942 resultados para erotic-obscene lexicon
In film, Eros manifests itself in the image temporality to wake the sensation up. But the image needs to remain ambiguous to suggest and not to show. In suggesting, it maintains a distance between the body representation and its sensuality. In showing, the image may turn into another genre: the obscene or the pornographic one. That is why Eros has a sacred place in film because it always maintains a veil upon its presentation: the body exteriority and interiority become mystery. It is the filmic "aura" of Eros.
This paper will focus on some aspects of translation based on blending distinct linguistic domains such as English Language and Portuguese in using false friends in the English class in tertiary level students, reflecting namely on: 1. the choice of a word suitable to the context in L2 ; 2. the difficulties encountered by choice of that word that could be misleading, by relying in a false L1 reality that is going to adulterate reality in the L2 domain; 3. the difficulty in making such type of distinctions due to the lack of linguistic and lexical knowledge. 4. the need to study the cause of these difficulties by working, not only with their peers, but also with their language teacher to develop strategies to diminish and if possible to eradicate this type of linguistic and, above all, translation problem by making an inventory of those types of mistakes. In relation to the first point it is necessary to know that translation tasks involve much more than literal concepts ( Ladmiral, 1975) : furthermore it is necessary and suitable to realise that lexicon relies in significant contexts (Coseriu 1966), which connects both domains, that, at first sight do not seem to be compatible. In other words, although students have the impression they dominate lexicon due to the fact that they possess at least seven years of foreign language exposure that doesn’t mean they master the particularities engaged in such a delicate task as translation is concerned. There are some chromaticisms in the words (false friends), that need to be researched and analysed later on by both students and language teachers. The reason for such state of affairs lies in their academic formation, of a mainly general stream, which has enabled them only for knowledge of the foreign language, but not for the translation as a tool as it is required only when they reach the tertiary level. Besides, for their translations they rely, most of the times, on glossaries, whose dominant language is portuguese of Brazil, which is, obviously, much different from the portuguese mother tongue reality and even more of English. So it seems necessary to use with caution the working tools (glossaries) that work as surpluses, but could bring translation problems as we will see.
Dissertação apresentada com vista à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Tradução e Interpretação Especializada. Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portaria nº 602/2003 de 21 Julho)
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização em Educação Especial
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Didáctica da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
In the present study we focus on the interaction between the acquisition of new words and text organisation. In the acquisition of new words we emphasise the acquisition of paradigmatic relations such as hyponymy, meronymy and semantic sets. We work with a group of girls attending a private school for adolescents in serious difficulties. The subjects are from disadvantaged families. Their writing skills were very poor. When asked to describe a garden, they write a short text of a single paragraph, the lexical items were generic, there were no adjectives, and all of them use mainly existential verbs. The intervention plan assumed that subjects must to be exposed to new words, working out its meaning. In presence of referents subjects were taught new words making explicit the intended relation of the new term to a term already known. In the classroom subjects were asked to write all the words they knew drawing the relationships among them. They talk about the words specifying the relation making explicit pragmatic directions like is a kind of, is a part of or are all x. After that subjects were exposed to the task of choosing perspective. The work presented in this paper accounts for significant differences in the text of the subjects before and after the intervention. While working new words subjects were organising their lexicon and learning to present a whole entity in perspective.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para a obtenção de grau de Mestre em Didática da Língua Portuguesa no 1.º e 2.º Ciclos do Ensino Básico
Dissertação de Mestrado em Tradução e Assessoria Linguística.
Cet article présente les premiers résultats d’une recherche s’intéressant à l’articulation entre imitation et invention dans l’écriture chez les jeunes scripteurs. L’étude s’attache à observer les modes de récupération de ressources textuelles fournies par les conditions de production. L’expérimentation a été conçue pour observer l’appropriation d’un genre. Des dispositifs didactiques ont été proposés à plusieurs classes de fin d’école primaire française, à partir de textes littéraires issus de la robinsonnade mis à disposition soit simultanément à l’acte d’écriture soit lors d’une seconde écriture. L’étude montre comment les élèves ont recours à deux procédés contrastés : le réinvestissement du lexique et la reformulation. Les données recueillies mettent en évidence la reprise attendue de mots caractéristiques du genre, et révèlent l’ingéniosité des scripteurs pour restructurer des matériaux langagiers. Certaines stratégies témoignent des difficultés rencontrées par les élèves qui ont eu à interpréter le lexique littéraire puis à le transférer dans leur propre récit. Des modes de reformulation différents coexistent dont on peut offrir une première catégorisation en fonction d’une appropriation plus ou moins réussie du genre considéré.
Neste artigo procuramos reflectir sobre a função dos corpora na observação e análise de fenómenos de uma língua natural bem como na criação de novos recursos de exploração linguísticos que as tecnologias de informação têm vindo a potenciar e a tornar mais eficaz.
Contrariando a banalização do uso da expressão “corpo-objecto” que hoje em dia se verifica – são vários os autores que a empregam em qualquer representação do corpo da mulher destinada a promover produtos masculinos ou femininos –, este artigo visa demonstrar que este conceito apenas se deve aplicar aquando do recurso gratuito e primário a corpos femininos reveladores de determinados detalhes da sua feminilidade – poses sensuais ou mesmo eróticas, corpos seminus ou nus – e limitado à promoção de produtos masculinos. Nestas situações, a mulher acaba por ser ela própria um produto, um objecto, já que emerge nas mais diversas poses, funcionando como um elemento altamente persuasivo.
Trabalho apresentado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Informática, como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Entrada sobre Crítica de Teatro.
O presente trabalho oferece contribuições no campo da Onomástica, ciência que se encarrega do estudo dos nomes próprios, na vertente toponímica relativa ao estudo dos nomes geográfico, num enfoque etnolinguístico que apresenta as motivações toponímicas e a grafia correcta do topónimo na fonologia da língua do denominador. Atendendo às diferentes grafias que apresentam os nomes de lugares em diversas partes do território angolano, nas línguas em que estes nomes se apresentam, esta dissertação centra-se na análise dos principais motivadores de variação gráfica dos topónimos do município de Saurimo, apresentados em sua maioria na língua Cokwe em contacto com o Português. Apresenta-se a história e fixação da etnia Cokwe, os fundamentos morfofonológicos do Ucokwe, algumas influências sofridas pelo Português, diferenças com o Português, classificações taxonómicas, essenciais para análise e reformulação da grafia dos topónimos escritos, na sua maioria, em Ucokwe.