783 resultados para Government productivity
This thesis examines the interdependence of international stock markets (the USA, Europe, Japan, emerging markets, and frontier markets), European government bond market, and gold market during the 21st century. Special focus is on the dynamics of the correlations between the markets, as well as on, spillovers in mean returns and volatility. The mean return spillovers are examined on the basis of the bivariate VAR(1) model, whereas the bivariate BEKK-GARCH(1, 1) model is employed for the analysis of the volatility spillovers. In order to analyze the spillover effects in different market conditions, the full sample period from 2000 to 2013 is divided into the pre-crisis period (2000–2006) and the crisis period (2007–2013). The results indicate an increasing interdependence especially within international stock markets during the periods of financial turbulence, and are thus consistent with the existing literature. Hence, bond and gold markets provide the best diversification benefits for equity investors, particularly during the periods of market turmoil.
In today’s knowledge intense economy the human capital is a source for competitive advantage for organizations. Continuous learning and sharing the knowledge within the organization are important to enhance and utilize this human capital in order to maximize the productivity. The new generation with different views and expectations of work is coming to work life giving its own characteristics on learning and sharing. Work should offer satisfaction so that the new generation employees would commit to organizations. At the same time organizations have to be able to focus on productivity to survive in the competitive market. The objective of this thesis is to construct a theory based framework of productivity, continuous learning and job satisfaction and further examine this framework and its applications in a global organization operating in process industry. Suggestions for future actions are presented for this case organization. The research is a qualitative case study and the empiric material was gathered by personal interviews concluding 15 employee and one supervisor interview. Results showed that more face to face interaction is needed between employees for learning because much of the knowledge of the process is tacit and so difficult to share in other ways. Offering these sharing possibilities can also impact positively to job satisfaction because they will increase the sense of community among employees which was found to be lacking. New employees demand more feedback to improve their learning and confidence. According to the literature continuous learning and job satisfaction have a relative strong relationship on productivity. The employee’s job description in the case organization has moved towards knowledge work due to continuous automation and expansion of the production process. This emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and means that productivity can be seen also from quality perspective. The normal productivity output in the case organization is stable and by focusing on the quality of work by improving continuous learning and job satisfaction the upsets in production can be handled and prevented more effectively. Continuous learning increases also the free human capital input and utilization of it and this can breed output increasing innovations that can increase productivity in long term. Also job satisfaction can increase productivity output in the end because employees will work more efficiently, not doing only the minimum tasks required. Satisfied employees are also found participating more in learning activities.
Wetland vegetation typically includes aquatic macrophytes with high primary production capacities. The present study investigated how hydrological variations affect biomass allocation and primary productivity in the emergent macrophyte Eleocharis acutangula (Roxb.) Schult. Eleocharis acutangula ramets were collected from the Campelo Lagoon flood plain (21°39'S, 41°12'W and 21°37S, 41°11'W) between March/2005 and February/2006. This region experienced an unusually short rainy period between November/2005 and February/2006 that generated atypically high primary production levels (128gDWm-2month-1) and total biomass gains (447gDWm-2) in May and June/2005 respectively. Our data indicated that primary production and biomass allocation were strongly influenced by variations in wetland water levels and that macrophytes quickly invested in biomass accumulation when surface water levels rised.
