824 resultados para MOTIVATION IN SPORTS
This research explores the foci, methods and processes of mental training by pianists who are active as performers and teachers. The research is based on the concept of mental training as a solely mental mode of practising. Musician s mental training takes place without an instrument or the physical act of playing. The research seeks answers to questions: 1) What are the foci of a pianist s mental training? 2) How does a pianist carry out the mental training? 3) What does mental training in music entail as a process? The research approach is qualitative, and the materials were gathered from thematic interviews. The aim of practising is always an improved result both in the act of playing and the performance. Mental training by a pianist is collaboration between technical, auditory, visual, kinaesthetic and affective factors. Also interpretation, memory and overcoming stage fright are needed. Technical, cognitive and performance skills are involved. According to the results of this research, mental training is a goal-oriented activity which can have an impact on all of these factors. Without a musical inner ear and its functionality, true musicianship cannot exist. One particular result of this research is the conceptualisation of opening up the inner ear. Auditory exercises and internally playing mental images are essential elements of the mental practice of a musician. Visual images, such as a picture of music notation or a performance event, are the point of focus for musicians who find visual images to be the easiest to realise. When developing technical skills by using mental training, it is important to focus on the technically most difficult sections. It is also necessary to focus on the holistic experiencing of the performance situation. By building on positive energies and strengths, the so-called psyching up may be the most important element in mental training. Based on the results of this research, a synthesis is outlined of the music event as an activity process, built on representations and schemes. Mental training aims at the most ideal possible act of playing and the creation of a musical event; these are achieved by focussing on various mental images produced by the different senses, together with concrete practising. Mental training in sports and in music share common factors. Both modes of practising, mental as well as physical, involve three important elements: planning, realisation and evaluation of the practice. In music, however, the goal is an artistic end result which does not often apply to an athletic event. Keywords: Mental training in music, auditory imagining, visualisation, kinaesthetic-mental experience, mastery of the psyche
Lihavuus ja ylipaino ovat viime vuosikymmeninä yleistyneet; jo yli puolet länsimaiden väestöstä on ylipainoisia ja viidennes lihavia. Varsinkin nuorilla ylipainon lisääntyminen on ollut nopeaa. Ylipaino, erityisesti yhdistettynä vyötärölihavuuteen, sekä tupakointi lisäävät sairastavuutta sydän- ja verisuonisairauksiin, metabolisiin sairauksiin, kuten diabetekseen, sekä moniin syöpiin. Lihavuus ja tupakointi ovatkin kehittyneiden maiden tärkeimpiä ehkäistävissä olevia kuolinsyitä. Samanaikaisesti ylipainon kanssa laihduttaminen ja jopa terveydelle haitalliset laihdutusmenetelmät, kuten tupakointi painonhallintakeinona on tullut yhä yleisemmäksi. Nopeaan painonpudotukseen tähtäävällä laihduttamisella on usein terveydelle haitallisia seurauksia kuten painon nousu yli alkuperäisen painon ja kehon rasvajakauman muuttuminen epäterveellisemmäksi. Kolme neljännestä merkittävästi laihduttaneista kertoo painon nousseen takaisin. Tupakoinnin ja toistuvan laihduttamisen vaikutukset ylipainon ja lihavuuden kehittymiselle kytkeytyvät toisiinsa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkittiin toistuvan laihduttamisen ja tupakoinnin vaikutusta kehon painoon ja lisäksi tupakoinnin vaikutusta vyötärölihavuuden kehittymiseen. Työn toisena tavoitteena oli tutkia, kuinka voimakkaasti tupakointi ja toistuva laihduttaminen liittyvät toisiinsa suomalaisilla ja onko tämä yhteys erilainen eri ikäryhmissä ja sukupuolilla. Työ perustuu kolmeen laajaan kyselyaineistoon: Nuorten Kaksosten Terveystutkimuksen (englanniksi FinnTwin16) aineistossa on seurattu 1975-79 syntyneitä kaksosia 16, 17, 18 ja 24 vuoden ikäisinä (N=5563). Suomen kaksoskohortin aineisto (N= 12 793) on kerätty vuonna 1990 samaa sukupuolta olevilta, vuosina 