893 resultados para Chinese wit and humor.
[ES] China ha irrumpido como actor principal del escenario global al haber protagonizado, durante las tres últimas décadas, un proceso de transformación económica y social de gran magnitud. Ahora bien, vender productos –sobre todo, del sector de alimentación– de origen occidental en China es, con diferencia, el reto más complicado al que deben enfrentarse las compañías de deciden entrar a operar en este mercado.
Ao visualizar uma figura de nariz vermelho, sapatos grandes e roupas coloridas, muitos podem acreditar que estão diante de um palhaço. Entretanto, o referido personagem não se caracteriza pela indumentária, mas sim por assumir-se ridículo e criar a partir disso. Ele não quer se curar de seus defeitos, pelo contrário, quer utilizá-los para produzir riso. Utilizando a psicanálise como instrumento de interpretação, é possível compreender que o palhaço se define por um modo de relação específico com a falta, radicalmente diferente da forma neurótica e sintomática. Por meio do chiste e do humor, ele acolhe o real inquirindo a realidade e demonstrando com o nonsense que todo sentido é parcial. O chiste elucida a estrutura do inconsciente a qual o palhaço sabe ser incurável. O humor possui a capacidade de rejeitar as reivindicações da realidade e efetivar o princípio de prazer, com a grande vantagem de não ultrapassar os limites da saúde mental. Assim, ele transforma as ocasiões traumáticas em oportunidades para a obtenção de prazer, uma vez que no humor o ego se recusa a sofrer rejeitando as reivindicações da realidade.
A Medicina chinesa divulgada no ocidente tem sido estudada de forma fragmentada entre as suas diferentes formas de expressão desenvolvidas ao longo da história do Pensamento Médico Chinês. Nesse sentido o texto destaca três possíveis vertentes desta expressão, que denomina: Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ), Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (ZHÖNG YÏ) e Medicina Chinesa Contemporânea (DÄNG DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ). A primeira expressa as formulações nas obras clássicas surgidas a partir do período formativo da Medicina Chinesa, na Dinastia HÀN (206 a.C. a 221 d.C.). A segunda como corpo teórico e prático de conhecimento que, se disseminou no Oriente em geral e, posteriormente, no Ocidente como uma continuidade da Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ). A terceira refere-se à corrente hegemônica, hoje, na República Popular da China e mais tarde nos meios ocidentais. O objetivo do trabalho é investigar como tem sido divulgada no Ocidente por diferentes autores representantes de cada uma dessas vertentes a categoria SHÉN , frequentemente traduzida no Ocidente como Mente ou Espírito. Para tal, leva-se em conta a notoriedade acadêmica, a familiaridade com o idioma chinês, os pressupostos adotados, a história pessoal de cada um desses autores, entendidas como determinantes para suas apreensões de sentidos e significados da categoria SHÉN e, consequentemente, para os sentidos que assumem sua divulgação no Ocidente. Entendendo a Medicina Chinesa como uma Racionalidade Médica, conforme definição de Madel Therezinha Luz composta de seis dimensões: cosmologia, doutrina médica, dinâmica vital, morfologia, diagnose e terapêutica, o trabalho investiga do ponto de vista teórico-conceitual, amparado na Filosofia e Antropologia Médicas como a categoria SHÉN relaciona-se a cada uma das dimensões da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa. SHÉN relaciona-se com diversas outras categorias do Pensamento Médico e Filosófico Chinês, não sendo possível conceituá-lo sem mencionar categorias, tais como DÀO, YÏN YÁNG , TIÄN (Céu), RÉN (Homem), DÌ (Terra), MING (Destino), WÜ XÍNG (Cinco Fases), SÄN BÄO (Três Tesouros), GUÏ e LING Manifesta-se de diferentes formas através de sua relação com os ZÁNG FÜ (Órgãos e Vísceras), interferindo no funcionamento orgânico-visceral, nos aspectos de personalidade, nas emoções, entendidas como uma totalidade corpo-mente-espírito no Pensamento Médico chinês. SHÉN está presente em todas as dimensões da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa, diferindo o grau de importância dado por autores representantes de cada uma das três vertentes da Medicina Chinesa. Autores representantes da Medicina Clássica Chinesa (GÜ DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ) E DA Medicina Tradicional Chinesa (ZHÖNG YÏ) tendem a valorizar sua presença em todas as dimensões. Autores representantes da Medicina Chinesa Contemporânea (DÄNG DÀI ZHÖNG YÏ) tendem a valorizar a participação de SHÉN na dimensão Diagnose. Percebe-se, portanto, que SHÉN ao participar de todas as dimensões ganha o importante papel de estruturante da Racionalidade Médica Chinesa, não podendo, portanto, ser negligenciado nos estudos da Medicina Chinesa, sob pena de comprometer a importância da Racionalidade Médica.
