749 resultados para Inclusive pedagogical practices
Inclusive education policy, the general allocation model and dilemmas of practice in primary schools
Background: Inclusive education is central to contemporary discourse internationally reflecting societies’ wider commitment to social inclusion. Education has witnessed transforming approaches that have created differing distributions of power, resource allocation and accountability. Multiple actors are being forced to consider changes to how key services and supports are organised. This research constitutes a case study situated within this broader social service dilemma of how to distribute finite resources equitably to meet individual need, while advancing inclusion. It focuses on the national directive with regard to inclusive educational practice for primary schools, Department of Education and Science Special Education Circular 02/05, which introduced the General Allocation Model (GAM) within the legislative context of the Education of Persons with Special Educational Needs (EPSEN) Act (Government of Ireland, 2004). This research could help to inform policy with ‘facts about what is happening on the ground’ (Quinn, 2013). Research Aims: The research set out to unearth the assumptions and definitions embedded within the policy document, to analyse how those who are at the coalface of policy, and who interface with multiple interests in primary schools, understand the GAM and respond to it, and to investigate its effects on students and their education. It examines student outcomes in the primary schools where the GAM was investigated. Methods and Sample The post-structural study acknowledges the importance of policy analysis which explicitly links the ‘bigger worlds’ of global and national policy contexts to the ‘smaller worlds’ of policies and practices within schools and classrooms. This study insists upon taking the detail seriously (Ozga, 1990). A mixed methods approach to data collection and analysis is applied. In order to secure the perspectives of key stakeholders, semi-structured interviews were conducted with primary school principals, class teachers and learning support/resource teachers (n=14) in three distinct mainstream, non-DEIS schools. Data from the schools and their environs provided a profile of students. The researcher then used the Pobal Maps Facility (available at www.pobal.ie) to identify the Small Area (SA) in which each student resides, and to assign values to each address based on the Pobal HP Deprivation Index (Haase and Pratschke, 2012). Analysis of the datasets, guided by the conceptual framework of the policy cycle (Ball, 1994), revealed a number of significant themes. Results: Data illustrate that the main model to support student need is withdrawal from the classroom under policy that espouses inclusion. Quantitative data, in particular, highlighted an association between segregated practice and lower socioeconomic status (LSES) backgrounds of students. Up to 83% of the students in special education programmes are from lower socio-economic status (LSES) backgrounds. In some schools 94% of students from LSES backgrounds are withdrawn from classrooms daily for special education. While the internal processes of schooling are not solely to blame for class inequalities, this study reveals the power of professionals to order children in school, which has implications for segregated special education practice. Such agency on the part of key actors in the context of practice relates to ‘local constructions of dis/ability’, which is influenced by teacher habitus (Bourdieu, 1984). The researcher contends that inclusive education has not resulted in positive outcomes for students from LSES backgrounds because it is built on faulty assumptions that focus on a psycho-medical perspective of dis/ability, that is, placement decisions do not consider the intersectionality of dis/ability with class or culture. This study argues that the student need for support is better understood as ‘home/school discontinuity’ not ‘disability’. Moreover, the study unearths the power of some parents to use social and cultural capital to ensure eligibility to enhanced resources. Therefore, a hierarchical system has developed in mainstream schools as a result of funding models to support need in inclusive settings. Furthermore, all schools in the study are ‘ordinary’ schools yet participants acknowledged that some schools are more ‘advantaged’, which may suggest that ‘ordinary’ schools serve to ‘bury class’ (Reay, 2010) as a key marker in allocating resources. The research suggests that general allocation models of funding to meet the needs of students demands a systematic approach grounded in reallocating funds from where they have less benefit to where they have more. The calculation of the composite Haase Value in respect of the student cohort in receipt of special education support adopted for this study could be usefully applied at a national level to ensure that the greatest level of support is targeted at greatest need. Conclusion: In summary, the study reveals that existing structures constrain and enable agents, whose interactions produce intended and unintended consequences. The study suggests that policy should be viewed as a continuous and evolving cycle (Ball, 1994) where actors in each of the social contexts have a shared responsibility in the evolution of education that is equitable, excellent and inclusive.
