786 resultados para Pilat, Mont


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n. - El art??culo forma parte del monogr??fico de la revista dedicado a: Los libros de texto


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n


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Os anos noventa representaram, para a sociedade brasileira, o início de uma era de mudanças contínuas. Na esfera econômica, as empresas passaram a ter um ambiente competitivo como nunca visto antes. Os bancos têm investido, desde então, recursos vultosos em sistemas de informação. A popularização da Internet para as empresas e o cidadão comum, ocorrida também neste período, criou um novo ambiente competitivo de marketing, levando os bancos a investirem pesadamente neste novo canal de distribuição. A Caixa Econômica Federal, um dos maiores bancos brasileiros, fez elevados investimentos na área de Internet, permitindo a seus clientes realizarem a maioria de suas operações domésticas a partir de qualquer computador. Apesar de ser uma forma rápida e barata de resolver os problemas de serviços bancários, muitos clientes não o utilizam, e, entre os que utilizam, muitos não o fazem com freqüência. Para entender melhor este problema, foi realizado uma pesquisa de cunho exploratório para analisar o comportamento dos usuários de Internet Banking da Caixa Econômica Federal, identificando quais atributos podem ser utilizados pela empresa para aumentar a utilização deste tipo de serviço. Este trabalho foi realizado com clientes de três agências de Porto Alegre (São João, Mont Serrat e Shopping Iguatemi), ao longo de 2.001. As principais conclusões deste trabalho são de que, para aumentar o acesso é necessário resolver dois problemas: primeiro, é necessário maior estímulo da mídia para persuadir os clientes a se habituarem com o novo sistema. Segundo, é necessário treinar os clientes, para que tenham mais facilidade no uso da Internet, ainda complicada para muitos.


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O processo de crescimento urbano por substituição do tecido, caracterizado morfologicamente pela verticalização e pela densificação do tecido construído, possui no Brasil íntima relação com a estrutura fundiária, na medida em que vem ocasionando a alteração do sistema de propriedade unifamiliar do solo por um novo padrão fundiário condominizado. O tecido urbano resultante desta forma de crescimento é morfologicamente mais estável que o anterior. A análise das formas de crescimento e de estruturação intraurbana, da questão fundiária e mais especificamente a questão do valor do solo urbano, bem como a formação do acesso à propriedade do solo no Brasil, serve como subsídio para discutir a distribuição das diversas classes sociais no espaço da cidade, especialmente nas fases recentes de reestruturação do capitalismo, e como forma de introduzir a questão da gentrificação e os conceitos de diferença de renda("rent gap") de Neil Smith, com vistas a verificar sua aplicabilidade no contexto brasileiro. No presente estudo, procura-se identificar algumas especificidades ou limitações ao conceito de gentrificação e de reabilitação urbana entre nós Nos contextos americanos e europeus apresentados, quando o tecido construído degrada-se e o solo valoriza-se, estabelece-se uma diferença de renda que gera o processo de gentrificação, com a requalificação do tecido e o "retorno" das classes altas as áreas centrais. No caso brasileiro, em que o tecido era originalmente unifamiliar, a diferença de renda entre o valor da edificação e do solo gera, conforme estudo de casos nos bairros Centro, Mont'Serrat e Bela Vista, em Porto Alegre demonstra, a demolição do tecido. O tecido resultante se condominiza e se estabiliza dentro de uma nova configuração morfológica marcada pela verticalização, densificação e crescente segregação social.


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Esse trabalho discute 3 índices alternativos de atividade econômica para o Brasil e, a partir dos mesmos, busca estabelecer uma cronologia de recessões para o passado recente da economia brasileira. Isso é feito incorporando à nossa pesquisa parte da experiência americana de quase um século de pesquisas sobre ciclos de negócios - da NBER e do TeB. Decidiu-se considerar aqui uma gama de possíveis indicadores coincidentes e antecedentes - uns baseados em métodos heurísticos e outros baseados em sofisticadas técnicas estatístico-econométricas - de forma a poder comparar seus resultados vis-à-vis a nossa pouca experiência de cronologia de recessões. Além disso, houve um grande esforço de construção de séries coincidentes à atividade econômica, pois nem todas estavam disponíveis na abrangência e extensão necessárias. A partir dos resultados de uma bateria de testes estatísticos, e também levando em conta a simplicidade de cálculo, concluímos por sugerir que o índice brasileiro deva seguir a metodologia do TeE.


