998 resultados para CELLULAR COMPOSITION
The consumption of mineral waters is increasing in industrialised countries. High intakes of Ca and other alkalising cations as well as a low acid intake are beneficial to bone. We examined which components of mineral waters are conditioning their Ca content and their alkalinising power, in order to define the optimal profile. European mineral waters were randomly selected on the Internet: 100 waters with less than 200 mg Ca/l (9.98 mEq/l) and fifty with more than 200 mg/l, all with complete data for SO4, P, Cl, Na, K, Mg and Ca, and most also for HCO3. For comparison, forty North American mineral waters were randomly chosen. The potential renal acid load (PRAL) was calculated for each mineral water. North American waters did not reveal significant results because of their low mineralisation. We performed correlations between all eight components in order to explore the properties of the mineral waters. In the European waters, twenty-six out of twenty-eight correlations showed a P value of <or= 0.01. In waters with PRAL >0 (acidifying waters), PRAL was positively correlated with SO4, Ca, K and Mg (P < 0.001). In those with PRAL < 0 (alkalinising waters), PRAL was negatively correlated with HCO3, Na, Mg, Ca, K, Cl and SO4 (P < 0.001). SO4 and HCO3 were not found together in high quantities in the same water for geochemical reasons. A high Ca content is associated with either a high SO4 or a high HCO3 content. SO4 theoretically increases Ca excretion, while HCO3 and low PRAL values are associated with positive effects on bone. Therefore, the best waters for bone health are rich in both HCO3 and Ca, and by consequence low in SO4.
We have examined the effects of two agents depleting the intracellular pool of glutathione (GSH) on macrophage activation induced by IFN-gamma + LPS, as measured by nitrite production and leishmanicidal activity. Diethylmaleate (DEM), which depletes intracellular GSH by conjugation via a reaction catalyzed by the GSH-S-transferase, strongly inhibited nitrite secretion and leishmanicidal activity when added before or at the time of addition of IFN-gamma + LPS; this inhibition was progressively lost when addition of DEM was delayed up to 10 hr. A close correlation was observed between levels of intracellular soluble GSH during activation and nitrite secretion. Inhibition was partially reversed by the addition of glutathione ethyl ester (GSH-Et). Buthionine sulfoximine (BSO), a specific inhibitor of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase, also inhibited macrophage activation, although to a lesser extent than DEM despite a more pronounced soluble GSH depletion. This inhibition was completely reversed by the addition of GSH-Et. DEM and BSO did not alter cell viability or PMA-triggered O2- production by activated macrophages, suggesting that the inhibitory effects observed on nitrite secretion and leishmanicidal activity were not related to a general impairment of macrophage function. DEM and BSO treatment reduced iNOS specific activity and iNOS protein in cytosolic extracts. DEM also decreased iNOS mRNA expression while BSO had no effect. Although commonly used as a GSH-depleting agent, DEM may have additional effects because it can also act as a sulhydryl reagent; BSO, on the other hand, which depletes GSH by enzymatic inhibition, has no effect on protein-bound GSH. Our results suggest that both soluble and protein-bound GSH may be important for the induction of NO synthase in IFN-gamma + LPS-activated macrophages.
La consecución de tolerancia aloespecífica es de mucha relevancia en trasplante. Las células dendríticas (DC) son las principales responsables de la inducción de la respuesta inmune frente a las moléculas de histocompatibilidad (MHC) del donante, provocando el rechazo del injerto. Sin embargo las DC son también responsables de la inducción de tolerancia. Diversos modelos animales de alotrasplante han mostrado la tolerización del injerto mediante DC diferenciadas in vitro en condiciones tolerogénicas (tDC). En humanos, las fuentes de aloantígenos potencialmente utilizables en terapia son, entre otras, los cuerpos apoptóticos y los exosomas. Éstos expresan antígenos MHC de forma abundante y su composición es relativamente uniforme, lo que supone una ventaja frente a otras fuentes. En este proyecto, se ha evaluado la obtención de exosomas secretados por una línea de linfocitos T y por células dendríticas derivadas de médula ósea. Se ha caracterizado la captura de exosomas derivados de linfocitos T por células dendríticas humanas derivadas de sangre periférica y su presentación a linfocitos T autólogos. Por otra parte, se ha comenzado a desarrollar los experimentos para estudiar la inducción de tolerancia en un modelo de trasplante renal en rata. Se han generado células dendríticas tolerógenicas derivadas de médula ósea (tolDC), en presencia de dexametasona. Las tolDC expresan menos moléculas de histocompatibilidad y de coestimulación e inducen una menor proliferación en reacciones mixtas leucocitaras, comparadas con las células dendríticas maduras. Por último, se han caracterizado los exosomas de plasma humano con el fin de estudiar su posible uso como aloantígenos. El análisis proteómico revela la presencia de proteínas relacionadas con el sistema inmune, la coagulación, la señalización celular y moléculas implicadas en el transporte y metabolismo de nutrientes. El estudio de la captura por diferentes líneas celulares sugiere que deben existir mecanismos específicos para su internalización.
