980 resultados para Fat loss
The effect of diet composition [high-carbohydrate, low-fat (HC) and high-fat, low-carbohydrate (HF) diets] on macronutrient intakes and nutrient balances was investigated in young men of normal body weight. Eleven subjects were studied on two occasions for 48 h in a whole-body indirect calorimeter in a crossover design. Subjects selected their meals from a list containing a large variety of common food, which had a food quotient > 0.85 for the HC diet and < 0.85 for the HF diet. The average ad libitum intake was 14.41 +/- 0.85 MJ/d (67%, 18%, and 15% of energy as carbohydrate, fat, and protein, respectively) with the HC diet and 18.25 +/- 0.90 MJ/d (26%, 61%, and 13% of energy as carbohydrate, fat, and protein, respectively) with the HF diet. Total energy expenditure was not significantly influenced by diet composition: 10.46 +/- 0.27 and 10.97 +/- 0.22 MJ/d for the HC and HF diets, respectively. During the 2 test days, cumulative carbohydrate storage was 418 +/- 72 and 205 +/- 47 g, and fat balance was 29 +/- 17 and 291 +/- 29 g with the HC and HF diets, respectively. Only the HF diet induced a significantly positive fat balance. These results emphasize the important role of the dietary fat content in body fat storage.
Normal myocardium adapts to increase of nutritional fatty acid supply by upregulation of regulatory proteins of the fatty acid oxidation pathway. Because advanced heart failure is associated with reduction of regulatory proteins of fatty acid oxidation, we hypothesized that failing myocardium may not be able to adapt to increased fatty acid intake and therefore undergo lipid accumulation, potentially aggravating myocardial dysfunction. We determined the effect of high-fat diet in transgenic mice with overexpression of angiotensinogen in the myocardium (TG1306/R1). TG1306/R1 mice develop ANG II-mediated left ventricular hypertrophy, and at one year of age approximately half of the mice present heart failure associated with reduced expression of regulatory proteins of fatty acid oxidation and reduced palmitate oxidation during ex vivo working heart perfusion. Hypertrophied hearts from TG1306/R1 mice without heart failure adapted to high-fat feeding, similarly to hearts from wild-type mice, with upregulation of regulatory proteins of fatty acid oxidation and enhancement of palmitate oxidation. There was no myocardial lipid accumulation or contractile dysfunction. In contrast, hearts from TG1306/R1 mice presenting heart failure were unable to respond to high-fat feeding by upregulation of fatty acid oxidation proteins and enhancement of palmitate oxidation. This resulted in accumulation of triglycerides and ceramide in the myocardium, and aggravation of contractile dysfunction. In conclusion, hearts with ANG II-induced contractile failure have lost the ability to enhance fatty acid oxidation in response to increased fatty acid supply. The ensuing accumulation of lipid compounds may play a role in the observed aggravation of contractile dysfunction.
Transcriptional coregulators control the activity of many transcription factors and are thought to have wide-ranging effects on gene expression patterns. We show here that muscle-specific loss of nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCoR1) in mice leads to enhanced exercise endurance due to an increase of both muscle mass and of mitochondrial number and activity. The activation of selected transcription factors that control muscle function, such as MEF2, PPARβ/δ, and ERRs, underpins these phenotypic alterations. NCoR1 levels are decreased in conditions that require fat oxidation, resetting transcriptional programs to boost oxidative metabolism. Knockdown of gei-8, the sole C. elegans NCoR homolog, also robustly increased muscle mitochondria and respiration, suggesting conservation of NCoR1 function. Collectively, our data suggest that NCoR1 plays an adaptive role in muscle physiology and that interference with NCoR1 action could be used to improve muscle function.
Hematopietic stem cells (HSCs) maintain life-long hematopoiesis in the bone marrow via their ability to self-renew and to differentiate into all blood lineages. Although a central role for the canonical wnt signaling pathway has been suggested in HSC self-renewal as well as in the development of B and T cells, conditional deletion of beta-catenin (which is considered to be essential for Wnt signaling) has no effect on hematopoiesis or lymphopoiesis. Here, we address whether this discrepancy can be explained by a redundant and compensatory function of gamma-catenin, a close homolog of beta-catenin. Unexpectedly, we find that combined deficiency of beta- and gamma-catenin in hematopoietic progenitors does not impair their ability to self-renew and to reconstitute all myeloid, erythroid, and lymphoid lineages, even in competitive mixed chimeras and serial transplantations. These results exclude an essential role for canonical Wnt signaling (as mediated by beta- and/or gamma-catenin) during hematopoiesis and lymphopoiesis.
