504 resultados para FILOLOGIA
El presente articulo intenta determinar las razones por las que el santuario de Sant Miquel de Llíria, uno de los más importantes de la actual provincia de Valencia, se consagró al arcàngel guerrero. Se estudia para ello la historia de su culto en Occidente, haciendo hincapié en aspectos como su relación con los lugares elevados y la frecuente proximidad de sus santuarios con aquellos dedicados a la Virgen. Atenderemos también a aspectos fundamentales del contexto histórico, como los movimientos de renovación espiritual medievales, la influencia del médico y teólogo Arnau de Vilanova en la Valencia de principios del siglo XIV y las profecías escatológicas vinculadas a la llegada del Anticristo.
La escritura electrónica es en la actualidad una modalidad gráfica de gran éxito que en los últimos años comenzó a ser albo de diversas investigaciones lingüísticas. Sin embargo, un análisis exclusivamente gramatical, desvinculado del medio social en el que se utiliza, parece insuficiente para entender un fenómeno de tal complejidad. Consecuentemente, analizamos sus características en base a los condicionamientos sociolingüísticos presentes en el caso gallego. Así, examinamos las implicaciones de la situación de contacto y conflicto lingüístico entre el gallego y el español, señalamos las motivaciones de la alternancia de código y de las interferencias lingüísticas –que no siempre coinciden con las que operan en la lengua común- y observamos que estas prácticas son consecuencia de la confluencia de factores sociolingüísticos con otros de naturaleza pragmática.
From ecological tourism to ecotourism: lexical analysis of an emerging tourism. This article deals with the lexicon created in connection with a recent form of tourism: the ecological tourism or ecotourism. The rise of this type of tourism encourages the creation of new concepts and products that are named with new words and expressions with different procedures of formation. From the name itself ecotourism, then expressed as the acronym ecotourism, we analyze the formation of other related words, as well as their formal variation and use. For this, we have worked with a specific corpus of electronic tourist texts and different digital sources and databases.
[EN] Project Work has been acknowledged as an efficient medium for language learning for more than two decades (Stoller, 2006) according to the numerous successful applications of project-based programmes that have been reported. In spite of the lack of sufficient controlled studies to assess the benefits of project work, and the existence of some studies giving evidence of students discontent with project work, the reports given by second language (SL) and foreign language students (FL) who have experienced project based instruction give support to the success attributed to project-based learning, as they recognised having improved language skills, learnt content, developed real life skills, as well as gained in self-confidence and motivation (Sierra, 2008 and 2011; Stoller, 2006). The aim of the present study is to explore some key issues involved in implementing a project-based programme focusing on the students’ perceptions of learning gains, their views on the collaborative assessment scheme used in the programme, and the students’ overall evaluations of the implementation of project work in a post-compulsory secondary education context in Navarre, Spain, with students learning Basque as a second language. A group of 12 students enrolled in a project work based programme participated in the study. Results showed that the students’ perceptions were very positive concerning doing projects, learning gains and group work, although more grammar instruction and teacher-fronted activities were requested by the students. However, the collaborative assessment process and the use of a Notebook/Diary as a reflection tool bore mixed evaluations.
[EN] The experiment discussed in this paper is a direct replication of Finkbeiner (2005) and an indirect replication of Jiang and Forster (2001) and Witzel and Forster (2012). The paper explores the use of episodic memory in L2 vocabulary processing. By administering an L1 episodic recognition task with L2 masked translation primes, reduced reaction times would suggest L2 vocabulary storage in episodic memory. The methodology follows Finkbeiner (2005), who argued that a blank screen introduced after the prime in Jiang Forster (2001) led to a ghosting effect, compromising the imperceptibility of the prime. The results here mostly corroborate Finkbeiner (2005) with no significant priming effects. While Finkbeiner discusses his findings in terms of the dissociability of episodic and semantic memory, and discounts Jiang and Forster’s (2001) results to participants’ strategic responding, I add a layer of analysis based on declarative and procedural constituents. From this perspective, Jiang and Forster (2001) and Witzel and Forster’s (2012) results can be seen as possible episodic memory activation, and Finkbeiner’s (2005) and my lack of priming effects might be due to the sole activation of procedural neural networks. Priming effects are found in concrete and abstract words but require verification through further experimentation.
[EN] The experiment discussed in this paper is a direct replication of Finkbeiner (2005) and an indirect replication of Jiang and Forster (2001) and Witzel and Forster(2012). The paper explores the use of episodic memory in L2 vocabulary processing. By administering an L1 episodic recognition task with L2 masked translation primes, reduced reaction times would suggest L2 vocabulary storage in episodic memory. The methodology follows Finkbeiner (2005) who argued that a blank screen introduced after the prime in Jiang Forster (2001) led to a ghosting effect, compromising the imperceptibility of the prime. The results here mostly corroborate Finkbeiner (2005) with no significant priming effects. While Finkbeiner discusses his findings in terms of the dissociability of episodic and semantic memory, and discounts Jiang and Forster’s (2001) results to participants’ strategic responding, I add a layer of analysis based on declarative and procedural constituents. From this perspective, Jiang and Forster (2001) and Witzel and Forster’s (2012) results can be seen as possible episodic memory activation, and Finkbeiner’s (2005) and my lack of priming effects might be due to the sole activation of procedural neural networks. Priming effects are found in concrete and abstract words but require verification through further experimentation.