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This work investigates the impact of schooling Oil income distribution in statesjregions of Brazil. Using a semi-parametric model, discussed in DiNardo, Fortin & Lemieux (1996), we measure how much income diíferences between the Northeast and Southeast regions- the country's poorest and richest - and between the states of Ceará and São Paulo in those regions - can be explained by differences in schooling leveIs of the resident population. Using data from the National Household Survey (PNAD), we construct counterfactual densities by reweighting the distribution of the poorest region/state by the schooling profile of the richest. We conclude that: (i) more than 50% of the income di:fference is explained by the difference in schooling; (ii) the highest deciles of the income distribution gain more from an increase in schooling, closely approaching the wage distribution of the richest region/state; and (iii) an increase in schooling, holding the wage structure constant, aggravates the wage disparity in the poorest regions/ states.


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Este artigo estuda a validade da Hipótese das Expectativas (HE) racionais para o Brasil, utilizando dados diários de Julho de 1996 a Dezembro de 2002 para prazos entre 1 dia e 1 ano. (i) Os coeficientes do diferencial endimento (yield spread) estimados na equação de mudança de curto prazo da taxa de longo prazo são imprecisos e não permitem conclusão. (ii) A estimação da equação de mudança de curto prazo da taxa curta indica que o diferencial tem poder preditivo. (iii) Os coeficientes do diferencial na equação de mudança de longo prazo da taxa curta são mais precisamente estimados e não são significativamente diferentes da unidade. (iv) A previsão de expectativas racionais da mudança de longo prazo da taxa curta é altamente correlacionada com o diferencial, e (iv) o diferencial observado é mais volátil que o diferencial teórico. Os resultados dos testes rejeitam a hipótese particular coeficiente unitário, porém reconhecem o poder preditivo do diferencial observado.


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Until the early 90s, the simulation of fluid flow in oil reservoir basically used the numerical technique of finite differences. Since then, there was a big development in simulation technology based on streamlines, so that nowadays it is being used in several cases and it can represent the physical mechanisms that influence the fluid flow, such as compressibility, capillarity and gravitational segregation. Streamline-based flow simulation is a tool that can help enough in waterflood project management, because it provides important information not available through traditional simulation of finite differences and shows, in a direct way, the influence between injector well and producer well. This work presents the application of a methodology published in literature for optimizing water injection projects in modeling of a Brazilian Potiguar Basin reservoir that has a large number of wells. This methodology considers changes of injection well rates over time, based on information available through streamline simulation. This methodology reduces injection rates in wells of lower efficiency and increases injection rates in more efficient wells. In the proposed model, the methodology was effective. The optimized alternatives presented higher oil recovery associated with a lower water injection volume. This shows better efficiency and, consequently, reduction in costs. Considering the wide use of the water injection in oil fields, the positive outcome of the modeling is important, because it shows a case study of increasing of oil recovery achieved simply through better distribution of water injection rates


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Farming of marine shrimp is growing worldwide and the Litopenaeus vannamei (L. vannamei) shrimp is the species most widely cultivated. Shrimp is an attractive food for its nutritional value and sensory aspects, being essential the maintenance of this attributes throughout storage, which takes place largely under freezing. The aim of this research was to evaluate quality characteristics of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp, during freezing storage and to verify the effect of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) adding. Considering the reutilization of processing shrimp wastes, total carotenoids analysis were conducted in waste of Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp and in the flour obtained after dryer. Monthly physicochemical and sensorial analysis were carried out on shrimp stored at 28,3 ± 3,8ºC for 180 days. Samples were placed in polyethylene bags and were categorized as whole shrimp (WS), peeled shrimp (PS), and PS with 0,5% dehydrated rosemary (RS). TBARS, pH, total carotenoid and sensorial Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA) were carried out. Carotenoid total analysis was conducted in fresh wastes and processed flour (0 day) and after 60, 120 and 180 days of frozen storage. After 180 days, RS had lower pH (p = 0.001) and TBARS (p = 0.001) values and higher carotenoids (p = 0.003), while WS showed higher carotenoid losses. Sensory analysis showed that WS were firmer although rancid taste and smell were perceived with greater intensity (p = 0.001). Rancid taste was detected in RS only at 120 days at significantly lower intensity (p = 0.001) than WS and PS. Fresh wastes had 42.74μg/g of total carotenoids and processed flour 98.51μg/g. After 180 days of frozen storage, total carotenoids were significantly lower than 0 day (p<0,05). The addition of rosemary can improve sensory quality of frozen shrimp and reduce nutritional losses during storage. Shrimp wastes and flour of L. vannamei shrimp showed considerable astaxanthin content however, during storage it was observed losses in this pigment