SUMMARY : The function of sleep for the organism is one of the most persistent and perplexing questions in biology. Current findings lead to the conclusion that sleep is primarily for the brain. In particular, a role for sleep in cognitive aspects of brain function is supported by behavioral evidence both in humans and animals. However, in spite of remarkable advancement in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying sleep generation and regulation, it has been proven difficult to determine the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the beneficial effect of sleep, and the detrimental impact of sleep loss, on learning and memory processes. In my thesis, I present results that lead to several critical steps forward in the link between sleep and cognitive function. My major result is the molecular identification and physiological analysis of a protein, the NR2A subunit of NMDA receptor (NMDAR), that confers sensitivity to sleep loss to the hippocampus, a brain structure classically involved in mnemonic processes. Specifically, I used a novel behavioral approach to achieve sleep deprivation in adult C57BL6/J mice, yet minimizing the impact of secondary factors associated with the procedure,.such as stress. By using in vitro electrophysiological analysis, I show, for the first time, that sleep loss dramatically affects bidirectional plasticity at CA3 to CA1 synapses in the hippocampus, a well established cellular model of learning and memory. 4-6 hours of sleep loss elevate the modification threshold for bidirectional synaptic plasticity (MT), thereby promoting long-term depression of CA3 to CA 1 synaptic strength after stimulation in the theta frequency range (5 Hz), and rendering long-term potentiation induction.more difficult. Remarkably, 3 hours of recovery sleep, after the deprivation, reset the MT at control values, thus re-establishing the normal proneness of synapses to undergo long-term plastic changes. At the molecular level, these functional changes are paralleled by a change in the NMDAR subunit composition. In particular, the expression of the NR2A subunit protein of NMDAR at CA3 to CA1 synapses is selectively and rapidly increased by sleep deprivation, whereas recovery sleep reset NR2A synaptic content to control levels. By using an array of genetic, pharmacological and computational approaches, I demonstrate here an obligatory role for NR2A-containing NMDARs in conveying the effect of sleep loss on CA3 to CAl MT. Moreover, I show that a genetic deletion of the NR2A subunit fully preserves hippocampal plasticity from the impact of sleep loss, whereas it does not alter sleepwake behavior and homeostatic response to sleep deprivation. As to the mechanism underlying the effects of the NR2A subunit on hippocampal synaptic plasticity, I show that the increased NR2A expression after sleep loss distinctly affects the contribution of synaptic and more slowly recruited NMDAR pools activated during plasticity-induction protocols. This study represents a major step forward in understanding the mechanistic basis underlying sleep's role for the brain. By showing that sleep and sleep loss affect neuronal plasticity by regulating the expression and function of a synaptic neurotransmitter receptor, I propose that an important aspect of sleep function could consist in maintaining and regulating protein redistribution and ion channel trafficking at central synapses. These findings provide a novel starting point for investigations into the connections between sleep and learning, and they may open novel ways for pharmacological control over hippocampal .function during periods of sleep restriction. RÉSUMÉ DU PROJET La fonction du sommeil pour l'organisme est une des questions les plus persistantes et difficiles dans la biologie. Les découvertes actuelles mènent à la conclusion que le sommeil est essentiel pour le cerveau. En particulier, le rôle du sommeil dans les aspects cognitifs est soutenu par des études comportementales tant chez les humains que chez les animaux. Cependant, malgré l'avancement remarquable dans la compréhension des mécanismes sous-tendant la génération et la régulation du sommeil, les mécanismes neurobiologiques qui pourraient expliquer l'effet favorable du sommeil sur l'apprentissage et la mémoire ne sont pas encore clairs. Dans ma thèse, je présente des résultats qui aident à clarifier le lien entre le sommeil et la fonction cognitive. Mon résultat le plus significatif est l'identification moléculaire et l'analyse physiologique d'une protéine, la sous-unité NR2A du récepteur NMDA, qui rend l'hippocampe sensible à la perte de sommeil. Dans cette étude, nous avons utilisé une nouvelle approche expérimentale qui nous a permis d'induire une privation de sommeil chez les souris C57BL6/J adultes, en minimisant l'impact de facteurs confondants comme, par exemple, le stress. En utilisant les techniques de l'électrophysiologie in vitro, j'ai démontré, pour la première fois, que la perte de sommeil est responsable d'affecter radicalement la plasticité bidirectionnelle au niveau des synapses CA3-CA1 de l'hippocampe. Cela correspond à un mécanisme cellulaire de l'apprentissage et de la mémoire bien établi. En particulier, 4-6 heures de privation de sommeil élèvent le seuil de modification pour la plasticité synaptique bidirectionnelle (SM). Comme conséquence, la dépression à long terme de la transmission