507 resultados para Sacrifice.
Public Service Motivation in Public and Nonprofit Service Providers: The Cases of Belarus and Poland
The work motivation construct is central to the theory and practice of many social science disciplines. Yet, due to the novelty of validated measures appropriate for a deep cross-national comparison, studies that contrast different administrative regimes remain scarce. This study represents an initial empirical effort to validate the Public Service Motivation (PSM) instrument proposed by Kim and colleagues (2013) in a previously unstudied context. The two former communist countries analyzed in this dissertation—Belarus and Poland— followed diametrically opposite development strategies: a fully decentralized administrative regime in Poland and a highly centralized regime in Belarus. The employees (n = 677) of public and nonprofit organizations in the border regions of Podlaskie Wojewodstwo (Poland) and Hrodna Voblasc (Belarus) are the subjects of study. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed three dimensions of public service motivation in the two regions: compassion, self-sacrifice, and attraction to public service. The statistical models tested in this dissertation suggest that nonprofit sector employees exhibit higher levels of PSM than their public sector counterparts. Nonprofit sector employees also reveal a similar set of values and work attitudes across the countries. Thus, the study concludes that in terms of PSM, employees of nonprofit organizations constitute a homogenous group that exists atop the administrative regimes. However, the findings propose significant differences between public sector agencies across the two countries. Contrary to expectations, data suggest that organization centralization in Poland is equal to—or for some items even higher than—that of Belarus. We can conclude that the absence of administrative decentralization of service provision in a country does not necessarily undermine decentralized practices within organizations. Further analysis reveals strong correlations between organization centralization and PSM for the Polish sample. Meanwhile, in Belarus, correlations between organization centralization items and PSM are weak and mostly insignificant. The analysis indicates other factors beyond organization centralization that significantly impact PSM in both sectors. PSM of the employees in the studied region is highly correlated with their participation in religious practices, political parties, or labor unions as well as location of their organization in a capital and type of social service provided.
Hexavalent chromium is a heavy metal present in various industrial effluents, and depending on its concentration may cause irreparable damage to the environment and to humans. Facing this surrounding context, this study aimed on the application of electrochemical methods to determine and remove the hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) in simulated wastewater. To determine was applied to cathodic stripping voltammetry (CSV) using ultra trace graphite electrodes ultra trace (work), Ag/AgCl (reference) and platinum (counter electrode), the samples were complexed with 1,5- diphenylcarbazide and then subjected to analysis. The removal of Cr6+ was applied electrocoagulation process (EC) using Fe and Al electrodes. The variables that constituted the factorial design 24, applied to optimizing the EC process, were: current density (5 and 10 mA.cm-2), temperature (25 and 60 ºC), concentration (50 and 100 ppm) and agitation rate (400 and 600 RPM). Through the preliminary test it was possible the adequacy of applying the CSV for determining of Cr6+, removed during the EC process. The Fe and Al electrodes as anodes sacrifice showed satisfactory results in the EC process, however Fe favored complete removal in 30 min, whereas with Al occurred at 240 min. In the application of factorial design 24 and analysis of Response Surface Methodology was possible to optimize the EC process for removal of Cr6+ in H2SO4 solution (0.5 mol.L-1), in which the temperature, with positive effect, was the variable that presented higher statistical significance compared with other variables and interactions, while in optimizing the EC process for removal of Cr6+ in NaCl solution (0.1 mol.L-1) the current density, with positive effect, and concentration, with a negative effect were the variables that had greater statistical significance with greater statistical significance compared with other variables and interactions. The utilization of electrolytes supports NaCl and Na2SO4 showed no significant differences, however NaCl resulted in rapid improvement in Cr6+ removal kinetics and increasing the NaCl concentration provided an increase in conductivity of the solution, resulting in lower energy consumption. The wear of the electrodes evaluated in all the process of EC showed that the Al in H2SO4 solution (0.5 mol.L-1), undergoes during the process of anodization CE, then the experimental mass loss is less than the theoretical mass loss, however, the Fe in the same medium showed a loss of mass greater experimental estimated theoretically. This fact is due to a spontaneous reaction of Fe with H2SO4, and when the reaction medium was the NaCl and Na2SO4 loss experimental mass approached the theoretical mass loss. Furthermore, it was observed the energy consumption of all processes involved in this study had a low operating cost, thus enabling the application of the EC process for treating industrial effluents. The results were satisfactory, it was achieved complete removal of Cr6+ in all processes used in this study.
