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Purpose – The aim of this chapter is to shed some light on the antecedents of organizational commitment, the mediating role of job engagement and job satisfaction as determinants of organizational commitment within the public sector environment, and the effects that national cultural values may have on these relationships. Approach – This paper presents a review of the works that, from both theoretical and empirical points of view, explore the affecting factors of public employees’ organizational commitment in an international setting. Findings – A comprehensive model has been developed, detailing the expectations on the influence that these factors might have on public employees’ level of commitment, either as mediators or moderators. Research limitations/implications – The main limitation is the paper’s theoretical nature; the subsequent implication is a future empirical research that may prove or disprove these theoretical findings. In addition, there are some other possible mediating factors and antecedents which may be of interest for future researchers. Originality/value – This comprehensive review of the extant literature may provide academics and public managers with a deeper comprehension of how organizational commitment might be achieved, and why some practices may or may not be transferrable from one country to another.


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Avian influenza, or 'bird 'flu' arrived in Norfolk in April 2006 in the form of the low pathogenic strain H7N3. In February 2007 a highly pathogenic strain, H5N1, which can pose a risk to humans, was discovered in Suffolk. We examine how a local newspaper reported the outbreaks, focusing on the linguistic framing of biosecurity. Consistent with the growing concern with securitisation among policymakers, issues were discussed in terms of space (indoor–outdoor; local–global; national–international) and flows (movement, barriers and vectors) between spaces (farms, sheds and countries). The apportioning of blame along the lines of 'them and us'– Hungary and England – was tempered by the reporting on the Hungarian operations of the British poultry company. Explanations focused on indoor and outdoor farming and alleged breaches of biosecurity by the companies involved. As predicted by the idea of securitisation, risks were formulated as coming from outside the supposedly secure enclaves of poultry production.


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Infectious diseases, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and avian influenza, have recently been high on the agenda of policy makers and the public. Although hygiene and biosecurity are preferred options for disease management, policy makers have become increasingly aware of the critical role that communication assumes in protecting people during outbreaks and epidemics. This article makes the case for a language-based approach to understanding the public perception of disease. Health language research carried out by the authors, based on metaphor analysis and corpus linguistics, has shown that concepts of journeys, pathways, thresholds, boundaries and barriers have emerged as principal framing devices used by stakeholders to advocate a hygiene based risk and disease management. These framings provide a common ground for debate, but lead to quite different perceptions and practices. This in turn might be a barrier to global disease management in a modern world.


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This article explores Ulrich Beck’s theorisation of risk society through focusing on the way in which the risk of Bt cotton is legitimated by six cultivators in Bantala, a village in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, in India. The fieldwork for this study was conducted between June 2010 and March 2011, a duration chosen to coincide with a cotton season. The study explores the experience of the cultivators using the ‘categories of legitimation’ defined by Van Leeuwen. These are authorisation, moral evaluation, rationalisation and mythopoesis. As well as permitting an exploration of the legitimation of Bt cotton by cultivators themselves within the high-risk context of the Indian agrarian crisis, the categories also serve as an analytical framework with which to structure a discourse analysis of participant perspectives. The study examines the complex trade-off, which Renn argues the legitimation of ambiguous risk, such as that associated with Bt technology, entails. The research explores the way in which legitimation of the technology is informed by wider normative conceptualisations of development. This highlights that, in a context where indebtedness is strongly linked to farmer suicides, the potential of Bt cotton for poverty alleviation is traded against the uncertainty associated with the technology’s risks, which include its purported links to animal deaths. The study highlights the way in which the wider legitimation of a neoliberal approach to development in Andhra Pradesh serves to reinforce the choice of Bt cotton, and results in a depoliticisation of risk in Bantala. The research indicates, however, that this trade-off is subject to change over time, as economic benefits wane and risks accumulate. It also highlights the need for caution in relation to the proposed extension of Bt technology to food crops, such as Bt brinjal (aubergine).