It has been suggested that the less than optimal levels of students’ immersion language “persist in part because immersion teachers lack systematic approaches for integrating language into their content instruction” (Tedick, Christian and Fortune, 2011, p.7). I argue that our current lack of knowledge regarding what immersion teachers think, know and believe and what immersion teachers’ actual ‘lived’ experiences are in relation to form-focused instruction (FFI) prevents us from fully understanding the key issues at the core of experiential immersion pedagogy and form-focused integration. FFI refers to “any planned or incidental instructional activity that is intended to induce language learners to pay attention to linguistic form” (Ellis, 2001b, p.1). The central aim of this research study is to critically examine the perspectives and practices of Irish-medium immersion (IMI) teachers in relation to FFI. The study ‘taps’ into the lived experiences of three IMI teachers in three different IMI school contexts and explores FFI from a classroom-based, teacher-informed perspective. Philosophical underpinnings of the interpretive paradigm and critical hermeneutical principles inform and guide the study. A multi-case study approach was adopted and data was gathered through classroom observation, video-stimulated recall and semistructured interviews. Findings revealed that the journey of ‘becoming’ an IMI teacher is shaped by a vast array of intricate variables. IMI teacher identity, implicit theories, stated beliefs, educational biographies and experiences, IMI school cultures and contexts as well as teacher knowledge and competence impacted on IMI teachers’ FFI perspectives and practices. An IMI content teacher identity reflected the teachers’ priorities as shaped by pedagogical challenges and their educational backgrounds. While research participants had clearly defined instructional beliefs and goals, their roadmap of how to actually accomplish these goals was far from clear. IMI teachers described the multitude of choices and pedagogical dilemmas they faced in integrating FFI into experiential pedagogy. Significant gaps in IMI teachers’ declarative knowledge about and competence in the immersion language were also reported. This research study increases our understanding of the complexity of the processes underlying and shaping FFI pedagogy in IMI education. Innovative FFI opportunities for professional development across the continuum of teacher education are outlined, a comprehensive evaluation of IMI is called for and areas for further research are delineated.
This workshop draws on an emerging collaborative body of research by Lovett, Morrow and McClean that aims to understand architecture and its processes as a form of pedagogical practice: a civic pedagogy.
Architectural education can be valued not only as a process that delivers architecture-specific skills and knowledges, but also as a process that transforms people into critically active contributors to society. We are keen to examine how and where those skills are developed in architectural education and trace their existence and/or application within practice. We intend to examine whether some architectural and spatial practices are intrinsically pedagogical in their nature and how the level of involvement of clients, users and communities can mimic the project-based learning of architectural education – in particularly in the context of ‘live project learning’
1. This workshop begins with a brief discussion paper from Morrow that sets out the arguments behind why and how architecture can be understood as pedagogy. It will do so by presenting firstly the relationship between architectural practice and pedagogy, drawing out both contemporary and historical examples of architecture and architects acting pedagogically. It will also consider some other forms of creative practice that explicitly frame themselves pedagogically, and focus on participatory approaches in architectural practice that overlap with inclusive and live pedagogies, concluding with a draft and tentative abstracted pedagogical framework for architectural practice.
2. Lovett will examine practices of architectural operation that have a pedagogical approach, or which recognise within themselves an educational subtext/current. He is most interested in a 'liveness' beyond the 'Architectural Education' of university institutions. The presentation will question the scope for both spatial empowerment / agency and a greater understanding and awareness of the value of good design when operating as architects with participant-clients younger than 18, older than 25 or across varied parts of society. Positing that the learning might be greatest when there are no prescribed 'Learning Outcomes' and that such work might depend on risk-taking and playfulness, the presentation will be a curated showcase drawing on his own ongoing work.
Both brief presentations will inform the basis of the workshop’s discussion which hopes to draw on participants views and expereinces to enrich the research process. The intention is that the overall workshop will lead to a call for contributors and respondents to a forthcoming publication on ‘Architecture as Pedagogy’.
