817 resultados para High schools


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine how four high schools used an Early Warning Indicator Report (EWIR) to improve ninth grade promotion rates. Ninth grade on-time promotion is an early predictor of a student’s likelihood to graduate (Bornsheuer, Polonyi, Andrews, Fore, & Onwuegbuzie, 2011; Leckrone & Griffith, 2006; Roderick, Kelley-Kemple, Johnson, & Beechum, 2014; Zvoch, 2006). The analysis revealed both similarities and differences in the ways that the four schools used the EWIR. The research took place in a large urban school district in the Mid-Atlantic. Sixteen participants from four high schools and the district’s central office voluntarily participated in face-to-face interviews. The researcher utilized a qualitative case study method to examine the implementation of the EWIR system in Wyatt School District. The interview data was transcribed and analyzed, along with district documents, to identify categories in this cross case analysis. Three primary themes emerged from the data: (1) targeted school structures for EWIR implementation, (2) the EWIR identified necessary supports for students, and (3) the central office support for school staff. The findings revealed the various ways that the target schools implemented the EWIR in their buildings and the level of support that they received from the central office that aided them in using the EWIR to improve ninth grade promotion rates. Based on the findings of this study, the researcher provided a number of key recommendations: (1) Districts should provide professional development to schools to ensure that schools have the support they need to implement the EWIR successfully; (2) There should be increased accountability from the central office for schools using the EWIR to identify impactful interventions for ninth graders; and (3) The district needs to assign dedicated central office staff to support the implementation of the EWIR in high schools across the district. As schools continue to face the challenge of improving ninth grade promotion rates, effective use of an Early Warning Indicator Report is recommended to provide school and district staff with data needed to impact overall student performance.


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Este Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso sugere uma sequência de atividades para desenvolver conteúdos de Geometria Espacial, particularmente prismas e pirâmides, com alunos do Ensino Médio, priorizando a visualização dos sólidos no espaço, identificando as diferenças quanto ao formato e às características de seus elementos, sem a necessidade de memorização de fórmulas. Enfatiza-se também a importância da recapitulação de conceitos da Geometria Plana e da forma de avaliar a aprendizagem. A cada ano que passa, os alunos estão encontrando cada vez mais dificuldades na Matemática Básica e isto tem consequência direta na aprendizagem por parte desses alunos nos conteúdos relativos ao Ensino Médio. Muitas vezes os alunos conseguem entender o que o professor explica, mas não conseguem resolver os exercícios. Para verificar a veracidade desta afirmação, foi realizada uma pesquisa através de um questionário com professores que trabalham com Geometria Espacial em sete escolas de Ensino Médio da cidade de Rio Grande, RS. Este trabalho pretende sugerir atividades simples que introduzem e complementam o conteúdo que encontra-se nos livros didáticos tradicionais, que os professores, mesmo com poucos recursos, podem realizar com seus alunos no sentido de tentar contornar essas dificuldades. Pretende-se também ressaltar a importância da exigência por parte dos professores por ocasião de suas avaliações, a fim de que seja preservada a qualidade do ensino.


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This is a list of package library subjects available to teachers, students, and social and civil workers in South Carolina. It also includes subjects for the South Carolina High School Debating League and a list of plays deemed suitable for reading and production by South Carolina high schools.


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The Education Oversight Committee, working with the State Board of Education established a comprehensive annual report concerning the performance of military-connected children who attend primary, elementary, middle, and high schools in this State. The annual comprehensive report addresses attendance, academic performance in reading, math, and science, and graduation rates of military connected children. This report does not address military-connected students educated in Department of Defense schools, private schools and home school settings.