1930-57 syntyneiltä kaksosilta. Entisten huippu-urheilijoiden (N=1838) ja heille kaltaistettujen verrokkien (N=834) seurantatutkimuksessa tiedot on kerätty vuosina 1985, 1995 ja 2001. Pituus, paino ja tupakointi on kysytty kaikissa kyselyissä. Kaksoset vastasivat laihdutuskäyttäytymistä koskeviin kysymyksiin. Urheilijoiden laihdutuskäyttäytyminen pääteltiin lajin perusteella, sillä toistuvan laihduttamisen tiedetään olevan yleistä painoluokissa urheilevilla urheilijoilla (esim.painijat, nyrkkeilijät). Nuoruusiän tupakointi ennusti vyötärölihavuutta molemmilla sukupuolilla ja lisäksi ylipainoisuutta naisilla. Toistuva laihduttaminen oli yhteydessä myöhempään painonnousuun ja lihavuuteen miehillä. Lisäksi toistuvan laihduttamisen ja tupakoinnin todettiin liittyvän toisiinsa nuorilla aikuisilla. Vanhemmissa ikäluokissa miehet, jotka tupakoivat, laihduttivat harvemmin kuin tupakoimattomat. Lihavuuteen ja vyötärölihavuuteen liittyvän oheissairastavuuden ennaltaehkäisyssä tupakoinnin ja toistuvan laihduttamisen vähentäminen saattavat olla aiemmin luultua tehokkaampia keinoja.
Background Although guidelines suggest that vigorous physical activity (PA) confers “extra” benefits compared with those from moderate-intensity activity alone, the magnitude of this additional benefit is unclear. The aim was to compare the reduction in risk of hypertension (HT) and depressive symptoms (DS) for 12 yr in middle-age women who reported (a) only moderate-intensity PA (MOPA) and (b) a combination of moderate and vigorous PA (MVPA), after controlling for overall volume of activity. Methods The study involved 11,285 participants in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women’s Health, who completed surveys in 1998 (age = 46–52 yr), 2001, 2004, 2007, and 2010. Generalized estimating equation models (with 3-yr time lag) were used to examine the relationship between PA in seven categories from 0 to >2000 MET·min·wk−1 and occurrence of HT and DS for women who reported MOPA or MVPA. Results For HT, risk was slightly lower for MVPA than for MOPA across the entire range of PA levels, but this difference was only significant at the highest PA level (>2000; odds ratio [OR] = 0.80 MOPA and 0.56 MVPA). For DS, OR values were similar in both groups up to 500 MET·min·wk−1, then slightly lower for MVPA than for MOPA at higher PA levels. Again, this difference was only significant at the highest PA level (>2000; OR = 0.57 MOPA and 0.42 MVPA). OR values were slightly attenuated in adjusted models. Conclusions Doing both vigorous and moderate activity does not have significant additional benefits in terms of HT and DS, above those from moderate-intensity activity alone, except at very high levels of PA.
The Grand Street Boys' Association began in 1916 as a reunion of men who had grown up on or near Grand Street in the Lower East Side neighborhood of Manhattan and quickly grew into an active club, open to all men (and eventually women) regardless of religion, ethnicity, or social class. The Association promoted welfare projects, acts of fellowship and tolerance, scholarships, youth employment, war efforts, and the elimination of discrimination in sports, among other projects. The collection documents the activities of the Association, as well as the Grand Street Boys' Foundation, its financial arm established in 1945, and its Hobbycraft Program, a charitable program tasked with collecting and redistributing donated items to charitable and nonprofit organizations. Materials include administrative records, financial records, correspondence, minutes, membership records, newsletters, yearbooks, artifacts, speeches, and photographs relating to both the New York Grand Street Boys' Association and the Association's Grand Street House in England. Series I, comprising the majority of the collection, contains the records of the Grand Street Boys' Association. In it are extensive membership records, meeting minutes, annual yearbooks, financial records, administrative material, newsletters, and artifacts. Series II documents the Grand Street Boys' Foundation and contains administrative records and financial records. Some overlap of material will be found in Series I and II such as material pertaining to the relationship between the Association and Foundation. Series III consists of photographs documenting both the Association and Foundation. The photographs show members and highlight the activities of the Grand Street Boys.
