783 resultados para open data value chain
Questa tesi presenta una rassegna delle principali tecnologie informatiche per la gestione efficace ed efficiente delle librerie digitali. Viene posto l'accento sull'analisi comparativa delle tecnologie e dei modelli di rappresentazione del dato bibliografico presenti allo stato dell'arte.
RESTful services gained a lot of attention recently, even in the enterprise world, which is traditionally more web-service centric. Data centric RESfFul services, as previously mainly known in web environments, established themselves as a second paradigm complementing functional WSDL-based SOA. In the Internet of Things, and in particular when talking about sensor motes, the Constraint Application Protocol (CoAP) is currently in the focus of both research and industry. In the enterprise world a protocol called OData (Open Data Protocol) is becoming the future RESTful data access standard. To integrate sensor motes seamlessly into enterprise networks, an embedded OData implementation on top of CoAP is desirable, not requiring an intermediary gateway device. In this paper we introduce and evaluate an embedded OData implementation. We evaluate the OData protocol in terms of performance and energy consumption, considering different data encodings, and compare it to a pure CoAP implementation. We were able to demonstrate that the additional resources needed for an OData/JSON implementation are reasonable when aiming for enterprise interoperability, where OData is suggested to solve both the semantic and technical interoperability problems we have today when connecting systems
The session aims at analyzing efforts in up-scaling cleaner and more efficient energy solutions for poor people in developing countries by addressing the following questions: What are factors along the whole value chain and in the institutional, social, but also environmental space that enable up-scaling of improved pro-poor technologies? Are there differences between energy carriers or in different contexts? What are most promising entry points for up-scaling?
Food security is the main concern in Africa as the production and productivity of crops are under continuous threat. Indigenous crops also known as orphan- or as underutilized- crops provide key contributions to food security under the present scenario of increasing world population and changing climate. Hence, these crops which belong to the major categories of cereals, legumes, fruits and root crops play a key role in the livelihood of the resource-poor farmers and consumers since they perform better than the major world crops under extreme soil and climate conditions prevalent in the continent. These indigenous crops have the major advantage that they fit well into the general socio-economic and ecological context of the region. However, despite their huge importance, African crops have generally received little attention by the global scientific community. With the current production systems, only a fraction of yield potential was achieved for most of these crops. In order to devise strategies towards boosting crop productivity in Africa, the current production constraints should be investigated and properly addressed. Key traits known to increase productivity and/or improve nutrition and diverse conventional and modern crop improvement techniques need to be implemented. Commitments in the value-chain from the research, production, marketing to distribution of improved seeds are required by relevant national and international institutions as well as African governments to promote food security in a sustainable manner. The review also presents major achievements and suggestions for stakeholders interested in African agriculture.
Space debris in geostationary orbits may be detected with optical telescopes when the objects are illuminated by the Sun. The advantage compared to Radar can be found in the illumination: radar illuminates the objects and thus the detection sensitivity depletest proportional to the fourth power of the d istance. The German Space Operation Center, GSOC, together with the Astronomical Institute of the University of Bern, AIUB, are setting up a telescope system called SMARTnet to demonstrate the capability of performing geostationary surveillance. Such a telescope system will consist of two telescopes on one mount: a smaller telescope with an aperture of 20cm will serve for fast survey while the larger one, a telescope with an aperture of 50cm, will be used for follow-up observations. The telescopes will be operated by GSOC from Oberpfaffenhofen by the internal monitoring and control system called SMARTnetMAC. The observation plan will be generated by MARTnetPlanning seven days in advance by applying an optimized planning scheduler, taking into account fault time like cloudy nights, priority of objects etc. From each picture taken, stars will be identified and everything not being a star is treated as a possible object. If the same object can be identified on multiple pictures within a short time span, the trace is called a tracklet. In the next step, several tracklets will be correlated to identify individual objects, ephemeris data for these objects are generated and catalogued . This will allow for services like collision avoidance to ensure safe operations for GSOC’s satellites. The complete data processing chain is handled by BACARDI, the backbone catalogue of relational debris information and is presented as a poster.
This article presents and technically describes a new field spectro-goniometer system for the ground-based characterization of the surface reflectance anisotropy under natural illumination conditions developed at the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI). The spectro-goniometer consists of a Manual Transportable Instrument platform for ground-based Spectro-directional observations (ManTIS), and a hyperspectral sensor system. The presented measurement strategy shows that the AWI ManTIS field spectro-goniometer can deliver high quality hemispherical conical reflectance factor (HCRF) measurements with a pointing accuracy of ±6 cm within the constant observation center. The sampling of a ManTIS hemisphere (up to 30° viewing zenith, 360° viewing azimuth) needs approx. 18 min. The developed data processing chain in combination with the software used for the semi-automatic control provides a reliable method to reduce temporal effects during the measurements. The presented visualization and analysis approaches of the HCRF data of an Arctic low growing vegetation showcase prove the high quality of spectro-goniometer measurements. The patented low-cost and lightweight ManTIS instrument platform can be customized for various research needs and is available for purchase.
