797 resultados para MIO-operaatio


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Vários trabalhos vem sendo desenvolvidos sobre o cultivo in vitro de cacau (T.cacao), mas são raros para a maioria das outras espécies do gênero, como o cupuaçu (T. grandiflorum), cuja a área plantada vem aumentando expressivamente, e outras que poderiam servir de fonte de genes para as espécies economicamente já reconhecidas. Protocolos para obtenção de embriões somáticos in vitro para as espécies T. cacao,T. grandiflorum,T. speciosum e o híbrido T. grandiflorum x T. obovatum foram avaliados a partir de duas fontes de explantes, estaminódios e pétalas (formadas por lígulas e cógulas) cultivados em meio de crescimento primário de calo, consistindo de sais DKW, suplementado com 20 g l-1 de sacarose, 250 mg l-1de glutamina, 200 mg l-1 de mio-inositol, 0,2 mg l-1 de tiamina-HCl, 0,1 mg l-1 de ácido nicotínico, 0,2 mg l-1 de glicina, 2 mg l-1 de 2,4-D, 2,2 g l-1 de Gelrite® e pH 5,8. A este meio foram adicionadas diferentes concentrações de tidiazuron (0, 5 e 10 µg l-1). As culturas foram mantidas no escuro por 14 dias, à temperatura de 25 ± 2 ºC, e então transferidas para meio de crescimento secundário de calo, constituído de sais WPM, vitaminas de Gamborg, 20 g l-1 de sacarose, 2 mg l-1 de 2,4 D, 0,3 mg l-1 de cinetina, 50 ml l-1 de água de côco, 2,2 g l-1 de Gelrite® e pH 5,8. A formação de calos ocorreu em todas as espécies. Embriões somáticos foram obtidos somente para T. cacao. A calogênese mostrou-se influenciada pelo genótipo e foi maior nos estaminódios.


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Muscle atrophy is always associated with Dexamethasone (Dexa) treatment, however the mechanisms are not completely understood. This study investigated the effects of Dexa on myostatin and p70S6K protein expression and if previous exercise training (T) can attenuate these effects. Eighty rats were distributed into 4 groups: sedentary control (SC), sedentary treated with Dexa (SD; 0,5 mg/kg per day, i.p., 10 days), trained control (TC) and trained treated with Dexa (TD) and underwent a training period where they were either submitted to a running protocol (60% of physical capacity, 5 days/week for 8 weeks) or kept sedentary. After T period, animals underwent Dexa treatment concomitant with training. Western Blot was performed to identify myostatin and p70S6k protein expression in the tibialis anterior (TA) and soleus (SOL) muscle. Ten days of Dexa treatment increased fasting glucose (SD=+62%), however previous T attenuated this increase (TD=+20%, p<0.05). Dexa determined significant decrease in body weight in TD (-22%) and SD (-25%), followed by TA weight reduction in SD (-23%) and TD (-20%). Previous training could not avoid these decreases. Myostatin protein expression was not altered by dexa treatment or training in TA muscle but in SOL muscle it was significantly modified after T, regardless of treatment (TC=+%23 and TD=+25) compared with their respective controls. The protein p70S6K was not modified neither by dexa nor training in any of the analyzed muscle or condition. The results of this study allowed us to conclude that previous training attenuates the hyperglycemia induced by Dexa, however it did not prevent the body or muscle weight reductions. Even in the presence of muscle atrophy, the expression of myostatin and p70S6K do not justify the mechanisms of muscle loss induced by Dexa, which suggests that other catabolic or anabolic proteins could be involved in the process of muscle atrophy after 10 days of treatment with Dexa


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE


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Pós-graduação em Biofísica Molecular - IBILCE


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This work aimed to evaluate the incidence and severity of scab in prune trees under different fungicide management, with two time patterns of application; one at the early fruit formation, up to pit hardening, and another starting after pit hardening, and compare the number of fungicide application reductions with the management adopted by the producer Four experiments, with different treatments, were carried out during the 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 seasons (two experiments,) and that of 2008-2009, using the Harry Pickstone and Reubennel cultivars. The most efficient control of the disease was achieved with the combination of metiram, piraclostrobina e ditianona fungicides from late bloom to pit hardening. Efficient scab control in prune was dependent on the combination of the fungicides used and the application timing. Reduced fungicide management is possible, while spraying initiated after pit hardening was not efficient for scab control.


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Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar o tratamento conferido pelo Estado Novo brasileiro (1937-1945) a Machado de Assis, depois das celebrações oficiais do centenário do autor de Dom Casmurro em 1939. Se, no ano da efeméride, o governo se empenhou em alçar o romancista à condição de maior escritor brasileiro, no início dos anos 1940, no âmbito do Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP), o tom passa a ser outro: num contexto de prevalência de certo caráter social e documental da obra de arte, o próprio Getúlio Vargas, o ideólogo Cassiano Ricardo e os principais periódicos estadonovistas fazem menção ao suposto absenteísmo e à falta de "cor local" do fundador da Academia Brasileira de Letras.