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Trata-se de um estudo de caráter descritivo, transversal com abordagem quantitativa. Este estudo transversal de base populacional possui como população de estudo enfermeiros trabalhadores de um hospital universitário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Possui como objetivo primário do estudo estimar a magnitude da associação entre as atividades profissionais dos enfermeiros e os fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares, e como objetivos secundários descrever o perfil demográfico e profissional dos enfermeiros do estudo; correlacionar a presença dos fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares com o tipo de atividade desenvolvida; e estabelecer a relação dos fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares com o nível de estresse dos enfermeiros. Selecionou-se para o estudo um total de 61 participantes. Os sujeitos foram acessados através de suas chefias imediatas e pela chefia geral de Enfermagem do hospital, que se dispusera a ajudar nesse contato. Listas com os nomes e setores foram disponibilizadas e os contatos assim foram realizados. As variáveis que foram analisadas no estudo são do tipo sociodemográficas, variáveis laborais e variáveis relacionadas aos fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Foi utilizado um questionário estruturado para a avaliação de variáveis socioeconômicas; variáveis sobre conhecimento da hipertensão, diabetes, dislipidemia, tabagismo, etilismo e atividade física; aferições sobre peso, altura e pressão arterial; informações sobre o trabalho. Para a avaliação de estresse no trabalho foi utilizada a Escala Bianchi de Estresse.. Após análises estatísticas secundárias, a mensuração do Escore Bianchi de Estresse e Escore de Risco Global para doenças cardiovasculares, foi identificado que as variáveis estatisticamente significativas associadas ao risco cardiovascular foram sexo, idade e o grupo de estresse (baixo e médio). Com a regressão logística foi possível identificar o tamanho da associação. O sexo masculino possui a chance de apresentar risco cardiovascular 5,66 vezes maior que o sexo feminino. A faixa etária entre 40 e 59 anos apresenta um risco cardiovascular 4,37 vezes maior que a faixa etária entre 20 e 39 anos. Os sujeitos com Escore de Bianchi de Estresse (EBS) classificados como Médio apresentam risco cardiovascular 6,63 vezes maior do que quem tem EBS baixo. A associação entre estresse e risco cardiovascular foi de 3,23. Concluiu-se que o existe uma nítida associação entre estresse, avaliado pelo Escore Bianchi de Estresse e aumento do risco cardiovascular global, através da ER Global. Os profissionais que trabalham em setores fechados apresentam um maior risco cardiovascular global. Os enfermeiros conhecem os fatores de risco para doenças cardiovasculares. Paradoxalmente encontramos que os enfermeiros que possuem apenas um emprego apresentam um risco global intermediário. Os profissionais homens, em nosso estudo, apresentam um risco cardiovascular global maior que as mulheres.


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O alcoolismo é uma doença com um potencial de infligir sofrimento enorme, interferindo com todas as dimensões do indivíduo, assim como em todos os quadrantes da sociedade. Este relatório expressa a preocupação com a problemática, e descreve o trabalho desenvolvido ao longo de um ano na área da saúde mental e psiquiátrica por um enfermeiro. Através da criação de uma consulta de enfermagem, desenvolveram-se um conjunto de intervenções de enfermagem com o intuito de diminuir factores de risco e potenciar factores de protecção nos indivíduos com comportamentos aditivos face ao consumo de bebidas alcoólicas. A intencionalidade terapêutica incidiu sobre a reconstrução ou reorganização da vida nomeadamente nos seguintes aspectos: restabelecimento das capacidades relacionais com o seu meio, e estabilização num novo estilo de vida de abstinência alcoólica. Após intervenção observaram-se ganhos de saúde para um quinto dos utentes atendidos. Esta avaliação contudo está comprometida pela qualidade dos registos disponíveis. Concluindo-se que o projecto não se esgotou, pois este relatório permitiu uma identificação de algumas fragilidades a corrigir, nomeadamente a sistematização de registos clínicos, uma abordagem inicial que permita maior ancoragem (taxas de abandono superiores a 50%) e a introdução de um sistema de acompanhamento remoto no pós alta; ABSTRACT: Alcoholism is a disease with an enormous potential to inflict pain, interfering with all individual dimensions, and also with all sections of society. This work expresses the concern with this problematic and describes the work developed along a year in the area of mental and psychiatric health by a nurse. Through the creation of a nursing appointment, a set of nursing interventions were developed in order to reduce the factors of risk and potentiate factors of protection in the individual with addicted behaviours to alcoholic beverages consumption. Therapeutic intentionality focused on the reconstruction or reorganization of life on the following aspects: reestablishment of connecting abilities with their social environment, and consolidation of a new alcoholic abstinent life style. After the intervention we could observe some improvement on the health of a fifth of the users who were attended. However, this evaluation is compromised by the quality of the available records. We can conclude that the project is not exhausted since this work allowed the identification of some fragilities that could be corrected, namely the systematization of clinic records, a more anchoring initial approach (dropout rates exceeding 50%) and the introduction of a remote aftercare supervision system.


