969 resultados para Territories


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This article examines Greek-Turkish crisis behaviour in the Eastern Mediterranean over the past two decades. Crises are first defined and classified, after which a number of common misperceptions are then addressed in light of recent experience. Three broad categories of foreign policy crises are analyzed: 1) those involving ethnically related minorities across the border; 2) those with 'alien' minorities within borders; and 3) those with third countries involving territories and resources. The article examines whether crises are simply elite-driven or partly endorsed and motivated by mass publics in both countries, and whether Greek-Turkish crisis behaviour reflects enduring ethnic rivalries, 'genuine' security interests, or domestic political needs and norms. The article draws upon the Greek-Turkish experience of the past two decades to illuminate contemporary dilemmas and issues which policymakers face in this region.


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This article assesses the condition of the Cultural Heritage as a form of capital that gives rise to a significant flow of economic returns widely outweighing the effort it takes to preserve it. More specifically, the data related to Spain is provided from the perspective of aggregate demand drawing up an estimation of both the direct and indirect economic impacts arising from the Cultural Heritage valuation. The results highlight again the relevance of cultural tourism in the delivery of these economic returns and as a catalyst of activities leading to the sustainable socioeconomic devel-opment of multiple territories.


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In many bird species the sex ratio of adults is male-biased, which is likely to have consequences for the ecology as well as for the conservation of a species. For example, when some males remain unpaired in a population, there should be strong selection on behavioural traits that enhance pairing success. A surplus of males is also likely to have important implications for the interpretation of breeding bird survey data. In our study population of Nightingales Luscinia megarhynchos, about half of the males stayed unpaired, suggesting that the number of males encountered singing was greater than the number of breeding pairs. Furthermore, the detectability (the probability of encountering a male singing) of mated males was only two-thirds that of unmated males when censused in the morning or late in the breeding season. The relative detectability was more similar early in the season and during the twilight periods before sunrise and after sunset. Males that arrived earlier on the breeding grounds were more successful in attracting a mate than males arriving later. Some of the unmated males deserted their territories and prospected areas up to 4000 m distant, whereas others settled on the study site only late in the season and may actually have changed territories. We suggest that adult sex ratios and the time of the census should be taken into account when interpreting the results of breeding bird surveys.


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La gráfica se encuentra en un proceso de simbiosis con la cultura visual en el que la tecnología de la imagen, la descentralización de la matriz y la adaptación del formato expositivo se funden con el resto de las actividades artísticas. El análisis de las comunidades formadas alrededor de esta práctica configura un puzzle, aparentemente bien encajado, que se divide entre el formalismo y el conceptualismo y entre la idea y el proceso. Las bienales y trienales, a la vanguardia del discurso, cuestionan cualquier concepto que se haya podido asentar con solidez: ante la decadencia del proceso artesanal el mensaje se profundiza nutriéndose de la invectiva provocada por las contradicciones sociales, territoriales y medioambientales para convertirse en un reflejo de la sociedad contemporánea. Comprender la gráfica actual pasa por un ejercicio de aperturismo y un proceso de adaptación al cambio técnico e iconográfico de los sectores implicados. El grabado es ahora un territorio en el que la integración de todas las artes permite cruzar sus fronteras con fluidez.


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El arte, en sus diferentes campos, desarrolla un tipo de discurso que nada tiene que ver con el de otros ámbitos. Se vale de combinaciones de elementos diversos, normalmente pertenecientes a lenguajes convencionales, para elaborar un enunciado único y nuevo, donde una idea encuentra finalmente su forma. El contenido y la estructura se fusionan en un punto indisoluble. En este artículo se plantean las búsquedas de paradigmas clásicos de la forma artística y una reflexión al respecto desde el ámbito de las Artes Visuales. Se parte de la consideración que durante muchos siglos se tenía de la representación o imitación de la realidad no solo como vehículo de la expresión sino como la finalidad del arte. Se continua por el foco que la Transgresión de Dadá estableció en aquellas formas artísticas que buscan una conmoción emocional para que la creación alcance los territorios íntimos del receptor. Por último, se explica el fundamental hallazgo de Duchamp de señalar que es el propio discurso de la obra el que proporciona un nuevo pensamiento al mundo.


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An ongoing paradigm shift is giving birth to a more multidimensional understanding of the relationship between nationalism, sovereignty, self determination and democratic governance. A common element across the various versions of the new paradigm is the dispersal of democratic governance across multiple and overlapping jurisdictions. Governmental processes are no longer seen as discrete, centralised and homogenous as in the old nation-state model, but as asymmetrical, multilayered and multicultural, with devolution into multiple jurisdictions. These changes have hardly affected the two main conceptual frameworks that dominate the study of nationalism, Modernism and Ethnosymbolism. As a result, they risk becoming irrelevant to the new forms of national self determination, asymmetrical governance and shared sovereignty. Modernism and Ethnosymbolism insist that nationalism seeks to equate the nation with a sovereign state, while in reality the overwhelming majority of nations are stateless and unable to build nation states, as they often inhabit territories shared with other nations. The paradigm shift occurs precisely with the realisation that nation state sovereignty is no longer a feasible solution to the demands of stateless nations. Ethnosymbolism is in a much better position to adapt to the paradigm shift provided it abandons the claim that the nation state is the best shell for the nation.