En el cor embrional, la senyalització de mort cel•lular apoptòtica iniciada per receptors de mort i les caspases executores 3 i 7 exerceixen un paper important durant el desenvolupament cardíac no relacionat amb la mort cel•lular, i posteriorment són silenciats en l’adult, on les vies independents de caspases estan implicades en la mort cel•lular patològica. Resultats previs del nostre grup han contribuït a entendre com es regula i silencia en el cor l’expressió dels gens de la via apoptòtica depenent de caspases durant el desenvolupament; a més, resultats no publicats demostren que les caspases regulen el procés d’expressió de gens en el cor i, contràriament a la maquinària depenent de caspases, TatD, una nucleasa, ’expressa abundantment al cor postnatal. Es desconeixen les funcions de la senyalització apoptòtica durant el desenvolupament cardíac, tot i que són essencials per al desenvolupament, a més, la senyalització independent de caspases implicada al dany cel•lular en els miòcits només es coneix parcialment, el nostre objectiu és contribuir al coneixement d’ambdós fenòmens. Creiem que les caspases podrien processar proteïnes reguladores de l’expressió de gens musculars alterant la seva activitat, mentre que TatD té un paper rellevant en el dany cel•lular però també en la funció cardíaca normal. Volem caracteritzar la contribució de les caspases 3 i 7 en el desenvolupament cardíac, utilitzant models in vivo (estem finalitzant els creuaments necessaris per a disposar dels animals amb el genotip desitjat) i in vitro (pràcticament hem preparat tot el material i hem optimitzat els protocols per a tirar-ho endavant). També volem caracteritzar la funció de TatD durant el desenvolupament i fisiologia del cor i conèixer-ne la seva funció utilitzant models in vitro i in vivo.
OBJECTIVE: Both subclinical hypothyroidism and the metabolic syndrome have been associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease events. It is unknown whether the prevalence and incidence of metabolic syndrome is higher as TSH levels increase, or in individuals with subclinical hypothyroidism. We sought to determine the association between thyroid function and the prevalence and incidence of the metabolic syndrome in a cohort of older adults. DESIGN: Data were analysed from the Health, Ageing and Body Composition Study, a prospective cohort of 3075 community-dwelling US adults. PARTICIPANTS: Two thousand one hundred and nineteen participants with measured TSH and data on metabolic syndrome components were included in the analysis. MEASUREMENTS: TSH was measured by immunoassay. Metabolic syndrome was defined per revised ATP III criteria. RESULTS: At baseline, 684 participants met criteria for metabolic syndrome. At 6-year follow-up, incident metabolic syndrome developed in 239 individuals. In fully adjusted models, each unit increase in TSH was associated with a 3% increase in the odds of prevalent metabolic syndrome (OR, 1.03; 95% CI, 1.01-1.06; P = 0.02), and the association was stronger for TSH within the normal range (OR, 1.16; 95% CI, 1.03-1.30; P = 0.02). Subclinical hypothyroidism with a TSH > 10 mIU/l was significantly associated with increased odds of prevalent metabolic syndrome (OR, 2.3; 95% CI, 1.0-5.0; P = 0.04); the odds of incident MetS was similar (OR 2.2), but the confidence interval was wide (0.6-7.5). CONCLUSIONS: Higher TSH levels and subclinical hypothyroidism with a TSH > 10 mIU/l are associated with increased odds of prevalent but not incident metabolic syndrome.
