964 resultados para Somatic Embryos


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Red Blood cell mediated and glass needle mediated microinjection technology was used to introduce macromolecules into mammalian somatic cells. The biological activities of DNA synthesis inducing factor(s) (Chapter 1), mitotic factor(s) (Chapter 2), and DNA coding for ovalbumin and thymidine kinase (Chapter 3) were studied following injection into mammalian somatic cells.^ Chapter 1. A cell undergoing DNA replication (S phase) contains a factor(s) that induces DNA synthesis prematurely in a G(,1) nucleus when an S phase cell is fused to a G(,1) cell. An assay for the active factor(s) was developed in which a mixture of s phase extract loaded red blood cells (RBC) and synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells was centrifuged onto Concanavalin A (Con A) treated coverslips and fused by PEG. This technique is called "Centrifusion". The synchronous G(,1) HeLa cells injected with S phase extract initiated DNA synthesis earlier than the control G(,1) cells mock injected with RBC loaded with buffer.^ Chapter 2. It has been demonstrated that fusion between a mitotic and an interphase cell usually leads to breakdown of the interphase nucleus, followed by condensation of the interphase chromatin into discrete chromosomes, a process termed premature chromosome condensation. I wanted to develop an assay for the mitotic factor(s) that induces premature chromosome condensation. Experiments were performed utilizing glass needle mediated microinjection of HeLa cell mitotic extract into interphase somatic mammalian cells in an attempt to induce premature chromosome condensation. However, I was not able to induce premature chromosome condensation in the interphase cells, probably because of an inability to introduce sufficient mitotic factor(s) into the cells.^ Chapter 3. A recombinant plasmid containing the chicken ovalbumin gene and three copies of the Herpes thymidine Kinase gene (pOV12-TK) was introduced into mouse LMTK('-) cell nuclei using glass needle mediated gene transfer resulting in LMTK('+) clones that were selected for in HAT medium. Restriction enzyme analysis of the high molecular weight DNA from 6 HAT medium survivor cell clones revealed the presence of one or at best only a few copies of the 12kb ovalbumin gene per mouse genome. Further analysis showed the ovalbumin DNA was not rearranged and was associated with high molecular weight mouse cell DNA. Each of the analyzed cell clones produced ovalbumin demonstrating that the biological activity of the microinjected ovalbumin was retained. ^


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Carboxypeptidase N (CPN) is a plasma zinc metalloprotease, which consists of two enzymatically active small subunits and two large subunits that protect the protein from degradation. CPN cleaves carboxy-terminal arginines and lysines from peptides found in the bloodstream such as complement anaphylatoxins, kinins, and creatine kinase MM. In this study, the mouse CPN small subunit (CPN1) coding region, gene structure, and chromosomal location were characterized and the expression of CPN1 was investigated in mouse embryos at different stages of development. The CPN1 gene, which was approximately 29 kb in length, contained nine exons and localized to mouse chromosome 19D2. The fifth and sixth exons of CPN1 encoded the amino acids necessary for substrate binding and catalytic activity. CPN1 RNA was expressed predominately in adult liver and contained a 1371 bp open reading frame encoding 457 amino acids. In the mouse embryo, CPN1 RNA was observed at 8.5 days post coitus (dpc), while its protein was detected at 10.5 dpc. In situ hybridization of the fetal liver detected CPN1 RNA in erythroid progenitor cells at 10.5, 13.5, and 16.5 dpc and in hepatocytes at 16.5 dpc. This was compared to the expression of the complement component C3, the parent molecule of complement anaphylatoxin C3a. Consistently throughout the experiments, CPN1 message and protein preceded the expression of C3. To obtain a better understanding of the biological significance of CPN1 in vivo, studies were initiated to produce a genetically engineered mouse in which the CPN1 gene was ablated. To facilitate this project a targeting vector was constructed by removing the functionally important fifth and sixth exons of the CPN1 gene. Collectively, these studies have: (1) provided important detailed information regarding the structure and organization of the murine CPN1 gene, (2) yielded insights into the developmental expression of mouse CPN1 in relationship to C3 expression, and (3) set the stage for the generation of a CPN1 “knock-out” mouse, which can be used to determine the biological significance of CPN1 in both normal and diseased conditions. ^


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Cloning by nuclear transfer using mammalian somatic cells has enormous potential application. However, somatic cloning has been inefficient in all species in which live clones have been produced. High abortion and fetal mortality rates are commonly observed. These developmental defects have been attributed to incomplete reprogramming of the somatic nuclei by the cloning process. Various strategies have been used to improve the efficiency of nuclear transfer, however, significant breakthroughs are yet to happen. In this review we will discuss studies conducted, in our laboratories and those of others, to gain a better understanding of nuclear reprogramming. Because cattle are a species widely used for nuclear transfer studies, and more laboratories have succeeded in cloning cattle than any other species, this review will be focused on somatic cell cloning of cattle.


