707 resultados para Early Childhood Education, Sociocultural Theory, Learning


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In dit artikel staat het onderpresteren van leerlingen in het basisonderwijs centraal. Onderpresteren is opgevat als de discrepantie tussen intelligentie en schools presteren op het gebied van taal en rekenen. Met behulp van secundaire analyse van longitudinale gegevens uit de grootschalige PRIMA-cohort:studie zijn drie vragen beantwoord: 1) Hoe groot is de groep onderpresteerders? 2) Op welk moment begint (en eventueel eindigt) het onderpresteren? 3) Met welke leerling-en klaskenmerken hangt het onderpresteren samen? De analyse heeft betrekking op bijna 5800 leerlingen die in de jaren 2000, 2002 en 2004 in de groepen 4, 6 en 8 zaten. De resultaten laten zien dat er qua taal bij circa 20% en wat betreft rekenen bij 16% van de leerlingen sprake is van onderpresteren. Met name hoogbegaafde leerlingen gaan in de loop van hun schoolloopbaan onderpresteren. Tevens is er een aantal relaties tussen onderpresteren en andere leerlingkenmerken vastgesteld. De bevindingen maken duidelijk dat er zich nog een reservoir aan verborgen talent bevindt in het basisonderwijs.


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This handbook gives information to Iowa elementary teachers on how to teach conservation to students. Units covered are soil, wildlife, nature, mineral resources, forests, water, farming and legumes and grasses.


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This bulletin is intended to provide teachers of the early elementary grades with outlines and suggestions which they may use to improve the speech habits of their pupils.


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The article starts by illustrating how children’s right to participation comes to the fore in legal documents regulating the field of early childhood education in Norway. Issues regarding the views of children, understanding of democracy and of play, which influence how this right is realised in early childhood practice, are taken as a point of departure to discuss possible pitfalls. Based on analyses from an in-depth qualitative study in two Norwegian kindergartens (children aged three to six), two examples are presented to argue an understanding of children’s participation which include more than individualistic choice routines. The article is rounded off by taking a critical look at conceptualisations used in early childhood practice and research, arguing that there is a need for critical self- reflection amongst researchers in the field


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Relatório da Prática Profissional Supervisionada Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar


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Pensar a participação das crianças na educação infantil foi o mote que impulsionou essa pesquisa nos Estudos da Criança na Sociologia da Infância com o objetivo de contribuir para a consolidação da Pedagogia da Infância balizada num projeto emancipatório. Neste artigo, o recorte eleito tratará do encontro entre a Pedagogia da Infância e a Sociologia da Infância, da democracia e participação das crianças na educação infantil e, do corpo e afetos como elementos das formas de participar das crianças. Depreende-se o quanto é fulcral balizarmos uma educação a partir de uma concepção de criança como ator social e a imprescindibilidade de considerarmos seu ponto de vista expressado por diferentes canais comunicacionais, dentre eles o corpo e afetos, na organização e efetivação das práticas pedagógicas cotidianas.


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Die Autorinnen schließen in ihrem Beitrag Befunde und Thesen zur Problematik von Männern in frühpädagogischen Institutionen an die Diskurse um die Steigerung des Anteils männlicher Erzieher an, mit denen häufig die Vermutung einer Qualitätssteigerung verbunden ist. Sie fragen anhand von Interviews nach „Auffassungen und Ausgestaltungen der männlichen Geschlechtszugehörigkeit durch Erzieher in ihrer frühpädagogischen Arbeit“. Dabei schildern die Autorinnen große Akzeptanz im Feld und positive Zuschreibungen seitens der Institutionen. Die Erzieher explizieren dabei ihre Funktion als männliche Vorbilder in Form von Varianten wie ‚neue‘ Männer und ‚bessere‘ Väter, nicht zuletzt in Abgrenzung gegenüber den tatsächlichen Vätern der Kindergartenkinder. Augenfällig seien, so die Autorinnen, dass negative eigene Kindheitserfahrungen durch eine Romantisierung und stark emotionalisierende Aufladung der Beziehung zu den Kindern kompensiert werden und dies die notwendige generationale Differenz verwischt. Insgesamt stehen diese vergeschlechtlichten Positionierungen der Erzieher einer vertieften biographischen Selbstreflexion als Kernelement von institutionell zu fordernder Professionalisierung eher im Wege. (DIIPF/Orig.)


