870 resultados para classes (groups of students)
The present study investigates the views and attitudes of both the students and staff with regard to the usefulness of electronic course support throughout all four years of the MPharm programme at Aston University. Students were sampled between January and March 2001 using a self-completion questionnaire administered during the start of a practical or tutorial class. All internal academic staff were interviewed using a semi-structured interview format. Response rates were 100 and 89.5%, respectively. The study found that students rapidly embraced the use of electronic course support within the undergraduate programme, although they view its role as augmenting traditional course delivery. This view was mirrored by the academic staff, although only around a half currently place their material on the University's virtual learning environment (VLE), WebCT. The failure of staff to completely embrace the VLE is grounded in a lack of confidence and ability in its use. A majority of the academic staff indicated that they wish to be trained further in the use of information technology. Academic institutions need to understand and meet these needs in parallel with the introduction of any electronic course support.
*Partially supported by NATO.
This paper was partly supported by ELOST – a SSA EU project – No 27287.
Information Platform has a major impact on the core activities and development of businesses. In this connection it is necessary for students of economics (the future leaders of such entities) to submit any problems related to the Information Platform, the risks they may pose, and exemplary approach to solve part or all of the problems and minimizing risks. The current issue examines the adaptation of the above problems when presenting them to students in economic majors. To the students are presented generalizations based on long observation of the occurrence and development of Information Platforms to the businesses in Bulgaria in a growing market economy.
In this paper we give the first investigations and also some basic results on the unit groups of commutative group algebras in Bulgaria. These investigations continue some classical results. Namely, it is supposed that the cardinality of the starting group is arbitrary.
Еленка Генчева, Цанко Генчев В настоящата работа се разглеждат крайни прости групи G , които могат да се представят като произведение на две свои собствени неабелеви прости подгрупи A и B. Всяко такова представяне G = AB е прието да се нарича факторизация на G, а тъй като множителите A и B са избрани да бъдат прости подгрупи на G, то разглежданите факторизации са известни още като прости факторизации на G. Тук се предполага, че G е проста група от лиев тип и лиев ранг 4 над крайно поле GF (q). Ключови думи: крайни прости групи, групи от лиев тип, факторизации на групи.
Симеон Т. Стефанов, Велика И. Драгиева - В работата е изследвана еволюцията на системи от множества върху n-мерната евклидова сфера S^n. Установена е връзката на такива системи с хомотопичните групи на сферите. Получени са някои комбинаторни приложения за многостени.
The purpose of this article is to evaluate the effectiveness of learning by doing as a practical tool for managing the training of students in "Library Management" at the ULSIT, Sofia, Bulgaria, by using the creation of project 'Data Base “Bulgarian Revival Towns” (CD), financed by Bulgarian Ministry of Education, Youth and Science (1/D002/144/13.10.2011) headed by Prof. DSc Ivanka Yankova, which aims to create new information resource for the towns which will serve the needs of scientific researches. By participating in generating the an array in the database through searching, selection and digitization of documents from these period, at the same time students get an opportunity to expand their skills to work effectively in a team, finding the interdisciplinary, a causal connection between the studied items, objects and subjects and foremost – practical experience in the field of digitization, information behavior, strategies for information search, etc. This method achieves good results for the accumulation of sustainable knowledge and it generates motivation to work in the field of library and information professions.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 12F12.
This article explores powerful, constraining representations of encounters between digital technologies and the bodies of students and teachers, using corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). It discusses examples from a corpus of UK Higher Education (HE) policy documents, and considers how confronting such documents may strengthen arguments from educators against narrow representations of an automatically enhanced learning. Examples reveal that a promise of enhanced ‘student experience’ through information and communication technologies internalizes the ideological constructs of technology and policy makers, to reinforce a primary logic of exchange value. The identified dominant discursive patterns are closely linked to the Californian ideology. By exposing these texts, they provide a form of ‘linguistic resistance’ for educators to disrupt powerful processes that serve the interests of a neoliberal social imaginary. To mine this current crisis of education, the authors introduce productive links between a Networked Learning approach and a posthumanist perspective. The Networked Learning approach emphasises conscious choices between political alternatives, which in turn could help us reconsider ways we write about digital technologies in policy. Then, based on the works of Haraway, Hayles, and Wark, a posthumanist perspective places human digital learning encounters at the juncture of non-humans and politics. Connections between the Networked Learning approach and the posthumanist perspective are necessary in order to replace a discourse of (mis)representations with a more performative view towards the digital human body, which then becomes situated at the centre of teaching and learning. In practice, however, establishing these connections is much more complex than resorting to the typically straightforward common sense discourse encountered in the Critical Discourse Analysis, and this may yet limit practical applications of this research in policy making.