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As espécies de entomopatógenos que causam impacto em populações de hospedeiros são muitas. Entretanto, informações básicas sobre sua biologia, identificação e relação entre o sistema patógeno-hospedeiro são escassas. Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar os fungos associados a Parlatoria ziziphus (Lucas)em pomares citrícolas do município de Taiúva, SP. Foram realizadas coletas mensais, em dois pomares de laranja (Citrus sinensis Osbeck), variedade Pera, de janeiro de 1995 a fevereiro de 1996. Amostraram-se 15 árvores em cada pomar, retirando-se 16 folhas por árvore. Estas foram levadas ao laboratório, para determinação dos fungos associados à cochonilha. Para a identificação dos fungos, consideraram-se aspectos da estrutura reprodutiva e do esporo. Foram identificadas cinco espécies, citadas como patógenos de diaspidídeos por vários autores: Fusarium coccophilum (Desm.) Wr. & Rg., Nectria flammea (Tul.) Dingley (fase sexual de F. coccophilum), Tetracrium coccicolum Hohnell, Podonectria coccicola (Ellis & Everhart) Petch (fase sexual de T. coccicolum) e Myriangium duriaei Mont. & Berk. Fusarium coccophilum foi a espécie mais freqüente e a mais prevalente, na maioria das coletas realizadas, em ambas as áreas amostradas.


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This work has its genesis in the life of a teacher. It contemplates the report of a great story that expresses the political will of anonymous people who sought/seek to overcome challenges and prejudices, a joint effort to make real the right to literacy. The reported story was developed in the Pedagogic Clinic Teacher Heitor Carrilho, Natal-RN which, concerned about the sentence of 'unable to learn the written language' attributed to children and young public school students, decided to invest in overcoming prejudices and fight against school failure of these underprivileged. The problem that motivated the study was thus set up: What particularities characterize a pedagogical practice which aims to teach literacy to children and youth from public schools, considered not capable of learning the written language? What theoretical and methodological procedures are shown as a boost to literacy in the development of a pedagogical practice systematically targeted to reflect the perspective of educating those students in public schools? Aiming to answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative research having as methodology, Life Stories and Research/Formation. For the construction of the data, it was decided to use the participative observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Guided by the principles of content analysis the data analysis was built, from which emerged two categories: theoretical and methodological procedures aligned to the major axes of literacy and Procedures of the specific theoretical and methodological fundamentals of literacy. As subsets of the transverse procedures others were seized: didactic-pedagogic procedures; social affective procedures. Regarding these ones, the research shows the importance of the teacher to build a relationship of listening to the students and their families in order to organize the pedagogical work, looking at multiple dimensions of the subject: the intellect, the creative, the affective, moral, noting that between the methodology and didactics or as part of it, the links built represent great opportunities to promote literacy. Regarding the specific procedures, others were built: procedures that emphasize oral communication, procedures that favor writing and procedures that privilege reading. Under these procedures, the results of research show that you can only promote literacy if the teacher provides the students effective conditions of understanding the principles of alphabetical notation from the use of various kinds of texts, leading them to comprehend and use them in different contexts. Therefore, instructors must meet the learners' prior knowledge, their language, and the learning real needs that will bring new challenges consistent with their possibilities. The research confirms the importance of the Educational Support extra school. However, it is essential to emphasize that it is a function of the school to promote literacy for all students in the early years of schooling. It is recorded, however, that for the implementation of this desire, we must break the school model characterized by a rigid tradition, in which there is only room for those who learn the content taught in a minimum time. Unfortunately, despite the discourse of inclusion and ensuring the right to education, the school remains exclusive and selective separating the school learning of interpersonal relations and social integration and performance. On the one hand, research showed the difficulties of conducting studies and/or strategies that address the particularities of children and young people believed not capable of learning. On the other hand, the political commitment and motivation have increased the perception that it is possible to mitigate the existing deficits in the educational context, beginning with the everyday teaching practice, in which new knowledge can be learned, methodologies can be improved and, despite everything, the educational success can be built


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The area of research and development involving the PID tune of controllers is an active area in the academic and industrial sectors yet. All this due to the wide use of PID controllers in the industry (96% of all controllers in the industry is still PID). Controllers well tuned and tools to monitor their performance over time with the possibility of selftuning, become an item almost obligatory to maintain processes with high productivity and low cost. In a globalized world, it is essential for their self survival. Although there are several new tools and techniques that make PID tune, in this paper will explore the PID tune using the relay method, due its good acceptance in the industrial environment. In addition, we will discuss some techniques for evaluation of control loops, as IAE, ISE, Goodhart, the variation of the control signal and index Harris, which are necessary to propose new tuning for control loops that have a low performance. Will be proposed in this paper a tool for tuning and self tuning PID. Will be proposed in this paper a PID auto-tuning software using a relay method. In particular, will be highlighted the relay method with hysteresis. This method has shown tunings with satisfactory performance when applied to the didactic, simulated and real plants