986 resultados para Banking crisis
Tras dos décadas con todo a favor para las entidades bancarias españolas, sobre todo para las cajas de ahorros, en cuento a su crecimiento y su expansión, la llegada de la crisis actual ha cambiado toda esta tendencia. El proceso de reestructuración del sistema bancario español a partir de 2009 provoca grandes transformaciones dentro del sector financiero, que afectan especialmente a las mismas cajas. Estos cambios son visibles a diferentes escalas del territorio. Por ello en este trabajo descubriremos el comportamiento de las oficinas bancarias en la ciudad de Lleida, especialmente durante el reciente período para averiguar las repercusiones que pueden tener estas medidas en una ciudad de tamaño medio, pero para ello encuadraremos nuestro trabajo en otras escalas territoriales.
Aquest Treball Final de Grau se centra en la gestió de comunicació en les situacions de crisis institucionals, donat que aquestes han demostrat que la imatge és un dels actius més rellevants en les organitzacions. Per atenuar totes les conseqüències negatives de les crisis, s’ha de comprometre’s a la preparació i a la prevenció dels riscos des de tots els punts de vista. Les crisis ben gestionades poden ser oportunitats per reposicionar una marca i, a la vegada, enfortir-la. Per aquest motiu, una bona gestió de crisis és la base per intentar evitar una crisis o, en el cas que succeeixi, sortir il·lès de les conseqüències i millorar la imatge de l’entitat. A més a més, per recalcar la importància d’una bona preparació abans que esdevingui la crisis, s’analitza un cas - la crisis sanitària de l’ebola a España - on es reflexa clarament la necessitat d’estar previngut.
This paper compares different times of museums considering the situation of the past two decades. It reflects on the upswing and down, knowing that partake of the latter and we are in a deep crisis and unsustainable policies dictating contradictory. This situation raises the museums with their own project and creative professionals can better overcome difficulties because they do not suffer crisis of ideas. Some paradoxes are evident as the case of Greece, the place where the museums are repositories of highly relevant cultural values and the same institutions that have enhanced their improvement in the years of the upswing, they currently require, cuts that put them in a position risk. Similarly we can see that policies are applied to thin the identity of museums since they rely on adjustments that do not study each particular case. Alternatively there is the creativity and efforts of managers and professionals in general and cooperative work. It gives details of some of our participatory projects that go in this direction and to be successfully applied
Culture has several meanings: civilization, creation, knowledge, life… We analyze how each one suffers the so-called crisis of culture. Civilization lives the crisis as «liquidity», according to Bauman’s diagnosis, with significant negative impact on education. The creation and enjoyment of cultural products, such as museums, suffer its crisis as fragility resulting from the civilization crisis, notably in the form of consumerist banality or pure entertainment. Culture as knowledge and as life is analyzed under the joint notion «humanistic culture». This, which in turn is creation, knowledge and life has its specific corruption in the elitist knowledge, merely theoretical. The hallmark of genuine humanism contains an essential component, the dimension of ethical and political commitment. The crisis in the humanistic studies, noted by Nussbaum, threats the values of humanistic culture; in particular is a political risk, because democracy is a system that needs to sustain and improve the values of humanistic culture. In the background, and beyond the differences between the cultural meanings, there is a unique cultural crisis, a crisis of ethics and politics at a time
Invocatio: D.D.
EONIA is a market based overnight interest rate, whose role as the starting point of the yield curve makes it critical from the perspective of the implementation of European Central Bank´s common monetary policy in the euro area. The financial crisis that started in 2007 had a large impact on the determination mechanism of this interest rate, which is considered as the central bank´s operational target. This thesis examines the monetary policy implementation framework of the European Central Bank and changes made to it. Furthermore, we discuss the development of the recent turmoil in the money market. EONIA rate is modelled by means of a regression equation using variables related to liquidity conditions, refinancing need, auction results and calendar effects. Conditional volatility is captured by an EGARCH model, and autocorrelation is taken into account by employing an autoregressive structure. The results highlight how the tensions in the initial stage of the market turmoil were successfully countered by ECB´s liquidity policy. The subsequent response of EONIA to liquidity conditions under the full allotment liquidity provision procedure adopted after the demise of Lehman Brothers is also established. A clear distinction in the behavior of the interest rate between the sub-periods was evident. In the light of the results obtained, some of the challenges posed by the exit-strategy implementation will be addressed.