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Investigar potenciales factores de riesgo asociados a infecciones por bacterias gram positivas vs. gram negativas en los pacientes con Neutropenia febril postquimioterapia. Diseño: Conducimos un estudio analítico de casos y controles basado en pacientes hospitalizados para identificar los factores de riesgo asociados a infecciones bacterianas entre pacientes con neutropenia febril. Se recolecto la información en un cuestionario diseñado para la investigación. Pacientes: Comparamos 65 casos infectados por gram positivos con 200 controles infectados por gram negativos hospitalizados con diagnostico de Neutropenia febril postquimioterapia. Análisis: Usamos el Odds Ratio como el resumen básico estadístico para calcular variaciones en el riesgo. Principales resultados: El análisis univariado mostro que lesiones en piel ( -OR 7,2; IC 95%: 2,89-17,9, p< 0,001) y uso de catéter central ( -OR 5,8; IC 95%: 2,0-16,8, p < 0,010) fueron asociados a infecciones por gram positivos. Conclusiones: Este estudio mostro que entre pacientes con Neutropenia febril postquimioterapia las lesiones en piel y uso de catéter central están asociados al desarrollo de infección por gram positivos. Palabras claves: Neutropenia febril; factores de riesgo; infecciones bacterianas.


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El Síndrome de Dificultad Respiratoria Aguda (SDRA), es un complejo sindrómico que fue descrito por primera vez a finales de los años 60, afecta pacientes críticamente enfermos y se asocia con una alta morbimortalidad, considerándose como una enfermedad grave.Objetivo: Identificar los factores de riesgo demográficos, los niveles de PaO2/FIO2, presencia de desnutrición, enfermedad pulmonar crónica y prematurez de SDRA, en los pacientes de la UCI pediátrica de la Clínica Infantil Colsubsidio en la ciudad de Bogotá, entre Enero de 2003 a Diciembre de 2008. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio analítico de casos y controles, con una relación control y caso de 2:1. El grupo control lo conformaron 62 pacientes y los casos 31. Resultados: Se encontró asociado significativamente los tres principales factores de riesgo Sepsis (33.9% vs. 15.6%; p=0.0002; OR=5.6; IC95%= 2.20, 14.03); Neumonía (p= 0.6380; OR=0.80; IC 95% = 0.32, 2.00) y Bronquiolitis (p=0.0515; OR= 0.395; IC 95% = 0.157, 1.01). Estancia hospitalaria 14.7±16.3 vs. 7.4±4.7 días (p=0.001); tiempo de ventilación mecánica 11.7 ±14.1 vs. 5.3±2.8 días (p=0.002) y mortalidad 45.2% vs. 3.2% (p<0.001; OR = 25; IC 95% = 5.1, 125). Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo significativos son la presencia de sepsis, estancia hospitalaria prolongada, tiempo de ventilación mecánica y mortalidad. También los menores valores de PAFI.


