957 resultados para Spatial Structure


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Spatial linear models have been applied in numerous fields such as agriculture, geoscience and environmental sciences, among many others. Spatial dependence structure modelling, using a geostatistical approach, is an indispensable tool to estimate the parameters that define this structure. However, this estimation may be greatly affected by the presence of atypical observations in the sampled data. The purpose of this paper is to use diagnostic techniques to assess the sensitivity of the maximum-likelihood estimators, covariance functions and linear predictor to small perturbations in the data and/or the spatial linear model assumptions. The methodology is illustrated with two real data sets. The results allowed us to conclude that the presence of atypical values in the sample data have a strong influence on thematic maps, changing the spatial dependence structure.


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Spatial data warehouses (SDWs) allow for spatial analysis together with analytical multidimensional queries over huge volumes of data. The challenge is to retrieve data related to ad hoc spatial query windows according to spatial predicates, avoiding the high cost of joining large tables. Therefore, mechanisms to provide efficient query processing over SDWs are essential. In this paper, we propose two efficient indices for SDW: the SB-index and the HSB-index. The proposed indices share the following characteristics. They enable multidimensional queries with spatial predicate for SDW and also support predefined spatial hierarchies. Furthermore, they compute the spatial predicate and transform it into a conventional one, which can be evaluated together with other conventional predicates by accessing a star-join Bitmap index. While the SB-index has a sequential data structure, the HSB-index uses a hierarchical data structure to enable spatial objects clustering and a specialized buffer-pool to decrease the number of disk accesses. The advantages of the SB-index and the HSB-index over the DBMS resources for SDW indexing (i.e. star-join computation and materialized views) were investigated through performance tests, which issued roll-up operations extended with containment and intersection range queries. The performance results showed that improvements ranged from 68% up to 99% over both the star-join computation and the materialized view. Furthermore, the proposed indices proved to be very compact, adding only less than 1% to the storage requirements. Therefore, both the SB-index and the HSB-index are excellent choices for SDW indexing. Choosing between the SB-index and the HSB-index mainly depends on the query selectivity of spatial predicates. While low query selectivity benefits the HSB-index, the SB-index provides better performance for higher query selectivity.


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Abstract Background The organization of the connectivity between mammalian cortical areas has become a major subject of study, because of its important role in scaffolding the macroscopic aspects of animal behavior and intelligence. In this study we present a computational reconstruction approach to the problem of network organization, by considering the topological and spatial features of each area in the primate cerebral cortex as subsidy for the reconstruction of the global cortical network connectivity. Starting with all areas being disconnected, pairs of areas with similar sets of features are linked together, in an attempt to recover the original network structure. Results Inferring primate cortical connectivity from the properties of the nodes, remarkably good reconstructions of the global network organization could be obtained, with the topological features allowing slightly superior accuracy to the spatial ones. Analogous reconstruction attempts for the C. elegans neuronal network resulted in substantially poorer recovery, indicating that cortical area interconnections are relatively stronger related to the considered topological and spatial properties than neuronal projections in the nematode. Conclusion The close relationship between area-based features and global connectivity may hint on developmental rules and constraints for cortical networks. Particularly, differences between the predictions from topological and spatial properties, together with the poorer recovery resulting from spatial properties, indicate that the organization of cortical networks is not entirely determined by spatial constraints.