Vain hätapua? : Taloudellinen avustaminen diakoniatyön professionaalisen itseymmärryksen ilmentäjänä
Financial Help Alone? Financial help as an exponent of professional diaconal work One essential form of helping people in the Evangelical Lutheran Church s diaconal work is providing economic aid. It can be seen as work which is in accordance with the spirit of the Church Order (4:3). One of the tasks of diaconal work, determined by the Church Order, is to help those whose distress is the greatest and who have no other source of help. This financial support has become a permanent and essential working method, which has also created tension of various kinds. Financial support has been criticized, especially when the support has been used to fill a gap in the social services provided by the government. It has been argued that diaconal work has been forced to take on responsibility for tasks that belong to the welfare state. The tensions involved in the financial support of diaconal work do not only concern the patching up and supplementing of the deficiencies in the welfare state s services but also the question of diaconal workers self-understanding of financial support and how it relates to their professionalism. In this thesis, I examine the experiences and visions diaconal workers have concerning financial support in their work with clients. The viewpoint of my work is the diaconal workers own experiences and interpretations of the meaning of financial support in customer service. In the articles of my thesis, I examined the meanings that diaconal workers gave to financial support in the aspects of work motivation, empowerment, expertise and tensions. The research material of my articles consists of three different data, which are theme interviews from diaconal workers, a survey from diaconal workers of Espoo and a diaconal barometer of 2009. I have analysed the theme interviews and the survey using qualitative content analysis. The results of my articles showed that diaconal workers motivation in tasks concerning economic aid was sustained by the nature and spiritual aspects of support activities. Work that supported empowerment through financial assistance meant influencing the client s personal life, community and local ties and structural circumstances of the surrounding society. Diaconal workers expertise in financial support work can be characterised as horizontal, which means that the expertise was built on acknowledging the client s dignity, the uniqueness of the client s life situation and listening to the client s own voice. Diaconal workers were also experts in community and area-based work. The tensions in financial support work are linked to its unofficial and undefined role in the field of social welfare and the inability of other aiding parties to respond to their duties. The results of my thesis on the experiences and visions of financial support reveal that it is multilateral and multidimensional. Diaconal workers used financial support to help the clients, taking into account their individual, communal, social and spiritual context. The professionalism of this financial support is reflectively related to the client s need of help and the spontaneity and unexpectedness of the situation. Support work was deeply bound to diaconal workers experiences of spirituality as the basic value in their work, the foundation of their idea of humanity and their method of helping others. In different tasks of financial support diaconal workers balanced between traditional, individual client work based on caritas and working methods which are based on supporting the individual s empowerment and active citizenship, as in postmodern social work. Diaconal workers experiences of financial support illustrated the transition or turning point in the professionalism of diaconal work, which involves finding one s own, stronger and clearer professional identity than earlier with respect to other helpers in society. Creating a unique identity is part of the empowerment process of diaconal work, in which it must define its professional role by itself. In postmodern pluralism and the fragmented context of diaconal activities, the question arose as to whether the spiritual traditions and traditional values of diaconal work support the modifications and adaptations needed in new, unpredictable situations. Diaconal work is said to be fast to react, able to predict changes and adapt to those changes. To preserve its sensitive reactive ability, also in the complex postmodern world, it must retain its own views and orientations. Otherwise, the distinctive values and traditions of diaconal work might sustain static diaconal work, employee-centeredness and a smug attitude when defining beneficiaries and needs, which highlights the paternalism of diaconal work. Such paternalism may complicate the progress of working methods which are based on empowerment and citizenship.
