986 resultados para Raw material quality
In recent years, several studies have been developed in Brazil to produce biodegradable materials. A particular family of bacterial polymers, the polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA), has received special attention. PHAs are thermoplastic, biodegradable, biocompatible, are synthesised from renewable resources and can substitute petrochemical plastics in some applications. Different aspects have been focused to increase productivity and to reduce the cost of PHA production: bacterial improvement, use of industrial by-products as raw material, bioreactor design, process operation strategies, downstream process, mathematical modelling, polymer characterisation, application and biodegradability of blends. A production process was transferred to industry and studies to produce new PHA by controlling monomer composition are in progress. All these aspects are presented in this review.
The aim of this thesis was to analyze the background information of an activity-based costing system, which is being used in a domestic forest industry company. The reports produced by the system have not been reliable, and this has caused the utilization of the system to diminish. The study was initiated by examining the theory of activity-based costing. It was also discovered, that the system produces management accounting information and therefore also that theory was introduced briefly. Next the possible sources of errors were examined. The significance of these errors was evaluated and waste handling was chosen as a subject of further study. The problem regarding waste handling was that there is no waste compensation in current model. When paper or board machine produces waste, it can be used as raw material in the process. However, at the moment the product, which is being produced, at the time does not get any compensation. The use of compensation has not been possible due to not knowing the quantity of process waste. As a result of the study a calculatory model, which enables calculating the quantity of process waste based on the data from the mill system, was introduced. This, for one, enables starting to use waste compensation in the future.
The purpose of this thesis was to define how product carbon footprint analysis and its results can be used in company's internal development as well as in customer and interest group guidance, and how these factors are related to corporate social responsibility. From-cradle-to-gate carbon footprint was calculated for three products; Torino Whole grain barley, Torino Pearl barley, and Elovena Barley grit & oat bran, all of them made of Finnish barley. The carbon footprint of the Elovena product was used to determine carbon footprints for industrial kitchen cooked porridge portions. The basic calculation data was collected from several sources. Most of the data originated from Raisio Group's contractual farmers and Raisio Group's cultivation, processing and packaging specialists. Data from national and European literature and database sources was also used. The electricity consumption for porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations was determined with practical measurements. The carbon footprint calculations were conducted according to the ISO 14044 standard, and the PAS 2050 guide was also applied. A consequential functional unit was applied in porridge portions' carbon footprint calculations. Most of the emissions from barley products' life cycle originate from primary production. The nitrous oxide emissions from cultivated soil and the use and production of nitrogenous fertilisers contribute over 50% of products' carbon footprint. Torino Pearl barley has the highest carbon footprint due to the lowest processing output. The reductions in products' carbon footprint can be achieved with developments in cultivation and grain processing. The carbon footprint of porridge portion can be reduced by using domestically produced plant-based ingredients and by making the best possible use of the kettle. Carbon footprint calculation can be used to determine possible improvement points related to corporate environmental responsibility. Several improvement actions are related to economical and social responsibility through better raw material utilization and expense reductions.
The aim of this work was to prepare and characterize spray-dried nanocapsule-coated microparticles obtained in one step, using indomethacin as a hydrophobic drug model and poly(e-caprolactone) or Eudragit® RS100, as polymers. Nanocapsule-coated microparticles showed micrometric mean sizes (10 - 15 µm) and a reduced surface area (75 - 85 m²g-1) compared to the raw material (214 m²g-1). Microparticles coated with Eudragit® RS100-nanocapsules showed a better control of the drug release. The release profiles fit to the monoexponetial model and to the Power Law. The mechanism of the indomethacin release from the microparticles is non-Fickian and depends on the particles desagglomeration.
Aquest projecte pretén estudiar les aportacions de Messiaen, Dutilleux i Boulez en l’escriptura pianística, analitzant-ne la transcendència en el terreny interpretatiu actual. Per tal d’assolir aquest objectiu, es repassa quina ha sigut l’evolució de la tècnica pianística francesa, s’estudia el material i les circumstàncies que originen els respectius catàlegs per a piano i es realitza una comparativa del repertori estudiat en els principals conservatoris superiors de Barcelona, París, Sant Petersburg i Moscou. Aquest anàlisi permet determinar que el conservatori de París potencia les obres de nova creació, mentre que als de Barcelona, Sant Petersburg i Moscou encara s’opta per un estudi convergent al cànon. Com a conseqüència, els autors esmentats es consideren objecte d’estudi essencial a París, mentre que a Barcelona i les urbs russes encara no s’han establert en el pla d’estudis.