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Supervisão e Orientação da Prática Profissional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
The increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in diverse professional and personal contexts calls for new knowledge, and a set of abilities, competences and attitudes, for an active and participative citizenship. In this context it is acknowledged that universities have an important role innovating in the educational use of digital media to promote an inclusive digital literacy. The educational potential of digital technologies and resources has been recognized by both researchers and practitioners. Multiple pedagogical models and research approaches have already contributed to put in evidence the importance of adapting instructional and learning practices and processes to concrete contexts and educational goals. Still, academic and scientific communities believe further investments in ICT research is needed in higher education. This study focuses on educational models that may contribute to support digital technology uses, where these can have cognitive and educational relevance when compared to analogical technologies. A teaching and learning model, centered in the active role of the students in the exploration, production, presentation and discussion of interactive multimedia materials, was developed and applied using the internet and exploring emergent semantic hypermedia formats. The research approach focused on the definition of design principles for developing class activities that were applied in three different iterations in undergraduate courses from two institutions, namely the University of Texas at Austin, USA and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. The analysis of this study made possible to evaluate the potential and efficacy of the model proposed and the authoring tool chosen in the support of metacognitive skills and attitudes related to information structuring and management, storytelling and communication, using computers and the internet.
Please consult the paper edition of this thesis to read. It is available on the 5th Floor of the Library at Call Number: Z 9999 E38 K39 2006
Inclusion promotes equality, provides opportunities, breaks down barriers, and ensures accessibility for all members of a community. Consequently, elementary-school administrators should become inclusion leaders who introduce and maintain inclusive learning environments. This qualitative study profiled and discussed practices and beliefs of 4 elementary school principals in southern Ontario who are recognized leaders of inclusion for students with exceptionalities. The researcher used multiple instruments for triangulation, thematic qualitative data analysis (constant comparative method) of interview responses and reflective field notes, and data from the Principal and Inclusion Survey to interpret qualitative findings. Findings revealed distinct leadership profiles reflective of empathy and compassion among participants who all regard accommodation of students with exceptionalities as a moral obligation and view inclusion as a socially just pedagogical framework. The researcher recommends that senior school board administrators screen and secure principals who value inclusion to create and maintain school cultures that ensure students’ access to inclusive education.
Giant Steps is a therapeutic school for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) founded in 1995 by a group of parents who felt that the public school system was not fully able to meet the needs of their children. While the education system has progressed through the years to offer all students with access to public education, many educators still are not adequately prepared to provide inclusive learning environments for students with ASD. Given the prevalence of ASD in southern Ontario (1 in every 42 boys and 1 in every 189 girls), research on ASD and inclusive practices is both vital and timely. The purpose of this qualitative case study is to understand how the Giant Steps program prepares and transitions students with ASD for inclusive classrooms. Data was collected through two rounds of in-depth interviews, and was subsequently analyzed and interpreted into research findings that are presented through three major themes (i.e., unique program aspects, holistic approach, inclusion not integration). Collectively, the themes provide insights about how students at Giant Steps are prepared for inclusion, as well as how different stakeholders within the Giant Steps program perceive inclusion and their role in preparing students for inclusive classrooms.
En 2007, le Premier ministre du Québec, monsieur Jean Charest, a établi la Commission de consultation sur les pratiques d’accommodement reliées aux différences culturelles afin de donner suite aux conflits émanant des différences ethniques et culturelles. La commission a pour mandat de dresser le bilan des pratiques d’accommodement au Québec, d’analyser la problématique, de consulter la population et de formuler des recommandations au gouvernement afin d’assurer la conformité des pratiques d’accommodement avec les valeurs de la société québécoise. En premier lieu, ce mémoire démontrera que deux facteurs, dont l’évolution de l’identité de la majorité francophone et l’évolution des pays d’origine des immigrants, ont contribué à un malaise de gestion de la diversité et, par conséquent, ont rendu l’établissement de la commission pertinent. En deuxième lieu, m’appuyant sur une revue de la méthodologie, des conclusions et des recommandations de la commission, ainsi que la réplique du Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles, je vais illustrer que, malgré un mandat pertinent et achevé, la réponse gouvernementale fut inadéquate. Finalement, je démontrerai que les modèles de gestion de diversité soutenus par le rapport de la Commission, la laïcité inclusive et l’interculturalisme, sont des aspects nécessaires de la gestion de la diversité. Cependant, ils en découlent des philosophies politiques de neutralisme et pluralisme dont la force et le compromis en sont les buts. Je crois que le Québec peut être meilleur gestionnaire de sa diversité et peut obtenir de vraies réconciliations en prônant la conversation; une approche patriotique de la gestion de diversité.