The element-based piecewise smooth functional approximation in the conventional finite element method (FEM) results in discontinuous first and higher order derivatives across element boundaries Despite the significant advantages of the FEM in modelling complicated geometries, a motivation in developing mesh-free methods has been the ease with which higher order globally smooth shape functions can be derived via the reproduction of polynomials There is thus a case for combining these advantages in a so-called hybrid scheme or a `smooth FEM' that, whilst retaining the popular mesh-based discretization, obtains shape functions with uniform C-p (p >= 1) continuity One such recent attempt, a NURBS based parametric bridging method (Shaw et al 2008b), uses polynomial reproducing, tensor-product non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) over a typical FE mesh and relies upon a (possibly piecewise) bijective geometric map between the physical domain and a rectangular (cuboidal) parametric domain The present work aims at a significant extension and improvement of this concept by replacing NURBS with DMS-splines (say, of degree n > 0) that are defined over triangles and provide Cn-1 continuity across the triangle edges This relieves the need for a geometric map that could precipitate ill-conditioning of the discretized equations Delaunay triangulation is used to discretize the physical domain and shape functions are constructed via the polynomial reproduction condition, which quite remarkably relieves the solution of its sensitive dependence on the selected knotsets Derivatives of shape functions are also constructed based on the principle of reproduction of derivatives of polynomials (Shaw and Roy 2008a) Within the present scheme, the triangles also serve as background integration cells in weak formulations thereby overcoming non-conformability issues Numerical examples involving the evaluation of derivatives of targeted functions up to the fourth order and applications of the method to a few boundary value problems of general interest in solid mechanics over (non-simply connected) bounded domains in 2D are presented towards the end of the paper
Motion analysis is very essential in sport activities to enhance the performance of an athlete and to ensure the correctness of regimes. Expensive methods of motion analysis involving the use of sophisticated technology has led to limited application of motion analysis in sports. Towards this, in this paper we have integrated a low-cost method for motion analysis using three axis accelerometer, three axis magnetometer and microcontroller which are very accurate and easy to use. Seventeen male subjects performed two experiments, standing short jumps and long jumps over a wide range of take-off angles. During take-off and landing the acceleration and angles at different joints of the body are recorded using accelerometers and magnetometers, and the data is captured using Lab VIEW software. Optimum take-off angle in these jumps are calculated using the recorded data, to identify the optimum projection angle that maximizes the distance achieved in a jump. The results obtained for optimum take off angle in short jump and long jump is in agreement with those obtained using other methodologies and theoretical calculations assuming jump to be a projectile motion. The impact force (acceleration) is also analysed and is found to progressively decrease from foot to neck.
Verifica a importância da utilização da variável motivação nas organizações visando obter dos funcionários um melhor rendimento no desempenho de suas atividades. Busca averiguar como diversos fatores motivacionais estão sendo distribuídos em uma organização. Para tanto, reportou a importância da necessidade do emprego do construto motivação, juntamente com outros mecanismos que proporcionem vantagens competitivas às organizações; definiu, à luz de conceitos científicos, o seu significado; apresentou uma visão geral a seu respeito, comentando sobre como ocorre o ciclo motivacional, expondo as principais teorias que envolvem esse tema, além de outras teorias menos importantes que se relacionam com ele. Fez uma breve abordagem sobre clima organizacional e seu relacionamento com esse fator. Por fim, analisou os dados coletados de uma pesquisa realizada junto a servidores efetivos dos quadros de níveis médio e superior da Câmara dos Deputados, que lidam diretamente com o processo legislativo.
[ES] Cada vez más el deporte-espectáculo se está abriendo paso como objeto de estudio en los centros de investigación avanzada, como consecuencia de la necesidad de gestionar los altos presupuestos de las entidades deportivas.
