922 resultados para Octagonal houses.


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The study focuses on the Finnish home makeover shows Inno (2004 , Nelonen) and Kodin kääntöpiiri (2001 2005; YLE TV2) and their episodes broadcast in spring 2004. The research material also includes the websites of both shows and messages concerning Inno from an online discussion forum. As people decorate their homes and reflect on them, they engage in negotiations of taste and in the construction of the ideal self. The main question of the study is: how are representations of the gendered self produced in home makeover shows? The broader theoretical and methodological context of the study is based on intersectionality, or simultaneous study of different identity categories. In this study, the main focus is on the intersections of gender, class and sexuality. Hence, the secondary research question is: how do ways of doing gender intersect with producing the ideas of class and sexuality in the representations of home makeover shows? The theoretical framework of the study combines Judith Butler s theory of gender performativity and Pierre Bourdieu s theory of taste. The analysis is founded upon a close reading focusing on the details and ambiguous meanings contained in the televisual representation. Home makeover shows are explored as a part of contemporary television culture, which is characterised by a significant increase in the number of both television channels and global television formats, as well as the hybridisation of programme types. Researchers on lifestyle television have paid attention to male designers and their ability to reconstruct meanings related to domesticity and home decoration as feminine spheres. The dissertation contributes to this discussion by analysing the representations of the male interior decorator in Inno and the four female interior decorators in Kodin kääntöpiiri. The focus is on the professional self and how it is both gendered and defined as an arbiter of taste. The programme concepts produce the impression that the makeover homes and their occupants are ordinary . The manufactured sense of ordinariness often conceals differences between the participants. One argument of the study is that the ordinariness of participants on lifestyle television should not be taken for granted without further reflection on the implications of labeling something as ordinary. Updating of interior decoration in home makeover shows can be interpreted as an area of doing gender that requires deliberation, effort, expert knowledge and a sufficient budget. The ideal lay decorator is portrayed as culturally omnivorous, brave and receptive to new ideas. The ability to reflect on ways of representing masculinity and femininity through decoration is also implied. In home makeover shows, greater self-awareness regarding the ways in which gender is produced does not lead to repeating gender differently. The idea of normative heterosexuality is in a hegemonic position in the representations of the participants. In Inno and Kodin kääntöpiiri questions of class are not made explicit. However, the idea of class is produced indirectly e.g. by describing the apartments and houses of the participants, by discussing their hobbies or interest in cultural products. In Inno, home decoration is primarily depicted as an individualistic consumer choice, while in Kodin kääntöpiiri it is often defined as a way to strengthen the ties of nuclear families. In Kodin kääntöpiiri, the ethos of familism is combined with pleasures gained from consumption and DIY activities. As a whole, the multidisciplinary study indicates a great number of differences between the two shows.


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In Helsinki's evangelical lutheran congregations, the share of the people being members of that church compared with all the people living in their specific geographical areas varies from 62,4 per cent in Paavali to 80,7 per cent in Munkkiniemi. The boundaries of the congregations are about to be redrawn to level the differences in the congregations. In this thesis, the reasons of the differences in Helsinki s districts were studied closer. The data consisted of statistical information gathered from the Population Information System of Finland. It included information by age groups about the population register keeper, marital status, native tongue, level of education and gender in the end of 2005. Additional data was gathered from Helsinki Region Statistics web service. It included information about the dwelling, level of income and main activities of the inhabitants in the districts. The main method was stepwise linear regression. Minor methods were crosstabulation and correlation matrixes. The result of the study was a statistical model that explains 72,2 per cent of the variation of the shares in the congregations. The dependent variable was the share of the people being members of evangelical lutheran church in the dirstricts. The independent variables were the share of the people having other than Finnish or Swedish as their native tongue, the share of rented apartments, the shares of apartments including four rooms and a kitchen, the share of detached houses in the districts and the shares of women and people with no income in the districts. The independent variables present in the model depict the amount of foreigners, dwellings, gender and the level of income of the population. The high share of foreigners, people with no income and rented apartments explain the low share of the people being members of evangelical lutheran church. On the contrary, the high share of the people being members of evangelical lutheran church in the district is explained by the large apartments, detached houses and amount of women living there.