A pénzügyi piacok és termékek egyre komplexebbé válnak, ami együtt jár a pénzügyeket illető információs szakadék mélyülésével is – a lakosság egyre kevésbé képes pénzügyeiről körültekintő döntéseket hozni. Jelen tanulmány a magyar felsőoktatásban tanuló fiatalokat pénzügyi attitűdjeik mentén szegmentálja és jellemzi, annak érdekében, hogy hozzájáruljon a pénzügyi kultúra szintjét növelő programok sikerességéhez, legyen az állami indíttatású (pénzügyi edukáció) vagy a versenyszféra által vezérelt. A vizsgált fiatalok alapvetően három csoportba sorolhatók: (1) Konzervatívak, (2) Lázadók és (3) Tapasztaltak. A Konzervatívakra a stabil morális értékrend, alacsony kockázatvállalási hajlandóság jellemző, céljaik között egyaránt találunk rövid és hosszú távúakat is – informáltságuk, és ebből eredően pénzügyi ismeretszintjük alacsony, a hitelekkel szembeni attitűdjük negatív. A Lázadók csoportjára az „Élj a mának!” magatartás a jellemző, vagyis rövid távú céljaik vannak, kevésbé tudatosak, pénzügyi ismeretszintjük alacsony, ugyanakkor nyitottak az újdonságokra és a kockázatvállalási szintjük magasabb a másik két csoporténál. A Tapasztaltak csoportjára a tudatosság és a pénzügyi megfontoltság a jellemző – pénzügyi ismeretszintjük magasabb a másik két csoporténál. Náluk a hosszú távú célok dominálnak, de alacsony kockázatvállalási hajlandóság mellett. _____ Financial markets and financial instruments have become more and more complex in the last decades. Unfortunately, financial literacy of population cannot keep up with the innovation activity of financial sector. By segmenting and describing Hungarian young adults along their financial attitudes, the aim of this study is to provide recommendations to the programs aiming to enhance the development of financial literacy. According to the authors’ results, 18-25 year-old young adults can be categorized as (1) conservatives, (2) rebels and (3) experienced. Conservatives can be characterized by stable moral and values, low risktaking willingness and inappropriate financial knowledge. Both short and long term goals can be explored among their preferences. Conservatives have negative attitude to bank loans. The rebels can be described by the ancient Latin saying: “Carpe Diem”. They have short-term goals and the future financial stability is not an issue for them – their financial literacy is low. However, rebels are open-minded and their risk-taking willingness is greater than the other two group members. Despite of the low level of risk-taking willingness, the highest level of financial literacy is showed by the experienced group. They have long-term goals and are able to receive information about complex financial instruments.
Magyarország 2006-ban csatlakozott a Szt. Gallen-i Egyetem (Svájc) által koordinált (GUESSS Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) kutatáshoz, amely a hallgatók vállalkozásindítással kapcsolatos elképzeléseit és vállalkozási tevékenységét kérdőíves adatfelvétel segítségével vizsgálja. Az online megkérdezésnek köszönhetően Magyarország esetében 2011-ben 5 677 hallgató válaszai alapján értékelhették a szerzők a hallgatók vállalkozásindítási szándékát és azok legfontosabb alakító tényezőit. A kutatás nemzetközi jellegének köszönhetően eredményeik összevethetők a nemzetközi tapasztalatokkal is. A tanulmány bemutatja a nemzetközi kutatás célját, elméleti hátterét, a kérdőívet és a kérdezés folyamatát. A magyar adatbázis legfontosabb jellemzői mellett a szerzők ismertetik a vállalkozásindítási szándék, a főiskolai-egyetemi környezet nemzetközi összehasonlító adatait. _______ Hungary joined the GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) research project organized and led by the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland in 2006. GUESSS evaluated students’ entrepreneurial intentions and activities with the help of a questionnaire. In 2011 an online survey was conducted in Hungary, addressing 5.677 students. The students’ responses regarding their business start-up activities and intentions as well as the most important factors shaping them were evaluated. The international nature of the research allowed the authors’ to compare Hungarian results to international practices. This paper describes the purpose of the international research, its theoretical background, the questionnaire and the interview process. Apart from presenting the most important features of the Hungarian data set, they describe the start-up intentions, the university and college environment and compare them to the international data.
Tanulmányában a szerző a felsőoktatási hallgatók vállalkozásindítással kapcsolatos attitűdjeit kétféle szempontból vizsgálja. Kutatása középpontjában a hallgatók családivállalkozás-folytatásának tervei, az ehhez kapcsolódó jellemzők állnak. A fő kérdés az, hogy inkább folytatnák-e a családi vállalkozást (ha van ilyen) vagy indítanának saját vállalkozást? A családi vállalkozás indításával kapcsolatban azonban nemcsak annak a ténye fontos, hogy a hallgatók folytatnák-e a családi hagyományokat, hanem az is, hogy a folytatásnak vagy a saját vállalkozás indításának milyen motivációi vannak, vagyis mennyiben befolyásolja a döntésben a hallgatót a vállalkozásokról alkotott véleménye, a családi háttere, illetve egyéb pszichológiai tényezők. ____ In her study the author analyses the attitudes of the Hungarian higher education students on taking over family firms in two points of view. In the centre of her research there are the plans of students on taking over family firms and its main characteristics. The main question is that students rather take over firms or establish new ones? Besides of these facts it is also very important to know what the main motivations of this decision are: how extent does the following facts influence students’ decisions: family background, psychological factors, opinions about firms etc.
Deafness is an invisible handicap which makes education difficult due to its effect on language acquisition and development, speech acquisition, and ability to communicate with others. Teachers of students who are hearing impaired have been at odds for more than a century as to the best method of communication to use in teaching students who are hearing impaired, and in providing these students with communication systems that will enable them to be effective communicators. This dissertation utilized qualitative research methods to analyze whether the Dade County Public Schools Procedures for Providing Special Education for Exceptional Students-Hearing Impaired (DCPS), (1976-77; 1992-93) show evidence of an appropriate curriculum and instructional program that is responsive to the conditions facing exceptional education students identified as hearing impaired. Results indicate that many of the curriculum and instructional program requirements are not identified nor described when analyzed by Tyler's "Rationale" for Curriculum and Stufflebeam's Improvement-Oriented Evaluation Model, better known as Stufflebeam's CIPP Model. Recommendations to improve and enhance programs for students who are hearing impaired are offered based on this analysis. ^