De grandes enquêtes en milieu scolaire, au Québec comme ailleurs, ont documenté depuis les années 2000 la portée des violences homophobes, particulièrement à l’école secondaire, ainsi que leurs impacts négatifs sur les élèves qui en sont victimes, qu’ils s’identifient ou non comme lesbiennes, gais, bisexuel(le)s ou en questionnement (LGBQ). La diffusion des résultats de ces enquêtes, ainsi que les constats similaires d’acteurs sur le terrain, ont fait accroitre les appels à la vigilance des écoles quant aux discriminations homophobes pouvant prendre forme en leur enceinte. Plusieurs des responsabilités résultant de cette mobilisation ont échoué par défaut aux enseignants, notamment en raison de leur proximité avec leurs élèves. Cependant, malgré la panoplie de publications et de formations visant explicitement à les outiller à ce sujet, les enseignants rapportent de manière consistante manquer de formation, d’habiletés, de soutien et d’aise à l’idée d’intervenir contre l’homophobie ou de parler de diversité sexuelle en classe. Cette thèse de doctorat vise à comprendre les pratiques d’intervention et d’enseignement que rapportent avoir les enseignants de l’école secondaire québécoise, toutes orientations sexuelles confondues, par rapport à la diversité sexuelle et à l’homophobie. Dans une perspective interdisciplinaire, nous avons interrogé la sociologie de l’éducation, les études de genre (gender studies) et les études gaies et lesbiennes, ainsi qu’emprunté aux littératures sur les pratiques enseignantes et sur l’intervention sociale. Les données colligées consistent en des entrevues semi-structurées menées auprès de 22 enseignants du secondaire, validées auprès de 243 enseignants, par le biais d’un questionnaire en ligne. Étayés dans trois articles scientifiques, les résultats de notre recherche permettent de mieux saisir la nature des pratiques enseignantes liées à la diversité sexuelle, mais également les mécanismes par lesquels elles viennent ou non à être adoptées par les enseignants. Les témoignages des enseignants ont permis d’identifier que les enseignants sont globalement au fait des attentes dont ils font l’objet en termes d’intervention contre l’homophobie. Ceci dit, en ce qu’ils sont guidés dans leurs interventions par le concept limité d’homophobie, ils ne paraissent pas toujours à même de saisir les mécanismes parfois subtils par lesquels opèrent les discriminations sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle, mais aussi des expressions de genre atypiques. De même, si la plupart disent condamner vertement l’homophobie dont ils sont témoins, les enseignants peuvent néanmoins adopter malgré eux des pratiques contribuant à reconduire l’hétérosexisme et à alimenter les mêmes phénomènes d’infériorisation que ceux qu’ils cherchent à combattre. Sauf exception, les enseignants tendent à comprendre le genre et l’expression de genre davantage comme des déterminants de type essentialiste avec lesquels ils doivent composer que comme des normes scolaires et sociales sur lesquelles ils peuvent, comme enseignants, avoir une quelconque influence. Les stratégies de gestion identitaire des enseignants LGB influencent les pratiques qu’ils rapportent être en mesure d’adopter. Ceux qui optent pour la divulgation, totale ou partielle, de leur homosexualité ou bisexualité peuvent autant rapporter adopter des pratiques inclusives que choisir de se tenir à distance de telles pratiques, alors que ceux qui favorisent la dissimulation rapportent plutôt éviter autant que possible ces pratiques, de manière à se garder de faire face à des situations potentiellement délicates. Également, alors que les enseignants LGB étaient presque exclusivement vus jusqu’ici comme ceux chez qui et par qui se jouaient ces injonctions à la vie privée, les enseignants hétérosexuels estiment également être appelés à se positionner par rapport à leur orientation sexuelle lorsqu’ils mettent en œuvre de telles pratiques. Nos résultats révèlent un double standard dans l’évocation de la vie privée des enseignants. En effet, la divulgation d’une orientation hétérosexuelle, considérée comme normale, est vue comme conciliable avec la neutralité attendue des enseignants, alors qu’une révélation similaire par un enseignant LGB est comprise comme un geste politique qui n’a pas sa place dans une salle de classe, puisqu’elle se fait au prix du bris d’une présomption d’hétérosexualité. Nos résultats suggèrent qu’il existe de fortes prescriptions normatives relatives à la mise en genre et à la mise en orientation sexuelle à l’école. Les enseignants s’inscrivent malgré eux dans cet environnement hétéronormatif. Ils peuvent être amenés à y jouer un rôle important, que ce soit en contribuant à la reconduction de ces normes (par exemple, en taisant les informations relatives à la diversité sexuelle) ou en les contestant (par exemple, en expliquant que certains stéréotypes accolés à l’homosexualité relèvent d’aprioris non fondés). Les discours des enseignants suggèrent également qu’ils sont traversés par ces normes. Ils peuvent en effet choisir de se conformer aux attentes normatives dont ils font l’objet (par exemple, en affirmant leur hétérosexualité), ou encore d’y résister (par exemple, en divulguant leur homosexualité à leurs élèves, ou en évitant de conforter les attentes dont ils font l’objet) au risque d’être conséquemment pénalisés. Bien entendu, cette influence des normes de genre diffère d’un enseignant à l’autre, mais semble jouer autant sur les enseignants hétérosexuels que LGB. Les enseignants qui choisissent de contester, explicitement ou implicitement, certaines de ces normes dominantes rapportent chercher des appuis formels à leurs démarches. Dans ce contexte, une telle quête de légitimation (par exemple, la référence aux règlements contre l’homophobie, la mobilisation des similitudes entre l’homophobie et le racisme, ou encore le rapprochement de ces enseignements avec les apprentissages prescrits pour leur matière) est à comprendre comme un outillage à la contestation normative. La formation professionnelle des enseignants sur l’homophobie et sur la diversité sexuelle constitue un autre de ces outils. Alors que les enseignants québécois continuent d’être identifiés comme des acteurs clés dans la création et le maintien d’environnements scolaires non-discriminatoires et inclusifs aux réalités de la diversité sexuelle, il est impératif de les appuyer en multipliant les signes formels tangibles sur lesquelles leurs initiatives peuvent prendre appui (politiques explicites, curriculum scolaire inclusif de ces sujets, etc.). Nos résultats plaident en faveur d’une formation enseignante sur la diversité sexuelle, qui ferait partie du tronc commun de la formation initiale des maîtres. Chez les enseignants en exercice, il nous apparait préférable de miser sur une accessibilité accrue des formations et des outils disponibles. En réponse toutefois aux limites que pose à long terme une approche cumulative des formations spécifiques portant sur différents types d’oppressions (l’homophobie, le racisme, le sexisme, etc.), nous argumentons en faveur d’un modèle d’éducation anti-oppressive au sein duquel les élèves seraient invités à considérer, non seulement la multiplicité et le caractère situé des divers types d’oppressions, mais également les mécanismes d’attribution de privilège, de constitution de la normalité et de la marginalité, et de présentation de ces arbitraires culturels comme des ordres naturels.
The ISSA Pedagogical Standards were first published in 2001 as a network-developed tool that defined quality in teaching practices and the classroom environment and captured the changes that had occurred in the region since 1994 when the Step by Step Program, an initiative to promote democratic principles in early childhood development and education, was launched. The Program was built on belief that each child has the right to receive maximum support for the development of his or her full potential, and this work should be done in partnership and close cooperation with families, communities and professionals
A construção de uma escola inclusiva se apresenta como o grande desafio do século vigente. Este trabalho dissertativo teve como objetivos da investigação realizada compreender como as estratégias utilizadas pelos professores em suas práticas educativas, junto aos estudantes com deficiências específicas estão facilitando o processo educativo inclusivo nos anos/séries iniciais do ensino regular fundamental, como objetivo geral e levantar informações sobre os tipos de estratégias que estão sendo indicadas para subsidiar as práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas por professores do ensino regular, identificar quais as estratégias pedagógicas utilizadas pelos professores do ensino regular que estão favorecendo a aprendizagem dos estudantes com deficiência inclusos no cotidiano de sala de aula, verificar quais as implicações ou obstáculos que estão concorrendo para as situações-problema existentes, na perspectiva do trabalho desenvolvido pelos respectivos docentes e comparar dentre as estratégias pedagógicas que estão sendo trabalhadas pelos professores do ensino regular quais as que apresentam melhores resultados na construção da aprendizagem de estudantes inclusos, como objetivos específicos. O processo investigativo caracterizou-se numa pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, em nível descritivo e explicativo, com