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In the struggle to assert and consolidate its power, the Hamas movement of the Palestinian territories has devised several strategies for control. In recognition that control of security remains a key goal for any power-seeker, following its election victory in January 2006, Hamas entered into a fierce and ultimately successful conflict with Fatah for control of the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Interior and Palestinian Security Forces (PSF) in the Gaza Strip. One way in which Hamas was able to achieve this objective was through the creation of its own internal ‘police’ force called the Tanfithya (Executive Force or EF). This article details an anatomy of the EF and the implications of this force in terms of Hamas' confrontation with opponents and its attempts at governance. It also examines the extent to which the EF can be considered to be a model of Islamic policing and its impact on secular rivals in the Gaza Strip.


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The relative plasticity hypothesis predicts that alternative tactics are associated with changes in steroid hormone levels. In species with alternative male reproductive tactics, the highest androgen levels have usually been reported in dominant males. However, in sociable species, dominant males show amicable behaviors to gain access to females, which might conflict with high testosterone levels. We compared testosterone, corticosterone, and resting metabolic rate in male striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) following a conditional strategy with three different reproductive tactics: (i) philopatric group-living males, (ii) solitary-living roamers, (iii) dominant but sociable group-living territorial breeders. Philopatrics had the lowest testosterone but highest corticosterone levels, suggesting that they make the best of a bad job. Dominant territorial breeders had lower testosterone levels than roamers, which have a lower competitive status. Roamers had the highest testosterone levels, which might promote risky behavior, such as invading territories defended by territorial males. Roamers also had lower resting metabolic rates than either type of group-living males. Our results suggest that dominant males' testosterone levels reflect a trade-off between low testosterone amicable behavior and high testosterone dominance behavior.


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Political devolution in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and the developing regional agenda in England are prompting changes in the organization of business interest representation within the devolved and decentralized territories. In this paper we seek to describe the realignment of business interest representation at the 'regional' scale, first through a detailed review of changes underway across specific business associations and representative fora, and secondly through an initial attempt to compare and 'map' the patterns of institutional change recorded in the various territories. In broad terms the overall scale, operation and degree of formalization of the new political arrangements for business representation tend broadly to reflect the established institutional and political contexts of the respective nations and regions and the level of devolution ceded to the territories. However, there are important variations in a complex process of uneven development. In the concluding section we present some initial thoughts on the nature of the changes observed in the institutional framework for business representation. A key argument is that to date such changes suggest a reconfiguration of business political activity rather than a step-change in the institutional foundation for sub-national business interest representation in the UK. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Background: Non-invasive diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) associated with significant left main stem (LMS) stenosis remains challenging.

Methods: Consecutive patients presenting with acute ischaemic-type chest pain from 2000 to 2010 were analysed. Entry criteria: 12-lead ECG and Body Surface Potential Map (BSPM) at presentation, cardiac troponin T (cTnT) =12?h and coronary angiography during admission. cTnT =0.03?µg/l defined AMI. ECG abnormalities assessed: STEMI by Minnesota criteria; ST elevation (STE) aVR =0.5?mm; ST depression (STD) =0.5?mm in =2 contiguous leads (CL); T-wave inversion (TWI) =1?mm in =2 CL. BSPM STE was =2?mm in anterior, =1?mm in lateral, inferior, right ventricular or high right anterior and =0.5?mm in posterior territories. Significant LMS stenosis was =70%.

Results: Enrolled were 2810 patients (aged 60?±?12 years; 71% male). Of these, 116 (4.1%) had significant LMS stenosis with AMI occurring in 92 (79%). STEMI by Minnesota criteria occurred in 13 (11%) (sensitivity 12%, specificity 92%), STE in lead aVR in 23 (20%) (sensitivity 23%, specificity 92%), TWI in 38 (33%) (sensitivity 34%, specificity 71%) and STD in 51 (44%) (sensitivity 49%, specificity 75%). BSPM STE occurred in 85 (73%): sensitivity 88%, specificity 83%, positive predictive value 95% and negative predictive value 65%. Of those with AMI, 74% had STE in either the high right anterior or right ventricular territories not identified by the 12-lead ECG. C-Statistic for AMI diagnosis using BSPM STE was 0.800 (P?<?0.001).

Conclusion: In patients with significant LMS stenosis presenting with chest pain, BSPM STE has improved sensitivity (88%), with specificity 83%, over 12-lead ECG in the diagnosis of AMI.


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The hawari of Cairo - narrow non-straight alleyways - are the basic urban units that have formed the medieval city since its foundation back in 969 AD. Until early in the C20th, they made up the primary urban divisions of the city and were residential in nature. Contemporary hawari, by contrast, are increasingly dominated by commercial and industrial activity. This medieval urban maze of extremely short, broken, zigzag streets and dead ends are defensible territories, powerful institutions, and important social systems. While the hawari have been studied as an exemplar for urban structure of medieval Islamic urbanism, and as individual building typologies, this book is the first to examine in detail the socio-spatial practice of the architecture of home in the city. It investigates how people live, communicate and relate to each other within their houses or shared spaces of the alleys, and in doing so, to uncover several new socio-spatial dimensions and meanings in this architectural form.

In an attempt to re-establish the link between architecture past and present, and to understand the changing social needs of communities, this book uncovers the notion of home as central to understand architecture in such a city with long history as Cairo. It firstly describes the historical development of the domestic spaces (indoor and outdoor), and provides an inclusive analysis of spaces of everyday activities in the hawari of old Cairo. It then broadens its analysis to other parts of the city, highlighting different customs and representations of home in the city at large. Cairo, in the context of this book, is represented as the most sophisticated urban centre in the Middle East with different and sometimes contrasting approaches to the architecture of home, as a practice and spatial system.

In order to analyse the complexity and interconnectedness of the components and elements of the hawari as a 'collective home', it layers its narratives of architectural and social developments as a domestic environment over the past two hundred years, and in doing so, explores the in-depth social meaning and performance of spaces, both private and public.