994 resultados para Revitalizaçao da lINGUA
Serie di saggi dedicati alla poesia italiana del Novecento, muovendo da un'analisi della poetica dell'"ultimo" Montale, caratterizzata da un ambito più prosastico e satirico e da una ricerca di nuovi significati da attribuire alla poesia stessa. Lo studio di alcuni dei più importanti rappresentanti della letteratura poetica del secondo Novecento prosegue nella seconda sezione, dedicata a Giorgio Orelli, considerato uno dei maggiori poeti viventi in lingua italiana, a Remo Fasani, a Cristina Campo, a Giancarlo Majorino, e, infine, a Gilberto Isella, la cui ricerca poetica si inserisce a pieno titolo nella grande stagione del simbolismo europeo. La terza sezione è dedicata interamente a Guido Ceronetti, poeta, scrittore, traduttore (sia dal latino, sia dall'antico ebraico) e autore di teatro. Conclude il volume uno studio panoramico sugli scrittori della Svizzera italiana: si tratta di esperienze che hanno in comune una straordinaria capacità di reinterpretare la tradizione letteraria italiana, fino ad aprirla verso orizzonti non solo transnazionali, ma anche inediti ed innovativi.
Tras unha presentación da Base de datos sobre refranes del calendario y meteorológicos en la Romania (BADARE) e do progresivo baleirado nela de diversos atlas lingüísticos da Romania, preséntanse tres mostras da variación diatópica deste tipo de refráns no espazo iberorromance: (1) coa implicación do arco da vella, (2) dos roibéns e (3) das imaxes de ceo ovellado e afíns. Cómpre destacar o grande interese dos materiais contidos nos atlas románicos, que se poden complementar cos doutras obras vinculadas á lingua e ao territorio: repertorios paremiográficos, monografías dialectais, achegas diversas. Aínda que non parece factible un grande atlas paremiolóxico romance nin sequera de segunda xeración, pois os refráns (meteorolóxicos o de outros tipos) son nos atlas de primeira xeración unha propina ocasional, coidamos que mediante a base de datos BADARE se poden administrar eses materiais de xeito que faciliten o estudo da paremioloxía románica ligada ao territorio.
Internationalisation of HE and emergence of English as a global academic lingua franca used by people who share neither a common native tongue nor cultural and educational background have not only offered more opportunities but also raised challenges. According to recent European surveys, the percentage of pupils attaining the level of independent user in English varies from 14% to 82%, which evidences the potential and the complexity for English as a medium of instruction at tertiary level. This study aims to present the model of foreign language instruction at Vytautas Magnus University where one third of 30 languages are taught through English. It investigates the attitudes and practices of teachers in delivering their English-medium language courses by discussing the questions whether teaching other languages through English is psychologically, culturally and educationally preferable for teachers and students, whether it can limit the content taught and require a special methodology, how the teaching process changes with multiple languages used in the classroom and what level of English is necessary for teachers and students to ensure high quality of English-medium language teaching. The study is based on qualitative methodology with 12 language teachers participating as respondents. The results reveal areas in need of improvement.
