988 resultados para Ruy Mauro Marini


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We find a coupling-strength configuration for a linear chain of N spins which gives rise to simultaneous multiple Bell states. We suggest a way such an interesting entanglement pattern can be used in order to distribute maximally entangled channels to remote locations and generate multipartite entanglement with a minimum-control approach. Our proposal thus provides a way to achieve the core resources in distributed information processing. The schemes we describe can be efficiently tested in chains of coupled cavities interacting with three-level atoms.


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We propose a scheme for the determination of the coupling parameters in a chain of interacting spins. This requires only time-resolved measurements over a single particle, simple data postprocessing and no state initialization or prior knowledge of the state of the chain. The protocol fits well into the context of quantum-dynamics characterization and is efficient even when the spin chain is affected by general dissipative and dephasing channels. We illustrate the performance of the scheme by analyzing explicit examples and discuss possible extensions.


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The article retraces the career of the famous hypnotist Onofroff and particularly his visit to Buenos Aires, where his activity, in 1895, provoked many discussions and some public embarrassment. In this context Darío, using a pseudonym, published his crónica “La esfinge”. We reproduce “La esfinge”, transcribing the original text of La Nación, with annotations identifying the literary and theosophical sources Darío used when he wrote it.


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En este artículo se focaliza el recurso de la alegoría como método exegético en la composición de los sermones panegíricos de Juan Espinosa Medrano (Perú, siglo XVII). Se traza el recorrido de la alegoría (y las humanidades en general) en relación –siempre tensa– con el cristianismo a lo largo de su historia; y se llega a la Contrarreforma y el uso exacerbado del método en la predicación barroca; particularmente en la oratoria sagrada de Espinosa Medrano, quien abarca elementos diversos y extraídos de distintas fuentes (filosofía natural, mitología clásica, tradición emblemática, relatos bíblicos), a los que hace funcionar como signos de otra verdad mayor, la sagrada. Si bien las preceptivas sagradas impulsaban una predicación más llana y simple, la profusión de alegorías mitológicas, que el autor resemantiza según su interés de guiar la interpretación, pueden explicarse por varias circunstancias, motivos de estudio en este trabajo.


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We provide the quantum-mechanical description of the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons on metal surfaces by single photons. An attenuated-reflection setup is described for the quantum excitation process in which we find remarkably efficient photon-to-surface plasmon wave-packet transfer. Using a fully quantized treatment of the fields, we introduce the Hamiltonian for their interaction and study the quantum statistics during transfer with and without losses in the metal.


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We study genuine multipartite entanglement (GME) in a system of n qubits prepared in symmetric Dicke states and subjected to the influences of noise. We provide general, setup-independent expressions for experimentally favorable tools such as fidelity- and collective spin-based entanglement witnesses, as well as entangled-class discriminators and multi-point correlation functions. Besides highlighting the effects of the environment on large qubit registers, we also discuss strategies for the robust detection of GME. Our work provides techniques and results for the experimental communities interested in investigating and characterizing multipartite entangled states by introducing realistic milestones for setup design and associated predictions.


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We propose an immediately realizable scheme showing signatures of multipartite entanglement generated by radiation pressure in a cavity system with a movable mirror. We show how the entanglement involving the inaccessible massive object is unraveled by means of field-field quantum correlations and persists within a wide range of working conditions. Our proposal provides an operative way to infer the quantum behavior of a system that is only partially accessible.


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We report the first experimental generation and characterization of a six-photon Dicke state. The produced state shows a fidelity of F=0.56 +/- 0.02 with respect to an ideal Dicke state and violates a witness detecting genuine six-qubit entanglement by 4 standard deviations. We confirm characteristic Dicke properties of our resource and demonstrate its versatility by projecting out four- and five-photon Dicke states, as well as four-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger and W states. We also show that Dicke states have interesting applications in multiparty quantum networking protocols such as open-destination teleportation, telecloning, and quantum secret sharing.


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We present a scheme for generating entanglement between two mechanical oscillators that have never interacted with each other by using an entanglement-swapping protocol. The system under study consists of a Michelson-Morley interferometer comprising mechanical systems embodied by two cantilevers. Each of them is coupled to a field mode via the radiation pressure mechanism. Entanglement between the two mechanical systems is set by measuring the output modes of the interferometer. We also propose a control mechanism for the amount of entanglement based on path-length difference between the two arms.


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We show that failure of local realism can be revealed to observers for whom only extremely-coarse-grained measurements are available. In our instances, Bell's inequality is violated even up to the maximum limit while both the local measurements and the initial local states under scrutiny approach the classical limit. Furthermore, we can observe failure of local realism when an inequality enforced by nonlocal realistic theories is satisfied. This suggests that locality alone may be violated while realism cannot be excluded for specific observables and states. Small-scale experimental demonstration of our examples may be possible in the foreseeable future.


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We present a scheme for the extraction of singlet states of two remote particles of arbitrary quantum spin number. The goal is achieved through post-selection of the state of interaction mediators sent in succession. A small number of iterations is sufficient to make the scheme effective. We propose two suitable experimental setups where the protocol can be implemented.


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We discuss the generation of states close to the boundary family of maximally entangled mixed states as defined by the use of concurrence and linear entropy. The coupling of two qubits to a dissipation-affected bosonic mode is able to produce a bipartite state having, for all practical purposes, the entanglement and mixedness properties of one of such boundary states. We thoroughly study the effects that thermal and squeezed characters of the bosonic mode have in such a process and we discuss tolerance to qubit phase-damping mechanisms. The nondemanding nature of the scheme makes it realizable in a matter-light-based physical setup, which we address in some details.


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En distintos momentos de su producción intelectual, Agustín se refirió al asunto de la música. En este artículo mostraremos que Agustín uso dos esquemas conceptuales distintos para describir el fenómeno de la música práctica en su relación con el mundo espiritual, el esquema de las Artes Liberales y el de la teoría del signo, y que en virtud de ello la música sería concebida de dos modos diferentes: como vestigium y como signum del mundo espiritual, respectivamente. Al final del artículo analizaremos la diferencia entre las dos concepciones considerando tres elementos: la naturaleza de la relación entre mundo material y espiritual, el contenido espiritual al que remite y la noción de belleza que implica.