733 resultados para career success
single sheet containing all the section headings for the portfolio, providing overview
slides, notes, and background information covered in first week of this six week set of classes
Lecture notes for skills module Routes to Success: Sustaining Success Lecture 2. Portfolio building
skills module, developing student skills by creating portfolio.
slidses, portfolio template, portfolio summary, example feedback, video link
skills module, developing student skills by creating portfolio.
currently empty stub for next weeks' notes
slides to take students through part of task of preparing portfolio - also addresses skills development (embedded in tasks)this week - self knowledge and using feedback
class exercise to use exiting feedback to gain insights and practice refection and objective target setting
materials used in class and by students during week's activities
El presente trabajo de investigación, estudia a través del caso de la cohorte del 2000 de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Distrital, el tipo de coyuntura que le permitió a este grupo de jóvenes reingresar a la Universidad y culminar la carrera al haber tenido que abandonarla en un primer momento, por problemas socio-económicos y/o académicos. Por medio del estudio del reintegro universitario, este trabajo se enmarca en el campo, poco explorado, de la existencia y efectividad de medidas de "segundas oportunidades" educativas que las instituciones de educación superior le ofrecen a estudiantes que por problemas de orden estructural se ven obligados a abandonar la Universidad.
Research Proposal in SB.TV case study. New dimension to brand model for Web 2.0 success
The portfolio comprises a cover sheet plus five pages of reflective writing, one page addressing each different portfolio topic This document summarises the contents of the portfolio IT IS NOT THE PORTFOLIO TEMPLATE The questions shown under each sub-heading are meant to act as thinking prompts to help you in the reflective process.