883 resultados para Short stories, Greek (Modern)
Teóricos del campo de la lingüística aplicada sostienen que para estudiantes de segunda lengua, la adquisición de la competencia cultural mejora por el uso de obras literarias. Aquí se propone que al integrar en la clase autores olvidados o marginados se ponen de relieve las ambigüedades, diferencias y contrastes presentes en la cultura predominante. Se ilustra cómo, en dos cuentos cortos de Carmen de Burgos, se plantea el problema de la mujer con todo lo complejo del tema, asunto casi pasado por alto por los autores incluidos en la Generación del '98.Applied linguistics theorists maintain that the acquisition of cultural competence by second-Ianguage students is enhanced through the use of literary works. The proposition of the present article is that by incorporating neglected or marginal authors i n the classroom, the ambiguities, differences and contrasts present in the predominant culture are highlighted. Through the study of two short stories by Carmen de Burgos, the woman question, a subject largely ignored by the Generation of 1898 writers, is set out in all of its complexity.
La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.
La rédaction de ce mémoire a été possible grâce à la bourse d’études supérieures du Canada (BESC M), Joseph-Armand-Bombardier du Centre de Recherche en Sciences Humaines (CRSH) du gouvernement du Canada, 2015.
Contains short stories (1) Oetang, Moesti Bajar, (2) Satoe Penoeloeng Boeat Rome, (3) Go Hauw Tjoe, (4) Siauw Hoen, (5) Tjoe Siauw Peng, (6) Tji In Sian, (7) Satoe Perdjandjian, (8) Doea Orang jang Berhati Djoedjoer
This short story collection situates itself like possibility of interpretation and understanding of aspects of the Brazilian contemporary literature and the situations of perplexity that originate from it. The improbable relations in an unequal universe compete for the signification of verisimilitude confounds itself with the concept of reality. These short stories perceive the limit of the human conflicts without suggest to them whatever solution.
Two Clara dos Anjos and one Rosa: identity and representation of black woman in Brazilian Literature
This article presents an analysis of identity and representations of black women in the tales Keep Secret Esmeralda Ribeiro, Rosa and Fusilier and Voices d'Rachel de Queiroz Africa. The story of Esmeralda Ribeiro black author, published in Cadernos Negros: the best short stories (1998) reexamines Clara dos Anjos, Lima Barreto's novel character written between 1904 and 1922. In this work, the author lays bare, in a confessional tone, the daily life of Rio suburbs, from the perspective of racial prejudice, and is the protagonist as a passive woman, submissive, an object. Emerald, black writer, gives Clara a condition of the subject, building an identity as a woman and as a black. It is the chronicle of belonging. Rosa and the Marine and Voices of Africa Rose protagonist appointing chronic-tale first is the outcome of its history in the second text, both published in the first Rachel de Queiroz of chronic compilation entitled The Maiden and Moura Pie (1948 ). Rachel is the text representation of black women because they can not as white women have the lived experience as black to build identity and can do it in generalizing way considering his wife condition and his experience in the feminine universe. There are relations between the texts that go beyond the theme, Space Rio suburb and similarities between Rosa and Clara, Cassi and the Marines. You can see the works a dialogue between sex and race interests, identities and stereotypes, relationships that materialize in Literature.
Lygia Fagundes Telles´s short story “A presença” has been almost forgotten in literary studies. The short story was first published in the 1977 collection Seminário dos Ratos, and is part and parcel of other important collections of the author, namely, Mistérios and Os melhores contos de Lygia Fagundes Telles. Even though it has been published together with other well-known short stories such as “As formigas”, “A caçada” and “A mão no ombro”, it has never been much focused in literary studies. Current essay focuses on three specific points to put this narrative in the limelight: (i) the use of the narrative with Gothic characteristics referring to the theme of persecution; (ii) a parallel on the manner gothic items inserted within the narrative maintain a dialogue with the issues involving Ricardo Piglia´s short story; (iii) the two previous items function so that the cross-section selected by the author is not limiting to meaning.
Samuel Rawet has intended, by his essays, to bring questions about somepreocupations – and its ethical consequences, principally, according to my point of view on thispaper– which is imbricated to his fictional works. On his essays, as a matter of fact, the authorproposes questions and searchs for possible answers, despite these answers seem to be temporariesand anguishing answers to some concerns the author brings us as well as on his fictional works; or,we should say, mainly fictional, as in Rawet’ works the genre (form) we use to call a essay isdeeply influenced by the genre chronics. Thus, his essays are parallels to the short stories andnovels, in terms of development of latent questions which are commom to all his writings, toward apersonal and special perception of the world that reminds, inside out, Martin Buber’s philosophy.Regarding to this, we may say that his essay and fiction are complementary to each other – in spiteof being also independent to each other. These questions and its relation to the ethical concernsexpressed all over Rawet’s literature lead to important questions regarding the studies of his oeuvreas meaningful part of jewish-brazilian literature.
Part of the work of the Chilean writer Roberto Bolaño, who died in 2003, seemsto be articulated from certain aspects of his self. In other words, the way he writes his ownname on the text, or, how do we answer the question: “who is “I” in this text?”. Many of hisshort-stories and novels, not to mention the poems, operate strategies of hide and exposure ofthat “I” that speaks. Those strategies point to an uneven reading of his works, according to theinscription of the given name. Using the short-stories “Detectives” (1997) and “Muerte deUlises” (2007), the novel Los Detectives Salvajes (1998) and the compendium EntreParéntesis (2004), this article articulates an analysis that compares Bolaño’s aestheticsstrategies regarding his own personal history. We’ll investigate the consequences of choosingthe signature Roberto Bolaño, or Arturo Belano, his alter-ego, to the essays, the interviews orthe fiction work. The question is not the verification of the truth within the fiction, but, moreprofoundly, pose the exam in the effect of reality that comes from the subject-effect. Writing,as it is, is considered as a vehicle to the construction of the “self”, that leads to the unstableoverflow of a identity that ultimately can never be Roberto Bolaño.
"Demetra Vaka translated 'The sin of my mother,' 'The god-father' and 'She that was homesick.' The rest were translated by Dr. Aristides E. Phoutrides."