772 resultados para Social groups -- Psychological aspects


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Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan suomalaisiin yliopistoihin valikoitumista 2000-luvun alussa. Tarkastelu pohjautuu yliopistoon hakeneiden, opiskelemaan hyväksyttyjen ja opiskelupaikkaa ilman jääneiden taustojen vertailuun. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten koulutuksellinen tasa-arvo toteutuu opiskelemaan pääsyssä. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään sukupuolten, eri-ikäisten, sosiaalisten ryhmien sekä eri alueella asuvien opiskelijavalinnoissa pärjäämiseen. Lisäksi pohditaan, millaiset taustatekijät ovat yhteydessä opiskelemaan pääsyyn ja miten suomalainen yliopistokenttä on lohkoutunut yliopistoittain ja aloittain hakijoiden ja sisään päässeiden taustojen perusteella. Tutkimuksen pääaineistona on henkilöpohjainen rekisteriaineisto, joka on laadittu valtakunnallisen hakijarekisterin (HAREK) ja Tilastokeskuksen yhteistyönä. Aineisto käsittää 40 %:n satunnaisotoksen vuonna 2003 suomalaisiin yliopistoihin hakeneista (N = 55 790). Aineiston muuttujat kuvaavat hakijoiden taustoja, elämäntilannetta, aiempaa koulutusta ja lapsuudenperheen asemaa. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään lisäksi kokonaisjoukosta muodostettua taulukkoaineistoa (N = 139 668). Yliopistoihin hakevat eivät ole yhtenäinen ryhmä. Vaikka suurin osa hakijoista oli nuoria, oli joukossa myös varttuneempia hakijoita, jotka olivat ehtineet hankkia koulutusta ja muuta elämänkokemusta. Päävalinnat toimivat siten myös aikuishakijoiden hakuväylänä; erillisvalintoja eivät hyödynnä läheskään kaikki, joilla siihen olisi mahdollisuus. Klusterianalyysin avulla hakijoista voitiin erottaa neljä ryhmää: 1) nuoret ylioppilaat, 2) toisen tutkinnon suorittajat, 3) koulutuspääoman kartuttajat sekä 4) aikuiset lisäkouluttautujat. Opiskelemaan pääsyyn vaikuttavia tekijöitä analysoitiin logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla. Analyysin mukaan hakijan iällä oli muista taustatekijöistä riippumaton vaikutus opiskelemaan pääsyyn niin, että todennäköisyys päästä yliopistoon vähenee hakijan iän kohotessa. Parhaiten opiskelemaan pääsivät kaikkein nuorimmat, alle 20-vuotiaat hakijat, jotka siis useimmiten ovat saman kevään ylioppilaita. Vanhemmille hakijoille oli usein kertynyt jo koulutusta, mutta aiemmat tutkinnot paransivat sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksia vain, mikäli ne olivat korkea-asteelta. Alemmilla ammatillisilla tutkinnoilla oli pikemminkin opiskelemaan pääsyä heikentävä vaikutus. Myös se, mitä hakija oli tehnyt ennen valintakokeita, vaikutti sisäänpääsyn mahdollisuuksiin. Parhaiten valinnoissa pärjäsivät päätoimiset opiskelijat, heikoiten työttömät hakijat. Vaikka miesten hyväksymisprosentit olivat keskimäärin korkeammat kuin naisten, sukupuoli ei osoittautunut itsenäiseksi opiskelemaan pääsyä selittäväksi tekijäksi. Naisten huonompi pärjääminen valinnoissa selittyykin pitkälti sukupuolten eriytyneillä alavalinnoilla. Naisten suosimat alat kun ovat pääsääntöisesti vaikeapääsyisempiä kuin miesten. Tutkimuksessa selvisi myös, että kaupunkilaisuus lisäsi todennäköisyyttä tulla hyväksytyksi. Toisaalta opiskelemaan pääsy erosi myös asuinmaakunnittain, mikä kertoo lähinnä siitä, että eri yliopistojen sisäänpääsyasteissa on varsin suuria eroja. Yliopistojen lohkoutuminen hakijoiden sosiaalisen taustan mukaan oli paljon selvempää kuin alojen. Kaikki pääkaupunkiseudun yliopistot – lukuun ottamatta Teatterikorkeakoulua – luokittuivat isän asemalla mitaten elitistisiksi. Matalimmista taustoista haettiin Lapin, Joensuun ja Vaasan yliopistoihin. Alojen paikka elitistisyyskansanomaisuus -ulottuvuudella vaihteli suuresti yliopistoittain. Teknillistieteellinen, matemaattis-luonnontieteellinen ja kauppatieteellinen ala sijoittuivat kuitenkin keskimääräistä ylemmäs, kun taas kasvatustiede ja farmasia olivat kansanomaisimpia hakukohteita. Opiskelijaksi valikoitumisen peruselementit toistuivat myös tässä tutkimuksessa: koulutetuimpien ja hyvässä asemassa olevien vanhempien jälkeläiset saivat opiskelupaikan useammin kuin muut. Yliopistolaitoksessa vuosikymmenten saatossa toteutetut rakenteelliset muutokset eivät siis ole muuttaneet valikoitumisen peruslinjaa, joskin uutena huomiona nousi maanviljelijöiden jälkeläisten hyvä valinnoissa pärjääminen. Maanviljelijäperheestä tulevien opiskelemaan pääsyn todennäköisyys oli kaikkein suurin.