The increase of crime in Brazilian society has attracted the interest of a growing number of scholars. In psychology, among the aspects studied for the understanding of antisocial and criminal behaviors, there is the personality, object of study of the different fields of this discipline, such as Cognitive Psychology. Thus, in this study, it was used the Young‟s Personality‟s Schemas theory, which considers that schemas are dysfunctional cognitive or emotional patterns that are constituted in the personality (Young et al., 2008). Moreover, for antisocial and criminal conducts, it was considered the Seisdedos‟ design, which says that the first one represents a violation of social rules, that doesn‟t cause serious harm to others, while the second one causes serious injury (Formiga & Gouveia, 2003). The research aimed mainly, to verify the existence of differences in means of responses to the Scale of Antisocial and Criminal Conducts and Young Schema Questionnaire for different crimes (theft, robbery, murder, rape and drug trafficking). For this purpose, the research was applied on a sample of 355 inmates. First, it was analyzed the reliability of the questionnaires, resulting in excellents reliabilities for this sample. There were significant differences between mean responses only for criminal conducts. The schemas that presented significant differences were: Emotional Deprivation, Social Isolation, Entitlement/Grandiosity and Dependence / Incompetence. The type of conduct and schema prevalent for each offense and total sample were also verified. Antisocial conduct prevailed for total sample and all the offences, except for robbery. Moreover, Self-sacrifice was prevalent for total sample and all the offenses.
The over-riding perceptions of Victor Hugo’s attitudes towards women are intensely coloured by his deep-seated Romanticism and his well-testified, stifling and over-bearing treatment of women in his personal life. As such, Hugo’s contribution to the feminist struggle of his time has been woefully overlooked in the larger scheme of his social and political activism. Through a close examination of his largely unstudied public discourse on women’s rights, this thesis situates Hugo’s feminist views firmly in the context of Enlightenment feminism and 19th century feminism, while also drawing heavily on the illuminating principles of Enlightenment feminism. In particular, this thesis examines Hugo’s support for several of the most determining issues of 19th century French feminism, including women’s right to education, equal citizenship, universal suffrage rights, and the issue of regulated prostitution. Further, by examining the way in which Hugo’s views on women’s maternal role extended far beyond the limited vision of domesticity bolstered by the ideology of ‘republican motherhood’, this thesis engages in a re-appraisal of Hugo’s literary representation of maternity which identifies the maternal as a universal quality of devotion and self-sacrifice to which all humankind must aspire for the creation of a just, egalitarian, and democratic society. Though at times inevitably constrained by his Romanticism, this thesis demonstrates the extent to which Hugo’s feminism is grounded in his wider vision of social emancipation and is underpinned by a profound empathy, compassion, and moral conscience – qualities which are just as fundamental today, as they were for Hugo when participating in the fitful, though decisive, feminist struggle in 19th century France.
Three questions on the study of NO Iberian Peninsula sweat lodges are posed. First, the new sauna of Monte Ornedo (Cantabria), the review of the one of Armea (Ourense), and the Cantabrian pedra formosa type are discussed. Second, the known types of sweat lodges are reconsidered underlining the differences between the Cantabrian and the Douro - Minho groups as these differences contribute to a better assessment of the saunas located out of those territories, such as those of Monte Ornedo or Ulaca. Third, a richer record demands a more specific terminology, a larger use of archaeometric analysis and the application of landscape archaeology or art history methodologies. In this way the range of interpretation of the sweat lodges is opened, as an example an essay is proposed that digs on some already known proposals and suggests that the saunas are material metaphors of wombs whose rationale derives from ideologies and ritual practices of Indo-European tradition.
Many 16th century Spanish chroniclers and missionaries, arriving at what they interpreted as a New World, saw the Devil as a “hermeneutic wildcard” that allowed them to comprehend indigenous religions. Pedro Cieza de León, a soldier in the conquest of Peru, is a case in point. Cieza considers the Devil responsible for the most aberrant religious practices and customs of the Indians, although he views the natives in a positive light, as men susceptible to divine salvation. From a providentialist perspective of the history of the conquest, Cieza interprets that the evangelization and conversion of the Indians and the implantation of Christian civilization by the Spanish Crown, were able to defeat the Devil.