El papel de la motivación en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje es crucial. El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación ha sido analizar las prácticas motivacionales observadas en un aula concreta de educación primaria. Previo a la observación se pidió al alumnado que valorase su grado de motivación hacia las distintas áreas, a excepción de educación física. La observación se realizó con la ayuda de unos indicadores que permitieron delimitar el objeto de estudio. Un total de trece prácticas motivacionales fueron detectadas. Fue en las materias menos valoradas como motivantes por el alumnado en donde más prácticas motivacionales se detectaron.
Esta tese inclui dois artigos que tiveram por objetivo investigar a relação de estresse no ambiente de trabalho com a prevalência de transtornos mentais comuns (TMC) e a relação de ambos com os níveis de prática de atividade física em militares do Exército Brasileiro. No primeiro artigo, a variável dependente foi TMC e a primeira variável independente foi o estresse no ambiente de trabalho, avaliado sob o modelo esforço-recompensa em desequilíbrio (effort-reward imbalance: ERI). TMC foram avaliados por meio do General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12). Foram estimadas razões de prevalência (RP) por regressão de Poisson para imprimir robustez aos intervalos de confiança (95%). A prevalência de TMC foi de 33,2% (IC95%:29,1;37,3). O estudo mostrou, após ajuste por idade, educação, renda, estilo de vida, autopercepção de saúde, agravos à saúde autorreferidos e características ocupacionais, que estresse no ambiente de trabalho estava forte e independentemente associado a TMC, exibindo razões de prevalências (RP) que variaram entre os níveis de estresse, oscilando de 1,60 a 2,01. O posto de tenente estava associado a TMC, mesmo após ajuste pelas covariáveis (RP = 2,06; IC95% 1,2 4,1). Os resultados indicaram que excesso de comprometimento é um componente importante do estresse no trabalho. Estes achados foram consistentes com a literatura e contribuem com o conhecimento sobre o estado de saúde mental dos militares das Forças Armadas no Brasil, destacando que o estresse no ambiente de trabalho e que o desempenho das funções ocupacionais, do posto de Tenente, podem significar risco maior para TMC nesse tipo de população. O segundo artigo teve por objetivo investigar a associação de estresse no ambiente de trabalho e TMC com a prática de atividade física habitual entre militares das Forças Armadas. A atividade física (variável dependente) foi estimada por meio do Questionário de Baecke, um dos instrumentos mais utilizados em estudos epidemiológicos sobre atividade física. Estresse no ambiente de trabalho, TMC e posto foram as variáveis independentes, avaliadas conforme descrição mencionada acima. Buscou-se avaliar a associação destas variáveis e com a prática de atividade física no pessoal militar. Para tanto, utilizou-se o método de regressão linear múltipla, via modelos lineares generalizados. Após controlar por características socioeconomicas e demográficas, estresse no ambiente de trabalho, caracterizado por "altos esforços e baixa recompensas", permaneceu associado a mais atividade física ocupacional (b = 0,224 IC95% 0,098; 0,351) e a menos atividade física no lazer (b = -0,198; IC95% -0,384; -0,011). TMC permaneceram associados a menores níveis de atividade física nos esportes/exercícios no lazer (b = -0,184; IC95% -0,321; -0,046). Posto permaneceu associado a maiores níveis de atividade física ocupacional (b = 0,324 IC95% 0,167; 0,481). Até onde se sabe, este foi o primeiro estudo a avaliar a relação de aspectos psicossociais e ocupacionais envolvidos na prática de atividade física em militares no Brasil e no exterior. Os resultados sugerem que o ambiente de trabalho e a saúde mental estão associados à prática de atividade física de militares, que se relaciona com a condição de aptidão física.