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The overall goal of this study was to explore and identify good aggression management methods and on that basis to produce recommendations for aggression management in the adolescent forensic setting. The study was conducted in three phases. In Phase I, staff’s (n = 58) perception of adolescent aggressive behaviour and methods to manage it was examined. In Phase II, staff’s (n = 30) perception of treatment settings and treatment interventions available were studied. In Phase III, the effectiveness of an aggression management programme was evaluated. The data were collected during the period 2004-2007. Participants perceived adolescent aggressive behaviour in a similar way and described aggressive behaviour as being a comprehensible phenomenon. Management methods used to control aggressive situations were alike, although the practical solutions varied between the study units, especially regarding coercive methods. Staff members proposed more time and better opportunities to discuss and evaluate the aggression situation in order to improve the methods used. The treatment settings were similar in studied forensic units and interventions were primarily focused on psychological aspects, including management of aggressive behavior. A comprehensive aggression management programme proved to be effective in decreasing incidents of violence. The use of coercive methods in aggression situations decreased and injuries to the staff became less frequent. If staff members intend to apply high quality management methods in aggression situations they have to share a consistent understanding of aggressive behaviour and need to be aware of the various methods available. In addition, they should learn more about assessment methods in order to improve aggression management. International comparison of aggression, methods for managing it and service provision creates a starting point for developing equal care provision and realization within and between European countries.