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Programa de doctorado: Ecología y Gestión de los Recursos Vivos Marinos


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[ES] Se describen los sistemas de terrazas del Río Sil desde el Bierzo hasta la confluencia con el Miño. En este tramo el río se encaja profundamente sobre las principales superficies de erosión del SE gallego (R400, R600, R800, RlOOO y R1200). Junto a los niveles de terraza con depósitos se observa la presencia de superficies terraza y aplanamientos de mayor extensión, siempre asociados al encajamiento fluvial. Se analiza la morfometría y los perfiles longitudinales de la red; así como la distribución de las terrazas y aplanamientos incluidos en el encajamiento. Se reconocen algunos cambios en la evolución de la red simultáneos a la sedimentación de las fosas terciarias (Monforte de Lemos, Quiroga, A Rúa-O Barco). La antigüedad de la red y un descenso generalizado en el nivel de base del Sistema Miño-Sil, podría justificar estos acontecimientos. Sin embargo, existen indicios de cierto control tectónico. Por último se propone un modelo evolutivo del tramo estudiado, para la etapa posterior a la formación del aplanamiento RlOOO.


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[ES] En la charla se hace una pequeña aproximación al patrimonio fosilífero de Canarias, interpretado como indicador paleoclimático y paleoecológico, centrándonos en el contenido fósil de los depósitos del transito Mio-plioceno ( ente 8.9 y 4.9 Ma) presentes en Gran Canaria, Fuerteventura y Lanzarote. Prestaremos especial atención a los vertebrados marinos fósiles encontrados en los trabajos de la ULPGC.


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[EN] Numerous specimens of fossil brachiopods have been found in the different fossiliferous outcrops of the Canary Islands. These fossils have been found in the deposits of Mio-Pliocene age of the eastern Canary Islands, described and illustrated in the work of Meco et ali. 2005 and in the outcrops interpreted as a tsunami deposits  in Piedra Alta, Lanzarote, belonging to the Marine Isotope Stage 11 dated to circa 330 ka. 4 species of fossil brachiopods have been identificated: Terebratula sinuous Brocchi 1814, Lacazella mediterranea Risso 1826 Terebratulina caputserpentis (Zbyszewski, 1957) and Thecidium cf . digitatum (Sowerby 1823). These fossils provides stratigraphic and paleoclimatic taxonomic information. Furthermore, in order to compare the fossil brachiopods with present in the Canary Island, a reference collection is defined with specimens obtained from marine sediment surveys at Gran Canaria, La Palma and El Hierro, identifying 3 species: Argyrotheca barrettiatia (Davidson, 1866), Megerlia truncata (Linaeus 1767 ) and Pajaudina atlantica (Logan 1988).


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[EN] The last 5 Myr  are characterized by cliamatic variations globally and are reflected in ancient fossiliferous marine deposits visible in the Canary Islands. The fossils contained are identificated as paleoecological and paleoclimatic indicators. The Mio-Pliocene Transit is represented by the coral Siderastrea micoenica Osasco, 1897; the gastropods Rothpletzia rudista Simonelli, 1890; Ancilla glandiformis (Lamarck, 1822); Strombus coronatus Defrance, 1827 and Nerita emiliana Mayer, 1872 and the bivalve Gryphaea virleti Deshayes, 1832 as most characteristic fossils  and typical of a very warm climate and littoral zone. Associated  lava flows  have been dated radiometrically  and provides a range between  8.9 and about 4.2 Kyr. In the mid-Pleistocene, about 400,000 years ago, the called Marine Isotope Stage 11, a strong global warming that caused a sea level rise happens. Remains of the MIS 11  are preserved on the coast of Arucas (Gran Canaria), and associated with a tsunami in Piedra Alta (Lanzarote). These fossilifeorus  deposits contains the bivalve Saccostrea cucullata (Born, 1780), the gastropod Purpurellus gambiensis (Reeve, 1845) and the corals Madracis pharensis (Heller, 1868) and Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816). Both sites have been dated by K-Ar on pillow lavas (approximately 420,000 years) and by Uranium Series on corals (about 481,000 years) respectively. The upper Pleistocene starts with another strong global warming known as the last interglacial or marine isotope  stage (MIS) 5.5, about 125,000 years ago, which also left marine  fossil deposits exposed in parallel to current in Igueste of San Andrés (Tenerife),  El Altillo, the  city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria  and Maspalomas (Gran Canaria),  Matas Blancas, the Playitas and Morrojable (Fuerteventura ) and in Playa Blanca and Punta Penedo (Lanzarote ). The fossil coral Siderastrea radians (Pallas , 1766 ) currently living in the Cape Verde Islands , the Gulf of Guinea and the Caribbean has allowed Uranium series dating. The gastropods Strombus bubonius Lamarck, 1822 and Harpa doris (Röding , 1798 ) currently living in the Gulf of Guinea. Current biogeography using synoptic data obtained through satellites provided by the ISS Canary Seas provides data of Ocean Surface Temperature (SST) and Chlorophyll a (Chlor a) . This has allowed the estimation of these sea conditions during interglacials compared to today .