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Cellular therapies, as neuronal progenitor (NP) cells grafting, are promising therapies for patients affected with neurodegenerative diseases like Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). At this time there is no effective treatment or cure for CJD. The disease is inevitably fatal and affected people usually die within months of the appearance of the first clinical symptoms. Compelling evidence indicate that the hallmark event in the disease is the conversion of the normal prion protein (termed PrPC) into the disease-associated, misfolded form (called PrPSc). Thus, a reasonable therapeutic target would be to prevent PrP misfolding and prion replication. This strategy has been applied with poor results since at the time of clinical intervention substantial brain damage has been done. It seems that a more effective treatment aimed at patients with established symptoms of CJD would need to stop further brain degeneration or even recover some of the previously lost brain tissue. The most promising possibility to recover brain tissue is the use of NPs that have the potential to replenish the nerve cells lost during the early stages of the disease. Advanced cellular therapies, beside their potential for cell replacement, might be used as biomaterials for drug delivery in order to stimulate cell survival or the resolution the disease. Also, implanted cells can be genetically manipulated to correct abnormalities causing disease or to make them more resistant to the toxic microenvironments present in damaged tissue. In recent years cell engineering has been within the scope of the scientific and general community after the development of technologies able to “de-differentiate” somatic cells into induced-pluripotent stem (IPS) cells. This new tool permits the use of easy-to-reach cells like skin or blood cells as a primary material to obtain embryonic stem-like cells for cellular therapies, evading all ethical issues regarding the use of human embryos as a source of embryonic stem cells. The complete work proposes to implant IPS-derived NP cells into the brain of prion-infected animals to evaluate their therapeutic potential. Since it is well known that the expression of prion protein in the cell membrane is necessary for PrPSc mediated toxicity, we also want to determine if NPs lacking the prion protein have better survival rates once implanted into sick animals. The main objective of this work is to develop implantable neural precursor from IPS coming from animals lacking the prion protein. Specific aim 1: To develop and characterize cellular cultures of IPS cells from prp-/- mice. Fibroblasts from prp-/- animals will be reprogrammed using the four Yamanaka factors. IPS colonies will be selected and characterized by immunohistochemistry for markers of pluripotency. Their developmental capabilities will be evaluated by teratoma and embryoid body formation assays. Specific aim 2: To differentiate IPS cells to a neuronal lineage. IPS cells will be differentiated to a NP stage by the use of defined media culture conditions. NP cells will be characterized by their immunohistochemical profile as well as by their ability to differentiate into neuronal cells. Specific aim 3: Cellular labeling of neuronal progenitors cells for in vitro traceability. In order to track the cells once implanted in the host brain, they will be tagged with different methods such as lipophilic fluorescent tracers and transduction with GFP protein expression.


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Due to atmospheric accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 the partial pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) in surface seawater increases and the pH decreases. This process known as ocean acidification might have severe effects on marine organisms and ecosystems. The present study addresses the effect of ocean acidification on early developmental stages, the most sensitive stages in life history, of the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.). Eggs of the Atlantic herring were fertilized and incubated in artificially acidified seawater (pCO2 1260, 1859, 2626, 2903, 4635 µatm) and a control treatment (pCO2 480 µatm) until the main hatch of herring larvae occurred. The development of the embryos was monitored daily and newly hatched larvae were sampled to analyze their morphometrics, and their condition by measuring the RNA/DNA ratios. Elevated pCO2 neither affected the embryogenesis nor the hatch rate. Furthermore the results showed no linear relationship betweenpCO2 and total length, dry weight, yolk sac area and otolith area of the newly hatched larvae. For pCO2 and RNA/DNA ratio, however, a significant negative linear relationship was found. The RNA concentration at hatching was reduced at higher pCO2 levels, which could lead to a decreased protein biosynthesis. The results indicate that an increased pCO2 can affect the metabolism of herring embryos negatively. Accordingly, further somatic growth of the larvae could be reduced. This can have consequences for the larval fish, since smaller and slow growing individuals have a lower survival potential due to lower feeding success and increased predation mortality. The regulatory mechanisms necessary to compensate for effects of hypercapnia could therefore lead to lower larval survival. Since the recruitment of fish seems to be determined during the early life stages, future research on the factors influencing these stages are of great importance in fisheries science.