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Study of cross section in 280 patients who attended the Internal Medicine consultation with ages between 60 and 85 years. The cognitive impairment was evaluated with the Neuropsi test developed in Mexico and validated for the Hispanic speaking population.(5) Once performed the data collection was made the statistical handling which included for the qualitative variables absolute and relative frequencies distribution in percentage; for the quantitative variables were made measures of central tendency as the average and the median and of dispersion the range and the standard deviation. Besides, for the association evaluation between the different factors of risk and cognitive impairment were used tests like the T of Student, the Pearson Chi-square or the Fisher’s exact test.(expected value <5)


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Introducción. En el presente trabajo se pretende identificar los factores psicosociales laborales asociados con el bienestar del trabajador en investigaciones realizadas en Colombia y España, durante el periodo 2002 – 2012. Objetivo. Este trabajo tiene como fin, precisar sobre el desarrollo investigativo en lo referente a los factores psicosociales y su relación con el bienestar, de los trabajadores en Colombia y España durante el período 2002-2012, por medio de los estudios encontrados sobre factores psicosociales y su impacto benéfico en el bienestar del trabajador, marco legal de ambos países, así como también, la revisión documental, consolidación y posterior análisis de la literatura, en torno al estado del arte del presente estudio en relación a los factores psicosociales laborales. Método. Se trata de un estudio documental, realizado por medio, de una revisión de literatura en las bases de datos y posterior selección, clasificación, consolidación, sistematización y análisis de los estudios de investigación encontrados, los cuales, analizaban aspectos relacionados con los factores psicosociales y su relación con el bienestar del trabajador en Colombia y España, durante el período 2002-2012. Resultados. En la revisión documental se evidenció que los estudios referentes a los factores psicosociales y su relación con el bienestar del trabajador, representa un importante y permanente reto para las organizaciones. De la misma manera, se destacan los avances que sobre dicha relación presenta España, pues, en Colombia, aun los estudios siguen direccionados hacia los factores de riesgo o perjudiciales, más que hacia factores protectores o de bienestar, generadores de un efecto benéfico en los trabajadores y por ende en la organización.


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The Visceral Leishmaniose (LV) disease is endemic in some places in Brazil. It is caused by the protozoa Leishmania chagasi, being transmitted for vector, the phlebotomies, Lutzomyia longipalpis. In virtue of the expansion of the illness in Rio Grande do Norte, it is necessary to evaluate the determinative ambient factors in the proliferation of the vector for better control of the illness. The variable rainfall and the social variables had been analyzed using space regression with two models and the ambient variable of ZANE and the variables analyzed in 205 houses in the cities of Natal, Extremoz, Nísia Floresta, São Gonçalo do Amarante, São Jose do Mipibu, Parnamirim and Macaíba the Person and ML Chi-square were used . The analyses had shown that high rainfall, plain relief, the forest, the humid tropical climate the activities of production culture of sugar cane and fruit culture and the presence of bovines increase the risk of the LV. The work showed that it has space aggregation and that ambient factors influence in the LV in the State


