972 resultados para Post operative pain


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Trauma is a leading cause of death worldwide, and is thus a major public health concern. Improving current resuscitation strategies may help to reduce morbidity and mortality from trauma, and clinical research plays an important role in addressing these issues. This thesis is a secondary analysis of data that was collected for a randomized clinical trial being conducted at Ben Taub General Hospital. The trial is designed to compare a hypotensive resuscitation strategy to standard fluid resuscitation for the early treatment of trauma patients in hemorrhagic shock. This thesis examines the clinical outcomes from the first 90 subjects enrolled in the study, with the primary aim of assessing the safety of hypotensive resuscitation within the trauma population. ^ Patients in hemorrhagic shock who required emergent surgery were randomized to one of two arms of the study. Those in the experimental (LMAP) arm were managed with a hypotensive resuscitation strategy in which the target mean arterial pressure was 50mmHg. Those in the control (HMAP) arm were managed with standard fluid resuscitation to a target mean arterial pressure of 65mmHg. Patients were followed for 30 days. Mortality, post-operative complications, and other clinical data were prospectively gathered by the Ben Taub surgical staff and then secondarily analyzed for the purpose of this thesis.^ Subjects in the LMAP group had significantly lower early post-operative mortality compared to those in the HMAP group. 30-day mortality was also lower in the LMAP group, although this did not reach statistical significance. There were no statistically significant differences between the two groups with regards to development of ischemic, hematologic or infectious complications, length of hospitalization, length of ICU stay or duration of mechanical ventilation. ^ Based upon the data presented in this thesis, it appears that hypotensive resuscitation is a safe strategy for use in the trauma population. Specifically, hypotensive resuscitation reduced the risk of early post-operative death from coagulopathic bleeding and did not result in an increased risk of ischemic or other post-operative complications. The preliminary results described in this thesis provide convincing evidence support the continued investigation and use of hypotensive resuscitation in a trauma setting.^


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Purpose. The measurement of quality of life has become an important topic in healthcare and in the allocation of limited healthcare resources. Improving the quality of life (QOL) in cancer patients is paramount. Cataract removal and lens implantation appears to improve patient well-being of cancer patients, though a formal measurement has never been published in the US literature. In this current study, National Eye Institute Visual Functioning Questionnaire (NEI-VFQ-25), a validated vision quality of life metric, was used to study the change in vision-related quality of life in cancer patients who underwent cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation. ^ Methods. Under an IRB approved protocol, cancer patients who underwent cataract surgery with intraocular lens implantation (by a single surgeon) from December 2008 to March 2011, and who had completed a pre- and postoperative NEI-VFQ-25 were retrospectively reviewed. Post-operative data was collected at their routine 4-6 week post-op visit. Patients' demographics, cancer history, their pre and postoperative ocular examinations, visual acuities, and NEI-VFQ-25 with twelve components were included in the evaluation. The responses were evaluated using the Student t test, Spearman correlation and Wilcoxon signed rank test. ^ Results. 63 cases of cataract surgery (from 54 patients) from the MD Anderson Cancer Center were included in the study. Cancer patients had a significant improvement in the visual acuity (P<0.0001) postoperatively, along with a significant increase in vision-related quality of life (P<0.0001). Patients also had a statistically significant improvement in ten of the twelve subcategories which are addressed in the NEI-VFQ-25. ^ Conclusions. In our study, cataract extraction and intraocular implantation showed a significant impact on the vision-related quality of life in cancer patients. Although this study includes a small sample size, it serves as a positive pilot study to evaluate and quantify the impact of a surgical intervention on QOL in cancer patients and may help to design a larger study to measure vision related QOL per dollar spent for health care cost in cancer patients.^