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A controller design for vibration control and alignment maintenance at critical location is developed in a generic launch vehicle whose equipment bay (EB) houses the main inertial platform. The controller uses active control to reduce the attitude disturbance in the attitude at the EB due to elastic deformation. The vibration energy is redistributed by the technique of vibration confinement, which enables the response at the EB to reach its steady state faster in the remaining portion of the structure. (AIAA)


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Gray water treatment and reuse is an immediate option to counter the upcoming water shortages in various parts of world, especially urban areas. Anaerobic treatment of gray water in houses is an alternative low cost, low energy and low sludge generating option that can meet this challenge. Typical problems of fluctuating VFA, low pH and sludge washout at low loading rates with gray water feedstock was overcome in two chambered anaerobic biofilm reactors using natural fibers as the biofilm support. The long term performance of using natural fiber based biofilms at moderate and low organic loading rates (OLR) have been examined. Biofilms raised on natural fibers (coir, ridge-gourd) were similar to that of synthetic media (PVC, polyethylene) at lower OLR when operated in pulse fed mode without effluent recirculation and achieved 80-90% COD removal at HRT of 2 d showing a small variability during start-up. Confocal microscopy of the biofilms on natural fibers indicated thinner biofilms, dense cell architecture and low extra cellular polymeric substances (EPS) compared to synthetic supports and this is believed to be key factor in high performance at low OLR and low strength gray water. Natural fibers are thus shown to be an effective biofilm support that withstand fluctuating characteristic of domestic gray water. (C) 2013 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Rural settlements in Karnataka in India predominantly use locally available resources to build their dwelling units. The houses are constructed either by the villagers themselves or by local masons skilled in traditional architecture. However, traditional houses and lifestyle are slowly giving way to modern concrete dwellings and a new lifestyle. To analyse this trend of transition to modern dwellings in rural settlements, a case study was conducted in three villages near the city of Bengaluru in Karnataka. The present article discusses this transition in the context of sustainable well-being of rural settlements.


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Abstract: The Museum of Natural History, La Plata, Argentina, houses a ceramic collection of the A-Group and C-Group cultures from Nubian tombs at Serra West (AA and ACS cemeteries), on the west bank of the Nile in Lower Nubia. It has been originated from the division after the excavations made by the Franco-Argentine Archaeological Expedition in Sudan between 1961 and 1963, as part of the UNESCO campaigns to save the Nubian monuments.


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Resumen: El Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, Argentina, posee una colección de piezas cerámicas provenientes del asentamiento egipcio y de la iglesia de Aksha, y de las tumbas nubias de Serra Oeste, sobre la margen izquierda del Nilo en la Baja Nubia, que pertenecen a las culturas meroítica y del Grupo X. Esta colección es producto del reparto después de las excavaciones realizadas por la Expedición Franco-Argentina en Sudán entre 1961 y 1963, como parte de las campañas de la UNESCO para salvar los monumentos de Nubia.


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This paper analyzes the consequences of the interaction between two different levels of government (regulators) in the development of housing policy when their decisions determine the level of competition in the housing market. The analysis discusses the implications derived from a lack of coordination between a local regulator who controls the supply of land for housing development and a central regulator who decides on housing subsidies. The results suggest that lack of coordination has significant effects on prices and supply of houses, housing developers’ profits, and buyers’ surplus.


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In this paper it is shown that an ad valorem housing subsidy set by a central regulator (or a raise in the ad valorem housing subsidy rate) may reduce the number of houses built in the market and increase the price paid by the buyers of houses. The analysis considers a situation where there is imperfect competition in the housing market and a local regulator that decides on density, or on the number of sites for housing development, and that cares about a combination of the profits of housing developers and the surplus of buyers of houses.