Table des matières: 1. Einführung 2. Sprachstufen des Aramäischen 2.1. Die frühesten Zeugnisse: Altaramäisch (9.-8. Jh. v.d.Z.) 2.2. Verwendung als lingua franca: Reichsaramäisch (ca. 700-200 v.d.Z.) 2.2.1. Inschriften und Dokumente aus neuassyrischer und neubabylonischer Zeit 2.2.2. Inschriften und Dokumente aus persischer und früh-nachpersischer Zeit 2.2.3. Kennzeichen des Reichsaramäischen 2.3. Lokale Fortentwicklungen: Mittelaramäisch (ca. 200 v.d.Z. - ca. 250 n.d.Z.) 2.4. Spätaramäisch (ca. 250-1200 n.d.Z.) 2.5. Neuaramäisch 3. Aramäisch im Tenach 3.1. Aramaismen 3.1.1. Gezielt verwendete Aramaismen 3.1.2. Aramaismen als Folge der fortwährenden Beeinflussung des Hebräischen durch das Aramäische 3.2. Die aramäischen Passagen in Esra, Daniel, Jeremia 3.2.1. Esr 4,8-6,18; 7,12-26 3.2.2. Daniel 2,4b-7,28 3.2.3. Jeremia 10,11 Literaturverzeichnis 1. Lexikonartikel 2. Textausgaben, Hilfsmittel und spezialisierte Literatur
Reflexión sobre o concepto de educación bilingüe e a súa práctica educativa. Dada a gran variedade lingüística do alumnado que se pode atopar hoxe nas aulas, os modelos de educación bilingüe dos últimos 50 anos necesitan ser reformulados. A modificación da organización escolar, o reforzo do uso da lingua oral, a aprendizaxe cooperativa ou novas metodoloxías que promovan a actividade conxunta entre profesorado e alumnado son algúns dos novos criterios a ter en conta, segundo o autor
Tutkimus käsittelee monikielisyyspolitiikkaa ja sen paikallista toteutumista. Kriittisen diskurssianalyysin viitekehystä käyttäen tutkin monipuolisen kielitaidon institutionaalisen diskurssin tulkintoja ja sen sosiaalisen kontekstin käytänteitä, historiaa ja nykytilaa. Tutkin, mikä merkitys Oulun yliopiston kielikeskuksella ja sen kielivalikoimalla on paikallisesti ja alueellisesti niin opiskelijoiden kuin yliopiston kansainvälistymisen kannalta. Tutkin, miten monikielisyyspolitiikan päämäärät toteutuvat ja miten sitä voidaan tulevaisuudessa tukea. Työ koostuu johdannosta, neljästä erillisestä osasta ja päätännöstä. Tutkimuksen osassa I kuvaan italian kielen opetuksen 36-vuotista historiaa ja siihen liittyviä vaiheita yliopiston perustamisesta aina nykypäivään. Sen rinnalla kuvaan kielikeskuksen kielten opetusvirkojen kehitystä ja Oulun yliopiston laajentumista ja kansainvälistymistä. Osassa II tarkastelen muutoksia viimeisen kymmenen vuoden aikana italian kielen opiskelijamäärissä ja opintosuorituksissa. Vertailen Oulun yliopiston pienten kielten opiskelijamäärien kehitystä, tiedekuntakohtaisia eroja niissä sekä eri kielikeskusten italian kielen opiskelijamäärien kehitystä vuoden 2005 tutkinnonuudistuksen voimaantulon jälkeen. Osassa III tutkin monipuolisen kielitaidon diskurssin sosiaalista todellisuutta opiskelijoiden näkökulmasta eli käsittelen italian kielen opiskelijoille suunnatun syksyn 2008 kyselytutkimuksen tuloksia. Opiskelijoiden taustatietojen kuvauksen lisäksi kyselyssä kartoitettiin opiskelumotivaation osatekijöitä ja opiskelun esteitä. Osassa IV tarkastelen monikielisyyspolitiikan diskurssin tekstejä, niiden tulkintaa ja toteutumista. Mukana ovat kielikoulutuspoliittiset linjaukset eurooppalaisella, kansallisella ja paikallisella tasolla. Pohdin Oulun yliopiston merkitystä monipuolisen kielitaidon tukijana ja kehittäjänä sen vaikutusalueella sekä monipuolisen kielitaidon merkitystä opiskelijoiden kannalta. Tarkastelen myös italian kielen asemaa maailmalla. Mukana on kuvausta opettajan ja opiskelun arjesta peruskoulutuksen kontekstissa Oulun alueella. Yliopistokontekstissa kuvaan monipuolisen kielitaidon merkitystä kansainvälistymisen ja kansainvälisen liikkuvuuden kannalta, tutkinnonuudistuksen vaikutuksia kielten ja erityisesti italian kielen opiskeluun sekä Oulun yliopiston nykyhistorian viimeisimpiä vaiheita. Neljännessä osassa yhdistyvät tutkimuksen eri osien tulokset eli peilaan monipuoliseen kielitaitoon liittyvää institutionaalista diskurssia tutkimuksessa ilmenneisiin diskurssin sosiaalisen todellisuuden ilmiöihin. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, etteivät kansallisen ja paikallisen tason institutionaalisen kielikoulutuspoliittisen diskurssin tekstit minimitulkinnaltaan olleet monikielisyyttä tukevia korkeakoulukontekstissa. Oulun tapaus osoittaa, miten yliopistouudistuksessa päätöksentekovastuu on siirtynyt yliopiston hallinnon virkamiehille ja kielikoulutuspolitiikan päätöksiä tehdään sivutuotteena irrallaan kielikoulutuksen kentästä ilman pitkän tähtäimen kielikoulutuksen suunnittelua. Oulun yliopiston tarkastelussa nou-ivat esille kieliopintojen sekalaiset käytänteet tutkinnoissa ja kokonaisnäkemyksen puute kieliopinnoista, kielikeskuksen ja kieliopintojen irrallisuus muusta sosiaalisesta kontekstista sekä viime kädessä niukkenevista resursseista taisteltaessa kieliopintojen ja kielivalikoiman karsiminen, mikä on ristiriidassa yhteiskunnan, työelämän ja opiskelijoiden kielitaidon ja sen monipuolisuuden vaateiden kanssa. Neljännen osan lopussa esitän minimiedellytyksiä ja toimenpiteitä, joiden pohjalta kielten opiskelua voisi kehittää jatkumona niin, että monipuolisen kielitaidon hankkiminen olisi mahdollista alueelliset, paikalliset ja yksilökohtaiset tarpeet huomioon ottaen.
O cerrado tem sido objeto de discussão de grupos temáticos que estudam a conservação de biodiversidade no Estado de Minas Gerais. São inúmeras as áreas de conservação com vegetação de cerrado das quais não se têm informações a respeito de sua composição florística e estrutura. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar florística e fitossociologicamente uma área de cerrado sensu stricto, no município de Abaeté-MG. A área de estudo é um fragmento com 2 ha de cerrado sensu stricto, preservado como área de reserva da CAF-Santa Bárbara, situada nas coordenadas 19º05'S e 44º58'W, a uma altitude de 480 m, em leve depressão próxima de uma vereda. O clima pertence ao tipo Cwa pelo sistema de Köppen, com precipitação média anual de 1.400 mm. O solo é do tipo Latossolo Vermelho distrófico. Foram instaladas 15 parcelas de 200 m² (10 x 20 m), distribuídas sistematicamente ao longo de trilhas, distanciadas 10 m entre si. Foram amostrados todos os indivíduos lenhosos vivos com circunferência do caule ao nível do solo (CAS) igual ou maior que 10 cm. O índice de Shannon foi de 3,590 e a equabilidade foi de 0,804, considerados comuns para cerrados bem conservados. Foram amostrados 1.339 indivíduos, sendo a composição florística constituída por 85 espécies, distribuídas em 44 famílias. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Leguminosae Caesalpinioideae com sete espécies, Annonaceae com cinco, Myrtaceae, Malpighiaceae, Erythroxylaceae, Anacardiaceae, Rubiaceae e Bignoniaceae com quatro, seguidas de Vochysiaceae e Leguminosae Papilionoideae com três. As espécies que apresentaram o maior valor de importância (VI) foram Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. (22,21), Myrcia lingua Berg (18,18) Caryocar brasiliense Cambess. (17,91), Eugenia dysenterica DC. (17,58), Byrsonima intermedia A. Juss. (13,69) e Brosimum gaudichaudii Trécul (11,86).
That English is the lingua franca of today's science is an indisputable fact. Publication in English in international journals is a pre-requisite for a research paper to gain visibility in academia. However, English proficiency appears to be taken for granted in the scientific community, though this language can be a hurdle for a number of authors, particularly from non-native English-speaking countries. The influence of English proficiency on the publication output of Brazilian authors has never been assessed. We report our preliminary data on the relationship between the English proficiency of 51,223 researchers registered in the CNPq database and their publication output in international journals. We have found that publication rates are higher for those authors with good command of English, particularly written English. Although our research is still underway and our results are preliminary, they suggest that the correlation between written English proficiency and research productivity should not be underestimated. We also present the comments of some Brazilian scientists with high publication records on the relevance of communication skills to the scientific enterprise.
Tuija Lehtikunnas: Intensive care patient handover document in support of decision-making in nursing work - Retrospective document analysis for the period 2001–2013 University of Turku, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing Science Annales Universitatis Turkuensis Turku 2016 ABSTRACT The continuity of care and flow of information must be ensured when transferring the responsibility of care, whether this is done within an organisation or from one organisation to another. The purpose of this study was to describe and compare the nursing handover documents of long-term intensive care patients and changes to these documents during the years 2001–2013. Research data comprehended long-term intensive care patient handover documents (N = 250). Data was gathered from one university hospital intensive care unit and subjected to a content analysis of technical implementation, structure and content at five different time points. In addition to this, the nursing handover documents were analysed from a nursing decision-making standpoint. Sub-data (n = 5 x 50) from the years 2001, 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2013 was gathered. The first sub-data was manual, written on paper with a pen. The rest of the sub-data obtained was entered in a dedicated intensive care information system. The study developed an intensive care patient nursing handover document analysis framework, which was used to deductively analyse the research data. The results indicated that the transitioning to electronic records reinforced structure and identification improving the reusability of data was increased. Although intensive care nursing was recorded on nursing handover documents more comprehensively in more recent sub-data, it was done selectively with regard to overall patient care, e.g. there are no entries concerning the psychological support and counselling of patients or family members. Nursing handover documents do not contain a systematic description of the patient's communication and functional capacity at the moment of transfer. The patient's condition at the moment of transfer is not clearly indicated on the handover documents. Plans for follow-up treatment are not recorded at all. Nursing decision-making is difficult to find on the nursing handover documents used as research data. The study developed a handover document model for intensive care nursing that supports nursing decision-making and the continuity of care. Developmental recommendations focus on the management of co-operation within organisations for ensuring the continuity of care and enhancing each area of nursing in recording nursing handover documents by planning nursing for the patient, taking follow-up treatment resources into consideration. Keywords: Intensive care nursing, nursing decision-making, nursing records, information flow, nursing handover document, continuity of care
Today’s international business in highly related to crossing national, cultural and linguistic borders making communication and linguistic skills a vital part of the trade. The purpose of the study is to understand the role of linguistic skills in trust creation in international business relationships. Subobjectives are to discuss the importance of linguistic skills in international business context, to evaluate the strategic value of trust in business relationships and to analyze the extent to which linguistic skills affect trust formation. The scope is restricted to business-to-business markets. The theoretical background consists of different theories and previous studies related to trust and linguistic skills. Based on the theory a new LTS-framework is created to demonstrate a process model of linguistic skills affecting trust creation in international B2B relationships. This study is qualitative using interviews as a data collection method. Altogether eleven interviews were conducted between October 2014 and February 2015. All of the interviewees worked for organizations operating in the field of international business in B2B markets, spoke multiple languages and had a lot of experience in sales and negotiations. This study confirms that linguistic skills are an important part of international business. In many organizations English is used as lingua franca. However, there are several benefits of speaking the mother tongue of the customer. It makes people feel more relaxed and it makes the relationship more intimate and allows to continue developing it at a more personal level. From the strategic point of view trust creates competitive advantage to a company adding strategic value to the business. The data also supported the view that linguistic skills definitely impact the trust formation process. Quickness and easiness could be stated as the main benefits. It was seen that trust forms faster because both parties understand each other better and they become more open about information sharing within a shorter period of time. These findings and the importance of linguistic skills in trust creation should be acknowledged by organizations, especially regarding the human resource management. Boundary spanners are in key positions so special attention should be put into hiring and educating employees which then take care of company’s relationships. Eventually, these benefits are economical and affect to the profitability of the organization
Contient : 1 "O orgulho castigado ou A vinda inesperáda. Comedia em trez actos de Mr Mercier intitulláda : O irmaõ naturál e compósta na lingua portugueza, por J. A. C." ; 2 "O que fazem os herdeiros. Comedia em hum acto por Pedro Alexandre Cavroé. Anno de 1821." ; 3 "Odio, valôr, affécto ou O novo Farnace em Eracléa. Drama heroico de quatro actos, que se repprezentou no theatro nacional da rua dos Condes com geral aceitaçaõ, composto em idiôma estranho por hum anónimo, traduzido no idiôma portuguez pelo actôr Antonio Jozé de Paula, copiado aos 2 de setembro de 1817." ; 4 "Olimpiade. Opera de Mathestacio. Traduçaõ de Lereno." ; 5 "A oppressaõ de amor ou Victor e Jozina. Drama sentimental de trez actos, composto por ****, copiado aos 5 de junho de 1808."
