720 resultados para Personal and professional satisfaction


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O presente relatório tem como principal intuito a reflexão da estudante sobre a Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada (PPS) desenvolvida nos contextos de Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º CEB, no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, espelhando, assim, o processo formativo que promoveu o seu desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal. Neste contexto, realça a metodologia de investigação-ação que susteve este processo, proporcionando um saber, saber-fazer, estar e ser imprescindíveis na transformação e melhoria da prática educativa e na construção de um perfil profissional, Realça, ainda, o processo socio-construtivista e de colaboração que envolveu a díade de formação, a educadora e professora cooperantes e supervisores institucionais, mas sobretudo a estagiária que construiu as suas representações do que é ser educadora de EPE e professora do 1.º CEB na atualidade. Deste modo, releva o desenvolvimento de competências, de atitudes e postura ética adquiridas na formação inicial, imprescindíveis para a profissionalidade docente e base fundamental para a construção da identidade profissional da futura professora.


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O presente relatório foi desenvolvido no âmbito de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada no 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, Unidade Curricular do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, na Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Assim sendo, diz respeito à intervenção da mestranda numa turma de 4ºano do 1ºCiclo do Ensino Básico, numa instituição de ensino público, na zona metropolitana do Porto. A Unidade Curricular em questão, de cariz teórico-prático, permitiu mobilizar pressupostos teóricos fundamentais para o desenvolvimento da prática pedagógica, dando a conhecer as competências desejáveis do profissional de ensino. A metodologia utilizada ao longo do percurso da mestranda assentou na vertente da investigação e ação, pelo que envolve um conjunto de etapas que permitem a melhoria das práticas e, consequentemente, do desenvolvimento profissional e da aprendizagem dos alunos. O relatório espelha todo o processo formativo, destacando conceções teóricas e legais e o contexto da prática, evidenciando, de forma crítica e reflexiva, momentos do estágio que marcaram o desenvolvimento profissional e pessoal da futura professora. Destaca-se a valorização do aluno como indivíduo único, repleto de características que o caracterizam, bem como do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, pelo que se utilizaram metodologias socioconstrutivistas e recursos diversificados com vista à aprendizagem de sucesso. Deste modo, realça-se que este mestrado contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de competências essenciais no que concerne à profissão docente, sendo que a vivência de situações concretas permitiram a construção fundamentada do pensamento crítico e de um conjunto de saberes científicos, pedagógicos e didáticos da mestranda.


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No presente relatório é explanado o desenvolvimento profissional da formanda durante a prática pedagógica supervisionada em Educação Pré- Escolar (com crianças dos três aos seis anos) e na prática pedagógica supervisionada no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (com um grupo do 3.º ano). Neste documento, a formanda procurou descrever, analisar e refletir acerca da sua prática, evidenciando o seu desenvolvimento e dificuldades sentidas e as potencialidades do trabalho cooperativo e colaborativo. Durante as práticas pedagógicas supervisionadas a formanda mobilizou a metodologia de investigação-ação, com as suas etapas inerentes (observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão), o que possibilitou o seu desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, ao ser desenvolvida de forma cíclica e continuada e articulando-se com a estratégia do portefólio de formação. O portefólio de formação, desenvolvido no percurso dos estágios, possibilitou a reflexão crítica por parte da formanda acerca do contexto e atividades propostas, bem como a observação e reflexão acerca do seu próprio desenvolvimento. Assim, esta formação inicial de docentes fomentou a aquisição e mobilização de competências e conhecimentos científicos, pedagógicos e didáticos, basilares para o desempenho proficiente da prática docente. Efetivamente as práticas pedagógicas supervisionadas possibilitaram à formanda a mobilização de uma postura investigativa e reflexiva, promotoras do desenvolvimento de competências e conhecimentos profissionais fundamentais e melhoria gradual da sua prática. Ressalva-se, no entanto, a importância da formação contínua da formanda, através da mobilização das características da metodologia de investigação-ação visando


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O presente relatório tem como intuito refletir sobre o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional da mestranda, a sua experiência e os conhecimentos adquiridos em resultado da prática pedagógica supervisionada desenvolvida ao nível da Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico ao longo deste mestrado. Ao longo da prática, a ação da mestranda foi orientada pela metodologia de investigação-ação, constituída por várias etapas cíclicas e articuladas (observação, planificação, ação, reflexão e avaliação) numa perspetiva socio construtivista. Esta estratégia possibilitou a planificação de atividades adequadas às caraterísticas específicas de cada grupo. Para isso foi indispensável adotar uma atitude profissional indagadora, de caráter investigativo e crítico-reflexivo, que permitiu agir intencionalmente em cada situação, procurando atender às necessidades e interesses de cada criança. A mestranda desenvolveu a sua forma pessoal de pensar e agir no decorrer da sua prática baseando-se em quadros teóricos e concetuais, visando uma diferenciação educativa e uma colaboração profissional e reflexiva. Em suma, os estágios desenvolvidos nos dois níveis educativos promoveram a edificação de uma postura profissional reflexiva e investigativa que favoreceu a tomada de decisões em contexto de prática. Neste contexto, foram reafirmadas competências profissionais e pessoais e abriu-se caminho para uma formação ao longo da vida, essencial para um docente generalista.


