989 resultados para Muñoz Borrero, Eduardo.
La actual crisis económica ha supuesto, especialmente para España, un receso en la construcción de nuevos edificios. Después de hacer una evaluación de la evolución del concepto de vivienda, analizamos la influencia que ello ha tenido en la arquitectura (tipología de vivienda, métodos constructivos, etc.) para ofrecer alternativas arquitectónicas a la presente crisis a través de la universidad. El proyecto “Construcción de viviendas mediante contenedores de obra”, es una parte de una investigación más amplia dentro de la línea “Arquitectura Modular” desarrollada por el Grupo de Investigación “Diseño y Fabricación Industrial” de la UPM cuyo objetivo es responder a las necesidades de fabricación de viviendas a un precio asequible, ofreciendo a través de internet los planos así como los detalles técnicos necesarios para la auto-construcción. Las casas propuestas se construirían combinando los contenedores de obra ya prefabricados, subsistemas prefabricados así como otros componentes disponibles en el mercado.
Resumen de tesis
El 27 de agosto se cumplieron los 100 años del nacimiento de Eduardo Torroja Miret (1899-1961), a cuya memoria va dedicada esta reunión conjunta de la Real Academia de Ciencias, a la que perteneció, y de la Academia de Ingeniería. La vida de Torroja transcurre en una de las etapas más agitadas de la historia española, pero también en una de las más fructíferas desde el punto de vista ingenieril. Precisamente esta sesión conjunta de la Academia de Ingeniería y de la Real Academia de Ciencias se plantea no como pura celebración hagiográfica sino como conmemoración, es decir, como oportunidad para reflexionar sobre los temas en los que Torroja tuvo la capacidad de ser precursor y para, tras recordar sus contribuciones, analizar la situación actual.
This paper presents the measurement of the I-V curve of an 800 kW PV generator by means of an own-made capacitive load. Along the lines of some previous works, it is shown that an I-V curve analysis can also be applied to big PV generators and that, when measuring the operating conditions with reference modules and taking some precautions (especially regarding the operating cell temperature), it is still a useful tool for characterizing them and therefore can be incorporated into maintenance procedures. As far as we know, this is the largest I-V curve measured so far.
This paper describes the design of an original twin capacitive load that is able of tracing simultaneously the I?V characteristics of two photovoltaic modules. Besides, an example of the application of this dual system to the outdoor rating of photovoltaic modules is presented, whose results have shown a good degree of repeatability.
Las medidas de curvas I-V con trazadores electrónicos, previa desconexión de la planta, son rápidas y permiten de tectar anomalías del generador fotovoltaico como puntos calientes, polarización y sombreados. Sin embargo, la medida de potencia correspondiente engloba demasiada incertidumbre como para ser tomada en cuenta contractualmente. Las medidas de potencia continua usando un vatímetro, tomadas de manera simultánea al funcionamiento normal de la planta, proporcionan mayor precisión en los resultados, especialmente si se siguen algunas precauciones para disminuir la incertidumbre. Los resultados presentados proceden de los ensayos efectuados en unas 50 centrales fotovoltaicas comerciales, representativas de una potencia cercana a 250 MW.
Este artículo presenta diferentes alternativas de ensayo para caracterizar en campo grandes generadores fotovoltaicos. Las medidas de curvas I-V con trazadores electrónicos, previa desconexión de la planta, son rápidas y permiten detectar anomalías del generador fotovoltaico como puntos calientes, polarización y sombreados. Sin embargo, la medida de potencia correspondiente engloba demasiada incertidumbre como para ser tomada en cuenta contractualmente. Las medidas de potencia continua usando un vatímetro, tomadas de manera simultánea al funcionamiento normal de la planta, proporcionan mayor precisión en los resultados, especialmente si se siguen algunas precauciones para disminuir la incertidumbre. Los resultados presentados proceden de los ensayos efectuados en unas 50 centrales fotovoltaicas comerciales, representativas de una potencia cercana a 250 MW.