Large or giant cellular blue nevi are usually congenital and represent a challenge for the physician. Close anatomic structures may be altered by the size of the moles. In this article, we report the case of an uncommon large, agminated, cellular blue nevus of the 'plaque type' in a 42-year-old female. Due to the risks of malignant melanoma development on a large or giant blue nevus, we highlight the importance of proper histopathological diagnosis. Furthermore, because of the possibility that the nevus may invade the bone and cerebral tissues, we discuss the indication of a radiological diagnosis. The accurate correlation to clinical and histopathological findings and appropriate multidisciplinary management can save the lives of patients. © 2013 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Les proteïnes associades a la mielina (MAIS), Nogo-A, MAG i OMgp, són molècules que presenten una capacitat inhibitòria molt important per el recreixement axonal i la neuroreparació després de lesió. No obstant des de fa anys les seves funcions han estat ampliades i s’han involucrat en diferents processos degeneratius del sistema nerviós o en processos neuroinflamatoris del sistema nerviós central i el perifèric com ara l'Escleresi Múltiple (MS). La base neurobiològica d’indicadors moleculars que són responsables del dany axonal en MS segueixen sense estar plenament descrits. Recentment s’ha publicat que el mecanisme de senyalització Nogo-A pot regir els primers canvis de la desmielinització immunomediada del sistema nerviós central en el model animal de MS, l’encefalomielitis autoimmune experimental (EAE). De la mateixa forma la proteïna priònica cel•lular és una proteïna que s’ha associat majoritàriament a malalties espongiformes, però que recentment s’ha vinculat (no sense controvèrsia) amb la seva possible relació amb la Malaltia d'Alzheimer (AD), ja que seria capaç de reclutar els oligòmers d’Aβ (ADDLs), els quals correlacionen millor amb el grau de demència, i amb els que interacciona directament, actuant així com un possible mediador de la fosforilació de tau en la malaltia. No obstant, les funcions de les MAIS i de la PrPc en aquests models de la malaltia no estan clarament definits i, per altra banda, es desconeixen els mecanismes de senyalització implicats, no descartant de forma clara el component neural i l’immune.
Since the internal defense system of mollusks consists of cellular and humoral mechanisms, we examined the role of hydrocortisone in mollusks defense cells and the influence of this steroid on the development of Schistosoma mansoni in its intermediary host. Hydrocortisone had an immunosuppressive action in Biomphalaria glabrata, as reflected in the reduced number of defense cells and the altered cell physiology. Histopathological analysis showed that hydrocortisone facilitated the intramolluscan development of S. mansoni, by reducing the extent of the inflammatory response, seen as a greater number of viable sporocysts with no surrounding hemocytes.
The specific sensitization of tumor cells to the apoptotic response induced by genotoxins is a promising way of increasing the efficacy of chemotherapies. The RasGAP-derived fragment N2, while not regulating apoptosis in normal cells, potently sensitizes tumor cells to cisplatin- and other genotoxin-induced cell death. Here we show that fragment N2 in living cells is mainly located in the cytoplasm and only minimally associated with specific organelles. The cytoplasmic localization of fragment N2 was required for its cisplatin-sensitization property because targeting it to the mitochondria or the ER abrogated its ability to increase the death of tumor cells in response to cisplatin. These results indicate that fragment N2 requires a spatially constrained cellular location to exert its anti-cancer activity.
Adult stem cells hold many promises for future clinical applications and regenerative medicine. The haematopoietic stem cell (HSC) is the best-characterized somatic stem cell so far, but in vitro expansion has been unsuccessful, limiting the future therapeutic potential of these cells. Here we review recent progress in characterizing the composition of the HSC bone-marrow microenvironment, known as the HSC niche. During homeostasis, HSCs, and therefore putative bone-marrow HSC niches, are located near bone surfaces or are associated with the sinusoidal endothelium. The molecular crosstalk between HSCs and the cellular constituents of these niches is thought to control the balance between HSC self-renewal and differentiation, indicating that future successful expansion of HSCs for therapeutic use will require three-dimensional reconstruction of a stem-cell-niche unit.
