948 resultados para Random Coefficient Autoregressive Model{ RCAR (1)}
We study spatially localized states of a spiking neuronal network populated by a pulse coupled phase oscillator known as the lighthouse model. We show that in the limit of slow synaptic interactions in the continuum limit the dynamics reduce to those of the standard Amari model. For non-slow synaptic connections we are able to go beyond the standard firing rate analysis of localized solutions allowing us to explicitly construct a family of co-existing one-bump solutions, and then track bump width and firing pattern as a function of system parameters. We also present an analysis of the model on a discrete lattice. We show that multiple width bump states can co-exist and uncover a mechanism for bump wandering linked to the speed of synaptic processing. Moreover, beyond a wandering transition point we show that the bump undergoes an effective random walk with a diffusion coefficient that scales exponentially with the rate of synaptic processing and linearly with the lattice spacing.
Determinar la validez concurrente del Sistema de Observación de Tiempo de Instrucción de Condición Física (SOFIT) a través de acelerometría, como método para medir los niveles de actividad física (AF) de los escolares de 1º a 9º durante la clase de educación física en tres colegios públicos de Bogotá, Colombia. Estudio transversal entre Octubre de 2014 y Marzo de 2015. La medición se realizó en tres colegios públicos de Bogotá. Participaron 48 estudiantes (25 niñas; 23 niños), entre 5 y 17 años, seleccionados de acuerdo al protocolo de SOFIT. El resultado se categoriza en porcentaje de tiempo en comportamiento sedentario, AF moderada, AF vigorosa, y AF moderada a vigorosa. Se validó utilizando como patrón de oro la acelerometría en las mismas categorías. Se realizó diferencia de medias, regresión lineal y modelo de efectos fijos. La correlación entre SOFIT y acelerometría fue buena para AF moderada (rho=,958; p=0,000), AF vigorosa (rho=,937; p=0,000) y AF de moderada a vigorosa (rho=0,962; p=0,000). Al igual que utilizando un modelo de efectos fijos, AF moderada (β1=0,92; p=0,00), vigorosa (β1=0,94; p=0,00) y AF de moderada a vigorosa (β1=0,95; p=0,00), mostrando ausencia de diferencias significativas entre los dos métodos para la medición de los niveles de AF. El comportamiento sedentario correlacionó positivamente en Spearman (rho=,0965; p=0,000), El sistema SOFIT demostró ser válido para medir niveles de AF en clases de educación física, tras buena correlación y concordancia con acelerometría. SOFIT es un instrumento de fácil acceso y de bajo costo para la medición de la AF durante las clases de educación física en el contexto escolar y se recomienda su uso en futuros estudios.
Exercise Increases Pancreatic β-cell Viability In A Model Of Type 1 Diabetes Through Il-6 Signaling.
Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is provoked by an autoimmune assault against pancreatic β cells. Exercise training enhances β-cell mass in T1D. Here, we investigated how exercise signals β cells in T1D condition. For this, we used several approaches. Wild-type and IL-6 knockout (KO) C57BL/6 mice were exercised. Afterward, islets from control and trained mice were exposed to inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β plus IFN-γ). Islets from control mice and β-cell lines (INS-1E and MIN6) were incubated with serum from control or trained mice or medium obtained from 5-aminoimidazole-4 carboxamide1-β-d-ribofuranoside (AICAR)-treated C2C12 skeletal muscle cells. Subsequently, islets and β cells were exposed to IL-1β plus IFN-γ. Proteins were assessed by immunoblotting, apoptosis was determined by DNA-binding dye propidium iodide fluorescence, and NO(•) was estimated by nitrite. Exercise reduced 25, 75, and 50% of the IL-1β plus IFN-γ-induced iNOS, nitrite, and cleaved caspase-3 content, respectively, in pancreatic islets. Serum from trained mice and medium from AICAR-treated C2C12 cells reduced β-cell death, induced by IL-1β plus IFN-γ treatment, in 15 and 38%, respectively. This effect was lost in samples treated with IL-6 inhibitor or with serum from exercised IL-6 KO mice. In conclusion, muscle contraction signals β-cell survival in T1D through IL-6.-Paula, F. M. M., Leite, N. C., Vanzela, E. C., Kurauti, M. A., Freitas-Dias, R., Carneiro, E. M., Boschero, A. C., and Zoppi, C. C. Exercise increases pancreatic β-cell viability in a model of type 1 diabetes through IL-6 signaling.
