An organo-soluble polyimide based on 4,4'-(1,4-phenylenedioxy)diphthalic anhydride and 2,2'-dimethyl-4,4'-methylenedianiline was synthesized by two-step polycondensation accompanied by chemical imidization. Polyimide films were prepared by spray casting onto glass substrates. The study focused on the separation of carbon dioxide (CO2) from natural gas and the enrichment of methane (CH4) from butane (C4H18). The permeability and permselectivity coefficients of these gases were determined.
Seria impensável concebermos os nossos dias sem a utilização de energia eléctrica. Esta forma de energia é responsável pelo desenvolvimento económico e a sua disponibilidade é indicadora da qualidade de vida dos povos. A procura de formas de obtenção desta energia que minimizem os impactes para o ambiente tem levado à adopção de energias renováveis mas também ao desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias que permitam aumentar a eficiência de conversão de energia entre as suas várias formas. Neste sentido procedeu-se à análise de um estudo de caso da central termoeléctrica a gás natural com tecnologia de ciclo combinado da Tapada do Outeiro, Portugal. Living without electricity is nowadays unconceived. The economic growth and quality of life is strongly dependent on this source of energy. The search for new forms of producing electricity in order to minimise environmental impacts has lead to the adoption of renewable energies and to the improvement of new technologies which allow at the same time to reach high efficiency in the process of energy conversion from the chemical form to the electrical one. This article is about a case study of a natural gas turbine power plant with combined cycle, at “Tapada do Outeiro”, Portugal.
91 hojas.
15 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.
BACKGROUND: The western Amazon is the most biologically rich part of the Amazon basin and is home to a great diversity of indigenous ethnic groups, including some of the world's last uncontacted peoples living in voluntary isolation. Unlike the eastern Brazilian Amazon, it is still a largely intact ecosystem. Underlying this landscape are large reserves of oil and gas, many yet untapped. The growing global demand is leading to unprecedented exploration and development in the region. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We synthesized information from government sources to quantify the status of oil development in the western Amazon. National governments delimit specific geographic areas or "blocks" that are zoned for hydrocarbon activities, which they may lease to state and multinational energy companies for exploration and production. About 180 oil and gas blocks now cover approximately 688,000 km(2) of the western Amazon. These blocks overlap the most species-rich part of the Amazon. We also found that many of the blocks overlap indigenous territories, both titled lands and areas utilized by peoples in voluntary isolation. In Ecuador and Peru, oil and gas blocks now cover more than two-thirds of the Amazon. In Bolivia and western Brazil, major exploration activities are set to increase rapidly. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Without improved policies, the increasing scope and magnitude of planned extraction means that environmental and social impacts are likely to intensify. We review the most pressing oil- and gas-related conservation policy issues confronting the region. These include the need for regional Strategic Environmental Impact Assessments and the adoption of roadless extraction techniques. We also consider the conflicts where the blocks overlap indigenous peoples' territories.
A Fermi gas of atoms with resonant interactions is predicted to obey universal hydrodynamics, in which the shear viscosity and other transport coefficients are universal functions of the density and temperature. At low temperatures, the viscosity has a universal quantum scale ħ n, where n is the density and ħ is Planck's constant h divided by 2π, whereas at high temperatures the natural scale is p(T)(3)/ħ(2), where p(T) is the thermal momentum. We used breathing mode damping to measure the shear viscosity at low temperature. At high temperature T, we used anisotropic expansion of the cloud to find the viscosity, which exhibits precise T(3/2) scaling. In both experiments, universal hydrodynamic equations including friction and heating were used to extract the viscosity. We estimate the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density and compare it with that of a perfect fluid.