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My dissertation is an interdisciplinary study of the relationship between the Swiss peasants and nobles in Friedrich Schiller’s play Wilhelm Tell (1804). Changes to this relationship are of particular interest. Communication in the play is examined via a micro-analysis based on Penelope Brown’s and Stephen C. Levinson’s theoretical framework Politeness: Some universals in language usage. (1978, 1987). Brown and Levinson distinguish between positivepoliteness and negative-politeness strategies and their distinction is useful for my argument, since they claim that the use of positive-politeness strategies reflects the speaker’s intention to minimize the distance between the interlocutors (Brown and Levinson 1987: 103). Negative-politeness strategies, by contrast, result in social distancing (Brown and Levinson 1987: 130). In accordance with Brown’s and Levinson’s theory, it can be argued that the distribution of positive-politeness and negative-politeness strategies reflects changes in the distance between the fictional interlocutors as representatives of their social classes in Wilhelm Tell. The analysis of the communication in the play highlights that existing conflicts within the social groups are resolved and replaced with solidarity (cf. ‘Claim ’common ground’ and ‘Claim in-group membership with H’) before the peasants and noblemen appear on stage simultaneously in III, 3. In the scene in question, Geßler forces Tell to shoot the apple off his son’s head. Although both nobles and peasants are present, they do not communicate with each other. Thus, communication between the social classes occurs for the first time in IV, 2. This scene is crucial with regard to the changes in the relationship between the social classes in the play. The younger generation, with Rudenz as a representative of the nobility and Melchthal as a representative of the peasants, break with the prevailing conventions and initiate a new type of cooperation based on mutual helping and equality in the right and the duty to protect the country from the violent oppressors representing Habsburg (cf. ‘Convey that S and H are cooperators’, ‘Claim reflexivity’ and ‘Claim reciprocity’). The linguistic analysis reveals the crucial role of the Swiss nobility in the development of the social utopia, as well as the non-contribution of Wilhelm Tell. In fact, Tell never communicates with the Swiss noblemen. The role of the nobility and the role of Wilhelm Tell are further investigated in a comparison between Schiller’s Wilhelm Tell and four of Schiller’s historical sources. These sources, which contain earlier, non-dramatic versions of the establishment of the Swiss Confederation, are the following: Kronica von der loblichen Eydtgnoschaft compiled by Petermann Etterlin (1507), Gemeiner loblicher Eydgnoschafft Stetten Landen vnd Völckeren Chronik wirdiger thaaten beschreybung (1548) written by Johann Stumpf, Chronicon Helveticum of Aegidius Tschudi (the publication of Iselin from 1734 and 1736) and Johannes von Müller’s Geschichten schweizerischer Eidgenossenschaft (1786). Thecomparison sheds light on the fact that both Tschudi and von Müller emphasize unity among the Swiss and cooperation in their attempt to defeat the enemy. However, Schiller has reinforced the role of the nobility in the cooperation. In addition, the comparison between Schiller’s play and the historical sources reveals profound differences with regard to the role of Wilhelm Tell. In all of Schiller’s sources, Tell is present at Rütli, whereas he is absent from Rütli in Schiller’s play. In the play in general, Tell is conspicuously separated from the other peasants. Explanations of my linguistic results, which correspond to the above mentioned differences between the roles of the figures in Wilhelm Tell and the depictions in Schiller’s sources, are found by comparing the path of Schiller’s Swiss towards an egalitarian perspective with the kind of social evolution depicted by the German philosopher Johann Benjamin Erhard in his essay Über das Recht des Volks zu einer Revolution (1795). Aiming at considering Schiller’s social utopia within the larger cultural framework of the German response to the French Revolution, the comparison suggests that both authors depict the need for social change in terms of a change in social hierarchies (Erhard 1970: 95-96, cf. Foi 2005: 225). Erhard’s essay thus helps explain the political intention of Schiller’s play to keep the ideals of the French Revolution as crucial aims but profoundly change the means towards freedom and equality. In his attempt to claim the political resistance of the nobles and peasants as just, however, Schiller sacrificed the figure of Wilhelm Tell. Guilty of the murder of Geßler, Tell was no longer suitable for the righteous revolution imagined by Schiller (cf. Bloch 2008: 215 and Schulz 2005: 228). This explains Tell’s absence in the Rütli scene, his isolation in the plot, as well as his non-contribution to the social utopia. Together, the linguistic analysis and contextualisation of Schiller’s play support my hypothesis that Wilhelm Tell describes a process of change in the relationship between peasants and nobles. The interdisciplinary approach to the topic proved to be fruitful for all areas of the research involved.


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Several studies have reported that symptoms of anxiety and depression are significantly associated with diseases characterized by painful crises. However, there is little information about the psychological aspects of recurrent painful episodes of renal stone disease. Our objective was to evaluate the association of symptoms of anxiety, depression and recurrent painful renal colic in a case-control study involving 64 subjects (32 cases/32 controls) matched for age and sex. Cases were outpatients with a confirmed diagnosis of nephrolithiasis as per their case history, physical examination, image examination and other laboratory exams. Patients had a history of at least two episodes within a 3-year period, and were currently in an intercrisis interval. The control group consisted of subjects seen at the Ophthalmology Outpatient Clinic of this University Hospital with only eye refraction symptoms, and no other associated disease. Symptoms of anxiety were evaluated by the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and symptoms of depression by the Beck Depression Inventory. Statistically significant differences were observed between patients with nephrolithiasis and controls for anxiety state (P = 0.001), anxiety trait (P = 0.005) and symptoms of depression (odds ratio = 3.74; 95%CI = 1.31-10.62). The Beck Depression Inventory showed 34.5% of respondents with moderate and 6% with severe levels of depression. There was a significant linear correlation between symptoms of anxiety (P = 0.002) and depression (P < 0.001) and the number of recurrent colic episodes (anxiety-state: P = 0.016 and anxiety-trait: P < 0.001). These data suggest an association between recurrent renal colic and symptoms of both anxiety and depression.