Silica additives in bone substitute materials are topical, clinically interesting and have significant support in the Orthopaedic field. Biosilica, e.g isolated from diatoms, has many advantages over its synthetic counterparts, e.g. it is amorphous, thus will be absorbed by the body, however, issues such as purity, presence of endotoxins and cytotoxicity need to be addressed before it can be further exploited. Biosilica isolated from Cyclotella Meneghiniana was then tested in a mouse model, to test the immunological response, organ toxicity (kidney, spleen, liver) and route of metabolism/excretion of silica. Five-week-old Balb-c mice were injected subcutaneously with a single high dose (50mg/ml) of Si-frustules, Si-frustules + organic linker and vehicle only control. Animals were sacrificed at 1d and 28d. The animal studies were conducted under an ethically approved protocol at Queen’s University, Belfast. The animals showed no adverse stress during the experiment and remained healthy until sacrifice. Blood results using ICP-OES analysis suggest the frustules were metabolized between comparator groups at different rates, and clearly showed elevated levels of silicon in groups injected with frustules relative to control. The histology of organs showed no variation in morphology of mice injected frustules relative compared to the control group.
Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships from the EU and Beaufort Marine Biodiscovery Award as part of the Marine Biotechnology Ireland Programme for providing financial support to this project.
Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la première cause de mortalité dans le monde et les anévrismes de l’aorte abdominale (AAAs) font partie de ce lot déplorable. Un anévrisme est la dilatation d’une artère pouvant conduire à la mort. Une rupture d’AAA s’avère fatale près de 80% du temps. Un moyen de traiter les AAAs est l’insertion d’une endoprothèse (SG) dans l’aorte, communément appelée la réparation endovasculaire (EVAR), afin de réduire la pression exercée par le flux sanguin sur la paroi. L’efficacité de ce traitement est compromise par la survenue d’endofuites (flux sanguins entre la prothèse et le sac anévrismal) pouvant conduire à la rupture de l’anévrisme. Ces flux sanguins peuvent survenir à n’importe quel moment après le traitement EVAR. Une surveillance par tomodensitométrie (CT-scan) annuelle est donc requise, augmentant ainsi le coût du suivi post-EVAR et exposant le patient à la radiation ionisante et aux complications des contrastes iodés. L’endotension est le concept de dilatation de l’anévrisme sans la présence d’une endofuite apparente au CT-scan. Après le traitement EVAR, le sang dans le sac anévrismal coagule pour former un thrombus frais, qui deviendra progressivement un thrombus plus fibreux et plus organisé, donnant lieu à un rétrécissement de l’anévrisme. Il y a très peu de données dans la littérature pour étudier ce processus temporel et la relation entre le thrombus frais et l’endotension. L’étalon d’or du suivi post-EVAR, le CT-scan, ne peut pas détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Il y a donc un besoin d’investir dans une technique sécuritaire et moins coûteuse pour le suivi d’AAAs après EVAR. Une méthode récente, l’élastographie dynamique, mesure l’élasticité des tissus en temps réel. Le principe de cette technique repose sur la génération d’ondes de cisaillement et l’étude de leur propagation afin de remonter aux propriétés mécaniques du milieu étudié. Cette thèse vise l’application de l’élastographie dynamique pour la détection des endofuites ainsi que de la caractérisation mécanique des tissus du sac anévrismal après le traitement EVAR. Ce projet dévoile le potentiel de l’élastographie afin de réduire les dangers de la radiation, de l’utilisation d’agent de contraste ainsi que des coûts du post-EVAR des AAAs. L’élastographie dynamique utilisant le « Shear Wave Imaging » (SWI) est prometteuse. Cette modalité pourrait complémenter l’échographie-Doppler (DUS) déjà utilisée pour le suivi d’examen post-EVAR. Le SWI a le potentiel de fournir des informations sur l’organisation fibreuse du thrombus ainsi que sur la détection d’endofuites. Tout d’abord, le premier objectif de cette thèse consistait à tester le SWI sur des AAAs dans des modèles canins pour la détection d’endofuites et la caractérisation du thrombus. Des SGs furent implantées dans un groupe de 18 chiens avec un anévrisme créé au moyen de la veine jugulaire. 4 anévrismes avaient une endofuite de type I, 13 avaient une endofuite de type II et un anévrisme n’avait pas d’endofuite. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été réalisés à l’implantation, puis 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois après le traitement EVAR. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et des coupes macroscopiques ont été produits au sacrifice. Les régions d’endofuites, de thrombus frais et de thrombus organisé furent identifiées et segmentées. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions furent comparées. Celles-ci furent différentes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Également, le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (1) et le DUS (3) ont échoué. Dans la continuité de ces travaux, le deuxième objectif de ce projet fut de caractériser l’évolution du thrombus dans le temps, de même que l’évolution des endofuites après embolisation dans des modèles canins. Dix-huit anévrismes furent créés dans les artères iliaques de neuf modèles canins, suivis d’une endofuite de type I après EVAR. Deux gels embolisants (Chitosan (Chi) ou Chitosan-Sodium-Tetradecyl-Sulfate (Chi-STS)) furent injectés dans le sac anévrismal pour promouvoir la guérison. Des examens échographiques, DUS et SWI ont été effectués à l’implantation et après 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois. Une angiographie, un CT-scan et un examen histologique ont été réalisés au sacrifice afin d’évaluer la présence, le type et la grosseur de l’endofuite. Les valeurs du module d’élasticité des régions d’intérêts ont été identifiées et segmentées sur les données pathologiques. Les régions d’endofuites et de thrombus frais furent différentes de façon significative comparativement aux autres régions (P < 0.001). Les valeurs d’élasticité du thrombus frais à 1 semaine et à 3 mois indiquent que le SWI peut évaluer la maturation du thrombus, de même que caractériser l’évolution et la dégradation des gels embolisants dans le temps. Le SWI a pu détecter des endofuites où le DUS a échoué (2) et, contrairement au CT-scan, détecter la présence de thrombus frais. Finalement, la dernière étape du projet doctoral consistait à appliquer le SWI dans une phase clinique, avec des patients humains ayant déjà un AAA, pour la détection d’endofuite et la caractérisation de l’élasticité des tissus. 25 patients furent sélectionnés pour participer à l’étude. Une comparaison d’imagerie a été produite entre le SWI, le CT-scan et le DUS. Les valeurs de rigidité données par le SWI des différentes régions (endofuite, thrombus) furent identifiées et segmentées. Celles-ci étaient distinctes de façon significative (P < 0.001). Le SWI a détecté 5 endofuites sur 6 (sensibilité de 83.3%) et a eu 6 faux positifs (spécificité de 76%). Le SWI a pu détecter la présence d’endofuites où le CT-scan (2) ainsi que le DUS (2) ont échoué. Il n’y avait pas de différence statistique notable entre la rigidité du thrombus pour un AAA avec endofuite et un AAA sans endofuite. Aucune corrélation n’a pu être établie de façon significative entre les diamètres des AAAs ainsi que leurs variations et l’élasticité du thrombus. Le SWI a le potentiel de détecter les endofuites et caractériser le thrombus selon leurs propriétés mécaniques. Cette technique pourrait être combinée au suivi des AAAs post-EVAR, complémentant ainsi l’imagerie DUS et réduisant le coût et l’exposition à la radiation ionisante et aux agents de contrastes néphrotoxiques.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Atresia coli is a congenital defect with disruption of the intestinal flow. Its etiopathogenesis is still unknown and the prognosis is reserved. This paper describes the case of a one week old Holstein Friesian calf that was referred to the HCVC, and was diagnosed with atresia coli. This confirmation was made by contrast radiography and the lesion was detected in dorsal portion of the spiral colon. A cecostomy was performed followed by a marsupialization of the intestinal cecum to the abdominal wall. After 36 hours of surgery, calf’s state worsens dramatically and for reasons of welfare, it was proceeded to sacrifice. The post-operative recovery is possible, even though the mortality rate is high. As in this case, this mortality rate increases when early diagnosis of atresia coli does not take place and there is peritonitis.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Contextualização: Recentemente tem-se verificado um aumento do número de estudos que relacionam conceitos da personalidade, tais como os Esquemas Mal-adaptativos Precoces (EMP), com a psicopatologia e com outras condições, tais como a obesidade, a dor crónica e o comportamento sexual agressivo. No entanto, a investigação acerca da relação entre os problemas de sono e os EMP encontra-se ainda numa fase inicial. Objetivos: Os objetivos do presente estudo foram investigar uma potencial relação entre os EMP e a má qualidade de sono em estudantes do ensino superior e observar que EMP apresentavam associações de maior magnitude com a qualidade de sono nesta população específica. Métodos: Estudantes de diversas universidades e institutos de ensino superior de Portugal foram convidados a responder a uma versão online dos questionários Escala Básica de Sintomas de Insónia e Qualidade de Sono (BaSIQS) e Questionário de Esquemas de Young (YSQ-S3). A partir da amostra total obtida de estudantes do ensino superior de nacionalidade portuguesa (N = 1253) foi selecionada uma primeira subamostra (n1 = 409), usando como critérios de inclusão a idade (entre os 18 e os 25 anos) e as pontuações extremas de qualidade de sono da BaSIQS (má versus boa qualidade