Directional drilling and hydraulic-fracturing technologies are dramatically increasing natural-gas extraction. In aquifers overlying the Marcellus and Utica shale formations of northeastern Pennsylvania and upstate New York, we document systematic evidence for methane contamination of drinking water associated with shale-gas extraction. In active gas-extraction areas (one or more gas wells within 1 km), average and maximum methane concentrations in drinking-water wells increased with proximity to the nearest gas well and were 19.2 and 64 mg CH(4) L(-1) (n = 26), a potential explosion hazard; in contrast, dissolved methane samples in neighboring nonextraction sites (no gas wells within 1 km) within similar geologic formations and hydrogeologic regimes averaged only 1.1 mg L(-1) (P < 0.05; n = 34). Average δ(13)C-CH(4) values of dissolved methane in shallow groundwater were significantly less negative for active than for nonactive sites (-37 ± 7‰ and -54 ± 11‰, respectively; P < 0.0001). These δ(13)C-CH(4) data, coupled with the ratios of methane-to-higher-chain hydrocarbons, and δ(2)H-CH(4) values, are consistent with deeper thermogenic methane sources such as the Marcellus and Utica shales at the active sites and matched gas geochemistry from gas wells nearby. In contrast, lower-concentration samples from shallow groundwater at nonactive sites had isotopic signatures reflecting a more biogenic or mixed biogenic/thermogenic methane source. We found no evidence for contamination of drinking-water samples with deep saline brines or fracturing fluids. We conclude that greater stewardship, data, and-possibly-regulation are needed to ensure the sustainable future of shale-gas extraction and to improve public confidence in its use.
Advances in technologies for extracting oil and gas from shale formations have dramatically increased U.S. production of natural gas. As production expands domestically and abroad, natural gas prices will be lower than without shale gas. Lower prices have two main effects: increasing overall energy consumption, and encouraging substitution away from sources such as coal, nuclear, renewables, and electricity. We examine the evidence and analyze modeling projections to understand how these two dynamics affect greenhouse gas emissions. Most evidence indicates that natural gas as a substitute for coal in electricity production, gasoline in transport, and electricity in buildings decreases greenhouse gases, although as an electricity substitute this depends on the electricity mix displaced. Modeling suggests that absent substantial policy changes, increased natural gas production slightly increases overall energy use, more substantially encourages fuel-switching, and that the combined effect slightly alters economy wide GHG emissions; whether the net effect is a slight decrease or increase depends on modeling assumptions including upstream methane emissions. Our main conclusions are that natural gas can help reduce GHG emissions, but in the absence of targeted climate policy measures, it will not substantially change the course of global GHG concentrations. Abundant natural gas can, however, help reduce the costs of achieving GHG reduction goals.
La fabricación de queso es esencialmente un proceso de deshidratación de la leche cuyo resultado final depende del tiempo de coagulación, tipo de fermento y período de maduración. La combinación de estos factores da lugar a una gran variedad de quesos, los que resultan de las diferentes técnicas empleadas en relación a los aspectos mencionados. El fermento es un cultivo de microorganismos cuyo crecimiento en la leche produce ácido láctico a partir de lactosa, acidificando el medio. Además durante la maduración del queso las enzimas bacterianas del inóculo utilizado intervendrán degradando los diferentes componentes de la leche liberando precursores de sustancias responsables de la textura, sabor y aroma del queso. Los fermentos utilizados pueden ser naturales preparados artesanalmente o comerciales seleccionados elaborados industrialmente. Se denominan naturales a aquellos elaborados a partir de la leche ordeñada y cobran especial interés cuando los volúmenes a procesar son pequeños. Su principal ventaja es que permiten aprovechar la ecología zonal bacteriana en la producción de un queso con características particulares, que puede reconocerse por su origen y que presenta características únicas eirrepetibles. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la aptitud quesera de un fermento natural elaborado a partir de la leche de oveja cruza Frisona x Texel proveniente del tambo ovino de la Faculta de Agronomía de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (FAUBA). Para ello se analizaron sólidos totales y características organolépticas de quesos elaborados con fermento natural y se las contrastó con las de quesos elaborados con fermentos seleccionados comerciales. Los resultados del análisis de sólidos totales en quesos no mostraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos, sin embargo la evaluación sensorial indicó, entre los atributos más destacables, que los quesos elaborados con fermento de leche tuvieron mayor intensidad de olor a oveja, aroma a manteca y leche cocida, sabor más picante y textura más untuosa que los elaborados con fermento comercial. En conclusión estos resultados sugieren que los atributos descriptos dan cuenta de un producto de características sensoriales distintivas. Esto indica la influencia diferencial que tuvo el fermento natural utilizado sobre las características sensoriales de los quesos a través de las enzimas aportadas por las bacterias durante el proceso de maduración.