As part of a study of genetic variation in the Vietnamese strains of the common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) using direct DNA sequencing of mitochondrial control and ATPase6/8 gene regions, samples from a number of other countries were analyzed for comparison. Results show that the levels of sequence divergence in common carp is low on a global scale, with the Asian carp having the highest diversity while Koi and European carp are invariant. A genealogical analysis supports a close relationship among Vietnamese, Koi, Chinese Color and, to a lesser extent, European carp. Koi carp appear to have originated from a strain of Chinese red carp. There is considerable scope to extend this research through the analysis of additional samples of carp from around the world, especially from China, in order to generate a comprehensive global genealogy of common carp strains.
Dentro das síndromes de dor crônica, caracterizadas pela manifestação de sintomas somáticos na ausência de uma etiologia médica identificável, a fibromialgia constitui uma das categorias mais misteriosas, devido à presença de numerosos sintomas associados - tais como fadiga, perturbações do sono e alterações da memória e da concentração e pela elevada comorbidade com transtornos de ansiedade e de humor, especialmente com a depressão. Na atualidade, a fibromialgia atinge até 5% da população e afeta profundamente a qualidade de vida dos sujeitos diagnosticados, se instituindo como um importante problema de saúde pública, realidade que demanda o aumento dos estudos relativos à doença. Partindo da revisão bibliográfica das publicações cientificas sobre fibromialgia nos últimos anos (2010-2013), procurou-se alcançar uma melhor visão das abordagens contemporâneas sobre a doença em termos da sua compreensão, classificação e diagnóstico. Os resultados obtidos através desta revisão apontaram a existência de problemas inerentes à concepção da natureza ontológica e epistemológica da dor, cujas manifestações da ordem objetivo e subjetivo dor física/ dor psíquica - embaralham as categorias compreensivas que definem a visão moderna do ser humano nas suas diferentes dimensões existenciais, dificultando a construção de instrumentos de medida e de sistemas classificatórios que permitam uma abordagem mais sofisticada da fibromialgia.
O objetivo do estudo foi verificar ex vivo a penetração de duas substâncias irrigantes hipoclorito de sódio 5% e Chlor-Xtra (Vista Dental Products, Racine, WI) através da adição de corante em canais simulados de dentes clarificados. Sessenta caninos inferiores unirradiculares humanos foram utilizados. As raízes foram seccionados em 16mm e instrumentadas com limas rotatórias do sistema Protaper até a F2 no comprimento de trabalho de 15mm. As amostras foram submetidas ao processo de clarificação para ficarem transparentes e durante o processo foram criados os canais simulados no terço apical. As raízes foram divididas aleatoriamente em três grupos ( NaOCl 5%, Chlor-Xtra e água) contendo 20 espécime por grupo. As amostras foram irrigadas com 1,5mL de solução contraste( tinta chinesa junto com a solução irrigante do respectivo grupo). E cada amostra foi fotografada e analisada. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente pelos testes Kruskal-Wallis e Student-Neuman-Keuls. Não houve diferença estatística entre as substâncias irrigantes testadas (p>0,05). A partir da análise dos dados, foi possível concluir que apesar da presença de agentes surfactantes na solução irrigante de Chlor-Xtra não houve uma melhor penetrabilidade nos canais simulados em comparação ao hipoclorito de sódio(NaOCl).
The Indian muntjac (Muntiacus muntjak vaginalis) has a karyotype of 2n=6 in the female and 7 in the male, the karyotypic evolution of which through extensive tandem fusions and several centric fusions has been well-documented by recent molecular cytogenetic studies. In an attempt to define the fusion orientations of conserved chromosomal segments and the molecular mechanisms underlying the tandem fusions, we have constructed a highly redundant (more than six times of whole genome coverage) bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library of Indian muntjac. The BAC library contains 124,800 clones with no chromosome bias and has an average insert DNA size of 120 kb. A total of 223 clones have been mapped by fluorescent in situ hybridization onto the chromosomes of both Indian muntjac and Chinese muntjac and a high-resolution comparative map has been established. Our mapping results demonstrate that all tandem fusions that occurred during the evolution of Indian muntjac karyotype from the acrocentric 2n=70 hypothetical ancestral karyotype are centromere-telomere (head-tail) fusions.