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Early-stage lung cancer incidence among older adults is expected to increase due to demographic trends and CT-based screening, yet optimal treatment of lung cancer in the elderly remains controversial. There are several accepted strategies for treating lung cancer including surgery, conventional radiation, and stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR). However, there are currently no randomized controlled trials to help distinguish the comparative effectiveness of these various strategies. This is an unfortunate omission as lung cancer causes the most deaths among all cancers in the United States (as well as the entire world). SABR holds particular promise as it is a completely non-invasive, ambulatory technique for achieving cure without an operation, thus avoiding the risks of surgery and the associated pre-operative and post-operative costs. To provide fair view of the potential effect on SABR on controlling lung cancer in the United States, a systematic review of SABR with a focus on its achieved outcomes, toxicities, and comparison to conventional radiation and surgical options is presented. ^


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Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome is a heritable disease of connective tissue caused by mutations in COL3A1, conferring a tissue deficiency of type III collagen. Cutaneous wounds heal poorly in these patients, and they are susceptible to spontaneous and catastrophic rupture of expansible hollow organs like the gut, uterus, and medium-sized to large arteries, which leads to premature death. Although the predisposition for organ rupture is often attributed to inherent tissue fragility, investigation of arteries from a haploinsufficient Col3a1 mouse model (Col3a1+/-) demonstrates that mutant arteries withstand even supraphysiologic pressures comparably to wild-type vessels. We hypothesize that injury that elicits occlusive thrombi instead unmasks defective thrombus resolution resulting from impaired production of type III collagen, which causes deranged remodeling of matrix, persistent inflammation, and dysregulated behavior by resident myofibroblasts, culminating in the development of penetrating neovascular channels that disrupt the mechanical integrity of the arterial wall. Vascular injury and thrombus formation following ligation of the carotid artery reveals an abnormal persistence and elevated burden of occlusive thrombi at 21 post-operative days in vessels from Col3a1+/- mice, as opposed to near complete resolution and formation of a patent and mature neointima in wild-type mice. At only 14 days, both groups harbor comparable burdens of resolving thrombi, but wild-type mice increase production of type III collagen in actively resolving tissues, while mutant mice do not. Rather, thrombi in mutant mice contain higher burdens of macrophages and proliferative myofibroblasts, which persist through 21 days while wild-type thrombi, inflammatory cells, and proliferation all regress. At the same time that increased macrophage burdens were observed at 14 and 21 days post ligation, the medial layer of mutant arterial walls concurrently harbored a significantly higher incidence of penetrating neovessels compared with those in wild-type mice. To assess whether limited type III collagen production alters myofibroblast behavior, fibroblasts from vEDS patients with COL3A1 missense mutations were seeded into three-dimensional fibrin gel constructs and stimulated with transforming growth factor-β1 to initiate myofibroblast differentiation. Although early signaling events occur similarly in all cell lines, late extracellular matrix- and mechanically-regulated events like transcriptional upregulation of type I and type III collagen secretion are delayed in mutant cultures, while transcription of genes encoding intracellular contractile machinery is increased. Sophisticated imaging of collagen synthesized de novo by resident myofibroblasts visualizes complex matrix reorganization by control cells but only meager remodeling by COL3A1 mutant cells, concordant with their compensatory contraction to maintain tension in the matrix. Finally, administration of immunosuppressive rapamycin to mice following carotid ligation sufficiently halts the initial inflammatory phase of thrombus resolution and fully prevents both myofibroblast migration into the thrombus and the differential development of neovessels between mutant and wild-type mice, suggesting that pathological defects in mutant arteries develop secondarily to myofibroblast dysfunction and chronic inflammatory stimulation, rather than as a manifestation of tissue fragility. Together these data establish evidence that pathological defects in the vessel wall architecture develop in mutant arteries as sequelae to abnormal healing and remodeling responses activated by arterial injury. Thus, these data support the hypothesis that events threatening the integrity of type III collagen-deficient vessels develop not as a result of inherent tissue weakness and fragility at baseline but instead as an episodic byproduct of abnormally persistent granulation tissue and fibroproliferative intravascular remodeling.