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The tissue distribution and ontogeny of Na+/K+-ATPase has been examined as an indicator for ion-regulatory epithelia in whole animal sections of embryos and hatchlings of two cephalopod species: the squid Loligo vulgaris and the cuttlefish Sepia officinalis. This is the first report of the immunohistochemical localization of cephalopod Na+/K+-ATPase with the polyclonal antibody alpha (H-300) raised against the human alpha1-subunit of Na+/K+-ATPase. Na+/K+-ATPase immunoreactivity was observed in several tissues (gills, pancreatic appendages, nerves), exclusively located in baso-lateral membranes lining blood sinuses. Furthermore, large single cells in the gill of adult L. vulgaris specimens closely resembled Na+/K+-ATPase-rich cells described in fish. Immunohistochemical observations indicated that the amount and distribution of Na+/K+-ATPase in late cuttlefish embryos was similar to that found in juvenile and adult stages. The ion-regulatory epithelia (e.g., gills, excretory organs) of the squid embryos and paralarvae exhibited less differentiation than adults. Na+/K+-ATPase activities for whole animals were higher in hatchlings of S. officinalis (157.0 ± 32.4 µmol/g FM/h) than in those of L. vulgaris (31.8 ± 3.3 µmol/g FM/h). S. officinalis gills and pancreatic appendages achieved activities of 94.8 ± 18.5 and 421.8 ± 102.3 µmol ATP/g FM/h, respectively. High concentrations of Na+/K+-ATPase in late cephalopod embryos might be important in coping with the challenging abiotic conditions (low pH, high pCO2) that these organisms encounter inside their eggs. Our results also suggest a higher sensitivity of squid vs. cuttlefish embryos to environmental acid-base disturbances.


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Early life history stages of marine organisms are generally thought to be more sensitive to environmental stress than adults. Although most marine invertebrates are broadcast spawners, some species are brooders and/or protect their embryos in egg or capsules. Brooding and encapsulation strategies are typically assumed to confer greater safety and protection to embryos, although little is known about the physico-chemical conditions within egg capsules. In the context of ocean acidification, the protective role of encapsulation remains to be investigated. To address this issue, we conducted experiments on the gastropod Crepidula fornicata. This species broods its embryos within capsules located under the female and veliger larvae are released directly into the water column. C. fornicata adults were reared at the current level of CO2 partial pressure (pCO2) (390 µatm) and at elevated levels (750 and 1400 µatm) before and after fertilization and until larval release, such that larval development occurred entirely at a given pCO2. The pCO2 effects on shell morphology, the frequency of abnormalities and mineralization level were investigated on released larvae. Shell length decreased by 6% and shell surface area by 11% at elevated pCO2 (1400 µatm). The percentage of abnormalities was 1.5- to 4-fold higher at 750 µatm and 1400 µatm pCO2, respectively, than at 390 µatm. The intensity of birefringence, used as a proxy for the mineralization level of the larval shell, also decreased with increasing pCO2. These negative results are likely explained by increased intracapsular acidosis due to elevated pCO2 in extracapsular seawater. The encapsulation of C. fornicata embryos did not protect them against the deleterious effects of a predicted pCO2 increase. Nevertheless, C. fornicata larvae seemed less affected than other mollusk species. Further studies are needed to identify the critical points of the life cycle in this species in light of future ocean acidification.


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To properly understand and model animal embryogenesis it is crucial to obtain detailed measurements, both in time and space, about their gene expression domains and cell dynamics. Such challenge has been confronted in recent years by a surge of atlases which integrate a statistically relevant number of different individuals to get robust, complete information about their spatiotemporal locations of gene patterns. This paper will discuss the fundamental image analysis strategies required to build such models and the most common problems found along the way. We also discuss the main challenges and future goals in the field.


