993 resultados para TV-news
The present thesis deals with the reception of the celebrity profiles of the MTV3 news current affairs program "45 minuuttia". The target group of the research consists of young adults between the ages from 25 to 34 living in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The research is qualitative and it studies the target group's opinions of the program profiles by the means of a survey and a group interview. In the group interview, the interviewees were also presented sample clips of the program. The results of the survey were analyzed mainly quantitatively. The purpose of the survey results was to map the viewing habits of the target group. In analyzing the results of the group, the interview methods of feedback research and cultural audience research were used. The current thesis was a commissioned research, the purpose of which was to study how interested the young adults are in the program. In addition, the aim was also to find out possible new trends and approaches for the producer of the program. In contrary to the expectations, the reason for the low interest in the profiles seemed to be due to the approach taken to the topics, e.g. the profiled person. By the approach I mean how the person is visually presented or how the person is verbally described. Many people presented in the profiles were regarded as interesting, but at the same time, the way the stories were told was hoped to be more versatile. In addition, a more contemporary visual approach was hoped for. The results also verified the claim that the young adults in general are not interested in the current affair programmes. In addition, these results suggested that in order to obtain more precise information of the viewing preferences of the audience, a more thorough study should be conducted.
Weekly Newsletter
The objective of my thesis was to find out how mobile TV service will influence TV consumption behaviour of the Finns. In particular the study focuses on the consumption behaviour of a well educated urban people. For my thesis, I provided a detailed analysis of the study results of a large scale questionnaire research FinPilot from the year 2005 based on an assignment of Nokia Ltd. In order to deepen the study results, I focused on the above mentioned group of young people with good education. The goal of the FinPilot research was to give answers to the following questions: what kind of programs, in what kind of circumstances, and for which reasons are they watched when using the mobile television service. The results of the research consisted mainly of data like figures, graphics etc. The data was explaned from the helicopter perspective, for it gave additional value to the research and consequently to my own thesis. My study offered complementary, unique information about their needs as it was based on questionnaires supplemented by individual interviews of the group members, their free comments as well as group discussions. The study results proved that mobile TV service did not increase the total TV consumption time. The time used for watching the mobile TV was significantly shorter than the time for watching the traditional TV. According to my study, the young urban people with good education are more interested to adapt the mobile TV service than the average Finns. Being eager to utilize the added value offered by the mobile TVs they are a potential target group in launching and marketing processes. On the basis of the outcome of the thesis, the future of mobile TV service seems very promising. The content and the pricing, however, have to match the user's needs and expectations. All the study results prove that there exists a social order for mobile TV service.
Weekly Newsletter, includes a financial report as a seperate document.
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter
Newsletter updating the corridor study of the Mississippi Bridge project for the states of Iowa and Illinois.
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter
Weekly Newsletter
Opinnäytetyön kirjallinen osa pohtii dokumentaarisen elokuvan ja tosi-TV:n eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä. Kysymys on rajattu koskemaan näiden kahden lajityypin keinoja autenttisen vaikutelman luomiseksi muodon ja teknisen toteutuksen tasolla. Dokumentaarisella elokuvalla ja tosi-TV:llä on osittain samanlaiset lähtökohdat, mutta niiden keinoissa on enemmän eroja kuin yhtäläisyyksiä. Keskityn tutkimuksessani erityisesti tosi-TV:n muotoon. Lähtökohtana pohdinnalle olen käyttänyt Veijo Hietalan ja Ari Honka-Hallilan esittämää teoriaa televisio-ohjelman autenttisuuden vaikutelmaa lisäävistä indekseistä eli "mittareista". Ohjelman autenttisuutta voidaan Hietalan ja Honka-Hallilan mukaan mitata visuaalisilla, temporaalisilla ja interaktiivisilla indekseillä. Käyn läpi tosi-TV:n kuvan, äänen, rakenteen, leikkauksen ja käsikirjoituksen keinoja autenttisuuden vaikutelman tehostamisessa ja vertaan niitä dokumentaarisen elokuvan vastaaviin keinoihin. Käsittelen myös joitain vain televisiolle ominaisia keinoja luoda autenttisuuden vaikutelmaa, kuten suoran lähetyksen illuusio ja vuorovaikutus katsojan kanssa. Pohdin myös "toisen sukupolven" tosi-TV:lle ominaista tapaa tuoda "tavallisen" ihmisen tunteet televisiodraaman keskiöön. Vaikka tosi-TV:llä ja dokumentaarisella elokuvalla on joitain yhtymäkohtia, ovat ne lajityyppeinä etääntyneet kauas toisistaan. Tämä ei kuitenkaan välttämättä tarkoita sitä, että niiden sisältöjen erot olisivat tarkkarajaiset. Myöskään ei ole aina yksiselitteisen selvää, onko jokin tietty ohjelma dokumentti vai tosi-TV-ohjelma. Opinnäytetyöni teososan muodostavat Laulua kauniiden lasten saarelta -nimisen teatterikappaleen videoprojisoinnit. Teatterikappaleessa tehtäväni oli ohjata tosi-TV:tä jäljittelevä kuvaustilanne koko näytelmän ajaksi. Teososan tekeminen on ollut lähtökohtana kirjallisen osan pohdinnoille.