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Abstract Background The molecular phylogenetic relationships and population structure of the species of the Anopheles triannulatus complex: Anopheles triannulatus s.s., Anopheles halophylus and the putative species Anopheles triannulatus C were investigated. Methods The mitochondrial COI gene, the nuclear white gene and rDNA ITS2 of samples that include the known geographic distribution of these taxa were analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using Bayesian inference, Maximum parsimony and Maximum likelihood approaches. Results Each data set analyzed septely yielded a different topology but none provided evidence for the seption of An. halophylus and An. triannulatus C, consistent with the hypothesis that the two are undergoing incipient speciation. The phylogenetic analyses of the white gene found three main clades, whereas the statistical parsimony network detected only a single metapopulation of Anopheles triannulatus s.l. Seven COI lineages were detected by phylogenetic and network analysis. In contrast, the network, but not the phylogenetic analyses, strongly supported three ITS2 groups. Combined data analyses provided the best resolution of the trees, with two major clades, Amazonian (clade I) and trans-Andean + Amazon Delta (clade II). Clade I consists of multiple subclades: An. halophylus + An. triannulatus C; trans-Andean Venezuela; central Amazonia + central Bolivia; Atlantic coastal lowland; and Amazon delta. Clade II includes three subclades: Panama; cis-Andean Colombia; and cis-Venezuela. The Amazon delta specimens are in both clades, likely indicating local sympatry. Spatial and molecular variance analyses detected nine groups, corroborating some of subclades obtained in the combined data analysis. Conclusion Combination of the three molecular markers provided the best resolution for differentiation within An. triannulatus s.s. and An. halophylus and C. The latest two species seem to be very closely related and the analyses performed were not conclusive regarding species differentiation. Further studies including new molecular markers would be desirable to solve this species status question. Besides, results of the study indicate a trans-Andean origin for An. triannulatus s.l. The potential implications for malaria epidemiology remain to be investigated.


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Hancornia speciosa Gomes is a fruit tree native from Brazil that belongs to Apocinaceae family, and is popularly known as Mangabeira. Its fruits are widely consumed raw or processed as fruit jam, juices and ice creams, which have made it a target of intense exploitation. The extractive activities and intense human activity on the environment of natural occurrence of H. speciosa has caused genetic erosion in the species and little is known about the ecology or genetic structure of natural populations. The objective of this research was the evaluation of the genetic diversity and genetic structure of H. speciosa var. speciosa. The genetic variability was assessed using 11 allozyme loci with a sample of 164 individuals distributed in six natural populations located in the States of Pernambuco and Alagoas, Northeastern Brazil. The results showed a high level of genetic diversity within the species (e= 0.36) seeing that the most of the genetic variability of H. speciosa var. speciosa is within its natural populations with low difference among populations ( or = 0.081). The inbreeding values within ( = -0.555) and among populations ( =-0.428) were low showing lacking of endogamy and a surplus of heterozygotes. The estimated gene flow ( m ) was high, ranging from 2.20 to 13.18, indicating to be enough to prevent the effects of genetic drift and genetic differentiation among populations. The multivariate analyses indicated that there is a relationship between genetic and geographical distances, which was confirmed by a spatial pattern analysis using Mantel test (r = 0.3598; p = 0.0920) with 1000 random permutations. The high genetic diversity index in these populations indicates potential for in situ genetic conservation.


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[EN] Seamounts are considered to be ??hotspots?? of marine life but, their role in oceans primary productivity is still under discussion. We have studied the microbial community structure and biomass of the epipelagic zone (0?150 m) at two northeast Atlantic seamounts (Seine and Sedlo) and compared those with the surrounding ocean. Results from two cruises to Sedlo and three to Seine are presented. Main results show large temporal and spatial microbial community variability on both seamounts. Both Seine and Sedlo heterotrophic community (abundance and biomass) dominate during winter and summer months, representing 75% (Sedlo, July) to 86% (Seine, November) of the total plankton biomass. In Seine, during springtime the contribution to total plankton biomass is similar (47% autotrophic and 53% heterotrophic). Both seamounts present an autotrophic community structure dominated by small cells (nano and picophytoplankton). It is also during spring that a relatively important contribution (26%) of large cells to total autotrophic biomass is found. In some cases, a ??seamount effect?? is observed on Seine and Sedlo microbial community structure and biomass. In Seine this is only observed during spring through enhancement of large autotrophic cells at the summit and seamount stations. In Sedlo, and despite the observed low biomasses, some clear peaks of picoplankton at the summit or at stations within the seamount area are also observed during summer. Our results suggest that the dominance of heterotrophs is presumably related to the trapping effect of organic matter by seamounts. Nevertheless, the complex circulation around both seamounts with the presence of different sources of mesoscale variability (e.g. presence of meddies, intrusion of African upwelling water) may have contributed to the different patterns of distribution, abundances and also changes observed in the microbial community.