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The aim of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of problem-based learning (PBL) on students’ mathematical performance. This includes mathematics achievement and students’ attitudes towards mathematics for third and eighth grade students in Saudi Arabia. Mathematics achievement includes, knowing, applying, and reasoning domains, while students’ attitudes towards mathematics covers, ‘Like learning mathematics’, ‘value mathematics’, and ‘a confidence to learn mathematics’. This study goes deeper to examine the interaction of a PBL teaching strategy, with trained face-to-face and self-directed learning teachers, on students’ performance (mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics). It also examines the interaction between different ability levels of students (high and low levels) with a PBL teaching strategy (with trained face-to-face or self-directed learning teachers) on students’ performance. It draws upon findings and techniques of the TIMSS international benchmarking studies. Mixed methods are used to analyse the quasi-experimental study data. One -way ANOVA, Mixed ANOVA, and paired t-tests models are used to analyse quantitative data, while a semi-structured interview with teachers, and author’s observations are used to enrich understanding of PBL and mathematical performance. The findings show that the PBL teaching strategy significantly improves students’ knowledge application, and is better than the traditional teaching methods among third grade students. This improvement, however, occurred only with the trained face-to-face teacher’s group. Furthermore, there is robust evidence that using a PBL teaching strategy could raise significantly students’ liking of learning mathematics, and confidence to learn mathematics, more than traditional teaching methods among third grade students. Howe ver, there was no evidence that PBL could improve students’ performance (mathematics achievement and attitudes towards mathematics), more than traditional teaching methods, among eighth grade students. In 8th grade, the findings for low achieving students show significant improvement compared to high achieving students, whether PBL is applied or not. However, for 3th grade students, no significant difference in mathematical achievement between high and low achieving students was found. The results were not expected for high achieving students and this is also discussed. The implications of these findings for mathematics education in Saudi Arabia are considered.


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A pesar de los avances en el conocimiento de la educación sexual, la falta de estudios sobre la perspectiva de los docentes y la importancia de su rol al impartir esta temática a sus estudiantes adolescentes, ha llevado a realizar esta investigación presentada en este artículo. El estudio se centra en los conocimientos, prácticas y actitudes de los docentes de los colegios de la ciudad de Cuenca sobre la educación sexual de sus estudiantes adolescentes. Para ello se ha adoptado un enfoque cuantitativo, mediante la encuesta basada en un cuestionario de recogida de datos. La población del estudio consistió en una muestra de 180 docentes de los colegios públicos y privados. Los resultados demuestran que un porcentaje de docentes nunca recibió formación en temas de educación sexual. Esta falta de formación se refleja a su vez en la escasa participación de los docentes en el abordaje de la educación sexual en sus aulas, lo que lleva a los conceptos erróneos de salud sexual.


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El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal conocer el grado de aceptación que tienen los deberes y derechos docentes y de la comunidad educativa entre las madres y padres que tienen hijos escolarizados en institutos y colegios. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva. Como instrumento de evaluación se ha empleado el cuestionario “Deberes y derechos del profesorado en la comunidad educativa”. En los resultados se demuestra que las madres y los padres consideran muy importantes los deberes y derechos presentados, sin que se observen diferencias significativas en función de la titularidad de los centros educativos, el cargo que ostentan en la asociación, la edad o el género de los participantes.


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This study explored how schools’ focus – the collective perception among teachers of clarity and consistency regarding school goals, expectations, and priorities – related to schoolwide morale and school turnover rates. I examined the hypothesis that focus attenuates the deleterious effects of student misconduct on teacher morale and the contributory role of student misconduct leading to teacher turnover. In addition, I examined climate strength regarding perceptions school focus as an indicator of focus itself, as well a potential moderating effect of climate strength on the magnitude of school focus-school morale and school focus-turnover relationships. Data from a national sample of middle and high schools (N schools = 348, N teachers = 11,376) were analyzed using school-level multiple regression models. Schools with higher focus had significantly higher morale, independent of related perceptions of administrative leadership. No significant relationship was found between school focus and school turnover rates. The hypothesized moderating effect of focus on student misconduct and morale was not supported, though there was a significant indication that focus attenuated the positive relationship between student misconduct and turnover. Climate strength of school focus ratings significantly correlated with focus scores, but did not moderate relationships between focus and predicted outcomes. Findings suggest that school-level focus does represent a characteristic of schools that has a meaningful positive relationship with teacher morale but do not necessarily clarify how that relationship manifests in schools or if that relationship presents an avenue for intervention.