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Advanced liver surgery requires a precise pre-operative planning, where liver segmentation and remnant liver volume are key elements to avoid post-operative liver failure. In that context, level-set algorithms have achieved better results than others, especially with altered liver parenchyma or in cases with previous surgery. In order to improve functional liver parenchyma volume measurements, in this work we propose two strategies to enhance previous level-set algorithms: an optimal multi-resolution strategy with fine details correction and adaptive curvature, as well as an additional semiautomatic step imposing local curvature constraints. Results show more accurate segmentations, especially in elongated structures, detecting internal lesions and avoiding leakages to close structures


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INTRODUÇÃO: Durante procedimentos endovasculares, estão presentes os riscos relacionados ao uso dos contrastes iodados, tais como a nefropatia por contraste, uma vez que é fundamental o emprego de um meio de contraste para a obtenção das imagens radiológicas vasculares. A injeção intravascular de gás CO2 purificado é reconhecidamente uma alternativa relativamente mais segura ao contraste iodado, contudo, seu manuseio artesanal pode também trazer dificuldades técnicas e riscos aos pacientes. Para contemplar estas questões, foi desenvolvido o protótipo de um injetor intravascular de CO2 medicinal, microprocessado, dedicado à obtenção de imagens angiográficas. OBJETIVOS: Realizar os testes de viabilidade técnica inicial do protótipo em modelo in vivo. MÉTODOS: Realizar a angioplastia da artéria renal esquerda de 10 porcos, divididos em 2 grupos: Grupo 1 (n=5) injeção de contraste iodado, Grupo 2 (n=5) injeção de CO2 através do protótipo. Monitorização clínica e laboratorial dos animais no pré, intra e pós-operatório, com exames de função renal na véspera e 48h após os procedimentos e 3 gasometrias arteriais seriadas no intra-operatório. Observação clínica foi mantida por 48h no pós- operatório. RESULTADOS: Os procedimentos de angioplastia com CO2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico de 100%, sem necessidade de complementação com injeção de contraste iodado no Grupo 2. Não foram identificadas falhas no protótipo em funcionamento. Não foram identificadas alterações clínicas ou radiológicas sugestivas de contaminação por ar ambiente do sistema de CO2 e nem alterações laboratoriais nos animais. As imagens angiográficas obtidas no Grupo 2 foram consideradas, numa avaliação subjetiva, relativamente inferiores às imagens obtidas no Grupo 1. DISCUSSÃO: A qualidade inferior de imagem no Grupo 2 pode ser atribuída ao equipamento de fluoroscopia utilizado, com software desatualizado em relação aos equipamentos atuais, que incluem pré-configurações para angiografia com CO2; no entanto, ainda assim todos os procedimentos propostos no Grupo 2 foram realizados com sucesso técnico, o que nos leva a classificar as imagens deste grupo 2 como satisfatórias. O manuseio do aparelho mostrou-se ágil e eficiente, com a programação dos parâmetros sendo realizada com facilidade através do visor \"touch screen\", comparativamente superior ao método artesanal de injeção de CO2 com seringas em selo d\'água. CONCLUSÕES: O protótipo do aparelho injetor intravascular de CO2 funcionou de forma adequada durante os testes e as imagens obtidas permitiram a compleição com sucesso dos procedimentos. Portanto, os resultados positivos obtidos sugerem que o equipamento é tecnicamente viável