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Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar. Programa de doctorado en Oceanografía. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados


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[EN]One of the main questions in microbial ecology is to understand what are the processes that structure and govern the species composition of communities. Answering to this question implies the need to detect bacterial species in environmental samples or at least to define ecologically meaningful “units of differentiation”. The dynamics and distribution of different broad taxonomic groups that constitute the bacterioplankton (at the phylum or class level) has been widely studied. The different large groups are known to follow different spatial distributions and seasonal cycles, but important variations also occur at lower levels (i.e. species or ecologically distinct populations). In this thesis we aimed to study some of these aspects for an important group of marine bacteria: the phylum Bacteroidetes.


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Pollination and seed dispersal are important ecological processes for the regeneration of plant populations and both vectors for gene exchange between plant populations. For my thesis, I studied the pollination ecology of the South African tree Commiphora harveyi (Burseraceae) and compared it with C. guillauminii from Madagascar. Both species have low visitation rates and a low number of pollinating insect species, resulting in a low fruit set. While their pollination ecology is very similar, they differ in their seed dispersal with a low seed dispersal rate in the Malagasy and a high seed dispersal rate in the South African species. This should be reflected in a stronger genetic differentiation among populations in the Malagasy than in the South African species. My results, based on AFLP markers, contradict these expectations, the overall differentiation was lower in the Malagasy (FST = 0.05) than in the South African species (FST = 0.16). However, at a smaller spatial scale (below 3 km), the Malagasy species was genetically more strongly differentiated than the South African species, which was reflected by the high inter-population variance within the sample site (C. guillauminii: 72.2 - 85.5 %; C. harveyi: 8.4 - 14.5 %). This strong differentiation could arise from limited gene flow, which was confirmed by spatial autocorrelation analyses. The shape of the autocorrelogram suggested that gene exchange between individuals occurred only up to 3 km in the Malagasy species, whereas up to 30 km in the South African species. These results on the genetic structure correspond to the expectations based on seed dispersal data. Thus, seed dispersal seems to be a key factor for the genetic structure in plant populations on a local scale.


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Several coralligenous reefs occur in the soft bottoms of the northern Adriatic continental shelf. Mediterranean coralligenous habitats are characterised by high species diversity and are intrinsically valuable for their biological diversity and for the ecological processes they support. The conservation and management of these habitats require quantifying spatial and temporal variability of their benthic assemblages. This PhD thesis aims to give a relevant contribution to the knowledge of the structure and dynamics of the epibenthic assemblages on the coralligenous subtidal reefs occurring in the northern Adriatic Sea. The epibenthic assemblages showed a spatial variation larger compared to temporal changes, with a temporal persistence of reef-forming organisms. Assemblages spatial heterogeneity has been related to morphological features and geographical location of the reefs, together with variation in the hydrological conditions. Manipulative experiments help to understand the ecological processes structuring the benthic assemblages and maintaining their diversity. In this regards a short and long term experiment on colonization patterns of artificial substrata over a 3-year period has been performed in three reefs, corresponding to the three main types of assemblages detected in the previous study. The first colonisers, largely depending by the different larval supply, played a key role in determining the heterogeneity of the assemblages in the early stage of colonisation. Lateral invasion, from the surrounding assemblages, was the driver in structuring the mature assemblages. These complex colonisation dynamics explained the high heterogeneity of the assemblages dwelling on the northern Adriatic biogenic reefs. The buildup of these coralligenous reefs mainly depends by the bioconstruction-erosion processes that has been analysed through a field experiment. Bioconstruction, largely due to serpulid polychaetes, prevailed on erosion processes and occurred at similar rates in all sites. Similarly, the total energy contents in the benthic communities do not differ among sites, despite being provided by different species. Therefore, we can hypothesise that both bioconstruction processes and energetic storage may be limited by the availability of resources. Finally the major contribution of the zoobenthos compared to the phytobenthos to the total energetic content of assemblages suggests that the energy flow in these benthic habitats is primarily supported by planktonic food web trough the filter feeding invertebrates.