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This research aimed at relating coordination and control forms to organizational performance. The multicase study was applied in two public high schools: Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica do Rio Grande do Norte and Floriano Cavalcanti. In order to accomplish these objectives, it was developed a qualitative analysis and considered coordination and control forms of several authors. Also was considered Sander´s (1984) model of organizational performance. The mentioned model considers two criteria to analyze organizational performance: one instrumental (efficiency and efficacy) and other substantive (effectiveness e relevance). The research attempts to show the importance of balancing these criteria in a way that effectiveness and relevance becomes more important at schools. It was proven that the use of bureaucratic coordination forms has the power to influence the evaluation on the instrumental technique. At the same time, it was observed that the use of mechanisms based on the autonomy of the school is related to efficiency and efficacy. The object of this research can be considered successful


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Educacional.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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O estágio pedagógico em Educação Física é o momento derradeiro da formação inicial dos professores de Educação Física, surgindo, por isso, como uma etapa fulcral da sua formação, oferecendo ao novo professor, a oportunidade de prática do ensino em contexto real, conjetura essencial para o desenvolvimento das suas competências profissionais. O presente relatório incorpora o relato e a análise reflexiva das experiências vividas ao longo do estágio pedagógico realizado na Escola Básica e Secundária de Gama Barros no ano letivo 2014/2015, e integrado no Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. O documento apresenta como objetivo a exposição, reflexão e análise das atividades desenvolvidas, dificuldades encontradas, estratégias utilizadas e decisões tomadas no âmbito das diferentes áreas trabalhadas neste processo de formação. Isto é, a organização e gestão do ensino e da aprendizagem (nas dimensões de avaliação, planeamento e condução), a investigação e inovação pedagógica, a participação na escola e, ainda, a relação com a comunidade. Esta análise reflexiva permitiu a avaliação dos fatores que condicionaram o processo, evidenciando as mais-valias deste relatório para a formação do professor enquanto futuro profissional na área disciplinar de Educação Física.


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O estágio de enfermagem comunitária, integrado no Mestrado em Enfermagem na área de especialização em enfermagem comunitária da ESSP decorreu no período de 14 de Fevereiro a 27 de Junho de 2011. Este foi desenvolvido em duas áreas de intervenção comunitárias distintas: a primeira na área da educação sexual na adolescência realizada aos alunos do 8.º, 9.º, 10.º ano e CEF das Escolas Secundárias Mouzinho da Silveira e São Lourenço; a segunda na área da promoção de hábitos de vida saudáveis nos adolescentes do 9.º ano e 12.º ano da Área Ciências e Tecnologia das escolas do Concelho de Portalegre integrada na promoção da imagem da Escola Superior de Saúde de Portalegre (realizada nas instalações da ESSP). Deste modo com este relatório pretendo:  Descrever e analisar de forma crítica os objetivos, intervenções e recursos utilizados durante o estágio;  Analisar o desenvolvimento das competências adquiridas;  Refletir sobre a prática do enfermeiro na intervenção comunitária; Para se atingir os objetivos propostos foram realizadas sessões e atividades de educação para a saúde quer no âmbito da educação sexual quer da promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis. Nestas sessões e atividades foram abrangidos 276 e 317 alunos respetivamente. Ao longo do estágio pude adquirir e desenvolver competências como enfermeiro especialista, para tal foi importantíssimo a utilização da metodologia de planeamento em saúde


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Objetivo: Determinar los factores que influyen en la prevalencia de bullying en estudiantes de los colegios rurales del Cantón Cuenca, Azuay, 2014. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal con participación de 493 estudiantes (283 hombres y 210 mujeres), de 11 a 19 años de edad. La selección de la muestra se realizó por aleatorización simple. Los datos se obtuvieron a través de una encuesta auto-aplicada, los instrumentos utilizados fueron el cuestionario de intimidación escolar CIE-A (Modificado) y el Test del APGAR Familiar. Los datos se procesaron en el programa SPSS 19. Resultados: La prevalencia de bullying en los estudiantes de los colegios rurales del Cantón Cuenca es del 20.0% en mujeres y 17.3% en varones, el acoso fue más evidente en estudiantes de octavos, novenos y decimos de básica superior 21.9%. El tipo de agresión más frecuente es el daño a la propiedad 98.6%. Los factores de riesgo encontrados fueron ambiente escolar desfavorable 71,4%, familiar desfavorable 71.4%, e individual desfavorable 42.2%. Conclusiones: Se encontró una prevalencia importante del bullying en los estudiantes de los colegios rurales del cantón Cuenca y existe asociación significativa del mismo con los factores familiar, escolar e individual desfavorables