O presente trabalho analisa a teoria da assunção do risco, que se originou no Direito francês com influência do commow Law, aplicável na atividade desportiva à luz dos princípios e valores do Direito Civil-Constitucional. O risco é estudado a partir dos conceitos de liberdade e dignidade, demonstrando que a liberdade não é absoluta, limitada pela dignidade. Nesta acepção, surge o risco, inerente à natureza humana, que é fruto da liberdade, portanto, também, pela dignidade. Na atividade desportiva, o risco é inseparável, o atleta na busca pela superação o assume naturalmente. Assim, a teoria da assunção do risco só se legitima, se presentes o respeito aos valores e princípios constitucionais, principalmente, a dignidade e aceitabilidade social, fatores vitais no estudo dos danos causados na prática desportiva. Por fim, se legítima a aceitação do risco, haverá exclusão do nexo causal.
[EUS] Elikadura oso garrantzitsua da errendimendurako txapelketa batean. Horrez gain, lehiaketa batzuetan, kirolariak kategoria ezberdinetan sailkatzen dira beren pisuaren arabera, kyokushin karatean bezala. Arte martzial honetako lehiakide askok txapelketaren aurreko egunetan dieta gogorra egin behar dute, ahalik eta kategoria baxuen egoteko asmoz. Batzuetan, barauan edo afaldu gabe joaten dira hori lortzeko. Horregatik, ikerketa honetan pisua hartu eta gero eta lehiatu aurretik elikadurazko estrategia ezberdinak aztertu ziren. Kontrola egin baino lehen, karbohidratoak eta proteinak hartu behar izan zituzten partaideek, eta indarra, erresistentzia, bizkortasuna eta potentzia baloratu egin zen. Kancho Oyama gimnasioan egin ziren frogak. Horietan 12 karatekak hartu zuten parte, batzuk emakumezkoak (4) eta beste batzuk gizonezkoak (8), 18 urte baino gehiagokoak izanda. Ikerketaren emaitzak, partaide gehienak indarrean, erresistentzia eta bizkortasunean karbohidratoekin eta potentzian proteinekin hobetu egin zutela markatu zuten. Ere esan dezakegu, errendimenduan mutilek neskek baino gehiago hobetzen dutela. Goizean arratsaldean baino errendimendu hobea nabarmentzen da, kontuan izanda, pisua hartu baino ordu batzuk lehenago jan barik daudela. Iraupen gutxiko eta intentsitate altuko kontaktuko kiroletan, txapelketa baino lehen ohiturak funtsezkoak dira, hala nola, ondo deskantsatzea, aurre entrenamenduak eta elikadura adibidez, horretaz gain, karbohidratoak hartzen baditugu pisua hartu eta gero normalean errendimendu gehiago lortzen da proteinekin baino, ondorio aipagarriena izanik.
El presente trabajo trata de analizar y explicar la relación entre el comportamiento de los individuos en las empresas y la consecución de los objetivos establecidos a través de la aplicación práctica de diferentes teorías de liderazgo y motivación en una empresa real como es Iberdrola. Debido a las dimensiones de la empresa y a la complejidad a la hora de obtener información relevante para el proyecto, centraremos nuestro análisis únicamente en el departamento de Compras y Seguros. Consideramos que las personas son el activo más valioso de las empresas ya que, al fin y al cabo, son el único factor diferenciador de las empresas, es el factor que puede distinguir entre una compañía competitiva de otra que no lo es. Por ello, creemos que es imprescindible analizar el comportamiento de los componentes de una empresa para identificar posibilidades de mejora, con el fin de alcanzar los objetivos establecidos. El proyecto tal y como hemos mencionado, principalmente se centra en el análisis del liderazgo y la motivación existente en el equipo de Compras y Seguros de Iberdrola S.A. Con los resultados obtenidos en el análisis se realizará una propuesta de valor con el fin de aportar diferentes alternativas que, acorde con algunas teorías organizacionales, puedan beneficiar a la empresa a la hora de conseguir sus diferentes metas en función de la situación en la que esté la empresa, las cualidades y comportamientos de todos sus componentes.