The purpose of this study is to define what determinants affect the Credit spread. There are two theoretical frameworks to study this: structural models and reduced form models. Structural models indicate that the main determinants are company leverage, volatility and risk-free interest rate, and other market and firm-specific variables. The purpose is to determine which of these theoretical determinants can explain the CDS spread and also how these theoretical determinants are affected by the financial crisis in 2007. The data is collected from 30 companies in the US Markets, mainly S&P Large Cap. The sample time-frame is 31.1.2004 – 31.12.2009. Empirical studies indicate that structural models can explain the CDS spreads well. Also, there were significant differences between bear and bull markets. The main determinants explaining CDS spreads were leverage and volatility. The other determinants were significant, depending on the sample period. However, these other variables did not explain the spread consistently.
This thesis studies cash and short term investments to net assets ratio of Finnish industrial companies during financial crisis, and how different firm specific and macro economical variables affect cash and short term investments. The data consists of quarter level interim reports. Regression analysis was used to find out the effects of different variables. Regression models were formed based on previous studies on cash holdings. It was found that firms studied held more cash during financial crisis than before it. Cash and short-term investments acted as substitute of net working capital. Leverage had a positive and significant relationship to cash and short term investment ratio. It was also found out that firms have a target cash and short term investments ratio.
The aim of this study is to analyse the content of the interdisciplinary conversations in Göttingen between 1949 and 1961. The task is to compare models for describing reality presented by quantum physicists and theologians. Descriptions of reality indifferent disciplines are conditioned by the development of the concept of reality in philosophy, physics and theology. Our basic problem is stated in the question: How is it possible for the intramental image to match the external object?Cartesian knowledge presupposes clear and distinct ideas in the mind prior to observation resulting in a true correspondence between the observed object and the cogitative observing subject. The Kantian synthesis between rationalism and empiricism emphasises an extended character of representation. The human mind is not a passive receiver of external information, but is actively construing intramental representations of external reality in the epistemological process. Heidegger's aim was to reach a more primordial mode of understanding reality than what is possible in the Cartesian Subject-Object distinction. In Heidegger's philosophy, ontology as being-in-the-world is prior to knowledge concerning being. Ontology can be grasped only in the totality of being (Dasein), not only as an object of reflection and perception. According to Bohr, quantum mechanics introduces an irreducible loss in representation, which classically understood is a deficiency in knowledge. The conflicting aspects (particle and wave pictures) in our comprehension of physical reality, cannot be completely accommodated into an entire and coherent model of reality. What Bohr rejects is not realism, but the classical Einsteinian version of it. By the use of complementary descriptions, Bohr tries to save a fundamentally realistic position. The fundamental question in Barthian theology is the problem of God as an object of theological discourse. Dialectics is Barth¿s way to express knowledge of God avoiding a speculative theology and a human-centred religious self-consciousness. In Barthian theology, the human capacity for knowledge, independently of revelation, is insufficient to comprehend the being of God. Our knowledge of God is real knowledge in revelation and our words are made to correspond with the divine reality in an analogy of faith. The point of the Bultmannian demythologising programme was to claim the real existence of God beyond our faculties. We cannot simply define God as a human ideal of existence or a focus of values. The theological programme of Bultmann emphasised the notion that we can talk meaningfully of God only insofar as we have existential experience of his intervention. Common to all these twentieth century philosophical, physical and theological positions, is a form of anti-Cartesianism. Consequently, in regard to their epistemology, they can be labelled antirealist. This common insight also made it possible to find a common meeting point between the different disciplines. In this study, the different standpoints from all three areas and the conversations in Göttingen are analysed in the frameworkof realism/antirealism. One of the first tasks in the Göttingen conversations was to analyse the nature of the likeness between the complementary structures inquantum physics introduced by Niels Bohr and the dialectical forms in the Barthian doctrine of God. The reaction against epistemological Cartesianism, metaphysics of substance and deterministic description of reality was the common point of departure for theologians and physicists in the Göttingen discussions. In his complementarity, Bohr anticipated the crossing of traditional epistemic boundaries and the generalisation of epistemological strategies by introducing interpretative procedures across various disciplines.
This Master’s thesis examines the feasibility of eBusiness in developing countries by looking at the current mobile banking solutions. The research involved reviewing literature that was relevant to the research questions. It was discovered that the Wizzit and M-PESA are the current solutions to mobile banking. Furthermore, it was found out that the Wizzit and M-PESA were either transformational or additive. Additive mobile banking is the use of mobile phones as a channel to provide services to existing customers within financial institutions. Transformational mobile banking extends financial services to the unbanked. The results of the thesis are M-PESA works with only Safaricom while on the other hand Wizzit has compatibility with any mobile operator. The other result is that both M-PESA and Wizzit are transformational mobile banking technologies at the sametime Wizzit is an Additive mobile banking technology. Wizzit can provide financial services to both the unbanked and existing bank customers. It can be said the merits of Wizzit outweigh those of M-PESA which makes Wizzit better.