The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region is believed to play an important biological role in mtDNA replication. Large deletions in this region are rarely found, but when they do occur they might be expected to interfere with the replication of the molecule, thus leading to a reduction of mtDNA copy number. During a survey for mtDNA sequence variations in 5,559 individuals from the general Chinese population and 2,538 individuals with medical disorders, we identified a 50-bp deletion (m.298_347del50) in the mtDNA control region in a member of a healthy Han Chinese family belonging to haplogroup B4c1b2, as suggested by complete mtDNA genome sequencing. This deletion removes the conserved sequence block II (CSBII; region 299-315) and the replication primer location (region 317-321). However, quantification of the mtDNA copy number in this subject showed a value within a range that was observed in 20 healthy subjects without the deletion. The deletion was detected in the hair samples of the maternal relatives of the subject and exhibited variable heteroplasmy. Our current observation, together with a recent report for a benign 154-bp deletion in the mtDNA control region, suggests that the control of mtDNA replication may be more complex than we had thought. Hum Mutat 31:538-543, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Although fish culture itself is an age-old tradition in Taiwan, it was in the 1960s that the first successes on artificial propagation were achieved, with several species of Chinese carps and tilapias. The first marine fish to be bred in captivity was the grey mullet; it was first induced to spawn in 1968. Various other species have since been added to the list of propagated marine fish. The characteristics of the marine fish hatchery industry in Taiwan are outlined, considering both the outdoor pond and indoor tank systems. Future prospects are very good; Taiwan now exports marine fish larvae and fingerlings to many of its Asian neighbours and there are some 60 marine fish species for which commercial larval production is possible.
何首乌为常用中药,由何首乌及含何首乌的中成药制剂所引起的不良反应也时见报道,科学阐明不良反应的物质基础并提出解决方案对何首乌的使用十分重要。本论文研究了何首乌炮制前后KM小鼠肝脏毒性基因表达谱、生物活性及化学成分的变化。所获结果支持何首乌炮制的目的是减毒、改性(改变药效),何首乌生、熟异治的观点。制首乌对抑郁症的效果显著优于生首乌,这与本草所记载的何首乌炮制后补肝肾、益精血,归肝、肾经一致。 主要结果如下: 1、 生、制首乌的毒理基因芯片研究结果 何首乌的不良反应主要表现在肝损害方面。本研究建立了生何首乌和制何首乌不同剂量的肝毒性作用模型,体重指标统计发现生何首乌各剂量组平均体重显著下降,中剂量组(10 g/kg.d)体重下降20 %,高剂量组(20 g/kg.d)体重下降42%,50%动物死亡,提示动物机体能量代谢障碍;基因芯片研究结果表明何首乌是CYP450的抑制剂,生何首乌相对于制何首乌CYP3A4、CYP4A5显著下调,导致毒性成分在体内的吸收增加,服用大剂量的生何首乌后产生明显的肝毒性;主要对以下六条Pathway产生影响:①PPAR signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有RXRB CYP7a1、Acadl、Apoa2、Cyp4a、 FABP2 、MAPKKK5等基因。②Calcium signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有CAMK2B、CACNA1F、S100A1、 F2R、Ryr1、Slc8a2、Camk4 ③Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction,主要毒性靶基因有Chrm4、 Ntsr2 、 GABRR1、 GRIK3、F2R等基因。④Wnt signaling pathway,主要毒性靶基因有Daam2、Rac1 等基因。⑤Complement and coagulation cascades,主要毒性靶基因有F2R、Serpina1b、Cfi 、FGA等基因。⑥Oxidative hosphorylation,主要毒性靶基因有Atp5e、NDUFA1等基因。生何首乌毒性明显强于制首乌,且生何首乌水煎液的毒性大于生何乌首丙酮提取物的毒性,这一结果表明,何首乌主要的毒性成分很可能并不仅仅是传统所认为的以大黄素为代表的蒽醌类化合物,而是何首乌中大量存在的有效组分二苯乙烯苷与大黄素相互作用的结果,这一研究结果与前述的何首乌对肝药酶的影响是一致的。后续生、制首乌的化学成分差异研究表明,炮制后二苯乙烯苷含量明显降低:生首乌为5.512 %、清蒸制首乌为3.811 %、豆制首乌为3.538 %,大黄素的含量炮制后显著升高,生首乌为0.094 %、清蒸制首乌为0.119 %、豆制首乌为0.126 %。 2 生、制首乌药效差异研究结果 本文采用慢性中等强度不可预知应激刺激模型(chronic unpredictable mild stress, CUMS)和动物行为绝望实验法,研究生、制首乌抗抑郁活性的差异,制首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比有显著差异(P< 0.01),生首乌制首乌(5g/kg.d)与模型组相比无显著差异,这一结果表明制首乌抗抑郁活性显著优于生首乌。 本文比较了生、制首乌对四氧嘧啶糖尿病模型小鼠血糖的影响的差异,生首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比有显著差异(P< 0.01),制首乌(5 g/kg.d)与模型组相比无显著差异,这一结果表明生首乌降糖活性优于制首乌。这一结果与历代中医古书中生首乌治疗消渴症(糖尿病)的记载一致。 3生、制首乌化学成分差异的研究结果 本文选用HPLC-DAD指纹图谱技术结合药效成分含量测定来研究生、制首乌化学成分的差异。炮制后,何首乌中的主要化学成分并未消失,只是其含量发生了改变。炮制后二苯乙烯苷含量明显降低:生首乌为5.512 %、清蒸制首乌为3.811 %、豆制首乌为3.538 %,大黄素的含量炮制后显著升高,生首乌为0.094 %、清蒸制首乌为0.119 %、豆制首乌为0.126 %。 综上所述,炮制前后何首乌中二苯乙烯苷和大黄素含量比的变化可能是何首乌炮制减毒、改性的物质基础。 根据上述结果我们建立了生、制首乌的质量控制新模式。 