953 resultados para portfolio management process


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Each two years the amount of available information in the world double. This is the Information Age, where the success depends on what one knows, not on what one has. A new economy appears with the capacity to generate, to store, to process and to apply effectively the knowledge, based on information, determining the companies productivity and competitiveness.The objective of this work is to understand the information management model of a technological research institute - CTGÁS (Gas Technology Center). The research has been done focused on the 5 main processes and the 15 support processes of the organization value chain , aiming to understand the information management in the organization based on Davenport´s Information Management model (1998). Therefore, it was necessary to identify how the necessary information for the organizational processes accomplishment are determined, obtained, distributed and used by the organization. The research can be classified as descriptive, regarding to its aims, and as a case study, related to the research ways. Interviews with the managers of the organization value chain processes have been carried through, with the objective to identify how they perceive the Information Management process that circulates in the organizational processes. Complementarily, a documentary research has been carried through, associated to the direct observation and procedures and actions follow up, involving the Information Management. The data treatment and analysis have been done from the authors theoretical support and from the managers interviews analysis, documents and processes observed by the researcher in the organization. It was noticed that the organization has raised its level of information needs that are not difficult to be determined and are satisfactorily obtained and distributed, although the majority of them are not structuralized, automatized or even classified regarding to its confidence. These peaces of information have good quality and are important, however they reflect a medium dependence on external and informal information, besides being used only in its great majority for people to know what and how to do something


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The information technology - IT- benefits have been more perceived during the last decades. Both IT and business managers are dealing with subjects like governance, IT-Business alignment, information security and others on their top priorities. Talking about governance, specifically, managers are facing it with a technical approach, that gives emphasis on protection against invasions, antivirus systems, access controls and others technical issues. The IT risk management, commonly, is faced under this approach, that means, has its importance reduced and delegated to IT Departments. On the last two decades, a new IT risk management perspective raised, bringing an holistic view of IT risk to the organization. According to this new perspective, the strategies formulation process should take into account the IT risks. With the growing of IT dependence on most of organizations, the necessity of a better comprehension about the subject becomes more clear. This work shows a study in three public organizations of the Pernambuco State that investigates how those organizations manage their IT risks. Structured interviews were made with IT managers, and later, analyzed and compared with conceptual categories found in the literature. The results shows that the IT risks culture and IT governance are weakly understood and implemented on those organizations, where there are not such an IT risk methodology formally defined, neither executed. In addition, most of practices suggested in the literature were found, even without an alignment with an IT risks management process


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The goal of this research is to check if the strategic planning developed between 2001 and 2009 into the State University of Para (Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA) was consolidated into its Academic Centers as a management practice. To this end, we identified the planning formalization degree of the Academic Centers, the conceived tools for the planning, the conception and the methodological process used in the tools elaboration, as also its implementation. The research used a qualitative approach: it is descriptive and it uses the case study technique. The data were gathered from primary and secondary sources, through bibliography, documents, and field researches through semi-structure interviews. The analysis and data interpretation were done by each investigated Academic Center from the analytics categories guided by the specifics goals. We used theoretic fundamental based principles and the university as a study empiric reference based on its structure analysis, organizational processes and institutional strategic plan. We inspected how the strategic planning process was developed throughout the fixed period and how the investigated Academic Centers are from the collected documents and interviews. The theoretical foundation was built from three axis: the Brazilian undergraduate and posgraduate education system; the university itself including its singularity and complexity as an organization; and the planning as a strategic management process. The main results show us that the UFPA has updated regulatory milestones, presenting organizational structure, laws, instructions, manuals and deployed management model that give the strategic planning development conditions beyond its administration, i. e., into its Academic Centers. The centers also present those established milestones and develop the basic planning processes of the institution. Those processes are conceived based on the institutional strategic planning and the managers mainly use the procedural orientation defined by the university management, from where the conceptual foundation is originated and propagated. According to the literature and to the research done in this work, we can conclude that the Academic Centers from the UFPA developed the strategic planning practice. This planning is organized and founded and guided the plans and decisions which avoided the disordered management and, according to the managers, allowed the advances and performance improvement. We can conclude that the UFPA built an important foundation with respect to the management professionalization. On the other hand, we can not conclude that the management practice is consolidated since there are weaknesses into the structuring of the technical teams and there is not any management tool for the implementation of the elaborated plans


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Part 4: Transition Towards Product-Service Systems