[EN] Since Long's Interaction Hypothesis (Long, 1983) multiple studies have suggested the need of oral interaction for successful second language learning. Within this perspective, a great deal of research has been carried out to investigate the role of corrective feedback in the process of acquiring a second language, but there are still varied open debates about this issue. This comparative study seeks to contribute to the existing literature on corrective feedback in oral interaction by exploring teachers' corrective techniques and students' response to these corrections. Two learning contexts were observed and compared: a traditional English as a foreign language (EFL) classroom and a Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) classroom .The main aim was to see whether our data conform to the Counterbalance Hypothesis proposed by Lyster and Mori (2006). Although results did not show significant differences between the two contexts, a qualitative analysis of the data shed some light on the differences between these two language teaching settings. The findings point to the need for further research on error correction in EFL and CLIL contexts in order to overcome the limitations of the present study.
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El propòsit de la xarxa 3252 ha estat el de plantejar una sèrie de canvis en la guia docent de l’assignatura «Llengua Catalana aplicada a les Ciències de l’Activitat Física i l’Esport» (codi 16830), la qual, al nostre parer, acompleix els requisits de llengua d’ús homologable a d’altres d’impartides pel Departament de Filologia Catalana de la UA a la Facultat d’Educació, però no compta amb un inseriment adient en el marc dels estudis del grau que l’acull, ço és, CAFE. En aquest sentit, la memòria present vol ser testimoni dels canvis suggerits en pro d’un encaixament més orgànic i esclaridor d’acord amb una visió fonamentada en el Tractament Integrat de Llengua i Continguts.
En aquest article presentem els resultats de la reflexió, l’estudi i la discussió que s’ha produït sobre la metodologia docent de l’assignatura Literatura catalana infantil (17557), a partir dels nous enfocaments relacionats amb les TIC i les possibilitats que ofereix la xarxa, i de la recerca sobre altres experiències docents vinculades a l’ensenyament de la literatura, amb especial interès per l’Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes (sobre el qual hem organitzat, amb el suport de l’ICE, un curs de formació per al professorat del Departament de Filologia Catalana). La investigació sobre metodologies ha propiciat una revisió i modificació de l’avaluació de l’assignatura així com també d’alguns continguts específics, com ara la narrativa audiovisual, que s’incorporarà en forma de discussió als continguts relacionats amb el gèneres de la literatura infantil i juvenil. Al capdavall, el treball realitzat contribueix a generar un discurs propi sobre l’ensenyament de la literatura, especialment dirigit a l’educació primària i, per tant, incideix directament en la formació de l’alumnat de la Facultat d’Educació en la qual s’imparteix aquesta assignatura.
Le opere di Federigo Tozzi hanno conosciuto una fortuna critica sempre crescente, nel corso del Novecento, sebbene i testi delle stampe che ancora oggi leggiamo siano segnati dal destino sfortunato del loro autore: Tozzi, morendo a soli trentasette anni, non poté curare né approvare le edizioni di una parte cospicua dei propri scritti. Così, anche il te-sto che costituisce la vulgata di un romanzo caposaldo come Il podere è quello stabilito da Glauco Tozzi, figlio dell’autore, negli anni Sessanta per Vallecchi, a sua volta larga-mente fondato sulla princeps Treves curata dalla vedova dell’autore, Emma Palagi. La presente tesi di dottorato propone l’edizione critica del Podere di Tozzi, inseren-dosi nei lavori per le Edizioni Nazionali cui è destinata. La tesi pertanto è strutturata se-condo una scansione tipica dell’edizione di studio: una nota al testo, contenente le de-scrizioni e le analisi dei testimoni originali, la ricostruzione cronologica della genesi del romanzo e l’ipotesi di lavoro adottata. Dopo la dichiarazione delle norme per la costitu-zione di testo e apparato, segue il testo critico del romanzo, con apparato genetico a piè di pagina. La tesi si conclude con tre appendici, la prima contenente il testo parziale del-le ultime bozze di stampa del romanzo, corredate di apparato che ne descrive le diffe-renze rispetto al testo dattiloscritto e le correzioni d’autore qui aggiunte. Alla seconda appendice è invece destinato il breve testo di Luigia, che è quanto rimane testimoniato di un sequel del Podere. Nella terza appendice sono raccolte le riproduzioni fotografiche di alcune carte originali, utili durante la lettura della nota al testo.