In recent years, some adverse drug reactions (ADR) about some traditional Chinese medicine were reported at times. As a Chinese medicine most in use, the ADRs of Radix Polygoni multiflori (RPM) and the medicines containing the RPM were also mentioned. The resolution of the problems caused by the ADRs is very important for the use of the RPM as a medicine. The process (or preparation) is a significant feature for the clinical use of the Chinese medicine and an important technology for the safe use and good effect of the Chinese medicine. By processing, the toxicity of the Chinese medicine can be reduced, its properties can be changed and curative effect can be enhanced at the same time. The changes of the gene expression profiles for KM mice hepatotoxic effects, and the change of the biological activity and the chemical composition after being processed of the RPm were studied in the present dissertation. The RPm heatotoxicity mechanism and the toxicity target genes were explained on the gene level for the first time. With the antidepressant activity, and the hypoglycemic effect as the target, the differences on the pharmacodynamics between the processed RPm and unprocessed RPm, for the first time, were investigated. The results obtained show that the antidepressant activity of the processed RPM is far higher than the ones of unprocessed RPm. As we know, the results were reported for the first time. The quality control systems (QCS) for the processed and the unprocessed RPm were founded. The HPLC-DAD was used in the systems founded on the basis of the toxicology and the pharmacodynamics experiments. As we know, the OCSs were reported for the first time. The above-mentioned experimental results confirm that the unique process theory of the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) used for the process of the Radix Polygoni multiflori (RPm) is correct, i.e after being processed the toxicity of the RPm decreases and its Pharmacodynamic effects change. It is known to author that there have been no similar reports in the literatures up to now. The main experimental results are summarized as follows: 1 The results on the mice toxicology gene chip for the unprocessed and processed RPm The KM mice hepatotoxic model caused by the RPm at the different dosages was established in the present study. The results obtained show that the mouse average body weight obviously decreased in the groups at the different dosages of the unprocessed RPm: the 10 g/kg.d .group decreased 20%; 20 g/kg.d. group decreased 42%, and 50% mice died at 20 g/kg.d. group. The main experimental results on the mice toxicology gene chip The RPm is the CYP450 inhibitor. As compared with the processd RPm, the CYP3A4, CYP4A5 of the unprocessed RPm demonstrate the marked downregulation, which leads to the increase of the poison absorbtion into the body with the result that the unprocessed RPm yields the marked hepatotoxication. The hepatotoxication was produced because the following 6 pathways were affected: ①PPAR signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are RXRB, CYP7a1, Acadl, Apoa2, Cyp4a, FABP2 and MAPKKK5 etc. ②Calcium signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are CAMK2B, CACNA1F, S100A1, F2R, Ryr1,Slc8a2 and Camk4 etc. ③Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, the chief toxicity target genes are Chrm4, Ntsr2, GABRR1, GRIK3 and F2R etc. ④Wnt signaling pathway, the chief toxicity target genes are Daam2, Rac1 etc. ⑤Complement and coagulation cascades, the chief toxicity target genes are F2R, Serpina1b, Cfi and FGA etc. ⑥Oxidative phosphorylation, the chief toxicity target genes are Atp5e, NDUFA1 etc. The above experimental results, for the first time , demonstrate on the gene level that the unprocessed Rpm toxicity is far stronger than the processed RPm one, and the toxicity of the water decoction of the unprocessed RPm is greater than the one of its acetone extracts, which shows that the chief toxicity components of the RPm are probably not only the anthraquinones, for example, the emodin, but the complex compounds produced by the interaction between the emondin and the stilbene glucoside which is the largest component of the unprocessed RPm. The result is accordance with the above effect of the RPm on the hepatic drugenzyme. Aftter being processed, in fact, the content of the stibene glucoside in the RPm markedly decreases. 