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Kartta kuuluu A. E. Nordenskiöldin kokoelmaan
Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Britannian parlamentissa käytyä keskustelua Kirkkovaltiosta ja paavin maallisesta vallasta vuosina 1858–1861. Aihetta tarkastellaan kolmen teeman kautta. Nämä teemat ovat Kirkkovaltion ajassa ja paikassa tapahtunut kontekstualisointi, paavin ja katolilaisten Britannialle aiheuttamasta sisäisestä ja ulkoisesta uhasta käyty keskustelu, sekä Kirkkovaltion liittäminen kansainvälisiin suhteisiin. Britannian ja Kirkkovaltion suhdetta 1800-luvun puolivälissä on käsitelty aikaisemmassa tutkimuksessa vain vähän. Suhtautumisen perusasenteena sekä konservatiiveilla että liberaaleilla on pidetty katolilaisvastaisuutta ja Kirkkovaltion lakkauttamisen ajamista. Tutkielmassa pyritään osoittamaan, että Britannian parlamentin jäsenten suhtautuminen oli kuitenkin moniulotteisempaa ja moniäänisempää, kuin pelkkä tiukka katolilaisvastaisuus. Parlamentin jäsenet pyrkivät kontekstualisoimaan Kirkkovaltiota käyttämällä vertauksia sekä Britanniaan ja Sardinian kuningaskuntaan, että erilaisiin historiallisiin tilanteisiin. Keskusteluun osallistuneilla parlamentin jäsenillä oli myös hyvin laaja skaala erilaisia kontakteja Italiaan ja Roomaan, ja he olivat hyvin perillä paavin maallisesta vallasta käydystä yleiseurooppalaisesta kirjallisesta debatista. Osa parlamentin jäsenistä näki paavin ja katolilaiset sekä sisäisenä että ulkoisena uhkana Britannialle, mikä liittyy vahvasti 1800-luvun puolivälin uhkakuvia täynnä olleeseen näkemykseen. Näkemys uhasta tiivistyi keskusteluun uskollisuudenvalan uudistamisesta vuonna 1858. Tässä keskustelussa esiin nousivat erityisesti ääriprotestanttiset, katolilaisvastaiset parlamentin jäsenet. Osa parlamentin jäsenistä näki paavin itsenäisyyden toisaalta myös hyvänä asiana, ja paavin maallisen vallan lakkauttamista uhkana Britannialle. Viimeisessä käsittelyluvussa tutkitaan suhtautumista Kirkkovaltioon kansainvälisten suhteiden tasolla. Britannialla ei ollut virallisia diplomaattisuhteita Kirkkovaltioon, mutta maan epävirallisista suhteista ja niiden kehittämisestä käytiin parlamentissa keskustelua. Parlamentissa keskusteltiin myös Ranskan ja Itävallan merkityksestä Kirkkovaltiolle, sekä Kirkkovaltion mahdollisista aluemenetyksistä tai jopa valtion lakkauttamisesta. Keskustelua käytiin myös brittien värväämisestä paavin armeijaan ja paavia vastustaneen Garibaldin joukkoihin.
The objective of the research was to identify knowledge conversion states in consultancy sales and delivery processes for the company’s one business unit, to know where to store certain types of information and knowledge, and to create best practices for the company’s knowledge management activities in the selected business processes. The used research methodology was action research. The current business processes were analyzed by interviewing people involved in them. The results were documented and catego- rized, and based on them the target states of the processes were developed. Knowledge man- agement activities were integrated to the business processes. The main findings of the research were that roles and responsibilities in the processes were not clear to people, information systems did not fully support individuals and time was wasted searching for information and knowledge. There were also many variations of how the processes actually realized, which affected the overall quality of the process. The conclusions of the research were that knowledge management activities should be high- lighted in businesses where knowledge workers are the main assets of the company. Knowledge management practices can be supported by company culture, leadership and in- formation systems. However, one main factor is each individual’s willingness to share knowledge. By integrating knowledge management activities to business processes and hav- ing information systems supporting knowledge management, individual productivity can be improved.
This article explores general concerns about government banking, social inclusion, and democracy through case study of the Brazilian federal government savings bank (Caixa Econômica Federal). Review of government savings banks in Brazilian history suggests that these institutions have been at the center of domestic political economy, expanding and contracting under a variety of political regimes and economic conditions. Since capitalization to meet central bank and Basel Accord guidelines in 2001, the Caixa has attempted to modernize, continue to serve as agent for government policies, and expand both popular credit and savings and investment banking activities.