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The research presented in my PhD thesis is part of a wider European project, FishPopTrace, focused on traceability of fish populations and products. My work was aimed at developing and analyzing novel genetic tools for a widely distributed marine fish species, the European hake (Merluccius merluccius), in order to investigate population genetic structure and explore potential applications to traceability scenarios. A total of 395 SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) were discovered from a massive collection of Expressed Sequence Tags, obtained by high-throughput sequencing, and validated on 19 geographic samples from Atlantic and Mediterranean. Genome-scan approaches were applied to identify polymorphisms on genes potentially under divergent selection (outlier SNPs), showing higher genetic differentiation among populations respect to the average observed across loci. Comparative analysis on population structure were carried out on putative neutral and outlier loci at wide (Atlantic and Mediterranean samples) and regional (samples within each basin) spatial scales, to disentangle the effects of demographic and adaptive evolutionary forces on European hake populations genetic structure. Results demonstrated the potential of outlier loci to unveil fine scale genetic structure, possibly identifying locally adapted populations, despite the weak signal showed from putative neutral SNPs. The application of outlier SNPs within the framework of fishery resources management was also explored. A minimum panel of SNP markers showing maximum discriminatory power was selected and applied to a traceability scenario aiming at identifying the basin (and hence the stock) of origin, Atlantic or Mediterranean, of individual fish. This case study illustrates how molecular analytical technologies have operational potential in real-world contexts, and more specifically, potential to support fisheries control and enforcement and fish and fish product traceability.


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In this thesis, the influence of composition changes on the glass transition behavior of binary liquids in two and three spatial dimensions (2D/3D) is studied in the framework of mode-coupling theory (MCT).The well-established MCT equations are generalized to isotropic and homogeneous multicomponent liquids in arbitrary spatial dimensions. Furthermore, a new method is introduced which allows a fast and precise determination of special properties of glass transition lines. The new equations are then applied to the following model systems: binary mixtures of hard disks/spheres in 2D/3D, binary mixtures of dipolar point particles in 2D, and binary mixtures of dipolar hard disks in 2D. Some general features of the glass transition lines are also discussed. The direct comparison of the binary hard disk/sphere models in 2D/3D shows similar qualitative behavior. Particularly, for binary mixtures of hard disks in 2D the same four so-called mixing effects are identified as have been found before by Götze and Voigtmann for binary hard spheres in 3D [Phys. Rev. E 67, 021502 (2003)]. For instance, depending on the size disparity, adding a second component to a one-component liquid may lead to a stabilization of either the liquid or the glassy state. The MCT results for the 2D system are on a qualitative level in agreement with available computer simulation data. Furthermore, the glass transition diagram found for binary hard disks in 2D strongly resembles the corresponding random close packing diagram. Concerning dipolar systems, it is demonstrated that the experimental system of König et al. [Eur. Phys. J. E 18, 287 (2005)] is well described by binary point dipoles in 2D through a comparison between the experimental partial structure factors and those from computer simulations. For such mixtures of point particles it is demonstrated that MCT predicts always a plasticization effect, i.e. a stabilization of the liquid state due to mixing, in contrast to binary hard disks in 2D or binary hard spheres in 3D. It is demonstrated that the predicted plasticization effect is in qualitative agreement with experimental results. Finally, a glass transition diagram for binary mixtures of dipolar hard disks in 2D is calculated. These results demonstrate that at higher packing fractions there is a competition between the mixing effects occurring for binary hard disks in 2D and those for binary point dipoles in 2D.