This paper presents the measurement of the I-V curve of a 500-kW PV generator by means of an own-made capacitive load. It is shown that I-V curve analysis can also be applied to big PV generators and that when measuring the operation conditions with reference modules and taking some precautions (especially regarding the operation cell temperature), it is still a useful tool for characterizing them and therefore can be incorporated into maintenance procedures. As far as we know, this is the largest I-V curve measured so far.
Arrays of coherently driven photomixers with antenna (antenna emitter arrays, AEAs) have been evaluated as a possibility to overcome the power limitations of individual conventional photomixers with antenna (?antenna emitters?, AEs) for the generation of continuous-wave (CW) THz radiation. In this paper, ?large area emitters? (LAEs) are proposed as an alternative approach, and compared with AEAs. In this antenna-free new scheme of photomixing, the THz radiation originates directly from the acceleration of photo-induced charge carriers generated within a large semiconductor area. The quasi-continuous distribution of emitting elements corresponds to a high-density array and results in favorable radiation profiles without side lobes. Moreover, the achievable THz power is expected to outnumber even large AEAs. Last not least, the technological challenge of fabricating LAEs appears to be significantly less demanding.
We discuss two different approaches to overcome the power limitations of CW THz generation imposed to conventional photomixers. The increase in power achievable by using arrays of AEs is studied. Then ?large area emitters? are proposed as an alternate approach to overcome the power limitations. In this antenna-free new scheme of photomixing, the THz radiation originates directly from the acceleration of photo-induced charge carriers generated within a large semiconductor area. The quasi-continuous distribution of emitting elements corresponds to a high-density array and results in particularly favorable radiation profiles.
This paper presents different test alternatives which can be used on-site in a PV installation to detect potential induced degradation (PID) in modules. The testing procedures proposed are: thermal imaging; electroluminescence imaging; open circuit voltage measurements; operating voltage measurements; IV curve measurements; and dark IV curve measurements. Advantages and disadvantages of each test are reported.
Introducción del libro PAISAJES CON ALMA de Eduardo Delgado Orusco
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This paper presents the design and characterization process of an active array demonstrator for the mid-frequency range (i.e., 300 MHz-1000 MHz) of the future Square Kilometre Array (SKA) radio telescope. This demonstrator, called FIDA3 (FG-IGN: Fundación General Instituto Geográfico Nacional - Differential Active Antenna Array), is part of the Spanish contribution for the SKA project. The main advantages provided by this design include the use of a dielectric-free structure, and the use of a fully-differential receiver in which differential low-noise amplifiers (LNAs) are directly connected to the balanced tapered-slot antennas (TSAs). First, the radiating structure and the differential low-noise amplifiers were separately designed and measured, obtaining good results (antenna elements with low voltage standing-wave ratios, array scanning capabilities up to 45°, and noise temperatures better than 52 K with low-noise amplifiers at room temperature). The potential problems due to the differential nature of the proposed solution are discussed, so some effective methods to overcome such limitations are proposed. Second, the complete active antenna array receiving system was assembled, and a 1 m2 active antenna array tile was characterized.
During the last years many researchers have been working on the active matching or on non-Foster matching networks for one- and two-port electrically small antennas (ESAs). A new parameter on the sensitivity of the two-port electrically small antenna when loaded with a non-F oster network is presented. This sensitivity analysis will allow us to choose what kind of antennas can be properly matched with non-Foster networks and their position in order to optimi ze the performance of the design. Then, a typical high Q two-port antenna will be harder to match over a broad bandwidth, since |S21| is very small and only agrees with |S11| over very small frequency bands, yielding very large sensitivity values. However, for these two-port antennas, if high levels of coupling can be engineered for a high Q multiple-port antenna, the return and insertion losses can be similar over larger bandwidths and, hence, the sensitivity can be kept low over larger bandwidths, enabling broader impedance matched bandwidths to be achieved, even for highly resonant antennas.