In economic terms, biodiversity transcends the boundaries usually given to conventional industries because it is a valuable source of biological and chemical data of great use to drug discovery. Certainly, the use of natural products has been the single most successful strategy in the discovery of novel medicines, and most of the medical breakthroughs are based on natural products. Half of the top 20 best-selling drugs are natural products, and their total sales amounted to US$ 16 billions shows the importance of natural products, which is evidenced by the new chemical entities (NCE) approved by regulatory authorities around the world in the past decade. Recently, the approval of the alkaloid galanthamine as a medicine to treat Alzheimer's disease shows that natural compounds from plants will continue to reach the market. The huge biological diversity of the Brazilian biomes, by its ability to generate new knowledge and technological innovation can be a fantastic alternative as raw material for drug discovery.
This study validated a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method for the quantitative evaluation of quercetin in topical emulsions. The method was linear within 0.05 - 200 μg/mL range with a correlation coefficient of 0.9997, and without interference in the quercetin peak. The detection and quantitation limits were 18 and 29 ng/mL, respectively. The intra- and inter-assay precisions presented R.S.D. values lower than 2%. An average of 93% and 94% of quercetin was recovered for non-ionic and anionic emulsions, respectively. The raw material and anionic emulsion, but not non-ionic emulsion, were stable in all storage conditions for one year. The method reported is a fast and reliable HPLC technique useful for quercetin determination in topical emulsions.
Wood is the main raw material used in the pulp and paper industry. It is a material that presents heterogeneous structure and complex composition, which results in a relatively resistant material to the biodegradation process. In the present review, we attempted to summarize the structural characteristics of wood and describe the chemical nature of its major components to, afterwards, comment about its biodegradation. The role of the enzyme manganese peroxidase in the lignin degradation by a selective white-rot fungus, Ceriporiopsis subvermispora, was highlighted.
The simultaneous determination of two or more active components in pharmaceutical preparations, without previous chemical separation, is a common analytical problem. Published works describe the determination of AZT and 3TC separately, as raw material or in different pharmaceutical preparations. In this work, a method using UV spectroscopy and multivariate calibration is described for the simultaneous measurement of 3TC and AZT in fixed dose combinations. The methodology was validated and applied to determine the AZT+3TC contents in tablets from five different manufacturers, as well as their dissolution profile. The results obtained employing the proposed methodology was similar to methods using first derivative technique and HPLC.
Russia has been one of the fastest developing economic areas in the world. Based on the GDP, the Russian economy grew evenly since the crisis in 1998 up till 2008. The growth in the gross domestic product has annually been some 5–10%. In 2007, the growth reached 8.1%, which is the highest figure after the 10% growth in 2000. Due to the growth of the economy and wage levels, purchasing power and consumption have been strongly increasing. The growing consumption has especially increased the imports of durables, such as passenger cars, domestic appliances and electronics. The Russian ports and infrastructure have not been able to satisfy the growing needs of exports and imports, which is why quite a large share of Russian foreign trade is going through third countries as transit transports. Finnish ports play a major role in transit transports to and from Russia. About 15% of the total value of Russian imports was transported through Finland in 2008. The economic recession that started in autumn 2008 and continues to date has had an impact on the economic development of Russia. The export income has decreased, mainly due to the reduced world market prices of energy products (oil and gas) and raw minerals. Investments have been postponed, getting credit is more difficult than before, and the ruble has weakened in relation to the euro and the dollar. The imports are decreasing remarkably, and are not forecast to reach the 2008 volumes even in 2012. The economic crisis is reflected in Finland's transit traffic. The volume of goods transported through Finland to and from Russia has decreased almost in the same proportion as the imports of goods to Russia. The biggest risk threatening the development of the Russian economy over long term is its dependence on export income from oil, gas, metals, minerals and forest products, as well as the trends of the world market prices of these products. Nevertheless, it is expected that the GDP of Russia will start to grow again in the forthcoming years due to the increased demand for energy products and raw minerals in the world. At the same time, it is obvious that the world market prices of these products will go up with the increasing demand. The increased income from exports will lead to a growth of imports, especially those of consumer goods, as the living standard of Russian citizens rises. The forecasts produced by the Russian Government concerning the economic development of Russia up till 2030 also indicate a shift in exported goods from raw materials to processed products, which together with energy products will become the main export goods of Russia. As a consequence, Russia may need export routes through third countries, which can be seen as an opportunity for increased transit transports through the ports of Finland. The ports