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A gestão de uma organização, independentemente da sua natureza, representa na atualidade um grande desafio. Inicialmente, o sucesso no desenvolvimento do processo de gestão de uma organização depende, essencialmente, de uma estratégia bem formulada e implementada, mas no entanto, a longo prazo, este êxito só será possível se existir um mecanismo de monitorização que permita realizar ao longo do tempo uma avaliação do desempenho. O Balanced Scorecard (BSC), da autoria de Robert Kaplan e David Norton, na década de 90, surgiu inicialmente como uma metodologia de avaliação do desempenho e rapidamente começou a ser utlizado também como um sistema de gestão estratégica. Esta ferramenta pode ser utilizada nos mais variados tipos de organizações visto que pode ser adaptada às características e especificidades de cada uma. O presente estudo tem como objetivo adaptar o Balanced Scorecard a uma organização desportiva, as Piscinas da Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Colares, de modo que, relativamente à metodologia empregue, este consiste num estudo de caso. Com o objetivo de suportar o estudo de uma forma coerente, foram utilizados como instrumentos de recolha de dados um conjunto de entrevistas e a análise documental. Como principal conclusão deste estudo retiramos que o BSC é de facto uma ferramenta muito útil para desenvolver a estratégia de uma organização e avaliar o seu desempenho.


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Dissertação de mest. em Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Unidade de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Univ. do Algarve, 1996


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, 2016.


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De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en la valoración, la recomendación es comprar la acción de Carvajal Empaques S.A., ya que se espera que se valorice en un 16.68% a diciembre 31 de 2016, debido a la progresiva recuperación del flujo de caja después de grandes inversiones hechas en años anteriores para la ampliación de su capacidad instalada, permitiéndoles crecer y suplir la demanda ascendente del mercado de food service, dejando ver también el impacto de las eficiencias operacionales buscadas por la compañía -- Además, a nivel mundial se espera un crecimiento del sector empaques por encima de la economía y la empresa ocupa uno de los tres primeros puestos en cada geografía donde tiene presencia, por lo que para seguir supliendo el aumento de la demanda, este año planean construir una nueva planta de producción en Perú y aumentar la diversidad de su portafolio -- Sin embargo, a pesar de lo logrado por la compañía en crecimiento y eficiencias, el panorama regional político-económico de la mayoría de países latinoamericanos es incierto, puesto que atraviesan una fase de decaimiento, por lo que los ingresos podrían verse afectados en cierto grado en años cercanos -- Realizando una prueba de sensibilidad frente a las variables macroeconómicas que pueden afectar el valor de la compañía, se hallaron los comportamientos y distribuciones del PIB y la inflación para cada uno de los países donde la empresa tiene operaciones -- También se tuvieron en cuenta otras variables como: la relación del dólar con el peso colombiano, el costo de capital, la tasa de crecimiento a perpetuidad, el capital de trabajo neto operativo, el crecimiento del activo fijo y el flujo de caja libre operativo -- Como variable de interés se eligió el valor objetivo por acción a diciembre 31 de 2016 -- Luego de 10.000 iteraciones se obtuvo el siguiente rango para el valor de la acción: un mínimo de $2.033,14 y un máximo de $3.538,66, con una media de $2.697,22 a un nivel de confianza del 95%


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En el ámbito financiero es necesario percibir coherentemente la información arrojada por los informes de las compañías, las empresas interactúan con otras organizaciones e impactan a sus stakeholders, las variables exógenas macroeconómicas o políticas modifican su oportunidad operativa y financiera; este continuo devenir genera extensos informes que pueden nublar la visibilidad de las características claves y aquellas preguntas que indagan acerca de la vitalidad de una organización, para comprender si la empresa genera valor, y de ser así, si lo está haciendo sostenidamente; de lo contrario se debe revisar, con fundamentos sólidos, y si es decisión de los socios, con un criterio claro tener la posibilidad de realizar una oferta de venta -- De requerirse la generación de una propuesta de venta para el caso específico de EPSA, materia de estudio de este documento, es necesario establecer un marco de operación en el entorno eléctrico colombiano y su estrategia, revisando los riesgos a los cuales se expone en su devenir empresarial y, finalmente, aplicar una metodología de valoración por flujos de caja libres descontados, metodología que permite la formación de un precio de venta aplicable por acción, valor que en síntesis responde a las proyecciones de la situación del mercado, la estrategia de la compañía, su entorno económico y las apreciaciones personales que a través de un análisis de sensibilidad permiten determinar el impacto de determinadas dinámicas socioeconómicas que permean a EPSA