synaptique est induite par la stimulation des fibres afférentes dans la bande de fréquences thêta (5 Hz), alors que la potentialisation à long terme devient plus difficile. D'autre part, 3 heures de sommeil de récupération sont suffisant pour rétablir le SM aux valeurs contrôles. Au niveau moléculaire, les changements de la plasticité synaptiques sont associés à une altération de la composition du récepteur NMDA. En particulier, l'expression synaptique de la protéine NR2A du récepteur NMDA est rapidement augmentée de manière sélective par la privation de sommeil, alors que le sommeil de récupération rétablit l'expression de la protéine au niveau contrôle. En utilisant des approches génétiques, pharmacologiques et computationnelles, j'ai démontré que les récepteurs NMDA qui expriment la sous-unité NR2A sont responsables de l'effet de la privation de sommeil sur le SM. De plus, nous avons prouvé qu'une délétion génétique de la sous-unité NR2A préserve complètement la plasticité synaptique hippocampale de l'impact de la perte de sommeil, alors que cette manipulation ne change pas les mécanismes de régulation homéostatique du sommeil. En ce qui concerne les mécanismes, j'ai .découvert que l'augmentation de l'expression de la sous-unité NR2A au niveau synaptique modifie les propriétés de la réponse du récepteur NMDA aux protocoles de stimulations utilisés pour induire la plasticité. Cette étude représente un pas en avant important dans la compréhension de la base mécaniste sous-tendant le rôle du sommeil pour le cerveau. En montrant que le sommeil et la perte de sommeil affectent la plasticité neuronale en régulant l'expression et la fonction d'un récepteur de la neurotransmission, je propose qu'un aspect important de la fonction du sommeil puisse être finalisé au règlement de la redistribution des protéines et du tracking des récepteurs aux synapses centraux. Ces découvertes fournissent un point de départ pour mieux comprendre les liens entre le sommeil et l'apprentissage, et d'ailleurs, ils peuvent ouvrir des voies pour des traitements pharmacologiques dans le .but de préserver la fonction hippocampale pendant les périodes de restriction de sommeil.
GLUT2 expression is reduced in the pancreatic beta-cells of several diabetic animals. The transcriptional control of the gene in beta-cells involves at least two islet-specific DNA-binding proteins, GTIIa and PDX-1, which also transactivates the insulin, somatostatin and glucokinase genes. In this report, we assessed the DNA-binding activities of GTIIa and PDX-1 to their respective cis-elements of the GLUT2 promoter using nuclear extracts prepared from pancreatic islets of 12 week old db/db diabetic mice. We show that the decreased GLUT2 mRNA expression correlates with a decrease of the GTIIa DNA-binding activity, whereas the PDX-1 binding activity is increased. In these diabetic animals, insulin mRNA expression remains normal. The adjunction of dexamethasone to isolated pancreatic islets, a treatment previously shown to decrease PDX-1 expression in the insulin-secreting HIT-T15 cells, has no effect on the GTIIa and PDX-1 DNA-binding activities. These data suggest that the decreased activity of GTIIa, in contrast to PDX-1, may be a major initial step in the development of the beta-cell dysfunction in this model of diabetes.
Dans cette copie le bāb 45 est numéroté 46 par erreur, de même que la date de composition (f. 66v) est donnée comme étant 700H.[sic] au lieu de 795H. De la main de Muḥ. Zamān, on trouve des gloses lexicographiques entre les lignes ou dans le marges. La signature d’Aussant figure au f. 1. Ce ms. (Aussant n° 38) a été acquis par la B.N. en 1798. [Anc. cote, Suppl. persan 51].
Visceral adiposity is increasingly recognized as a key condition for the development of obesity related disorders, with the ratio between visceral adipose tissue (VAT) and subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) reported as the best correlate of cardiometabolic risk. In this study, using a cohort of 40 obese females (age: 25-45 y, BMI: 28-40 kg/m(2)) under healthy clinical conditions and monitored over a 2 weeks period we examined the relationships between different body composition parameters, estimates of visceral adiposity and blood/urine metabolic profiles. Metabonomics and lipidomics analysis of blood plasma and urine were employed in combination with in vivo quantitation of body composition and abdominal fat distribution using iDXA and computerized tomography. Of the various visceral fat estimates, VAT/SAT and VAT/total abdominal fat ratios exhibited significant associations with regio-specific body lean and fat composition. The integration of these visceral fat estimates with metabolic profiles of blood and urine described a distinct amino acid, diacyl and ether phospholipid phenotype in women with higher visceral fat. Metabolites important in predicting visceral fat adiposity as assessed by Random forest analysis highlighted 7 most robust markers, including tyrosine, glutamine, PC-O 44∶6, PC-O 44∶4, PC-O 42∶4, PC-O 40∶4, and PC-O 40∶3 lipid species. Unexpectedly, the visceral fat associated inflammatory profiles were shown to be highly influenced by inter-days and between-subject variations. Nevertheless, the visceral fat associated amino acid and lipid signature is proposed to be further validated for future patient stratification and cardiometabolic health diagnostics.