F. 13-142v [Jacobus de Voragine, Sermones excerpti e collectione sermonum festivalium per anni circulum]; cf. Schneyer, Repert. lat. Serm., III, 246-268. [In Nativitate]; cf. ibid., n° 319, incomplet du début, et n° 324 (13-18v); — « In circumcissione [sic] Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 346 et 347 (18v-24); — « In Epiphania Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 351 et 354 (24-28v); — « In Purificatione sancte Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 374 et 376 (28v-34); — « In Adnunciatione beate Marie.; cf. ibid., n° 396 (34-36v) et n° 397, incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (38-39); — « De s. Johanne Baptista »; cf. ibid., n° 465 et 467 (39-44); — « De apostolis Petro et Paulo »; cf. ibid., n° 471 et 473 (44-49v); — « De b. Paulo apostolo »; cf. ibid., n° 474 (49v-53); — « De s. Maria Magdalena »; cf. ibid., n° 479 et 480 (53-59v); — « De b. Laurentio martyre »; cf. ibid., n° 497 et 499 (59v-65); — « In Assumpcione b. Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 504 et 509 (65-72v); — « De s. Augustino »; cf. ibid., n° 521 et 523 (72v-79v); — « In Nativitate b. Marie »; cf. ibid., n° 528 et 530, incomplet de la fin, en réclame « virginis » (79v-84v); — [De s. Michaele]; cf. ibid., n° 544, incomplet du début par lacune matérielle, et n° 550 (86-90v); — « In festo omnium sanctorum »; cf. ibid., n° 568 et 570 (90v-96v); — « De mortuis »; cf. ibid., n° 574-577 (96v-107v); — « De s. Martino »; cf. ibid., n° 582, incomplet de la fin (107v-109v) et n° 583 incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (111-113v); — « De b. Katerina »; cf. ibid., n° 591 et 592 (113v-119v); — « De dedicacione ecclesie »; cf. ibid., n° 594 et 595 (119v-127); — « De consecracione altaris »; cf. ibid., n° 597 (127-130); — « De vestibus sacris sacerdotis quid significant »; cf. ibid., n° 598 (130-134); — « De exposicione misse »; cf. ibid., n° 599 et 600 (134-142v). F. 142v-146 « Sermo ad religiosos. Quia existis indesertum... (Mt. XI, 7). Istam questionem quam fecit Dominus... ». F. 146-150v [Guillelmus de Malliaco, Sermo excerptus e collectione sermonum de Tempore dicta « Abjiciamus »]; cf. Schneyer, op. cit., II, 483-489. « De visitacione et officio visitacionis »; cf. ibid., n° 72. F. 150v-158 Sermones. « In concilio magnatum. Quoniam ecce reges terre... (Ps. XLVII, 5). Hic duo tanguntur scilicet magnorum conveniencia temporalis... » (150v-151v); — « In synodo clericorum. Pro patribus tui nati sunt tibi filii... (Ps. XLIV, 17). Adtendant ecclesiarum prelati tria... » (151v-155); — « Sermo ad religiosos. Deus qui habit are facit unanimes in domo secundum hebraicam veritatem et secundum Johannem. Deus qui habitare racit monachos... » (155-158). F. 158-160v [Jacobus de Voragine, Sermo de s. Mathia] « Sermo in electione », incomplet par lacune matérielle, en réclame « vir perfectus »; cr. Schneyer, loc. cit., n° 382, moins développé. F. 161-169v [Ogerius Locediensis] « Planctus b. Bernardi de dolore Marie virginis propter filium » (en titre-courant). « Quis dabit capiti meo aquam et oculis meis imbrem sicut presens dies demostrat [sic] cunctis aperte. Inclita regina celica rosa flos sine spina// ...memento mei »; extrait du De Laudibus b. Virginis, rédaction B; cf. H. Barré, dans Revue d'ascétique et de mystique, XXVIII (1952), 243-266, mss. et éditions. Le texte est incomplet par lacune matérielle, un f. ayant été coupé entre les fr. 163 et 164. F. 169v-184 Sermones. « Sermo in Assumptione b. Marie. Surrexit rex in occursum... (III Reg. II, 19). Quam multiplici figura Salomon ille... », incomplet de la fin (169v-171v); — sermon incomplet du début par lacune matérielle (174); — « Sermo in capite jejunii. Convertimini ad Dominum Deum