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O tratamento do câncer de cabeça e pescoço e a dificuldade de comunicação decorrente da laringectomia interferem de maneira significativa na qualidade de vida das pessoas acometidas, principalmente quanto aos aspectos funcionais, psicológicos e sociais. Este estudo teve como o objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde (QVRS) de pessoas com câncer de cabeça e pescoço. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório com metodologia quantitativa, do tipo transversal. A coleta de dados foi realizada no período de maio a setembro de 2015, com 100 pessoas com câncer de cabeça e pescoço, divididas em dois grupos: G1: pessoas laringectomizadas, G2: pessoas não laringectomizadas. Para isto, foi utilizado um aplicativo de comunicação alternativa instalado em tablet e foram aplicados o Critério de Classificação Econômica Brasil (CCEB) e a escala Functional Assessment Cancer Therapy (FACT-H&N). Para a análise dos dados foram utilizados o teste exato de Fisher, teste de Kruskal-Wallis, Ancova e estatística descritiva. Como resultados observou-se a prevalência de pessoas do sexo masculino, com faixa etária entre 59 e 74 anos , casadas, aposentadas não ativas, com baixa escolaridade e baixo nível socioeconômico. Os sujeitos participantes de ambos os grupos avaliaram sua qualidade de vida global, de um modo geral, como satisfatória sendo que as funções mais acometidas foram: bem estar emocional e bem estar funcional. Quanto às comparações dos escores finais da escala, observa-se que os participantes do G1 apresentaram melhor QVRS do que os do G2 no escore FACT-G total score, o G1 apresentou melhor QVRS do que o G2, enquanto no FACT-H&N Total score e TOI o G2 apresentou resultados ligeiramente melhores, porém sem significância estatística. Quanto ao uso do LIVOX, todos os participantes que apresentaram alguma dificuldade no seu uso tinham mais de 58 anos e se declararam aposentados não ativos (p=0,04). Conclui-se que é importante o oferecimento, tanto no pré quanto no pós operatório, de cuidados que possam avaliar e melhorar a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde das pessoas com câncer de cabeça e pescoço


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Background and objectives: Peripheral nerve blockade requires regional anesthesia skills that are taught in several formats and assessing technical proficiency has shifted from fulfillment of quotas to comprehensive procedural evaluation. Complete analgesia is the clinical endpoint validating successful nerve blockade but patient, technical and procedural factors influence this result. The purpose of this study was to determine if physician trainee or nurse anesthetist administered sciatic nerve blockade influence postoperative pain scores and opioid analgesic requirements and if patient factors, technique and repetition influence this outcome. Method: Sciatic nerve blockade by nerve stimulation and ultrasound based techniques were performed by senior anesthesiology resident trainees and nurse anesthetists under the supervision of regional anesthesia faculty. Preoperative patient characteristics including obesity, trauma, chronic pain, opioid use and preoperative pain scores were recorded and compared to the post-procedure pain scores and opioid analgesic requirements upon discharge from the post-anesthesia care unit and 24 hours following sciatic nerve blockade. Results: 93 patients received sciatic nerve blockade from 22 nurse anesthetists and 21 residents during 36 months. A significant relation between training background and improved pain scores was not demonstrated but transition from nerve stimulation to ultrasound guided techniques lowered immediate opioid usage in all groups. Patients with pre-existing chronic opioid use had higher postoperative pain scores and opioid dosages following nerve block. Conclusion: Patient analgesia should be an integral measure of proficiency in regional anesthesia techniques and evaluating this procedure outcome for all practitioners throughout their training and beyond graduation will longitudinally assess technical expertise.


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Apropos the basal ganglia, the dominant striatum and globus pallidus internus (GPi) have been hypothesised to represent integral components of subcortical language circuitry. Working subcortical language theories, however, have failed thus far to consider a role for the STN in the mediation of linguistic processes, a structure recently defined as the driving force of basal ganglia output. The aim of this research was to investigate the impact of surgically induced functional inhibition of the STN upon linguistic abilities, within the context of established models of basal ganglia participation in language. Two males with surgically induced 'lesions' of the dominant and non-dominant dorsolateral STN, aimed at relieving Parkinsonian motor symptoms, served as experimental subjects. General and high-level language profiles were compiled for each subject up to 1 month prior to and 3 months following neurosurgery, within the drug-on state (i.e., when optimally medicated). Comparable post-operative alterations in linguistic performance were observed subsequent to surgically induced functional inhibition of the left and right STN. More specifically, higher proportions of reliable decline as opposed to improvement in post-operative performance were demonstrated by both subjects on complex language tasks, hypothesised to entail the interplay of cognitive-linguistic processes. The outcomes of the current research challenge unilateralised models of functional basal ganglia organisation with the proposal of a potential interhemispheric regulatory function for the STN in the mediation of high-level linguistic processes.