Consider a random medium consisting of N points randomly distributed so that there is no correlation among the distances separating them. This is the random link model, which is the high dimensionality limit (mean-field approximation) for the Euclidean random point structure. In the random link model, at discrete time steps, a walker moves to the nearest point, which has not been visited in the last mu steps (memory), producing a deterministic partially self-avoiding walk (the tourist walk). We have analytically obtained the distribution of the number n of points explored by the walker with memory mu=2, as well as the transient and period joint distribution. This result enables us to explain the abrupt change in the exploratory behavior between the cases mu=1 (memoryless walker, driven by extreme value statistics) and mu=2 (walker with memory, driven by combinatorial statistics). In the mu=1 case, the mean newly visited points in the thermodynamic limit (N >> 1) is just < n >=e=2.72... while in the mu=2 case, the mean number < n > of visited points grows proportionally to N(1/2). Also, this result allows us to establish an equivalence between the random link model with mu=2 and random map (uncorrelated back and forth distances) with mu=0 and the abrupt change between the probabilities for null transient time and subsequent ones.
Ion channels are pores formed by proteins and responsible for carrying ion fluxes through cellular membranes. The ion channels can assume conformational states thereby controlling ion flow. Physically, the conformational transitions from one state to another are associated with energy barriers between them and are dependent on stimulus, such as, electrical field, ligands, second messengers, etc. Several models have been proposed to describe the kinetics of ion channels. The classical Markovian model assumes that a future transition is independent of the time that the ion channel stayed in a previous state. Others models as the fractal and the chaotic assume that the rate of transitions between the states depend on the time that the ionic channel stayed in a previous state. For the calcium activated potassium channels of Leydig cells the R/S Hurst analysis has indicated that the channels are long-term correlated with a Hurst coefficient H around 0.7, showing a persistent memory in this kinetic. Here, we applied the R/S analysis to the opening and closing dwell time series obtained from simulated data from a chaotic model proposed by L. Liebovitch and T. Toth [J. Theor. Biol. 148, 243 (1991)] and we show that this chaotic model or any model that treats the set of channel openings and closings as independent events is inadequate to describe the long-term correlation (memory) already described for the experimental data. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
We introduce the Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (CATT-BRAMS). CATT-BRAMS is an on-line transport model fully consistent with the simulated atmospheric dynamics. Emission sources from biomass burning and urban-industrial-vehicular activities for trace gases and from biomass burning aerosol particles are obtained from several published datasets and remote sensing information. The tracer and aerosol mass concentration prognostics include the effects of sub-grid scale turbulence in the planetary boundary layer, convective transport by shallow and deep moist convection, wet and dry deposition, and plume rise associated with vegetation fires in addition to the grid scale transport. The radiation parameterization takes into account the interaction between the simulated biomass burning aerosol particles and short and long wave radiation. The atmospheric model BRAMS is based on the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), with several improvements associated with cumulus convection representation, soil moisture initialization and surface scheme tuned for the tropics, among others. In this paper the CATT-BRAMS model is used to simulate carbon monoxide and particulate material (PM(2.5)) surface fluxes and atmospheric transport during the 2002 LBA field campaigns, conducted during the transition from the dry to wet season in the southwest Amazon Basin. Model evaluation is addressed with comparisons between model results and near surface, radiosondes and airborne measurements performed during the field campaign, as well as remote sensing derived products. We show the matching of emissions strengths to observed carbon monoxide in the LBA campaign. A relatively good comparison to the MOPITT data, in spite of the fact that MOPITT a priori assumptions imply several difficulties, is also obtained.
Using Monte Carlo simulations we investigate some new aspects of the phase diagram and the behavior of the diffusion coefficient in an associating lattice gas (ALG) model on different regions of the phase diagram. The ALG model combines a two dimensional lattice gas where particles interact through a soft core potential and orientational degrees of freedom. The competition between soft core potential and directional attractive forces results in a high density liquid phase, a low density liquid phase, and a gas phase. Besides anomalies in the behavior of the density with the temperature at constant pressure and of the diffusion coefficient with density at constant temperature are also found. The two liquid phases are separated by a coexistence line that ends in a bicritical point. The low density liquid phase is separated from the gas phase by a coexistence line that ends in tricritical point. The bicritical and tricritical points are linked by a critical lambda-line. The high density liquid phase and the fluid phases are separated by a second critical tau-line. We then investigate how the diffusion coefficient behaves on different regions of the chemical potential-temperature phase diagram. We find that diffusivity undergoes two types of dynamic transitions: a fragile-to-strong transition when the critical lambda-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential; and a strong-to-strong transition when the critical tau-line is crossed by decreasing the temperature at a constant chemical potential.