En el artículo nos planteamos los cambios que desde los años 1990 ha sufrido la producción de algodón en la Provincia del Chaco -principal referente nacional del cultivo- y cómo estos fueron modificando la estructura de vida de los agentes históricamente vinculados, en especial, los trabajadores y los minifundistas hoy prácticamente excluidos de dicho proceso. Entre los numerosos cambios, los más relevantes son los vinculados al proceso de tecnificación, a la desarticulación en el territorio de cadenas de valor agregado y a la diversificación hacia otros cultivos como las oleaginosas y, notoriamente, al avance del cultivo de soja sobre hectáreas antes destinadas al algodón. Como consecuencia de dichos procesos de cambio, se evidencia la imposibilidad -por parte de los minifundistas- de sostener una producción rentable, la pérdida de numerosas fuentes de trabajo directas e indirectas, el aumento de la pobreza, la emigración hacia los cordones periféricos urbanos (Gran Resistencia, Gran Rosario) y el deterioro de las condiciones laborales de quienes aún permanecen dentro del sistema productivo algodonero. Las políticas públicas, tanto locales como nacionales, también son un punto de interés en el análisis puesto que tienen gran repercusión en el actual estado de la situación
En el artículo nos planteamos los cambios que desde los años 1990 ha sufrido la producción de algodón en la Provincia del Chaco -principal referente nacional del cultivo- y cómo estos fueron modificando la estructura de vida de los agentes históricamente vinculados, en especial, los trabajadores y los minifundistas hoy prácticamente excluidos de dicho proceso. Entre los numerosos cambios, los más relevantes son los vinculados al proceso de tecnificación, a la desarticulación en el territorio de cadenas de valor agregado y a la diversificación hacia otros cultivos como las oleaginosas y, notoriamente, al avance del cultivo de soja sobre hectáreas antes destinadas al algodón. Como consecuencia de dichos procesos de cambio, se evidencia la imposibilidad -por parte de los minifundistas- de sostener una producción rentable, la pérdida de numerosas fuentes de trabajo directas e indirectas, el aumento de la pobreza, la emigración hacia los cordones periféricos urbanos (Gran Resistencia, Gran Rosario) y el deterioro de las condiciones laborales de quienes aún permanecen dentro del sistema productivo algodonero. Las políticas públicas, tanto locales como nacionales, también son un punto de interés en el análisis puesto que tienen gran repercusión en el actual estado de la situación
En el artículo nos planteamos los cambios que desde los años 1990 ha sufrido la producción de algodón en la Provincia del Chaco -principal referente nacional del cultivo- y cómo estos fueron modificando la estructura de vida de los agentes históricamente vinculados, en especial, los trabajadores y los minifundistas hoy prácticamente excluidos de dicho proceso. Entre los numerosos cambios, los más relevantes son los vinculados al proceso de tecnificación, a la desarticulación en el territorio de cadenas de valor agregado y a la diversificación hacia otros cultivos como las oleaginosas y, notoriamente, al avance del cultivo de soja sobre hectáreas antes destinadas al algodón. Como consecuencia de dichos procesos de cambio, se evidencia la imposibilidad -por parte de los minifundistas- de sostener una producción rentable, la pérdida de numerosas fuentes de trabajo directas e indirectas, el aumento de la pobreza, la emigración hacia los cordones periféricos urbanos (Gran Resistencia, Gran Rosario) y el deterioro de las condiciones laborales de quienes aún permanecen dentro del sistema productivo algodonero. Las políticas públicas, tanto locales como nacionales, también son un punto de interés en el análisis puesto que tienen gran repercusión en el actual estado de la situación
This paper examines the impact of China's recent rise on the development of local firms in latecomer developing countries. Based on a detailed analysis of Vietnam's motorcycle industry, the paper argues that China's impact may go beyond what a trade analysis suggests. Indeed, China's rise induced a dynamic transformation in the structure of value chains within Vietnam's motorcycle industry, bringing about far-reaching consequences on the development and upgrading trajectories of local firms. The implications of the case study for the wider "global value chain" approach is also discussed.
Rural road in Lao PDR defined as connecting road from village to main road, where it will lead them to market and access to other economic and social service facilities. However, due to mostly rural people accustom with subsistence farming, connecting road seems less important for rural people as their main farming produce is for own consumption rather than markets. After the introduction and implementation of New Economic Mechanism (NEM) since 1986, many rural villages have gradually developed and integrated into market system where people have significantly changed their livelihood with a better system. This progress has significantly contributed in improving income earning of people, better living standard and reduce poverty. The paper aims to illustrate the significant of rural road as connecting road from village to markets or a market access approach of farm produces. It also demonstrates through which approach, rural farmers/people could improve their income earning, develop their farming system, living standard and reduce poverty.
While the rising exports have been the source of growth for many developing countries in recent years, the rate of commodities rejected at the ports of developed countries has also been high. Yet why it has remained so despite the costs involved is mostly unknown. This paper takes a case of the frozen seafood export industry in Vietnam and examines the current status of port rejection, roles played by various stakeholders along the value chains, and the constraints faced by the Vietnamese producers and exporters. It concludes with some policy implications, including strengthening the enforcement mechanism of standards compliance particularly at the upstream of the value chain and providing public testing labs for small-scale producers.
In view of the recent rise of China, this paper looks into one of the most important yet relatively overlooked ingredients of the Chinese success: industrial organisation. It will examine the case of the motorcycle industry, in which the rise of Chinese manufacturers even disrupted the established dominance of Japanese industry leaders. Adopting the modified version of the global value chain governance framework, this paper shows that the rise of China has been driven by a distinctive arm’s-length model of industrial organisation, which is in sharp contrast to the conventional captive model that has sustained the Japanese leadership.