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Body image is the figure of our bodies built in our minds and the degree of dissatisfaction is often associated with risk factors identified by anthropometric measures. The purpose of this descriptive study was to evaluate the risk factors associated to morphological and functional variables associate to the perception of auto-image in middle-aged walkers of the south zone of the city of Natal. A hundred and thirty volunteers had been evaluated in four groups in function of the gender and age group. As measurement evaluations were used an auto-image perception questionnaire proposed by Stunkart of nine silhouettes numbered for both gender was applied; a weighing machine equipped with stadiometer for the body mass (kg) and stature (m) and the body mass index (kg/m2) that was calculated with base in measures of the body weight and stature and classified according to norms of the National Institute of Health (2000) as well as the systolic and diastolic blood pressure by a electronic digital device (DIGITRONIC). A metal anthropometric tape was used for the waist to hip ratio (WHR). It was used Analyses of variance (ANOVA) one-way, post hoc of Tukey and correlation of Spearman for the nonparametric data adopting the level of ρ≤ 0,05 for rejection of the null hypothesis. The body mass index indicated high factors of risk in the consisting groups. In all the groups were registered the desire to reduce their silhouettes. The body weight shows reduced when compared with the younger group in the male group of superior age group, while in the female group the inverse one occurs. The autoimage perception is associated with the classification of the waist to hip ratio in the female gender in the age group of the 50 to the 59 years and in the classification of the body mass index of all constituted groups. Significant associations had not been found for classification of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure in relation to the auto-image 41 perception. This thesis presents relation of interdisciplinarity and its contents have application in the fields of Physical Education, Medicine, Physiotherapy and Nursing


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This work is intended to bring a contribuition to the verification of the prevalance of malocclusion in the deciduous, permanent and mixed dentition in the student population in the city of Natal, Brazil. In this purpose, a sectional study of infantiles aging 5, 8 and 12 years old was carried out. The average prevalance of malocclusions in the group as a whole was 76,5%. Considering the different dentitions separately, the study showed malocclusion prevalence as follows: Deciduous Dentition 75,5%; Mixed Dentition 84% and Permanent Dentition 70,5%. The most common malocclusion cases found in the deciduous dentition were openbite (20.6%); overbite (16.6%) and maxillary overjet (14,7). Mixed Dentition: the most commonly found occlusional malfunctions in this dentitional phase were maxillary overjet (33,8%); crowding (28,3%), and mandillary discrepancy (19,9%). In the univaried analysis, he application of the Chi square test of independence, (significance 5%), has indicated a meaningful association of the variables social class (p=0,019), primata space (p = 0,036), habits (p= 0,002) and time-and-habit (P=0,03). The same test on the permanent dentition group revealed a significant association for the independent variables, as follows: Social class (p=O,OOO), School (p=O,OOI), Income (p=O,OOO), housing standard (p=0,001), facial pattem (p=0,004), caries record (p=0,031). No significant association was found in the mixed dentition. The Logistic Regression analysis on the deciduous dentition has shown that income, ethnicity, habit and canine relationship constitute factors of risk regardless of the other variables. As for the permanent dentition, only Facial Pattem was pointed as a factor of risk for the formation of malocclusion


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Literature has demonstrated to the narrow relation between deleterious habits and the occurrence of malocclusion in minors of 5 years. The existence of these habits, however, already considered as risk factors, having also, its determinative ones, which present cultural dimensions and economic social, many of them related to the parents of the child, having in account that such habits if develop in phases in which the child establish a narrow relation of dependence. This study it had an objective to investigate the prevalence of deleterious buccal habits in children and its relation with the economic social and characteristics of the parents. It was developed an epidemiologist study of transversal character with interview, through daily pay-tested form, with 218 parents in the day of the National Campaign of Vaccination. In the cast of the variable that had composed the study, they had been used, as changeable dependents, the use of the baby's bottle, bottle and the digital suction, being considered as outcomes of the research. Amongst the independent variable, the economic social factors (type of occupation, number of children, civil state, sort, schooling and age) and staffs of the parents (self perception in oral health) had entered as the variable to be analyzed in the problems of the infantile odontology. The collected data had been submitted to the analysis descriptive and inferential statistics, being used the test qui-square and the analysis of the possibility reasons. As main results, it was found that breast feeding before the six months if presents as one of the main factors of risk for the use of baby's bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 2.8, I.C= 1.589 4.906), bottle (p< 0.001, OR= 3.7, I.C.= 2.076 6.624) and digital suction (p< 0.014, OR= 3.5, I.C.= 1.225 10.181). From the data found, one concludes that breast-feeding is considered a primordial factor for not the installation of deleterious oral habits and that the economic social and cultural factors can reflect in central way in the performance of this act


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR