943 resultados para Russia--Maps
We study the coincidence theory of maps between two manifolds of the same dimension from an axiomatic viewpoint. First we look at coincidences of maps between manifolds where one of the maps is orientation true, and give a set of axioms such that characterizes the local index (which is an integer valued function). Then we consider coincidence theory for arbitrary pairs of maps between two manifolds. Similarly we provide a set of axioms which characterize the local index, which in this case is a function with values in Z circle plus Z(2). We also show in each setting that the group of values for the index (either Z or Z circle plus Z(2)) is determined by the axioms. Finally, for the general case of coincidence theory for arbitrary pairs of maps between two manifolds we provide a set of axioms which characterize the local Reidemeister trace which is an element of an abelian group which depends on the pair of functions. These results extend known results for coincidences between orientable differentiable manifolds. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This study focuses on comparison of perceptions of ethical business cultures in large business organizations from four largest emerging economies, commonly referred to as the BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India, and China), and from the US. The data were collected from more than 13,000 managers and employees of business organizations in five countries. The study found significant differences among BRIC countries, with respondents from India and Brazil providing more favorable assessments of ethical cultures of their organizations than respondents from China and Russia. Overall, highest mean scores were provided by respondents from India, the US, and Brazil. There were significant similarities in ratings between the US and Brazil.
A singular Riemannian foliation F on a complete Riemannian manifold M is called a polar foliation if, for each regular point p, there is an immersed submanifold Sigma, called section, that passes through p and that meets all the leaves and always perpendicularly. A typical example of a polar foliation is the partition of M into the orbits of a polar action, i.e., an isometric action with sections. In this article we prove that the leaves of H : M -> Sigma, coincide with the level sets of a smooth map H: M -> Sigma, if M is simply connected. In particular, the orbits of a polar action on a simply connected space are level sets of an isoparametric map. This result extends previous results due to the author and Gorodski, Heintze, Liu and Olmos, Carter and West, and Terng.
We show how to construct a topological Markov map of the interval whose invariant probability measure is the stationary law of a given stochastic chain of infinite order. In particular we characterize the maps corresponding to stochastic chains with memory of variable length. The problem treated here is the converse of the classical construction of the Gibbs formalism for Markov expanding maps of the interval.
We consider various problems regarding roots and coincidence points for maps into the Klein bottle . The root problem where the target is and the domain is a compact surface with non-positive Euler characteristic is studied. Results similar to those when the target is the torus are obtained. The Wecken property for coincidences from to is established, and we also obtain the following 1-parameter result. Families which are coincidence free but any homotopy between and , , creates a coincidence with . This is done for any pair of maps such that the Nielsen coincidence number is zero. Finally, we exhibit one such family where is the constant map and if we allow for homotopies of , then we can find a coincidence free pair of homotopies.
This study uses several measures derived from the error matrix for comparing two thematic maps generated with the same sample set. The reference map was generated with all the sample elements and the map set as the model was generated without the two points detected as influential by the analysis of local influence diagnostics. The data analyzed refer to the wheat productivity in an agricultural area of 13.55 ha considering a sampling grid of 50 x 50 m comprising 50 georeferenced sample elements. The comparison measures derived from the error matrix indicated that despite some similarity on the maps, they are different. The difference between the estimated production by the reference map and the actual production was of 350 kilograms. The same difference calculated with the mode map was of 50 kilograms, indicating that the study of influential points is of fundamental importance to obtain a more reliable estimative and use of measures obtained from the error matrix is a good option to make comparisons between thematic maps.
Although in Europe and in the USA many studies focus on organic, little is known on the topic in China. This research provides an insight on Shanghai consumers’ perception of organic, aiming at understanding and representing in graphic form the network of mental associations that stems from the organic concept. To acquire, process and aggregate the individual networks it was used the “Brand concept mapping” methodology (Roedder et al., 2006), while the data analysis was carried out also using analytic procedures. The results achieved suggest that organic food is perceived as healthy, safe and costly. Although these attributes are pretty much consistent with the European perception, some relevant differences emerged. First, organic is not necessarily synonymous with natural product in China, also due to a poor translation of the term in the Chinese language that conveys the idea of a manufactured product. Secondly, the organic label has to deal with the competition with the green food label in terms of image and positioning on the market, since they are easily associated and often confused. “Environmental protection” also emerged as relevant association, while the ethical and social values were not mentioned. In conclusion, health care and security concerns are the factors that influence most the food consumption in China (many people are so concerned about food safety that they found it difficult to shop), and the associations “Safe”, “Pure and natural”, “without chemicals” and “healthy” have been identified as the best candidates for leveraging a sound image of organic food .