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The study centers on the power of Right-Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) as predictors of prejudice against stereotypical and nonstereotypical homosexuals under the threat of death and the threat of uncertainty. Right-wing authoritarianism (RWA) is an individual difference variable that measures the tendency for individuals to unquestionably follow those perceived to be authorities. Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) is an individual difference variable that measures the degree to which an individual prefers inequality among social groups. The RWA and SDO Scales are considered to be two of the strongest predictors of prejudice, such as prejudice against homosexuals. The study focuses on the unique predictive power of these two variables in predicting prejudice against homosexuals. The study also examines the role of situational threat in prejudice, specifically the threat of death (mortality salience) and the threat of uncertainty (uncertainty salience). Competing predictions from theories involving the threat of death (Terror Management Theory) and the threat of uncertainty (Uncertainty Management Theory) are also tested. The preference for expected information in the form of stereotypes concerning male homosexuals (that is, a stereotypical or non-stereotypical homosexual) were tested. The difference between the predictive power ofRWA and SDO was examined by measuring how these variables predict liking of a stereotypical or non-stereotypical homosexual under the threat of death, the threat of uncertainty, or a control condition. Along with completing a measure for RWA and a measure for SDO, participants were asked to think of their own death, of their being uncertain or about watching television then were asked to read about a week in the life of either a stereotypical or non-stereotypical male homosexual. Participants were then asked to evaluate the individual and his essay. Based on the participants' evaluations, results from 180 heterosexual university students show that RWA and SDO are strong predictors for disliking of a stereotypical homosexual under the threat of uncertainty and disliking of a non-stereotypical homosexual under the threat of death. Furthermore, however, results show that RWA is a particularly strong predictor of disliking of a stereotypical homosexual under the threat of uncertainty, whereas SDO is an exceptionally strong predictor of disliking of the non-stereotypical homosexual under the threat of death. This further adds to the notion that RWA and SDO are indeed unique predictors of prejudice. Implications are also explored, including the fact that the study simuhaneously examined the role of individual difference variables and situational threat variables, as well as exploratory analysis on Dominating Authoritarians.


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Strategies designed to improve educational systems have created tensions in school personnel as they struggle to respond to competing demands of ongoing change within their daily realities. The purpose of this case study was to investigate how teachers and administrators in one elementary school made sense ofthese tensions and to explore the factors that constrained or shaped their responses. A constructive interpretative case study using a grounded theory approach was used. Qualitative data were collected through document analysis, semi-structured interviews, and participant observation. In-depth information about teachers' and administrators' experiences and a contextual understanding oftension was generated from inductive analysis of the data. The study found that tension was a phenomenon situated in the context in which it arose. A contextual understanding of tension revealed the interactions between the institutional, personal, and emotional domains that continually shaped individual and group behavioural responses. This contextual understanding of tension provided the means to reinterpret resistance to change. It also helped to show how teachers and administrators reconstructed identities and made sense in context.. Of particular note was the crucial nature of the conditions under which teachers and adlninistrators shaped meaning and understood change. This study sheds light on the contextual intricacies of tension that may help leaders with the complex design and implementation of educational change..


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Dyadic friendShip' asymmetry was examined in relation to gender, friendship quality, and friendship status. Sixty-nine grade five children and their mutual, same-sex, friends participated in a laboratory session comprised ofvarious activities and completed questionnaires to identify mutual friends and evaluate friendship quality. Asymmetry of power was assessed observationally during an origami task. Variations in balance of power were evident in children's friendships. Boys' dyads had significantly greater levels of asymmetry than girls' dyads. Regardless of gender, asymmetry was associated with lower friendship quality, particularly as indexed by validation and caring and conflict resolution. Asymmetry was unrelated to differences in friendship status. Furthermore, relative individual power within the friendship was not related to individual perceptions offriendship quality. The implications ofthese findings in the theoretical and empirical literature were considered and suggestions for future research were made.