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To properly understand and model animal embryogenesis it is crucial to obtain detailed measurements, both in time and space, about their gene expression domains and cell dynamics. Such challenge has been confronted in recent years by a surge of atlases which integrate a statistically relevant number of different individuals to get robust, complete information about their spatiotemporal locations of gene patterns. This paper will discuss the fundamental image analysis strategies required to build such models and the most common problems found along the way. We also discuss the main challenges and future goals in the field.


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Abstract Protocols have been established to clone adult cork oak trees by somatic embryogenesis using semisolid medium. However, for economically viable mass propagation, embryogenic cultures in liquid medium need to be developed. In this study, suspension cultures were initiated from embryo clusters obtained by secondary embryogenesis on a gelled medium lacking plant growth regulators. After 6 days of culture, these embryo clusters generated high cell density suspensions that also contained small organized structures (embryos and embryogenic clumps). As the culture duration increased, tissue necrosis and fewer embryogenic structures were observed and the establishment of suspension cultures failed. An alternative method was found adequate for initiation of embryogenic suspensions: embryo clusters from gelled medium were briefly shaken in liquid medium and detached cells and embryogenic masses of 41?800 lm were used as inoculum. Maintenance of embryogenic suspensions was achieved using a low-density inoculum (43 mg l-1) by subculturing four embryogenic clumps of 0.8?1.2 mm per 70 ml of medium. Proliferation ability was maintained for almost 1 year through ten consecutive subcultures. The initiation and maintenance protocols first developed for a single genotype were effective when tested on 11 cork oak genotypes.


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La mejora y conservación de recursos genéticos en especies forestales lleva siglos de retraso con respecto a las especies agrícolas. Los recursos forestales se han considerado tradicionalmente como recursos �mineros�, en los que primaba la mera extracción dejando exclusivamente a la regeneración natural la labor de sostenibilidad en los montes y dehesas o montados. Hoy en día, el necesario desarrollo del medio rural obliga a la explotación racional de los recursos como medio de garantizar su sostenibilidad. Por ello se está empezando a extender el criterio de que las especies forestales se pueden y deben �cultivar� en determinados espacios. Las características biológicas de las especies forestales las hacen, a menudo, recalcitrantes a las técnicas de mejora y conservación de recursos genéticos tradicionalmente aplicadas a especies agrícolas. En particular, la propagación vegetativa se ha utilizado ampliamente en muchos cultivos leñosos como una herramienta muy poderosa para capturar todo el potencial genético de combinaciones genéticas valiosas. En especies forestales, en particular en las mediterráneas, esta posibilidad raramente se ha podido aplicar debido a la baja capacidad morfogénica de estas especies y la fuerte influencia de la maduración o cambio de fase. En los últimos años la biotecnología forestal ha tenido un desarrollo espectacular. En particular las técnicas de regeneración clonal de plantas basadas en técnicas de cultivo in vitro, fundamentalmente vía embriogénesis somática, se están ya aplicando por muchas empresas privadas e instituciones públicas a nivel semi-operativo con diversas especies, para la conservación de material selecto y el establecimiento de ensayos clonales. Nuestros grupos de trabajo están desarrollando protocolos de regeneración por embriogénesis somática en distintas especies forestales. En esta comunicación se presenta el estado actual de los conocimientos en dos especies típicamente mediterráneas, el alcornoque (Quercus suber L.) y el pino piñonero (Pinus pinea L.), destacando los principales cuellos de botella para su aplicación a gran escala.


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Early common markers of microspore and somatic embryogenesis in Quercus suber.


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SMAD2 is a member of the transforming growth factor β and activin-signaling pathway. To examine the role of Smad2 in postgastrulation development, we independently generated mice with a null mutation in this gene. Smad2-deficient embryos die around day 7.5 of gestation because of failure of gastrulation and failure to establish an anterior–posterior (A-P) axis. Expression of the homeobox gene Hex (the earliest known marker of the A-P polarity and the prospective head organizer) was found to be missing in Smad2-deficient embryos. Homozygous mutant embryos and embryonic stem cells formed mesoderm derivatives revealing that mesoderm induction is SMAD2 independent. In the presence of wild-type extraembryonic tissues, Smad2-deficient embryos developed beyond 7.5 and up to 10.5 days postcoitum, demonstrating a requirement for SMAD2 in extraembryonic tissues for the generation of an A-P axis and gastrulation. The rescued postgastrulation embryos showed malformation of head structures, abnormal embryo turning, and cyclopia. Our results show that Smad2 expression is required at several stages during embryogenesis.