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Sammelrezension von: 1. Hurrelmann, Klaus/Schultz, Tanjev (Hrsg.) (2012): Jungen als Bildungsverlierer. Brauchen wir eine Männerquote in Kitas und Schulen? Weinheim & Basel: Beltz Juventa, 316 Seiten. 2. Forster, Edgar/Rendtorff, Barbara/Mahs, Claudia (Hrsg.) (2011): Jungenpädagogik im Widerstreit. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 212 Seiten. 3. Chwalek, Doro Thea/Diaz, Miguel/Fegter, Susann/Graff, Ulrike (Hrsg.): (2012): Jungen-Pädagogik. Praxis und Theorie


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Deficits in social communication and interaction have been identified as distinguishing impairments for individuals with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). As a pivotal skill, the successful development of social communication and interaction in individuals with ASD is a lifelong objective. Point-of-view video modeling has the potential to address these deficits. This type of video involves filming the completion of a targeted skill or behavior from a first-person perspective. By presenting only what a person might see from his or her viewpoint, it has been identified to be more effective in limiting irrelevant stimuli by providing a clear frame of reference to facilitate imitation. The current study investigated the use of point-of-view video modeling in teaching social initiations (e.g., greetings). Using a multiple baseline across participants design, five kindergarten participants were taught social initiations using point-of-view video modeling and video priming. Immediately before and after viewing the entire point-of-view video model, the participants were evaluated on their social initiations with a trained, typically developing peer serving as a communication partner. Specifically, the social initiations involved participants’ abilities to shift their attention toward the peer who entered the classroom, maintain attention toward the peer, and engage in an appropriate social initiation (e.g., hi, hello). Both generalization and maintenance were tested. Overall, the data suggest point-of-view video modeling is an effective intervention for increasing social initiations in young students with ASD. However, retraining was necessary for acquisition of skills in the classroom environment. Generalization in novel environments and with a novel communication partner, and generalization to other social initiation skills was limited. Additionally, maintenance of gained social initiation skills only occurred in the intervention room. Despite the limitations of the study and variable results, there are a number of implications moving forward for both practitioners and future researchers examining point-of-view modeling and its potential impact on the social initiation skills of individuals with ASD.


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Es innegable la importancia de la Expresión Plástica en el crecimiento global del niño, con todo, intervinientes en el proceso didáctico y muchos teóricos consideran que el arte en la educación se encuentra en una posición menospreciada (BARBOSA, 2001, 2002; EFLAND, 2002, 2004; HERNÁNDEZ, 2000; MARTINS, 2002; LÓPEZ GARCÍA, 2003; OLIVEIRA et al., 2004; WAGNER, 2001). Estas consideraciones llevan a cuestionar las prácticas pedagógicas de los educadores infantiles, la forma como desarrollan su currículo, las oportunidades educativas que ofrecen a los niños, o sea, importa percibir si la Expresión Plástica se desenvuelve con calidad pedagógica en contextos de Educación Infantil. En este sentido, el problema planteado conduce a la necesidad de conocer nuestra realidad y a presentar caminos congruentes con el tiempo en el que vivimos, donde el concepto de arte e imagen invaden y amplían nuestras experiencias cotidianas que necesitan ser descodificadas para que sean entendidas. Así, este trabajo pretende exponer un diagnóstico de las prácticas educativas ejecutadas por educadores infantiles del distrito de Oporto (Portugal) en el dominio de la Expresión Plástica.The importance of the Plastic Expression in the global development of the child is undeniable, nevertheless, participants in the didactic process and theoretical people think that art in education is in a despised position (BARBOSA, 2001, 2002; EFLAND, 2002, 2004; HERNÁNDEZ, 2000; MARTINS, 2002; LÓPEZ GARCÍA, 2003; OLIVEIRA et al., 2004; WAGNER, 2001). These perspectives lead to questioning the pedagogical practices of early childhood educators, the way in which they develop the curriculum, the educational opportunities that they offer children, thus attempting to understand if the domain of Plastic Expression develops with pedagogical quality within the context of early childhood education. In this sense, the problem raised leads to the need to comprehend our reality and present ways that are coherent with the times in which we live, where the concept of art and image invade and extend our daily experiences and for them to be understood they need to be deciphered. This article intends to present a diagnosis of the educational practices of early childhood educators of the district of Oporto (Portugal) in the domain of the Plastic Expression.