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In the early 20th century, Gouy, Chapman, and Stern developed a theory to describe the capacitance and the spatial ion distribution of diluted electrolytes near an electrode. After a century of research, considerable progress has been made in the understanding of the electrolyte/electrode interface. However, its molecular-scale structure and its variation with an applied potential is still under debate. In particular for room-temperature ionic liquids, a new class of solventless electrolytes, the classical theories for the electrical double layer are not applicable. Recently, molecular dynamics simulations and phenomenological theories have attempted to explain the capacitance of the ionic liquid/electrode interface with the molecular-scale structure and dynamics of the ionic liquid near the electrode. rnHowever, experimental evidence is very limited. rnrnIn the presented study, the ion distribution of an ionic liquid near an electrode and its response to applied potentials was examined with sub-molecular resolution. For this purpose, a new sample chamber was constructed, allowing in situ high energy X-ray reflectivity experiments under potential control, as well as impedance spectroscopy measurements. The combination of structural information and electrochmical data provided a comprehensive picture of the electric double layer in ionic liquids. Oscillatory charge density profiles were found, consisting of alternating anion- and cation-enriched layers at both, cathodic and anodic, potentials. This structure was shown to arise from the same ion-ion correlations dominating the liquid bulk structure that were observed as a distinct X-ray diffraction peak. Therefore, existing physically motivated models were refined and verified by comparison with independent measurements. rnrnThe relaxation dynamics of the interfacial structure upon potential variation were studied by time resolved X-ray reflectivity experiments with sub-millisecond resolution. The observed relaxation times during charging/discharging are consistent with the impedance spectroscopy data revealing three processes of vastly different characteristic time-scales. Initially, the ion transport normal to the interface happens on a millisecond-scale. Another 100-millisecond-scale process is associated with molecular reorientation of electrode-adsorbed cations. Further, a minute-scale relaxation was observed, which is tentatively assigned to lateral ordering within the first layer.


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The documented data regarding the three-dimensional structure of the air capillaries (ACs), the ultimate sites of gas exchange in the avian lung is contradictory. Further, the mode of gas exchange, described as cross-current has not been clearly elucidated. We studied the temporal and spatial arrangement of the terminal air conduits of the chicken lung and their relationship with the blood capillaries (BCs) in embryos as well as the definitive architecture in adults. Several visualization techniques that included corrosion casting, light microscopy as well as scanning and transmission electron microscopy were used. Two to six infundibulae extend from each atrium and give rise to numerous ACs that spread centrifugally. Majority of the ACs are tubular structures that give off branches, which anastomose with their neighboring cognates. Some ACs have globular shapes and a few are blind-ending tapering tubes. During inauguration, the luminal aspects of the ACs are characterized by numerous microvillus-like microplicae, which are formed during the complex processes of cell attenuation and canalization of the ACs. The parabronchial exchange BCs, initially inaugurated as disorganized meshworks, are reoriented via pillar formation to lie predominantly orthogonal to the long axes of the ACs. The remodeling of the retiform meshworks by intussusceptive angiogenesis essentially accomplishes a cross-current system at the gas exchange interface in the adults, where BCs form ring-like patterns around the ACs, thus establishing a cross-current system. Our findings clarify the mode of gas exchange in the parabronchial mantle and illuminate the basis for the functional efficiency of the avian lung.


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Detecting small amounts of genetic subdivision across geographic space remains a persistent challenge. Often a failure to detect genetic structure is mistaken for evidence of panmixia, when more powerful statistical tests may uncover evidence for subtle geographic differentiation. Such slight subdivision can be demographically and evolutionarily important as well as being critical for management decisions. We introduce here a method, called spatial analysis of shared alleles (SAShA), that detects geographically restricted alleles by comparing the spatial arrangement of allelic co-occurrences with the expectation under panmixia. The approach is allele-based and spatially explicit, eliminating the loss of statistical power that can occur with user-defined populations and statistical averaging within populations. Using simulated data sets generated under a stepping-stone model of gene flow, we show that this method outperforms spatial autocorrelation (SA) and UST under common real-world conditions: at relatively high migration rates when diversity is moderate or high, especially when sampling is poor. We then use this method to show clear differences in the genetic patterns of 2 nearshore Pacific mollusks, Tegula funebralis (5 Chlorostoma funebralis) and Katharina tunicata, whose overall patterns of within-species differentiation are similar according to traditional population genetics analyses. SAShA meaningfully complements UST/FST, SA, and other existing geographic genetic analyses and is especially appropriate for evaluating species with high gene flow and subtle genetic differentiation.