902 resultados para Golden rule.
Distrofia muscular de Duchenne é uma desordem neuromuscular causada pela mutação ou deleção do gene da distrofina, a qual é ligada ao cromossomo X. Estudos recentes têm demonstrado o importante papel da distrofina no SNC, sendo sua deficiência relacionada com uma variedade de anormalidades na função do SNC, como comportamento e disfunção cognitiva. Os modelos animais mais adequados para esses estudos são os que apresentam o quadro clinico mais semelhante ao da DMD encontrada em humanos, como cães Golden Retriever com distrofia muscular (GRMD). Por não haver ainda estudos a respeito do SNC de animais GRMD, o objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a morfologia do encéfalo dos GRMD e o de animais não distróficos, através de análise macroscópica, utilizando métodos de medição e registro fotográfico, e análise microscópica, utilizando a técnica de coloração de violeta cresil modificada. Entretanto, usando a metodologia proposta, não foi possível verificar diferenças significativas no encéfalo quando comparados os animais distróficos e os não distróficos, o que está em concordância com a literatura para a DMD usando os mesmos parâmetros. Em tempo, existe uma variação individual na morfologia do encéfalo do cão, independente de serem animais do grupo de distróficos ou controles. Outras técnicas devem ser aplicadas a fim de elucidar as consequências da ausência total ou parcial da distrofina no SNC
O estudo da responsabilidade civil dos administradores de companhias abertas na doutrina nacional trata usualmente dos deveres fiduciários, do ato regular de gestão e da teoria ultra vires, da culpa ou dolo do administrador, das ações ut universi e ut singuli e da solidariedade entre a responsabilidade do administrador e a da companhia. Poucos abordam as causas extintivas dessa responsabilidade, e raro são os que tratam da hipótese de exclusão de responsabilidade do artigo 159, § 6º, da Lei nº 6.404/76. Como a disciplina dos deveres fiduciários prevista na lei societária brasileira tem forte influência do Direito norte-americano, buscou-se na legislação, doutrina e jurisprudência daquele país os fundamentos necessários à melhor interpretação e aplicação da regra de exclusão e, em especial, na business judgment rule, doutrina que protege os administradores contra responsabilização por prejuízos à companhia decorrentes de decisões por eles adotadas, proteção esta também conferida pela hipótese do artigo 159, § 6º, da Lei nº 6.404/76, ao administrador leal e de boa-fé.
This letter focuses on SEC interpretations of Rule 14a-8(i)(10). The provision allows issuers to exclude shareholder proposals that have been “substantially implemented.” This has traditionally been used to allow for the exclusion of proposals rendered “moot” by the company’s actions. Companies, however, need not implement the shareholder proposal “exactly.” As a result, the staff is often asked to determine whether changes made by the company are substantial. The comment letter discusses positions taken by the staff where the company adopts a proposal asking that shareholders with a specified percentage of shares have the right to call a special meeting but limits eligible shares to those held for a specified period of time.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has been analyzing its interpretation under Subsection (i)(9) of Rule 14a-8. This provision allows for the exclusion of shareholder proposals that conflict with those submitted by management. The staff has been examining its interpretation since instructed to do so by the chair of the SEC following a no action appeal in a case involving Whole Foods. A number of letters and memos submitted in connection with the review have analyzed the issue. At least one asserted that any change in interpretation required the Commission to go through the process of notice and comment. This letter asserts that notice and comment is not required, relying extensively on Perez v. Mortgage Bankers Association.
As it is known, there is no rule satisfying additivity in the complete domain of bankruptcy problems. This paper proposes a notion of partial additivity in this context, to be called μ-additivity. We find out that this property, together with two quite compelling axioms, equal treatment of equals and continuity, identify the minimal overlap rule, introduced by O’Neill (Math. Soc. Sci. 2:345–371, 1982).
One-leaf containing handwritten instructions about drafting a paper.
Four-page handwritten draft of a public statement to the students from the Harvard Faculty related to the amendment of College Law XVIII, Chapter IV concerning the suppression of concealed disorders. The document appears to be in the hand of President Joseph Willard.
v.40:no.6 (1913)
An arithmetic copybook, with accounting problems concerning commercial transactions. There is a reference to the Boston Tea Party in problem no. 68.
The promotion of the rule of law has become an important dimension of the European Union’s relations towards its neighbourhood. The rule of law is, however, a complex and multifaceted notion and the EU’s rule of law promotion policy has often been criticised for being either inefficient or self-interested. This collection of short papers offers an analysis of various case studies using the analytical framework of structural foreign policy (SFP) developed by Stephan Keukeleire. It aims to promote an original analytical perspective on the EU’s foreign policy but also to critically test and further develop the SFP analytical framework. The contributions of this collection consist of the shortened version of students’ Master’s theses written at the College of Europe during the academic year 2011-2012 in the framework of the course “The EU as a Foreign Policy Actor” taught by Stephan Keukeleire, Chairholder of the TOTAL Chair of EU Foreign Policy in the Department of EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies.
This Policy Brief synthesises the main research findings and policy recommendations presented in the CEPS e-book entitled The Triangular Relationship between Fundamental Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law: Towards an EU Copenhagen Mechanism” (http://www.ceps.eu/book/triangular-relationship-between-fundamental-righ...). The authors examine the ways in which the European Union could strengthen and develop its competences in the assessment of member states’ fundamental rights, democracy and rule of law commitments. They argue that a strong political impetus is needed at Union level in order to set up a new supervisory “Copenhagen Mechanism” that would effectively and periodically evaluate member states’ compliance with democratic rule of law with fundamental rights on the basis of independent academic expertise, and by ensuring a high level of democratic accountability and judicial oversight at European levels. The Policy Brief also aims at summarising CEPS’ contribution to the upcoming Conference “Assises de la Justice: Shaping Justice Policies in Europe for the Years to Come” organised by the European Commission in Brussels on 21-22 November 2013.