Introduction: Pulmonary fat embolism (PFE) can be a cause of death in cases with trauma, during orthopedic surgery and also in non-traumatic conditions, such as burns, pancreatitis, fatty liver or sickle cell disease. As PMA becomes more widespread, it is important to determine how it affects the diagnosis of PFE. Aims: The aim of this study was to determine if the oily contrast liquid used in PMA induces artefactual PFE, if such artefacts differ from original PFE and if PFE can be detected and graded before PMA. Material and methods: Cases of adults without signs of postmortem change and for which an autopsy with angiography was performed were selected for this study. Pulmonary biopsies of each lung were taken before and after the angiography as were fragments of each lung with a twin-edged knife during the autopsy. The samples were examined under the microscope without fixation or staining and after an Oil-Red O staining. PFE was graded according to Falci et al. Results: Non-artefactual (original) PFE was diagnosed in 4 cases on pre-PMA biopsies. As expected, structures with the aspect of PFE were present in all cases after angiography. The microscopical aspect of original and PMA induced PFE was identical. Grading of the PFE according to Falci et al. was depending on the quality of the biopsies. Conclusions: PMA with oily contrast induces artefactual PFE that cannot be visually differentiated from original PFE. Original PFE can however be diagnosed with pre-angiography biopsies. In order to assure the diagnosis and correct grading of PFE, the quality of the biopsy should be checked before PMA with oily contrast.
Obesity prevalence is generally higher in women than in men, and there is also a sex difference in body fat distribution. Sex differences in obesity can be explained in part by the influence of gonadal steroids on body composition and appetite; however, behavioural, socio-cultural and chromosomal factors may also play a role. This review, which evolved from the 2008 Stock Conference on sex differences in obesity, summarizes current research and recommendations related to hormonal and neuroendocrine influences on energy balance and fat distribution. A number of important gaps in the research are identified, including a need for more studies on chromosomal sex effects on energy balance, the role of socio-cultural (i.e. gender) factors in obesity and the potential deleterious effects of high-fat diets during pregnancy on the foetus. Furthermore, there is a paucity of clinical trials examining sex-specific approaches and outcomes of obesity treatment (lifestyle-based or pharmacological), and research is urgently needed to determine whether current weight loss programmes, largely developed and tested on women, are appropriate for men. Last, it is important that both animal and clinical research on obesity be designed and analysed in such a way that data can be separately examined in both men and women.
The fatty acids from cocoa butters of different origins, varieties, and suppliers and a number of cocoa butter equivalents (Illexao 30-61, Illexao 30-71, Illexao 30-96, Choclin, Coberine, Chocosine-Illipe, Chocosine-Shea, Shokao, Akomax, Akonord, and Ertina) were investigated by bulk stable carbon isotope analysis and compound specific isotope analysis. The interpretation is based on principal component analysis combining the fatty acid concentrations and the bulk and molecular isotopic data. The scatterplot of the two first principal components allowed detection of the addition of vegetable fats to cocoa butters. Enrichment in heavy carbon isotope (C-13) of the bulk cocoa butter and of the individual fatty acids is related to mixing with other vegetable fats and possibly to thermally or oxidatively induced degradation during processing (e.g., drying and roasting of the cocoa beans or deodorization of the pressed fat) or storage. The feasibility of the analytical approach for authenticity assessment is discussed.
This study intended to compare bone density and architecture in three groups of women: young women with anorexia nervosa (AN), an age-matched control group of young women, and healthy late postmenopausal women. Three-dimensional peripheral quantitative high resolution computed-tomography (HR-pQCT) at the ultradistal radius, a technology providing measures of cortical and trabecular bone density and microarchitecture, was performed in the three cohorts. Thirty-six women with AN aged 18-30years (mean duration of AN: 5.8years), 83 healthy late postmenopausal women aged 70-81 as well as 30 age-matched healthy young women were assessed. The overall cortical and trabecular bone density (D100), the absolute thickness of the cortical bone (CTh), and the absolute number of trabecules per area (TbN) were significantly lower in AN patients compared with healthy young women. The absolute number of trabecules per area (TbN) in AN and postmenopausal women was similar, but significantly lower than in healthy young women. The comparison between AN patients and post-menopausal women is of interest because the latter reach bone peak mass around the middle of the fertile age span whereas the former usually lose bone before reaching optimal bone density and structure. This study shows that bone mineral density and bone compacta thickness in AN are lower than those in controls but still higher than those in postmenopause. Bone compacta density in AN is similar as in controls. However, bone inner structure in AN is degraded to a similar extent as in postmenopause. This last finding is particularly troubling.
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