Reactivity of snails against parasites exhibits a primitive focal reaction, with encapsulation, phagocytosis and destruction of parasite larvae by macrophage-like cells - the hemocytes. This reaction mimics granulomatous inflammation seen in higher animals. However, different from the latter, little is known about the participation of extra-cellular matrix in such snail defense reactions. Normal and Schistosoma mansoni-infected Biomphalaria glabrata of different strains were submitted to cytological, histological, ultrastructural and biochemical methods in order to investigate the behavior of extra-cellular tissues at the site of anti-parasite reactions. In spite of the presence of two cell-types in peripheral hemolymph, only one cell-type was present at the sites of tissue reactions. Although pre-existent collagen and elastic fibers and microfibrils sometimes appeared slightly compressed around focal reactions, no evidences of duplication, synthesis or deposition of connective-tissue extra-cellular components were observed within or around the zones of reactive cell accumulations. Thus, tissue reactions against S. mansoni in the snail B. glabrata appeared exclusively dependent on one specific population of hemocytes.
OBJECTIVE: To see whether a fat-rich (50%) evening meal promoted fat oxidation and a different spontaneous food intake on the following day at breakfast than a meal with a lower fat content (20%) in 10 prepubertal obese girls. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: The postabsorptive and postprandial (10.5 hours) energy expenditure after a low-fat (LF) (20% fat, 68% carbohydrate, 12% protein) and an isocaloric (2.1 MJ) and isoproteic high-fat (HF; 50% fat, 38% carbohydrate, 12% protein) meal were measured by indirect calorimetry. RESULTS: Fat oxidation was not significantly different after the two meals [LF, 31 +/- 9 vs. HF, 35 +/- 9 g/10.5 hours, p = not significant (NS)]. The girls oxidized 1.8 +/- 0.9 times more fat than that ingested (11.1 grams) with the LF meal vs. 0.3 +/- 0.3 times more fat than that ingested (27.1 grams) with the HF meal (p < 0.001). Carbohydrate oxidation was significantly higher after an LF than an HF meal (39 +/- 12 vs. 29 +/- 9 g/10.5 hours, p < 0,05). At breakfast, the girls spontaneously ingested a similar amount of energy (1.5 +/- 0.7 vs. 1.5 +/- 0.6 MJ, p = NS) and macronutrient proportions (fat, 23% vs. 26%, p = NS; protein, 9% vs. 10%; carbohydrate, 68% vs. 64%,) independently of their having eaten an HF or an LF dinner. DISCUSSION: An HF dinner did not stimulate fat oxidation, and no compensatory effect in spontaneous food intake was observed during breakfast the following morning. Cumulated total fat oxidation after dinner was higher than total fat ingested at dinner, but a much larger negative fat balance was observed after the LF meal. Spontaneous energy and nutrient intakes at breakfast were similar after LF and HF isocaloric, isoproteic dinners. This study points out the lack of sensitivity of short-term fat balance to subsequently readjust fat intake and emphasizes the importance of an LF meal to avoid transient positive fat imbalance.
In this study we have examined certain aspects of the process of cell invasion and parasitophorous vacuole escape by metacyclic trypomastigotes and extracellular amastigote forms of Trypanosoma cruzi (G strain). Using Vero (and HeLa) cells as targets, we detected differences in the kinetics of vacuole escape by the two forms. Alcalinization of intercellular pH influenced both invasion as well as the escape from the parasitophorous vacuole by metacyclic trypomastigotes, but not the escape kinetics of extracellular amastigotes. We used sialic acid mutants as target cells and observed that the deficiency of this molecule facilitated the escape of both infective forms. Hemolysin activity was only detected in extracellular amastigotes and neither form presented detectable transialidase activity. Invasion of extracellular amastigotes and trypomastigotes in Vero cells was affected in different ways by drugs that interfere with host cell Ca2+ mobilization. These results are in line with previous results that indicate that metacyclic trypomastigotes and extracellular amastigote forms utilize mechanisms with particular features to invade host cells and to escape from their parasitophorous vacuoles.
Historically, it has been difficult to monitor the acute impact of anticancer therapies on hematopoietic organs on a whole-body scale. Deeper understanding of the effect of treatments on bone marrow would be of great potential value in the rational design of intensive treatment regimens. 3'-deoxy-3'-(18)F-fluorothymidine ((18)F-FLT) is a functional radiotracer used to study cellular proliferation. It is trapped in cells in proportion to thymidine-kinase 1 enzyme expression, which is upregulated during DNA synthesis. This study investigates the potential of (18)F-FLT to monitor acute effects of chemotherapy on cellular proliferation and its recovery in bone marrow, spleen, and liver during treatment with 2 different chemotherapy regimens.