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La Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (BVC) ha tenido un impacto reducido en la población colombiana sobre todo debido a la falta de educación financiera y a múltiples casos de corrupción que han opacado su rol en la sociedad -- En general, los colombianos ven con incertidumbre, desconfianza y escepticismo las ventajas de invertir en la bolsa tales como obtener rendimientos superiores que las de las inversiones tradicionales, seguridad en las transacciones y disponibilidad del dinero cuando se requiera, lo que desencadena inversiones en métodos más tradicionales, como los CDT (certificado de depósito a término), con muy bajas tasas de rendimiento, o en negocios que representan altos riesgos -- Dicho comportamiento ha generado que muchas de las inversiones que realiza una persona promedio en Colombia no vayan más allá de productos financieros conocidos, negocios familiares o tradicionales, pirámides o multiniveles que entorpecen el sistema financiero -- Una de las principales barreras encontradas al momento de invertir en la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia son creencias populares tales como: a) es obligatorio tener grandes capitales de dinero, o b) es necesario un conocimiento financiero especializado para invertir -- También resulta incierto para muchos usuarios en cuáles acciones convendría invertir una vez desmitificadas las anteriores creencias -- Para mitigar algunos de dichos inconvenientes, el estudio de portafolios de inversión propone como estrategia principal la diversificación de la inversión y la limitación del riesgo con el fin de crear portafolios altamente eficientes en términos financieros -- Si bien existen múltiples técnicas para la creación y la optimización de portafolios de inversión (por ejemplo: growth optimal portfolio), su uso en Colombia es limitado debido en lo primordial a que es una metodología reciente y a que su implementación no suele ser trivial, puesto que requiere el uso de múltiples herramientas computacionales para ser puesto en práctica -- El presente trabajo de grado presenta la implementación de un algoritmo de optimización robusto, en el sentido de las distribuciones de probabilidad requeridas, llamado portafolio óptimo de crecimiento robusto (robust growth optimal portfolio o RGOP) para acciones de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia -- Se escogieron varios portafolios al tener en cuenta tres criterios de inclusión para las acciones y se simularon tres escenarios y una suposición con el fin de demostrar la eficacia del algoritmo para minimizar el riesgo de inversión y maximizar la tasa de crecimiento en unos horizontes de tiempo predefinidos -- En último lugar se compararon las rentabilidades de los diferentes portafolios propuestos con las tasas de captación de CDT y CDA (certificados de depósito de ahorro) de bancos populares en Colombia -- La implementación del algoritmo se realizó en la plataforma Matlab y se acudió a varias bibliotecas de modelamiento matemático -- Sin tener en cuentas los costos de transacciones por compra y venta de acciones, los resultados muestran que mientras el sector financiero ofrecía a través de los CDT inferiores de 180 días un promedio de 4.80% de rentabilidad, en un período similar el RGOP arrojaba en promedio 11.83% en los portafolios de inversión de los tres escenarios, es decir, la metodología propuesta ofreció rendimientos superiores a las ofertas de los bancos en 147% para los períodos simulados -- En conclusión, todos los escenarios analizados presentaron mejores rendimientos en la simulación que los rendimientos ofrecidos por los bancos durante el mismo período; se les dio mayor ponderación a las acciones que presentaron tasas de crecimiento mayores de tal forma que se minimizaran los riesgos implícitos de invertir en bolsa -- El RGOP mostró ser una técnica robusta para su uso con acciones de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia porque ofreció una sólida combinación entre retorno y riesgo para futuros inversionistas


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Organizations are seeking new ideas, tools and methods aiming to improve management process and performance. On the other hand, system performance measurement needs to portray organizational changes and provide managers with a set of true and more appropriate information for the decision-making process. This work aims to propose a performance measurement system in the academic field regarding Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) in the oil and gas industry. The research performed a bibliographic review in a descriptive exploratory manner. A field research was conducted with an expert focus group in order to gather new indicators. As for the validation of these indicators, a survey with experienced professional was also realized. The research surveyed four segments in and outside of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte-Brazil such as oil and gas project coordinators, staff at Academic Planning Offices, FUNPEC employees as well as coordinators from Petrobrás. The performance measuring system created from this study features three interrelated performance indicators pointed out as: process indicators, outcome indicators and global indicators. The proposal includes performance indicators that seek to establish more appropriate strategies for effective institution management. It might help policy making of university-industry interaction policies