La tesi ha come oggetto lo studio dei legami culturali posti in essere tra la Russia e l’Italia nel Settecento effettuato a partire dall’analisi del teatro di Arkhangelskoe (nei pressi di Mosca), ideato da Pietro Gonzaga. Ciò ha consentito di inquadrare l’atmosfera culturale del periodo neoclassico a partire da un’angolazione insolita: il monumento in questione, a dispetto della scarsa considerazione di cui gode all’interno degli studi di storia dell’arte, racchiude diverse ed interessanti problematiche artistiche. Queste ultime sono state tenute in debito conto nel processo dell’organizzazione della struttura del lavoro in relazione ai differenti livelli di analisi emersi in riferimento alla tematica scelta. Ogni capitolo rappresenta un punto di partenza che va utilizzato al fine di approfondire problematiche relative all’arte ed al teatro nei due Paesi, il tutto reso possibile grazie all’applicazione di un originale orientamento analitico. All’interno della tesi vengono infatti adoperati approcci e tecniche metodologiche che vanno dalla storia dell’arte all’analisi diretta dei monumenti, dall’interpretazione iconografica alla semiotica, per arrivare agli studi sociologici. Ciò alla fine ha consentito di rielaborare il materiale già noto e ampiamente studiato in modo convincente ed efficace, grazie al ragionamento sintetico adottato e alla possibilità di costruire paralleli letterari e artistici, frutto delle ricerche svolte nei diversi contesti. Il punto focale della tesi è rappresentato dalla figura di Pietro Gonzaga. Tra i decoratori e gli scenografi italiani attivi presso la corte russa tra il Settecento e l’Ottocento, questi è stato senza dubbio la figura più rilevante ed affascinante, in grado di lasciare una ricca eredità culturale e materiale nell’ambito dell’arte scenografica russa. Dimenticata per lungo tempo, l’opera di Pietro Gonzaga è attualmente oggetto di una certa riconsiderazione critica, suscitando curiosità e interesse da più parti. Guidando la ricerca su di un duplice binario, sia artistico che interculturale, si è quindi cercato di trovare alcune risonanze tra l’arte ed il pensiero di Gonzaga ed altre figure di rilievo non solo del suo secolo ma anche del Novecento, periodo in cui la cultura scenografica russa è riuscita ad affrancarsi dai dettami impartiti dalla lezione settecentesca, seguendo nuove ed originali strade espressive. In questo contesto spicca, ad esempio, la figura di Vsevolod Meyerchold, regista teatrale (uno dei protagonisti dell’ultimo capitolo della tesi) che ha instaurato un legame del tutto originale con i principi della visione scenica comunicati da Pietro Gonzaga. Lo sviluppo dell’argomento scelto ha richiesto di assumere una certa responsabilità critica, basandosi sulla personale sicurezza metodologica ed esperienza multidisciplinare al fine di tener conto dall’architettura, della teoria e della pratica teatrale – dalla conoscenza delle fonti fino agli studi del repertorio teatrale, delle specifiche artistiche locali, del contesto sociale dei due paesi a cavallo tra il ‘700 e l’‘800. Le problematiche toccate nella tesi (tra le quali si ricordano il ruolo specifico rivestito dal committente, le caratteristiche proprie della villa neoclassica russa, il fenomeno di ‘spettacoli muti’, la “teatralità” presente nel comportamento dei russi nell’epoca dei Lumi, la risonanza delle teorie italiane all’interno del arte russa) sono di chiara attualità per quanto concerne le ricerche relative al dialogo storico-artistico tra i due Paesi.
This doctoral thesis aims at contributing to the literature on transition economies focusing on the Russian Federations and in particular on regional income convergence and fertility patterns. The first two chapter deal with the issue of income convergence across regions. Chapter 1 provides an historical-institutional analysis of the period between the late years of the Soviet Union and the last decade of economic growth and a presentation of the sample with a description of gross regional product composition, agrarian or industrial vocation, labor. Chapter 2 contributes to the literature on exploratory spatial data analysis with a application to a panel of 77 regions in the period 1994-2008. It provides an analysis of spatial patterns and it extends the theoretical framework of growth regressions controlling for spatial correlation and heterogeneity. Chapter 3 analyses the national demographic patterns since 1960 and provides a review of the policies on maternity leave and family benefits. Data sources are the Statistical Yearbooks of USSR, the Statistical Yearbooks of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the Demographic Yearbooks of Russia. Chapter 4 analyses the demographic patterns in light of the theoretical framework of the Becker model, the Second Demographic Transition and an economic-crisis argument. With national data from 1960, the theoretically issue of the pro or countercyclical relation between income and fertility is graphically analyzed and discussed, together with female employment and education. With regional data after 1994 different panel data models are tested. Individual level data from the Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey are employed using the logit model. Chapter 5 employs data from the Generations and Gender Survey by UNECE to focus on postponement and second births intentions. Postponement is studied through cohort analysis of mean maternal age at first birth, while the methodology used for second birth intentions is the ordered logit model.