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O presente relatório de qualificação profissional, como requisito (parcial) para obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, é o reflexo dos saberes e competências profissionais adquiridas pelas experiências vividas durante a prática pedagógica supervisionada, desenvolvida em dois contextos de estágio: Educação Pré- Escolar e 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Ao longo desta formação inicial a mestranda adquiriu saberes científicos, pedagógicos, didáticos, culturais e de investigação que lhe possibilitaram o desenvolvimento de práticas sustentadas. A interação entre os saberes teóricos mobilizados e a reflexão sobre a prática, possibilitaram a construção de um quadro teórico próprio, com visão e pensamento pessoal, permitindo à futura profissional de educação melhorar e transformar a prática educativa, agindo nos contextos de forma adequada, visando a inclusão e equidade. Através da adoção de uma postura crítica, reflexiva e indagadora, apoiada nos processos da metodologia de investigação-ação – observação, planificação, ação, reflexão e avaliação – a mestranda desenvolveu a práxis de forma cíclica e articulada. Com efeito, a mestranda procurou desenvolver práticas que promovessem aprendizagens significativas e efetivas para as diferentes crianças e que lhes permitissem ser construtoras ativas do seu próprio conhecimento, numa perspetiva holística da educação e do desenvolvimento da criança, encarando-a como centro do processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Em conformidade, os estágios desenvolvidos em ambos os contextos permitiram a construção de um perfil generalista, através do desenvolvimento de competências marcadas por uma (re)construção pessoal e profissional, auxiliadas por processos colaborativos e reflexivos.


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RESUMO - Introdução: Os blocos operatórios têm uma prevalência alta de incidentes sendo uma prática complexa, interdisciplinar, com forte dependência da atuação individual, onde a ergonomia e os fatores organizacionais desempenham um papel fundamental. Devido a estes fatores torna-se imperativo que o clima de segurança seja analisado de forma a melhorar a segurança do doente. Metodologia: A versão original anglo-saxónica do “Safety Attitudes Questionnaire” ou SAQ foi traduzida e adaptada para o contexto português e aplicada no serviço de cirurgia de um centro hospital público. As escalas psicométricas foram analisadas usando o alfa de Cronbach e interpelações entre as escalas. Resultados: O teste de validade interna do instrumento foi de 0.90 para os 73 itens. Os dados de 82 questionários foram analisados revelando diferenças significativas na classificação da qualidade de comunicação entre os vários grupos profissionais. Verificou que o clima de equipa e segurança é afetado em larga parte pela satisfação profissional e condições de trabalho. Conclusão: O SAQ revela boas capacidades psicométricas para o estudo do clima de segurança no entanto são necessários estudos mais extensos para colmatar a falta de dados nalguns itens. Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir que as condições de trabalho e a satisfação profissional são satisfatórias, no entanto é sugestivo a necessidade de melhoria do clima de segurança e do envolvimento da gestão de topo.


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate the application of Cognitive Coaching as a school-based professional development program to improve instructional thought and decision making as well as to enhance staff perceptions, coUegiality and school culture. This topic emerged from personal and professional issues related to the role ofthe reflective practitioner in improving the quality of education, yet cognizant of the fact that little professional development was available to train teachers to become reflective. This case study, positioned within the interpretive sciences, focused on three teachers and how their experiences with cognitive coaching affected their teaching practices. Their knowledge, understanding and use of the four stages of instructional thought (preactive, interactive, reflective and projective) were tested before and at the end of eight coaching cycles, and again after two months to determine whether they had continued to use the reflective process. They were also assessed on whether their attitude towards peer coaching had changed, whether their feelings about teaching had become more positive and whether their professional dialogue had increased. Three methods of data collection were selected to assess growth: interviews, observations and joumaling. Analysis primarily consisted of coding and organizing data according to emerging themes. Although the professed aim of cognitive coaching was to teach the process in order that the teachers would become self-analytical and self-modifying, this study found that the value of the coaching, after trust had been established in both the coach and the process, was in the dialoguing and the time set aside to do it. Once the coaching stopped providing the time to dialogue, to examine one's meanings and beliefs, so did the critical self-reflection. As a result ofthe cognitive coaching experience though, all participants grew in their feelings of efficacy, craftsmanship, flexibility, consciousness and interdependence. The actual and potential significance ofthis study was discussed according to implications for teacher supervision, professional development, school culture, further areas of research and to my personal growth and development.