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This paper presents two studies, both examining the efficacy of a computer programme (Captain's Log) in training attentional skills. The population of interest is the traumatically brain injured. Study #1 is a single-case design that offers recommendations for the second, .larger (N=5) inquiry. Study #2 is an eight-week hierarchical treatment programme with a multi-based testing component. Attention, memory, listening comprehension, locus-of-control, self-esteem, visuo-spatial, and general outcome measures are employed within the testing schedule. Results suggest that any improvement was a result of practice effects. With a few single-case exceptions, the participants showed little improvement in the dependent measures.


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seventy-eight diploma nursing students participated (from a class of 112 students) in completing the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory administered by mailed questionnaire before and at the end of the preceptorship. Also a rating form was completed by 70 preceptors to determine how the observed level of self-confidence compared to self-reported self-esteem at the end of the preceptorship program. As well, four preceptors and five preceptees completed weekly diaries and six preceptors and six preceptees participated in weekly phone interviews with the investigator. Overall, self-esteem went up after the preceptorship. A comparison was made between the pretest and posttest using the t-test (dependent paired samples). Significant difference (p=.05) was demonstrated. Self-confidence ratings by preceptors were inaccurate as they had no relation to the self-reported self-esteem level of students. The diaries and interviews of preceptors and preceptees were a rich source of data as well.


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This study examined the factors affecting treatment decision making for young women with early stage breast cancer. Thirty women, aged 35 to 52 years, were presented information about two equally effective chemotherapy treatments following surgery for breast cancer using an educational instrument called a "decision board." Although equally effective, the treatments differ with regards to side effects and treatment schedule. The purpose of this research was to investigate what factors affect the decision-making process. Following administration of the decision board, women were given a take-home version to review and asked to return one to two weeks later with a decision, at which time they completed a questionnaire. theoretical framework for this study was constructed from the literature on self-directed learning and critical thinking. The Overall, the factors rated most important to the treatment decision were related to quality of life, side effects, and length of treatment. Five factors were found to be rated significantly different by the women who chose one treatment versus the other in terms of importance to their decision. These were side effects in general, vomiting, hair loss, family role, and the number of trips to the cancer centre required for treatment.Implications and recommendations for patient education, research, and practice evolved from the findings of this study.


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The implementation of imagery and video feedback programs has become an important tool for aiding athletes in achieving peak performance (Halliwell, 1990). The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of strategic imagery training and video feedback on immediate performance. Participants were two university goaltenders. An alternating treatment design (ATD; Barlow & Hayes, 1979; Tawney & Gast, 1984) was employed. The strategies were investigated using three plays originating from the right side by a right-handed shooting defenceman from the blueline. The baseline condition consisted of six practices and was used to establish a stable and "ideal" measure of performance. The intervention conditions included alternating the use of strategic imagery (Cognitive general; Paivio, 1985) and video feedback. Both participants demonstrated an increase in the frequency of Cognitive general use. Specific and global performance measures were assessed to determine the relative effectiveness of the interventions. Poor inter-rater reliability resulted in the elimination of specific performance measures. Consequently, only the global measure (i.e., save percentage) was used in subsequent analyses. Visual inspection of participant save percentage was conducted to determine the benefits of the intervention. Strategic imagery training resulted in performance improvements for both participants. Video feedback facilitated performance for Participant 2, but not Participant 1. Results are discussed with respect to imagery and video interventions and the challenges associated with applied research. KEYWORDS: imagery, video, goaltenders, alternating treatment design.


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The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of the Process Specific Approach to cognitive rehabilitation for a client with schizophrenia who has attentional deficits. The study was a single case experimental design which followed a variation of the multiple baseline approach. Prior to training of the attentional deficit, multiple baseline assessments were completed. These included an ov:erview of the sUbject's information processing ability, random measures of attention and a genera.l level of functioning in living, learning and working environments. During the re-training, attention tests were administered at the completion of each attention component. A general functional evaluation through interviews and a measure of information processing ability were. completed after the re-training was concluded. The results of the study demonstrate a significant i'mprovement in attention and memory measures. Qualitative data indicate si·gni.ficant others observed improvements in performance in r livi'ng, learning and working environments. The results suggest this approach to cognitive rehabilitation was effective with this subject and further research to establish generalizability is recommended.