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This article describes the process and results of a Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) on teachers' ability to manage the emotions of preschool children during a constrained play activity. Thirty early childhood education teachers participated in the study. Half of the participants were taught strategies to enhance their own emotional competence. The control group was provided with standard information on child development. The experimental group was trained in active strategies on emotion coaching, emotional schemas, reflective practice focused on emotions, and mindfulness training. The teachers' outcomes were assessed in situ during a pretend play session with small groups of preschoolers. The dependent variables were observed occurrences of different components of emotional competence in teachers. Significant statistical differences were found between the two groups across the three different emotional competence skills (regulation, expression, and knowledge) demonstrated by the early childhood teachers during a game situation. This experimental study highlights the processes through which teachers support the emotional competence of young children, and the importance of the role of early childhood teachers' own emotional competence on the socialisation of children's emotions. Most importantly, it provides evidence, based on the influence of emotion-focused teacher-training and reflective practices, that teachers' emotional skills should be supported such that they can optimally meet the emotional needs of young children.


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Este trabalho teve como foco a presença da área de conhecimento música no curso Normal de duas escolas públicas do município de Pelotas/RS: O Instituto Estadual de Educação Assis Brasil e o Colégio Municipal Pelotense. Considerando que esta modalidade formativa habilita professores para o trabalho na educação infantil e anos iniciais do ensino fundamental, investigamos a educação musical que está sendo desenvolvida no curso Normal e em que concepções se apoia esta prática. Após seis anos de vigência da Lei 11.769/2008, que alterou o artigo 26 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases de 1996 e incluiu a obrigatoriedade do ensino dos conteúdos de música dentro do componente curricular Arte, esta pesquisa compreendeu o processo de adaptação dos currículos escolares, as discussões em torno da atual legislação e as orientações por parte das mantenedoras, tendo em vista a referida Lei. Outra questão presente nesta pesquisa, refere-se à identificação do profissional responsável por trabalhar os conteúdos de música, já que a Lei 11.769/2008 excluiu, por meio de veto presidencial, o artigo que solicitava formação específica na área. Após o período do canto orfeônico no Brasil, as Leis de Diretrizes e Bases de 1961 e 1971, respectivamente, não ratificaram esta área de forma permanente nos currículos escolares. Em 1996, uma nova LDB, suscitaria novas esperanças aos professores de música e aos pesquisadores da área, no entanto, esta legislação não atendeu as expectativas dos profissionais ligados à música, permanecendo a educação musical ausente em muitos contextos educativos. A partir da Lei 11.769/2008, esta pesquisa objetivou identificar se a efetiva inclusão dos conteúdos de música na disciplina de Arte se concretizou, já que a LDB de 1996 não clarificou quais as áreas deveriam ser contempladas dentro deste componente curricular. Além desses aspectos, esta pesquisa também problematizou a atual situação do ensino de música no contexto geral das escolas estaduais e das instituições municipais de Pelotas/RS.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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The article presents three approaches to the conceptualisation of development as a category which describes the dynamics of the biography of man, which the author defines as: universalisation, contextualisation / relativism, and problematisation / negation. Emphasis is laid on a shift in thinking about the child and childhood, to be observed in the post-structural analyses contingent on the thought of Michel Foucault and a critique of developmental psychology which is developing in the world, but has been absent from Poland so far. The strongest critique of both these perspectives is directed against the standardisation measures for which individuality, specificity and diversity become a deviation from the norm. The article shows how strong arguments showing the controversy of development perceived in this way have been collected and how debatable the category of development as such is.


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In an attempt taken to reconstruct the current issues in the field of early childhood education, what becomes particularly important are the questions related to the way of organizing education in Poland and around the globe, i.e. in diverse cultural environments. The current problems diagnosed can contribute to redefining the goals of the school. Without a recognition of the difficulties, it is impossible to determine the direction of research or an action plan towards an actual, substantial reform of education. In an effort to rebuild schools, it is therefore necessary to create a debate about development trends of education in the twenty-first century in Poland and in the world. The comparative perspective adopted can facilitate outlining a broad and multi-dimensional context decisive for the value of the educational discourse.