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This study presents information gathered during personal interviews with dynamic and capable teachers in the areas of preparedness for teaching, teaching concerns, survival skills and strategies, and how these teachers support themselves and others in the teaching profession. The data are related to Purkey and Novak's work on invitational education and connections are made to Combs' perceptual orientation. Potential participants were gathered through personal recommendations from their colleagues. All teachers recommended were approached and asked for voluntary participation. Of those who agreed to participate, 6 were selected based on gender and years of experience. There was a male and female participant at each of the following career levels: early, mid, and late. The 4 major survival skills that became apparent were the ability to believe in oneself and others, to act decisively upon that belief through personal and professional goal-setting as well as accessing resources, to actively seek opportunities for interaction with other professionals, and to celebrate personal and professional successes.


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The purpose of this qualitative study was to understand the client and occupational therapist experiences of a mental health group. A secondary aim was to explore the extent to which this group seemed to have reflected a client-centred approach. The topic emerged from personal and professional issues related to the therapist as teacher and to inconsistencies in practice with the profession's client-centred philosophy. This philosophy, the study's frame of reference, was established in terms of themes related to the client-therapist relationship and to client values. Typical practice was illustrated through an extensive literature review. Structured didacticexperiential methods aiming toward skill development were predominant. The interpretive sciences and, to a lesser extent, the critical sciences directed the methodology. An ongoing support group at a community mental health clinic was selected as the focus of the study; the occupational therapist leader and three members became the key participants. A series of conversational interviews, the . core method of data collection, was supplemented by observation, document review, further interviews, and fieldnotes. Transcriptions of conversations were returned to participants for verification and for further reflection Analysis primarily consisted of coding and organizing data according to emerging themes. The participants' experiences of group, presented as narrative stories within a group session vignette, were also returned to participants. There was a common understanding of the group's structure and the importance of having "air time" within the group; however, differences in perceptions of such things as the importance of the group in members' lives were noted. All members valued the therapeutic aspects of group, the role of group as weekly activity and, to a lesser extent, the learning that came from group. The researcher's perspective provided a critique of the group experience from a client-centred perspective. Some areas of consistency with client-centred practice were noted (e.g., therapist attitudes); however the group seemed to function far from a client-centred ideal. Members held little authority in a -relationship dominated by the leaders, and leader agendas rather than member values controlled the session. Possible reasons for this discrepancy ranging from past health care encounters through to co-leader discord emerged. The actual and potential significance of this study was discussed according to many areas of implications: to OT practice, especially client-centred group practice, to theory development, to further areas of research and methodology considerations, to people involved in the group and to my personal growth and development.


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The recent reengineering within the health care industry has challenged many assumptions regarding traditional structures and roles. Within a product-line management structure, the traditional viewpoint that those who manage patient care areas must have a nursing background, is an example of one such assumption being challenged. The nursing profession is often seen as the greatest obstacle to the implementation of a product-line management structure and generic manager positions (does not require a nursing background), due to the perceived loss of professional identity. This qualitative study focused on how nursing staff within a chronic care and rehabilitation facility perceived a generic service manager position. Focus groups were conducted in three phases, over a 14 month period of time. The data collected from the focus groups were then coded according to common themes. Each phase was analyzed independently, with the study concluding with an analysis and interpretation of the collective results. The results of this study revealed a significant shift in how the nursing staff perceived their professional identity and accountability in light of the implementation of the generic Service Manager position. Initial reactions of personal and professional vulnerability and resentment were seen to transform into an increased ability to explicitly articulate the role of nursing. Changes in behavior that were described included: increased consultation and collaboration with other


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In "A Journey Into Narrative Inquiry: One Teacher's Lived Experience With Eating Disorders," an elementary teacher searches for answers regarding how education can help prevent eating disorders by journeying into her own experience of having had such a disorder. This qualitative study is a personal narrative based on an individual's experience, a method appropriate to the sharing of personal voices and stories told in education research. It is an attempt to address the gap found in the research on this topic by offering a subjective and unique perspective of what it is like to live within the nightmare of an eating disorder and by sharing the wisdom gained from having survived such an experience. This narrative inquiry explains how a teacher found herself at a stage where she was willing and ready to share her experience for the sake of research. The story of having had an eating disorder, consisting of both anorexia and bulimia, for over a decade is shared in a genuine, reflective manner. The researcher then shares the analysis of her own story, unpacking the themes of journeying toward voice, self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self and the completion of an M.Ed. degree. Bridges are made which connect these themes to the personal and professional life of the researcher, to the schools in terms of both curriculum and climate, to research directions, and to the larger culture. Suggestions are made for possible changes in educational settings that may help teachers in providing students with some tools and strategies to prevent turning to eating disorders as coping mechanisms. A literature review of eating disorders is included as well, as a guide for others to use when undertaking such qualitative studies.