2. The results on the pharmacodynamic differences between the unprocessed and processed RPm The results obtained show that the effects of processing on RPm pharmacodynamic behaviour received in the Chinese Material Medica are correct. It is known to author that this is the first experimental result in the research materials now available. The chief results are as follows: For the treatment of the antidepressant, the curative effect of the processed RPm is far better than the one of the unprocessed RPm. By contrast with the above results, the hypoblycemic effect of the unprocessed RPm is better than the one of the processed RPm. 3. The results on the Chemical Composition The results obtained by using HPLC-DAD fingerprint and by the determination of effective component content show that the main chemical components in the RPm after being processed do not disappear, but their contents change. The contents of the stilbene glucoside (SG) and emodin in the different samples were determined as follows: SG contents 5.512 % for the unprocessed RPm 3.811 % for the processed RPm (Steamed) 3.588 % for the processed RPm (black soybean) Emodin contents 0.094 % for the unprocessed RPm 0.119 % for the processed RPm (Steamed) 0.126 % for the processed RPm (black soybean) The combination of above experimental results on the toxicity, the pharmacodynamics and the chemical composition indicates that the changes of the content ratio of SG/emodin may be the substance base of the toxicity decrease and pharmacodynamic changes of the RPM by the processing.
Land-cover changes in China are being powered by demand for food for its growing population and by the nation's transition from a largely rural society to one in which more than half of its people are expected to live in cities within two decades. Here we use an analysis of remotely sensed data gathered between 1990 and 2000, to map the magnitude and pattern of changes such as the conversion of grasslands and forests to croplands and the loss of croplands to urban expansion. With high-resolution ( 30 m) imagery from Landsat TM for the entire country, we show that between 1990 and 2000 the cropland area increased by 2.99 million hectares and urban areas increased by 0.82 million hectares. In northern China, large areas of woodlands, grasslands and wetlands were converted to croplands, while in southern China large areas of croplands were converted to urban areas. The land-cover products presented here give the Chinese government and international community, for the first time, an unambiguous understanding of the degree to which the nation's landscape is being altered. Documentation of these changes in a reliable and spatially explicit way forms the foundation for management of China's environment over the coming decades.
Using a radiolarian-based transfer function, mean annual sea surface temperature (SST) and seasonal temperature range are reconstructed through the last 10,500yrs in the northern Okinawa Trough. Down-core SST estimates reveal that throughout the Holocene the changes of mean annual SST display a three-step trend: (i) an early Holocene continuous warming between 10,500 and 8500yr BP which ends up with a abrupt cooling at about 8200yr BP; (ii) a relatively stable middle Holocene with high SST that lasted until 3200yr BP; and (iii) a late-Holocene distinct SST decline between 3200 and 500yr BP. This pattern is in agreement with the ice core and terrestrial paleoclimatic records in the Chinese continent and other regions of the world. Five cooling events with abrupt mean annual SST drops, which occur at similar to 300-600, 1400, 3100, 4600-5100 and 8200yr BP, are recognized during the last 10,500yrs. Comparison of our results with records of GISP2 ice core and marine sediment in North Atlantic region suggests these cooling events are strongly coupled, which implies a possible significant climatic correlation between high- and low-latitude areas. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd and INQUA. All rights reserved.
Eight species among six genera of bopyrid isopods (representing the subfamilies Pseudionmae and loninae) infesting thalassinideans from China are reported. Of these, four species are new to science: Gyge.fujianensis n. sp., Progebiophilits elongatus n. sp., Upogebione bidigitatus n. sp., and Procepon liuruiyui n. sp., infesting Upogebia major (de Haan), Nihonotrypaea japonica Ortmann, Upogebia carinicauda (Stimpson), and Austinogebia wuhsienweni (Yu). One species, lone cornuta Bate, 1864, is recorded for the first time from Chinese waters and from a new host. Pseudione longicauda Shiino, 1937, Gyge ovalis (Shiino, 1939), and Progebiophilus sinicus Markham, 1982, previously known from Hong Kong or Taiwan, are recorded for the first time from mainland China, extending their range north.