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This study investigated loss, death and dying, reminiscing, coping and the process of adaptation from the sUbjective perspective. A number of theories and models of death and dying were reviewed in the background literature search with the focus on reminiscing as a coping phenomenon. The format of the study was audio-taped interviews with ten sUbjects and the recording of their memories and reminiscing of life stories. The sUbjects were required to complete an initial questionnaire in a demographic data collection process. Two separate interviews consisted of a primary data collecting interview and a verification interview four to eight weeks later. An independent chart review completed the data collecting process. Data analysis was by the examination of the emerging themes in the subjects' personal narratives which revealed the sUb-categories of reminiscing, loss (including death and dying), acceptance, hope, love, despair and belief. Belief was shown to be the foundation and the base for living and reminiscing. Reminiscing was found to be a coping phenomenon, within the foundation of a belief system. Both living and reminiscing revealed the existence of a central belief or value with a great deal of importance attached to it. Whether the belief was of a spiritual nature, a value of marriage, tradition, a work ethic or belief in an abstract value such as fate,it gave support and control to the individuals' living and reminiscing process. That which caused despair or allowed acceptance indicated the sUbjects' basic belief and was identified in the story narrations. The findings were significant to health care in terms of education, increased dignity for the elderly and better understanding by society. The profiles represented an average age of 86.3 years with age showing no bearing on the life experiences associated with the emerging themes. Overwhelmingly, belief was shown to be the foundation in reminiscing. A Judeo-Christian cultural value base supported the belief in 90% of the sUbjects; however, different beliefs were clearly shown indicating that belief is central to all thinking beings, in everyday life and in reminiscing. Belief was not necessarily spiritual or a practised or verbalized religion. It was shown to be a way of understanding, a fundamental and single thread tying the individual's life and stories together. The benefits were the outcomes, in that knowledge of an individual's belief can optimize care planning for any age group, and/or setting. The strength of the study was the open question format and the feedback process of data verification. The unrestricted outcomes and non-specificity were significant in a world where dying is everybody's business.


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The present research study examined the relationships in a work motivation context among perceived importance and achievement of work values, locus of control and internal work motivation. The congruence of a work value was considered to be the discrepancy between the importance of a work value and the perceived achievement of that value. The theoretical framework utilized was based on a self-perpetuating cycle of motivation which included the perceived importance and achievement of work values and internal work motivation as separate and distinct, yet interrelated factors. It was hypothesized that individuals who experienced high congruence of work values would experience higher levels of internal work motivation than individuals who had low congruence of work values. It was also hypothesized that individuals who had an internal locus of control would experience more internal work motivation individuals well, the and have higher congruence of work values than who had an external locus of control. As possibility of locus of control as a moderator between importance of work values and internal work motivation was explored. Survey data were collected from 184 managerial level employees of the XYZ company during an ongoing training session. The following instruments were employed to measure the variables: Elizur's (1984) Importance of Work Values, Hunt and Saul's (1985) Achievement of Work Values, Hatfield, Robinson and Huseman's (1975) Job Perception Scale, a modified version of Rotter's (1966) I-E Locus of Control Scale and the Internal Work Motivation Scale (Hackman & Oldham, 1980) which is a part of the Job Diagnostic Survey. The findings indicated that locus of control was not a significant factor in determining congruence between work values or internal work motivation for this sample. Furthermore, locus of control was also found not to be a moderator between the importance of work values and internal work motivation. All individuals in this study had relatively high levels of internal work motivation. However, individuals who had higher congruence of work values did have significantly higher internal work motivation than those who had low congruence of work values for a majority of the 21 values. This was particularly true for the intrinsic values which included responsibility, meaningfulness and use of abilities. In addition, the data were analysed into a hierarchy of needs to indicate possible organizational development or human resource development needs for the XYZ corporation.