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In this narrative self-study I retell and connect the stories ofmy personal journey with literacy from childhood to the present. I use narrative as both methodology and method as I story my life experiences and my personal encounters with literacy. The heart ofmy reflections comes from the pages of personal journals written and storied over many years of trying to make meaning of powerful literacy experiences in my life. Now, in going back through the stories and reconstructing meaning, I make connections between the memories along the journey and the place from which I now tell my story. The interpretations I construct give voice to beliefs 1 have lived by and illuminations to moments in time that I have come to see with new eyes as I have engaged in this inquiry. The journey and self-reflection within the pages of this inquiry provide understanding of the driving force behind my personal passion for literacy. I am better able to understand my motivations and share the stories that validate my personal and professional path through time.


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John Smith (1894-1977), son of Daniel Smith and Annie Douglas was a native of Scotland, immigrating to Canada in 1913. He first worked as a coach builder, then as a carpenter, finally developing his own contracting business. During WWI he served overseas with the 10th Battery, RCA as a sergeant. In 1924 Smith married Jean Wood, and together they had a daughter Irene (Hugh Langley). Smith first entered politics in 1940 serving as an alderman for the next 11 years. In 1954 he was elected mayor of the city of St. Catharines, and was twice returned to office by acclamation, serving until 1957 when he successfully ran as the Progressive Conservative candidate representing Lincoln County in the federal election. He won the election by a 10 000 vote majority. He served his constituents in Ottawa until he was defeated in the 1962 election. After leaving politics Mr. Smith was active in his community. He spearheaded the establishment of the St. Catharines Museum, and then was appointed its first director in 1966, serving in that capacity until 1972. He was an active member of the board of governors of the St. Catharines General Hospital and a life member and former president of the Lincoln County Humane Society. In 1971 he was voted Citizen of the Year for the city of St. Catharines. John Smith died on February 8, 1977 and was buried at Victoria Lawn Cemetery. Source: The St. Catharines Standard, February 9, 1977, page 1


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This thesis explored Canadian high performance Athletes' perceptions of the fairness of the SDRCC sport-specific arbitral process. Leventhal’s (1980) model of procedural justice judgment was found to be an effective tool for exploring Athletes’ perceptions of the fairness of the process. Five of his six procedural justice antecedents: consistency, bias suppression, accuracy of information, representativeness, and ethicality influenced the Athletes’ perceptions of the fairness of the process. Emergent data also revealed that the Athletes’ perceptions of fairness were also influenced by three contextual factors and an additional antecedent of procedural justice. Efficiency of the process, inherent power imbalance between Athletes and NSOs, and the measurable effect of the process on personal and professional relationships differentiate sport-specific arbitration from most other processes of allocation. The data also indicated that the opportunity to voice one’s case was also an important determinant of the Athletes’ perceptions of the fairness of the process.


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This qualitative, narrative study explored the bullying experiences of young adolescent girls within their same-sex dyadic and group friendships. The participants were 5 female students, ages 11 and 12 years old, from 1 private, religious school in southern Ontario. Each girl participated in an audiotaped, 30-minute, personal interview based on an unstructured interview protocol. Interview transcripts were analyzed for bullying behaviors using Marini and Dane's (2008) subtypes of bullying, including the form, function, and involvement in bullying. Interview transcripts were also analyzed for common and emerging themes using aspects of L. M., Brown and Gilligan's (1992) "Listener's Guide." The findings of this study suggested that within their same-sex friendships girls assume the roles of all participants in bullying, including bullies, victims, bystanders, and bully-victims. The findings also suggested that bullying behaviors within young adolescent girls' same-sex friendships are mainly indirect in their mode of attack and that they are both proactive and reactive. The bully behaviors identified in this study were used to inform the major themes or salient features within the dynamics of girls' same-sex friendships also identified. These themes included acceptance, intimacy, negotiation, inclusion/exclusion, moral character judgements, and power. The findings of this study will be used to inform current theory, personal and professional practice, as well as future research.