competing with the ports of Finland for Russian foreign trade traffic are the Russian Baltic Sea ports and the ports of the Baltic countries. The strongest competitors are the Baltic Sea ports handling containers. On the Russian Baltic Sea, these ports include Saint Petersburg, Kaliningrad and, in the near future, the ports of Ust-Luga and possibly Vyborg. There are plans to develop Ust-Luga and Vyborg as modern container ports, which would become serious competitors to the Finnish ports. Russia is aiming to redirect as large a share as possible of foreign trade traffic to its own ports. The ports of Russia and the infrastructure associated with them are under constant development. On the other hand, the logistic capacity of Russia is not able to satisfy the continually growing needs of the Russian foreign trade. The capacity problem is emphasized by a structural incompatibility between the exports and imports in the Russian foreign trade. Russian exports can only use a small part of the containers brought in with imports. Problems are also caused by the difficult ice conditions and narrow waterways leading to the ports. It is predicted that Finland will maintain its position as a transit route for the Russian foreign trade, at least in the near future. The Russian foreign trade is increasing, and Russia will not be able to develop its ports in proportion with the increasing foreign trade. With the development of port capacity, cargo flows through the ports of Russia will grow. Structural changes in transit traffic are already visible. Firms are more and more relocating their production to Russia, for example as regards the assembly of cars and warehousing services. Simultaneously, an increasing part of transit cargoes are sent directly to Russia without unloading and reloading in Finland. New product groups have nevertheless been transported through Finland (textile products and tools), replacing the lost cargos. The global recession that started in autumn 2008 has influenced the volume of Russian imports and, consequently, the transit volumes of Finland, but the recession is not expected to be of long duration, and will thus only have a short-term impact on transit volumes. The Finnish infrastructure and services offered by the logistic chain should also be ready to react to the changes in imported product groups as well as to the change in Russian export products in the future. If the development plans of the Russian economy are realized, export products will be more refined, and the share of energy and raw material products will decrease. The other notable factor to be taken into consideration is the extremely fast-changing business environment in Russia. Operators in the logistic chain should be flexible enough to adapt to all kinds of changes to capitalise on business opportunities offered by the Russian foreign trade for the companies and for the transit volumes of Finnish ports, also in the future.
In this study, we evaluated the yield and chemical composition of volatile compounds obtained from fresh, dried at 30 and 40 ºC respectively of Piper piscatorum, employing the technique of hydrodistillation. The volatile were chemically characterized by GC-MS and GC-FID. The main volatile compounds were selin-11-en-4-a-ol (57,63 ± 3,07%; 53,95 ± 1,56% and 56,20 ± 0,43%) and benzyl benzoate (15,40 ± 0,36%; 16,32 ± 0,85% and 15,04 ± 0,24%).The drying of the raw material reduced yield of volatile compounds, changing their chemical compositions.
The data presented describe the development of an enzymatic process in vegetable oils. Six bacterial lipases were tested for their ability to hydrolyze. For each lipase assay, the p-NPP method was applied to obtain maximum enzymatic activities. The lipase from Burkholderia cepacia (lipase B-10) was the most effective in buriti oil, releasing 4840 µmol p-NP mL-1. The lipase from Klebsiella variicola (lipase B-22) was superior in passion fruit oil, releasing 4140 µmol p-NP mL-1 and also in babassu palm oil, releasing 2934 µmol p-NP mL-1. Research into the bioprocessing of oils aims to provide added value for this regional raw material.
Microalgae are a promising source of raw material for biodiesel production. This review discusses the latest developments related to the application of microalgae biomass for biodiesel production. Characterization of fatty acid of microalgae and comparisons with other sources of raw materials and processes are presented. Furthermore, technological perspectives and approaches for growing microalgae in photobioreactors, microalgal oil extraction techniques, and procedures for synthesizing biodiesel are reviewed.
In this work, the fatty acid quantity and composition of six freshwater microalgae and soybean grains was determined by direct transesterification and gas chromatography analysis. The results showed that all the freshwater microalgae species presented a higher quantity of fatty acid than soybean grain. Choricystis sp. (A) provides 115% more fatty acids per gram of biomass than soybean grain. With regard to the fatty acid composition, Choricystis sp. (A) showed an adequate proportion of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, with lower quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids and, akin to some marine microalgae, constitutes an alternative raw material for biodiesel production.
Microalgae biomass has been described by several authors as the raw material with the greatest potential to meet the goals of replacing petroleum diesel by biodiesel while not competing with arable land suitable for food production. Research groups in different countries are seeking the most appropriate production model for productivity, economic viability and environmental sustainability. This review focused on recent advances and challenges of technology for the production of biodiesel from microalgae, including the procedures used to obtain biomass.