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In this paper it is shown that the setting up of a social housing system may decrease the total number of houses built in the market, induce a price of non-social houses greater than the price of houses without that system and increase the profits of housing developers even in situations where they have to sell social houses at a price below production cost. The analysis considers a situation with imperfect competition in the housing market and with a social housing system where housing developers must provide some social houses when they obtain a permit to build non-social houses.


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Demonstra que, apesar de o Poder Executivo deter posição de destaque na elaboração e condução das políticas públicas, a participação do Poder Legislativo pode contribuir para o aperfeiçoamento da atuação governamental. Apresenta o Programa Nacional de Segurança Pública com Cidadania (Pronasci) e suas dezenas de ações na versão inicialmente proposta pelo Executivo, bem como na versão final aprovadaapós tramitação nas Casas Legislativas.


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Estudo descritivo, desenvolvido sob o enfoque do novo institucionalismo, que trata do sobrestamento de pauta resultante da aplicação das regras constitucionais e regimentais. Busca identificar as razões da gênese desse instituto no presidencialismo brasileiro, assim como entender seu papel tanto na tramitação das proposições para as quais foi concebido, quanto nos trabalhos dos Plenários das Casas do Congresso Nacional. Procura compreender os mecanismos por meio dos quais o sobrestamento de pauta, além de garantir a apreciação célere de algumas proposições consideradas urgentes, contribui decisivamente para transformar o chefe do Poder Executivo no principal controlador da agenda do processo legislativo brasileiro.


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Unidos por motivos históricos, é inegável que tendo sido colônia portuguesa, o Brasil herdou valores e características do Parlamento português. Assim, esta pesquisa bibliográfica e documental visa apontar alguns aspectos relevantes para o entendimento da identidade política brasileira e das atuais feições do nosso parlamento. Por meio da comparação da trajetória histórica dos Parlamentos desses países, as particularidades institucionais atuais, assim como seus sistemas legislativos, tornou-se possível a identificação de determinados elementos de nossa cultura política. Esta significando o cotidiano, os comportamentos e ações de atores sociais, os rituais e as tradições parlamentares. Percebeu-se, ademais, que algumas práticas político-parlamentares brasileiras estão fortemente marcadas por heranças legislativas portuguesas, tais como a tradição do envio da Mensagem Presidencial no início de cada Sessão Legislativa do Congresso Nacional brasileiro, bem como o ato de abrir as sessões legislativas ordinárias e extraordinárias nos Plenários das duas Casas com menção a Deus, demonstrando a permanência de valores religiosos, fruto da colonização por um país fervorosamente católico como Portugal.


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[ES]A finales de la Edad Media la nobleza rural del País Vasco desarrolló actividades violentas y delictivas como medio para superar los efectos de la crisis. Dentro de este contexto las torres y casas fuertes desempeñaron un papel capital. Todo ello se analiza a través del ejemplo de la torre del señor de Berna, en la Vizcaya del siglo XV.


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Analisa a Constituição Federal e as Leis Ordinárias editadas em 2011 para saber se existe a prevalência de uma das Casas do Congresso Nacional na elaboração das leis. O estudo pretende, a partir da abordagem teórica e da análise das legislações publicadas, observando o processo legislativo bicameral para deliberação dos projetos, verificar as consequências para a definição do texto final das leis publicadas. Para tanto, propõe-se realizar estudo sobre o Poder Legislativo no Brasil e o modelo de sistema bicameral adotado. Também são analisadas todas as Constituições editadas no Brasil para saber os aspectos históricos e políticos em sua elaboração e os efeitos na definição das atribuições das Casas do Congresso Nacional, com repercussões no processo legislativo. É realizada a análise da tramitação legislativa da Lei de Improbidade Administrativa, expondo os textos adotados pelas Casas, com a definição do texto encaminhado para transformação em norma jurídica.