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Cognitive functioning has been described as largely impervious to chronic STN-DBS administered over 12-month periods. In relation to the domain of language, however, the effects of STN-DBS are yet to be thoroughly delineated. Verbal fluency tasks represent an almost exclusively applied index of linguistic proficiency relative to neuropsychological research within this population. Comprehensive investigations of the impact of STN-DBS on language function, however, have never been undertaken. The more precise elucidation of the role of the STN in the mediation of language processes, by way of assessments which probe language comprehension and production mechanisms, served as the primary focus of this research. Longitudinal analysis also afforded consideration of the way in which cognitive-linguistic circuits respond to STN-DBS over time. Bilateral STN-DBS primarily effected clinically reliable fluctuations (i.e., both improvements and declines) in performance in both subjects on tasks demanding cognitive-linguistic flexibility in the formulation and comprehension of complex language. Of particular note, both subjects demonstrated a cumulative increase in the proportion of reliable post-operative improvements achieved over time. The findings of this research lend support to models of subcortical participation in language which endorse a role for the STN, and suggest that bilateral STN-DBS may serve to enhance the proficiency of basal ganglia-thalamocortical linguistic circuits over time.


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Functional stability of the knee is dependent on an intact ligamentous system and the timely and efficient contraction of supporting musculature. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between muscle strength and functional stability in 31 patients pre- and post-operatively, following a unilateral anterior cruciate ligament rupture. All subjects underwent reconstructive surgery using semitendonosis and gracilis tendons. Isokinetic strength assessment of quadriceps and hamstring muscles was performed at a rate of movement of 60% and 120degrees/s. Functional stability was determined by performance during five functional stability tests that included the shuttle run, side step, carioca, single and triple hop tests. Pearson's correlation coefficient statistics were applied to pre-operative and post-operative data respectively. These analyses demonstrated a significant positive correlation between quadriceps strength indices at both testing speeds and the two hop tests pre-operatively (p's < 0.007) and between quadriceps strength indices at both speeds and all five functional tests post-operatively (p's < 0.01). Assessed using Steiger's formula, there was a significant increase in the correlation between quadriceps strength indices and three functional tests post-operatively compared to pre-operatively (p < 0.05). No significant correlation between hamstring strength indices and functional scores existed pre- or post-operatively. This study has shown a significant correlation exists between quadriceps strength indices and functional stability both before and after surgery, this relationship does not reach significance between hamstring strength indices and functional stability. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the last decade we have seen an exponential growth of functional imaging studies investigating multiple aspects of language processing. These studies have sparked an interest in applying some of the paradigms to various clinically relevant questions, such as the identification of the cortical regions mediating language function in surgical candidates for refractory epilepsy. Here we present data from a group of adult control participants in order to investigate the potential of using frequency specific spectral power changes in MEG activation patterns to establish lateralisation of language function using expressive language tasks. In addition, we report on a paediatric patient whose language function was assessed before and after a left hemisphere amygdalo-hippocampectomy. Our verb generation task produced left hemisphere decreases in beta-band power accompanied by right hemisphere increases in low beta-band power in the majority of the control group, a previously unreported phenomenon. This pattern of spectral power was also found in the patient's post-surgery data, though not her pre-surgery data. Comparison of pre and post-operative results also provided some evidence of reorganisation in language related cortex both inter- and intra-hemispherically following surgery. The differences were not limited to changes in localisation of language specific cortex but also changes in the spectral and temporal profile of frontal brain regions during verb generation. While further investigation is required to establish concordance with invasive measures, our data suggest that the methods described may serve as a reliable lateralisation marker for clinical assessment. Furthermore, our findings highlight the potential utility of MEG for the investigation of cortical language functioning in both healthy development and pathology.