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Den här studien, som har bedrivits i samarbete med konsultföretaget Pipe, har studerat informationshanteringsprocessen hos småföretag inom retailbranschen. Företaget som ägnar sig åt butiksplanering med hjälp av CAD-program har idag ingen koppling mellan CAD-programmet och den molndatabas som lagrar information. Syftet med arbetet är att beskriva hur ett åtgärdsförslag skulle kunna se ut för att företaget ska kunna förbättra sin informationshantering genom användandet utav en molndatabas. Vi har även beskrivit problemområdet kring kopplingar mellanmolndatabaser och designprogram. För att besvara studiens syfte har vi genomfört en fallstudie, och svaret på forskningsfrågorna, 1. Hur ser informationshanteringsprocessen ut idag? 2. Hur kan informationshanteringsprocessen förbättras? 2. Vilka arbetssteg skulle kunna tas bort om företaget inför en koppling mellanmolndatabasen och designprogrammet? 3. Är en molnbaserad lösning ett möjligt alternativ för att använda för småföretag i retailbranschen? 4. Hur ser det ut i andra branscher som använder sig av CAD-program? Har vi hittat genom att genomföra intervjuer. Intervjuerna har hjälpt oss att genomföra en förändringsanalys där vi genom handlingsgrafer och mål- och problemlistor har kommit fram till ett antal åtgärdsförslag som företaget bör genomföra för att förbättra sin informationshanteringsprocess. Utifrån förändringsanalysen har vi kunnat dra slutsatsen att informationshanteringsprocessen skulle kunna förbättras och snabbas upp genom att införa en koppling mellan designprogrammet och en molndatabas. Detta skulle innebära att material automatiskt laddas upp från designprogrammet tillmolndatabasen, som även kunden har tillgång till. På så sätt samlas all information på ett och samma ställe. Genom litteraturstudier har vi också kommit fram till att en molnbaserad lösning vore möjligt för företaget, då det är en billig och smidig lösning för företag som inte har så stora resurser.


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The dissertation addresses the still not solved challenges concerned with the source-based digital 3D reconstruction, visualisation and documentation in the domain of archaeology, art and architecture history. The emerging BIM methodology and the exchange data format IFC are changing the way of collaboration, visualisation and documentation in the planning, construction and facility management process. The introduction and development of the Semantic Web (Web 3.0), spreading the idea of structured, formalised and linked data, offers semantically enriched human- and machine-readable data. In contrast to civil engineering and cultural heritage, academic object-oriented disciplines, like archaeology, art and architecture history, are acting as outside spectators. Since the 1990s, it has been argued that a 3D model is not likely to be considered a scientific reconstruction unless it is grounded on accurate documentation and visualisation. However, these standards are still missing and the validation of the outcomes is not fulfilled. Meanwhile, the digital research data remain ephemeral and continue to fill the growing digital cemeteries. This study focuses, therefore, on the evaluation of the source-based digital 3D reconstructions and, especially, on uncertainty assessment in the case of hypothetical reconstructions of destroyed or never built artefacts according to scientific principles, making the models shareable and reusable by a potentially wide audience. The work initially focuses on terminology and on the definition of a workflow especially related to the classification and visualisation of uncertainty. The workflow is then applied to specific cases of 3D models uploaded to the DFG repository of the AI Mainz. In this way, the available methods of documenting, visualising and communicating uncertainty are analysed. In the end, this process will lead to a validation or a correction of the workflow and the initial assumptions, but also (dealing with different hypotheses) to a better definition of the levels of uncertainty.


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Informal learning is becoming more and more important: Nowadays people learn more this way, through the Internet, than in schools or normal trainings. But they don’t get any certificateswhich attest this fact. So they can't show the employer or teacher etc. that they have learned something. TRAILER project aim is to solve this problem by developing a special tool for managing of all competences and skills acquired through informal learning experiences. Both from the perspective of the user and the perspective of an institution or a company. We’ll present the IT tool to show how people can make their informal learning outcomes visible. TRAILER helps users to gather all information about process and outcomes of their informal learning. Users can share this with friends, colleagues or their employees, teachers and so on. They can create an interactive e-portfolio which can be attached to their CV, cover letter or Knowledge Management system etc. After the presentation of the tool we will discuss possible areas and fields to use this tool. Also we would like to discuss all possible use of the tool by the participants and another needs in this area. Moreover we want to discuss other problems in informal learning process, ways to solve the problems and discuss other ideas of different IT tools which could help in informal learning process. During the discussion we’ll use an interactive respond system which can be used on mobile devices: it makes possible for participants to share their opinions individually before knowing another persons' opinion.