base metodológica e científica na entrevista guiada pelo método de Bardin (2010) , na técnica de observação direta em sala de aula, adotando os itens segundo o modelo de Likert para o melhor compilar os dados e preenchimento da ficha de observação e no emprego de questionário, segundo as orientações de Richardson (2009). O cenário escolhido para realização da pesquisa foi uma escola da rede municipal de Jaboatão dos Guararapes, no Estado de Pernambuco, pertencente à Região Nordeste do Brasil, por apresentar um quantitativo significativo de estudantes inclusos, perfazendo um total de 19 estudantes com deficiências diversas, e composta por 12 sujeitos participantes que lecionam em salas de aula inclusivas. Procuramos fundamentar este trabalho com base nos constructos teóricos de autores renomados na seara da educação inclusiva, tais como: Stainback e Stainback (2008), Fonseca (1995), Goffman (2004), Tardif (2008), Beyer (2010), Carvalho (2006 e 2008), Gaio e Meneguetti (2004), Machado (2009), Mantoan (2001, 2006), Pires (2008), Saviani (2005), Angher (2008) entre outros defensores da inclusão. Pode-se observar através dos resultados obtidos as experiências que comprovaram avanços nas aprendizagens dos estudantes inclusos, quando da interação com os demais estudantes, promovendo uma melhor convivência social e educativa respaldada nos princípios e valores de respeito às diferenças e igualdade de condições, de direito e deveres, de participação ativa no processo de construção e de formação da cidadania de todos. Com o suporte de estratégias educacionais, como a contratação de estagiários de apoio, a disponibilização de recursos diversos, e a adoção de concepções de caráter da educação inclusiva apresentadas pelos participantes da pesquisa como elementos facilitadores da aprendizagem. Entretanto, como entraves foram percebidos a falta de formação acadêmica específica dos sujeitos participantes, a inadequação física do prédio escolar, a adoção de uma proposta pedagógica que não contempla os preceitos da educação inclusiva e o não oferecimento do atendimento educacional especializado aos estudantes no recinto escolar nem extraescolar, com profissionais de áreas afins para complemento e suplemento à aprendizagem. Assim verificou-se que o processo de implantação da educação inclusiva que vem sendo desenvolvido pela escola já apresentou respostas favoráveis, porém muito ainda precisa ser feito para minimizar os obstáculos defrontados.
O trabalho apresentado é decorrente do Projeto de Intervenção realizado no âmbito do Curso de 2º Ciclo em Educação Especial – domínio cognitivo e motor, da Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias. Resumo A referida intervenção contempla a minimização das dificuldades apresentadas por uma menina a nível da leitura e escrita e da sua socialização, numa perspetiva inclusiva. M. é o nome fictício da aluna alvo da intervenção. Atualmente, frequenta o 3º ano de escolaridade numa escola pública, em Lisboa área da sua residência. A revisão da literatura vai sustentar e facilitar a compreensão clara e concisa da intervenção realizada e das posições defendidas sobre esta matéria. Deste modo, são tratados temas no âmbito da exclusão social e escolar, da escola Inclusiva e dos obstáculos que ainda encontramos nas escolas, dos preconceitos, dos alunos com necessidades educativas especiais, das adaptações curriculares, da aprendizagem cooperativa e diferenciação pedagógica, referimo-nos ainda às dificuldades de aprendizagem e, por último, à comunicação e à linguagem oral e escrita. Para obter informações sobre a M. e sobre o contexto da intervenção, bem como sobre todo o seu processo de inclusão escolar, utilizamos como suporte metodológico, a pesquisa documental, as entrevistas semi-diretivas à professora titular de turma e à professora de ensino especial, a observação naturalista, a sociometria e as notas de campo para se poder complementar as informações. A planificação global da intervenção foi elaborada a partir do relacionamento/ cruzamento dos dados que resultaram da análise da informação recolhida. Para uma intervenção fundamentada caracterizamos inicialmente o seu contexto escolar e familiar e posteriormente a M. Os princípios orientadores da intervenção realizada, assentam numa perspetiva de investigação para a ação, e tiveram presentes os objetivos definidos para a M. As atividades foram realizadas, numa perspetiva de aprendizagem muito estruturada, muito refletida e avaliada durante todo o processo, implicando todos os intervenientes. Esta intervenção, levou-nos a estimular práticas educativas, diferenciadas e inclusivas na turma, com a professora titular dessa turma e com a professora do ensino especial com os colegas da M.