The PhD thesis at hand consists of three parts and describes the petrogenetic evolution of Uralian-Alaskan-type mafic ultramafic complexes in the Ural Mountains, Russia. Uralian-Alaskan-type mafic-ultramafic complexes are recognized as a distinct class of intrusions. Characteristic petrologic features are the concentric zonation of a central dunite body grading outward into wehrlite, clinopyroxenite and gabbro, the absence of orthopyroxene and frequently occurring platinum group element (PGE) mineralization. In addition, the presence of ferric iron-rich spinel discriminates Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes from most other mafic ultramafic rock assemblages. The studied Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes (Nizhnii Tagil, Kytlym and Svetley Bor) belong to the southern part of a 900 km long, N–S-trending chain of similar intrusions between the Main Uralian Fault to the west and the Serov-Mauk Fault to the east. The first chapter of this thesis studies the evolution of the ultramafic rocks tracing the compositional variations of rock forming and accessory minerals. The comparison of the chemical composition of olivine, clinopyroxene and chromian spinel from the Urals with data from other localities indicates that they are unique intrusions having a characteristic spinel and clinopyroxene chemistry. Laser ablation-ICPMS (LA-ICPMS ) analyses of trace element concentrations in clinopyroxene are used to calculate the composition of their parental melt which is characterized by enriched LREE (0.5-5.2 prim. mantle) and other highly incompatible elements (U, Th, Ba, Rb) relative to the HREE (0.25-2.0 prim. mantle). A subduction-related geotectonic setting is indicated by a positive anomaly for Sr and negative anomalies for Ti, Zr and Hf. The mineral compositions monitor the evolution of the parental magmas and decipher differences between the studied complexes. In addition, the observed variation in LREE/HREE (for example La/Lu = 2-24) can be best explained with the model of an episodically replenished and erupted open magma chamber system with the extensive fractionation of olivine, spinel and clinopyroxene. The data also show that ankaramites in a subduction-related geotectonic setting could represent parental magmas of Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes. The second chapter of the thesis discusses the chemical variation of major and trace elements in rock-forming minerals of the mafic rocks. Electron microprobe and LA-ICPMS analyses are used to quantitatively describe the petrogenetic relationship between the different gabbroic lithologies and their genetic link to the ultramafic rocks. The composition of clinopyroxene identifies the presence of melts with different trace element abundances on the scale of a thin section and suggests the presence of open system crustal magma chambers. Even on a regional scale the large variation of trace element concentrations and ratios in clinopyroxene (e.g. La/Lu = 3-55) is best explained by the interaction of at least two fundamentally different magma types at various stages of fractionation. This requires the existence of a complex magma chamber system fed with multiple pulses of magmas from at least two different coeval sources in a subduction-related environment. One source produces silica saturated Island arc tholeiitic melts. The second source produces silica undersaturated, ultra-calcic, alkaline melts. Taken these data collectively, the mixing of the two different parental magmas is the dominant petrogenetic process explaining the observed chemical variations. The results further imply that this is an intrinsic feature of Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes and probably of many similar mafic-ultramafic complexes world-wide. In the third chapter of this thesis the major element composition of homogeneous and exsolved spinel is used as a petrogenetic indicator. Homogeneous chromian spinel in dunites and wehrlites monitors the fractionation during the early stages of the magma chamber and the onset of clinopyroxene fractionation as well as the reaction of spinel with interstitial liquid. Exsolved spinel is present in mafic and ultramafic rocks from all three studied complexes. Its composition lies along a solvus curve which defines an equilibrium temperature of 600°C, given that spinel coexists with olivine. This temperature is considered to be close to the temperature of the host rocks into which the studied Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes intruded. The similarity of the exsolution temperatures in the different complexes over a distance of several hundred kilometres implies a regional tectonic event that terminated the exsolution process. This event is potentially associated with the final exhumation of the Uralian-Alaskan-type complexes along the Main Uralian Fault and the Serov-Mauk Fault in the Uralian fold belt.