vestrum... (Joel II, 13). Agreditur hodie Spiritus sanctus multitudinem peccatorum... » (174-175v); — « Sermo in Paraceve. Cum egressus fuero de urbe... (Ex. lX, 29). Verba ista sunt Moysi qui gerit typum Salvatoris... » (175v-180v); — « Alius sermo in Paraceve. O vos omnes qui transitis per viam... (Thren. I, 12). Consideranti michi piam et superpiam materiam... » (180v-183v); — « Domine, bonum est nos hic esse... (Lc. lX, 33). Ubi? Petro. Isti enim tria tanguntur in mentis sublimitate... » (183v-184). F. 184v Table des ff. 1 à 193. — Addition fin XIVe s. F. 185-193 Sermones. « Sermo in Nativitate. Sicut lux aurore oriente sole... (II Reg. XXIII, 4, 2). Verba sunt David cui Dominus... » (185-186); — « Sermo in Paraceve. Deducant oculi nostri lacrimas... (Jer. lX, 18). ...ut gloriosa Virgo septies flevisse.. » (186-191); — « Quod Corpus Christi vere sit in altari. Cenantibus autem eis, accepit Jesus panem... Item Joh. (VI, 51): Ego sum panis vivus... Credebant enim quod manducaretur sicut alie carnes. ..) (191-193). F. 193v Table des ff. 194 à 285. — Addition fin XIVe s. La suite de la table a été coupée. F. 194-335v Sermones de Tempore, excerpti praesertim e collectione « Abjiciamus » Guillelmi de Malliaco et e collectionibus De Tempore et De Sanctis et festis Jacobi de Voragine; cf. Schneyer, op. cit., II, 483-489 et III, 221-233 et 246-268. F. 194-208. [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 1a in Adventu Domini »; cf. Schneyer, II, loc. cit., n° 1 et 2 (194-203); Dom. 2a »; cf. ibid., n° 3 (203-208). F. 208-213 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. 2a in Adventu Domini »; cf. Schneyer, III, loc. cit., n° 5. F. 213-218 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 3a »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 6. F. 218-222 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. 3a »; cf. Schneyer, III, n° 8. F. 222v-228 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 4a »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 7. F. 228-232 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. eadem »; cf. Schneyer, III, n° 11. F. 232-236. « Feria 4a in capite jejunii. Cum jejunatis nolite fieri... (Mt. VI, 16). Hodie incipit tempus penitentie... ». F. 236-240 « De eadem feria. Convertimini ad me in toto corde... (Joel II, 12). Homo per peccatum tria mala incurrit... ». F. 240-246 [Guillelmus de Malliaco] « Dom. 1a in quadragesima »; cf. Schneyer, II, n° 25. F. 246-319 [Jacobus de Voragine] « Dom. eadem »; cf. Schneyer, 111, n° 41 (246-251v); — « Dom. 2a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid. n° 44 et 45 (251v-259v); — « Dom. 3a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid., n° 47 et 48 (259v-270); — « Dom. 4a in quadragesima »; cf. ibid., n° 50 et 51 (270-279v); — « Dom. de passione »; cf. ibid., n° 53 et 54 (279v-290); — « Dom. de Ramis »; cf. ibid., n° 56 et 57 (290-302); — « In Cena Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 401 et 402 (302-307v); — « In Parasceve »; cf. ibid., n° 405 et 411 (307v-312); — « In die Pasce »; cf. ibid., n° 414 et 415 (312-316v); — « Feria 2a post Pasca »; cf. ibid., n° 419 (316v-319). F. 319-325v « De eadem feria. Duo ex discipulis Jhesu ibant... (Lc. XXIV, 13). Introduxit nos Dominus in terram fluentem lac... » F. 326-334 [Jacobus de Voragine] « In adscensione Domini »; cf. ibid., n° 446 et 445 (326-329v); — [In Pentecoste]; cf. ibid., n° 452 et 457 (329v-334). F. 334-335v « De eodem. Ad Deum [sic pro: eum] veniemus et mansionem... (Job. XIV, 23). Super illo verbo dicit b. Eusebius... ». F. 335v-337v Extraits patristiques. « Incipiunt quedam problemata. Lingua mea calamus ego sum. » Sont cités s. Grégoire, s. Paul, s. Augustin, s. Isidore, Boèce, Bède, Josèphe, s. Hilaire, etc.