de sono). A partir da n1 extraiu-se uma segunda subamostra de participantes (n2 = 249), com características de um estudante “típico” do ensino superior (estatuto de aluno ordinário, solteiro, sem filhos, sem problemas de saúde, não medicado). Para estudar a relação entre os EMP, medidos pelo YSQ-S3, e a qualidade de sono foi aplicada uma MANOVA (Análise de Variância Multivariada) para cada um dos cinco domínios esquemáticos (“Distanciamento e Rejeição”, “Autonomia e Desempenho Deteriorados”, “Limites Deteriorados”, “Influência dos Outros” e “Vigilância Excessiva e Inibição”), para ambas as subamostras (n1 e n2). Resultados: No que diz respeito à n2, os estudantes com má qualidade de sono apresentaram níveis significativamente mais elevados dos EMP “Abandono/ Instabilidade”, “Desconfiança/ Abuso”, “Isolamento Social/ Alienação” (Domínio “Distanciamento e Rejeição”), “Vulnerabilidade ao Mal e à Doença” (Domínio “Autonomia e Desempenho Deteriorados”), “Grandiosidade/ Limites Indefinidos” (Domínio “Limites Deteriorados”), “Autossacrifício” (Domínio “Influência dos Outros”) e “Negativismo/ Pessimismo” (Domínio “Vigilância Excessiva e Inibição”). Conclusões: Estes dados mostram que os EMP estão associados à má qualidade de sono. No entanto, são necessários estudos adicionais para melhor compreender esta relação e a sua implicação na prática clínica.
This work is about representations around the Mockery of Judas rite in the neighborhood of east zone at Natal city and the relationships between residents of neighborhood with the ritual object. The most important objective in the work is to present anthropological analysis about the mockery of Judas rite and the ritual process beyond local interpretations to rite. The concept presents in studies of Marcel Mauss, Henry Hubert and René Girard about the sacrifice are very important to this paper. We work with this hypothesis that the Mockery of Judas is sacrifice done to residents of Rocas neighborhood to many purpose, since symbolic punishment to traitor apostle till the sacrifice of victm of conflicts and tensions inside the neighborhood
MOVE is a composition for string quartet, piano, percussion and electronics of approximately 15-16 minutes duration in three movements. The work incorporates electronic samples either synthesized electronically by the composer or recorded from acoustic instruments. The work aims to use electronic sounds as an expansion of the tonal palette of the chamber group (rather like an extended percussion setup) as opposed to a dominating sonic feature of the music. This is done by limiting the use of electronics to specific sections of the work, and by prioritizing blend and sonic coherence in the synthesized samples. The work uses fixed electronics in such a way that allows for tempo variations in the music. Generally, a difficulty arises in that fixed “tape” parts don’t allow tempo variations; while truly “live” software algorithms sacrifice rhythmic accuracy. Sample pads, such as the Roland SPD-SX, provide an elegant solution. The latency of such a device is close enough to zero that individual samples can be triggered in real time at a range of tempi. The percussion setup in this work (vibraphone and sample pad) allows one player to cover both parts, eliminating the need for an external musician to trigger the electronics. Compositionally, momentum is used as a constructing principle. The first movement makes prominent use of ostinato and shifting meter. The second is a set of variations on a repeated harmonic pattern, with a polymetric middle section. The third is a type of passacaglia, wherein the bassline is not introduced right away, but becomes more significant later in the movement. Given the importance of visual presentation in the Internet age, the final goal of the project was to shoot HD video of a studio performance of the work for publication online. The composer recorded audio and video in two separate sessions and edited the production using Logic X and Adobe Premiere Pro. The final video presentation can be seen at geoffsheil.com/move.
El turismo religioso, turismo en espacios religiosos o las peregrinaciones, han crecido considerablemente, más de 30 millones de personas se desplazan anualmente en México sólo por motivación religiosa y se estima una derrama económica de 680 millones de dólares. Este trabajo pretende establecer la motivación de la visita de santuarios en seis localidades del estado de Jalisco y analizar si se relaciona con la idea de sacrificio y fe del peregrino o con el ocio y placer del turista dedicado a la experiencia y vivencia del fenómeno religiosos, así como el grado de transición entre recinto religioso y atractivo turístico., desde una perspectiva del turismo cultural, lo que enfrenta la idea de un turismo alternativo. Se puede afirmar que en Jalisco, con relación al turismo religioso, predomina la condición de peregrino (sacrificio) en los visitantes y los espacios sacros y sus contenidos culturales aún cumplen la función de generar entornos propicios para la veneración, la contemplación y la adoración.