We introduce a simple mean-field lattice model to describe the behavior of nematic elastomers. This model combines the Maier-Saupe-Zwanzig approach to liquid crystals and an extension to lattice systems of the Warner-Terentjev theory of elasticity, with the addition of quenched random fields. We use standard techniques of statistical mechanics to obtain analytic solutions for the full range of parameters. Among other results, we show the existence of a stress-strain coexistence curve below a freezing temperature, analogous to the P-V diagram of a simple fluid, with the disorder strength playing the role of temperature. Below a critical value of disorder, the tie lines in this diagram resemble the experimental stress-strain plateau and may be interpreted as signatures of the characteristic polydomain-monodomain transition. Also, in the monodomain case, we show that random fields may soften the first-order transition between nematic and isotropic phases, provided the samples are formed in the nematic state.
In the context of the 1/N expansion, the validity of the Slavnov-Taylor identity relating three- and two-point functions for the 2 + 1-dimensional noncommutative CP(N-1) model is investigated, up to subleading 1/N order, in the Landau gauge.
It is shown that the families of generalized matrix ensembles recently considered which give rise to an orthogonal invariant stable Levy ensemble can be generated by the simple procedure of dividing Gaussian matrices by a random variable. The nonergodicity of this kind of disordered ensembles is investigated. It is shown that the same procedure applied to random graphs gives rise to a family that interpolates between the Erdos-Renyi and the scale free models.
We solve the operator ordering problem for the quantum continuous integrable su(1,1) Landau-Lifshitz model, and give a prescription to obtain the quantum trace identities, and the spectrum for the higher-order local charges. We also show that this method, based on operator regularization and renormalization, which guarantees quantum integrability, as well as the construction of self-adjoint extensions, can be used as an alternative to the discretization procedure, and unlike the latter, is based only on integrable representations. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3509374]
In this work we study the dynamical generation of mass in the massless N = 1 Wess-Zumino model in a three-dimensional spacetime. Using the tadpole method to compute the effective potential, we observe that supersymmetry is dynamically broken together with the discrete symmetry A(x) -> A(x). We show that this model, different from nonsupersymmetric scalar models, exhibits a consistent perturbative dynamical generation of mass after two-loop corrections to the effective potential.
We present a class of solutions of the CP(N) model in (3 + 1) dimensions. We suggest that they represent vortexlike configurations. We also discuss some of their properties. We show that some configurations of vortices have a divergent energy per unit length while for the others such an energy has a minimum for a very special orientation of vortices. We also discuss the Noether charge densities of these vortices.
A photoluminescence (PL) study of the individual electron states localized in a random potential is performed in artificially disordered superlattices embedded in a wide parabolic well. The valence band bowing of the parabolic potential provides a variation of the emission energies which splits the optical transitions corresponding to different wells within the random potential. The blueshift of the PL lines emitted by individual random wells, observed with increasing disorder strength, is demonstrated. The variation of temperature and magnetic field allowed for the behavior of the electrons localized in individual wells of the random potential to be distinguished.
We consider a Random Walk in Random Environment (RWRE) moving in an i.i.d. random field of obstacles. When the particle hits an obstacle, it disappears with a positive probability. We obtain quenched and annealed bounds on the tails of the survival time in the general d-dimensional case. We then consider a simplified one-dimensional model (where transition probabilities and obstacles are independent and the RWRE only moves to neighbour sites), and obtain finer results for the tail of the survival time. In addition, we study also the ""mixed"" probability measures (quenched with respect to the obstacles and annealed with respect to the transition probabilities and vice-versa) and give results for tails of the survival time with respect to these probability measures. Further, we apply the same methods to obtain bounds for the tails of hitting times of Branching Random Walks in Random Environment (BRWRE).