaciones significativas entre diagnósticos presentes y hábitos de vida y sueño se encontró que sueño no reparador se asoció significativamente con enfermedad general de músculos y huesos (p = 0.001), enfermedad o trauma activo de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y antecedente o enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). De manera similar, el consumo de medicamentos para conciliar el sueño se asoció con enfermedad de tejidos blandos (p = 0,000) y enfermedad actual de columna vertebral (p = 0,000). El consumo de café (p = 0.001) y el sedentarismo (p = 0.031) están asociados con la enfermedad general de músculos y huesos. Conclusiones: Los TME son un factor de alta prevalencia en la población trabajadora de Colombia, y como se demostró en este estudio, afectan a la población de las empresas de servicio. Se evidencia cada vez más que los segmentos corporales más afectados en la población administrativa, son cabeza y cuello, debido a las posturas mantenidas por largos periodos de tiempo, y en la población de servicios se encontró molestia y dolor en muñecas y manos debido a los movimientos repetitivos que deben de realizar durante la jornada laboral. Se hace necesario profundizar más en la asociación significativa de los trastornos del sueño y la presencia de los TME, ya que se encontró una relación importante entre estos dos.


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Neste trabalho são apresentadas informações sobre as principais espécies pragas associadas à amoreira-preta, mirtileiro, pitangueira e araçazeiro, sendo dado destaque ao desenvolvimento da mosca-das-frutas sul-americana (Anastrepha fraterculus) nestes hospedeiros, bem como ao estádio fenológico dos frutos susceptível a praga.


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The Brazilian guava (Psidium guineense Swartz) is seed-propagated and, being native to the Caatinga biome, may frequently have uneven germination.Thus, we aimed to evaluate the synchronization of the in vitro seed germination of three accessions of the Brazilian guava, using water, polyethyleneglycol (PEG 6000), and potassium nitrate (KNO3) at different potentials and times of osmotic priming. Seeds from three accessions of the Brazilian guava (Y85, Y93,and Y97) from the UNEB/BA Germplasm Active Bank were subjected to the following pretreatments: -0.6, -1.0, -1.4, and -1,8 MPa PEG 6000; 10 and 20% KNO3 for 24h; 10 and 20% KNO3 for 48h; water for 24 and 48h; and non-primed seeds as the control. The experimental design was therefore a 10x3+1 factorial scheme. We assessed the germination percentage (G), mean germination time (MGT), germination speed (GS), and germination speed index (GSI). Data was subjected to analysis of variance followed by a means test (Duncan at 5% probability) and regression. There was interaction between the priming treatments and accessions for all evaluated features, except G. PEG 6000 decreased the MGT (from 6 to 8 days) and increased GS and GSI of seeds from all three accessions at potentials -1.0 to -1.5 MPa.Water-priming had a positive effect on MGT, GS, and GSI of accession Y85 seeds. KNO3 negatively affected germination of seeds from all three accessions. Thereby, we could synchronize seed germination of accessions Y85 and Y97 with PEG 6000.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a biologia de Strepsicrates smithiana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) e determinar sua infestação em araçazeiro (Psidium cattleianum). Os parâmetros biológicos foram avaliados, uma tabela de vida de fertilidade foi elaborada e a infestação em um pomar de araçazeiro foi estabelecida. A duração do período ovo‑adulto foi de 43,4 dias, e a sobrevivência foi de 21,3%. As fêmeas colocaram em média 135 ovos, e a longevidade de machos e fêmeas foi de 16,5 e 17,6 dias, respectivamente. Strepsicrates smithiana aumenta 32 vezes a cada geração, e a duração média de uma geração é de 45 dias. A maior infestaçãofoi registrada em janeiro.