479 resultados para Complementarity


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In a principal-agent model we analyze the firm’s decision to adopt an informal or a standardized Environmental Management System (EMS). Our results are consistent with empirical evidence in several respects. A standardized EMS increases the internal control at the cost of introducing some degree of rigidity that entails an endogenous setup cost. Standardized systems are more prone to be adopted by big and well established firms and under tougher environmental policies. Firms with standardized EMS tend to devote more effort to abatement although this effort results in lower pollution only if public incentives are strong enough, suggesting a complementarity relationship between standardized EMS and public policies. Emission charges have both a marginal effect on abatement and a qualitative effect on the adoption decision that may induce a conflict between private and public interests. As a result of the combination of these two effects it can be optimal for the government to distort the tax in a specific way in order to push the firm to choose the socially optimal EMS. The introduction of standardized systems can result in win-win situations where firms, society and the environment get better off.


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A presente investigação teve como objetivo analisar o carácter subsidiário e complementar dos serviços de segurança privada, face à atividade desenvolvida pelas forças e serviços de segurança. Centrada nos espetáculos desportivos, procurou mostrar de que forma se materializa a complementaridade e subsidiariedade entre serviços de segurança privada e as forças e serviços de segurança. Através de uma estratégia de investigação qualitativa, concretizada a partir de uma pesquisa documental e um inquérito por entrevista semiestruturada, cujos dados foram alvo de análise de conteúdo, pretendeu-se recolher informação que permita à GNR melhorar a sua atuação na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos. No âmbito da segurança interna, a segurança privada assume um papel fundamental no garante da segurança, a par das atividades desenvolvidas pelas forças e serviços de segurança. Nos espetáculos desportivos, esta relação simbiótica é evidente, sendo um claro exemplo de uma abordagem integrada a este direito fundamental. Conclui-se que a relação, prevista legalmente como complementar e subsidiária, entre serviços de segurança privada e forças e serviços de segurança, se materializa pela adoção e normalização de diversos mecanismos de coordenação e articulação, mas principalmente pela partilha de um fim último comum: a segurança de todos os cidadãos. Abstract: Inserted in the CEMC 2015-16, this work aims to analyze the alternative and complementary nature of private security services, due to the activity carried out by Police Forces. Focusing on sports events, this research sought to show how materializes complementarity and subsidiarity between private security services and Police forces. Through a qualitative research strategy, implemented from documental research and a survey by semi-structured interviews, whose data were subjected to content analysis, we intended to collect information to the GNR improve their performance in the safety of sports events. In the context of internal security, private agents play a key role in security guarantees, along with the activities carried out by security forces and services. In sports events, this symbiotic relationship is too obvious, being a clear example of an integrated approach to this fundamental right. It was concluded that the relationship provided legally as complementary and subsidiarity between private security companies and security forces and services, materializes the adoption and standardization of various mechanisms for coordination and articulation, but mostly by sharing an end last common: the safety of all citizens.


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This paper analyses the influence of different atmospheric circulation indices on the multi-scalar drought variability across Europe by using the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI). The monthly circulation indices used in this study include the North Atlantic oscillation (NAO), the East Atlantic (EA), the Scandinavian (SCAN) and the East Atlantic-Western Russia (EA-WR) patterns, as well as the recently published Westerly Index (WI), defined as the persistence of westerly winds over the eastern north Atlantic region. The results indicate that European drought variability is better explained by the station-based NAO index and the WI than by any other combination of circulation indices. In northern and central Europe the variability of drought severity for different seasons and time-scales is strongly associated with the WI. On the contrary, the influence of the NAO on southern Europe droughts is stronger than that exerted by the WI. The correlation patterns of the NAO and WI with the SPEI show a spatial complementarity in shaping drought variability across Europe. Lagged correlations of the NAO and WI with the SPEI also indicate enough skill of both indices to anticipate drought severity several months in advance. As long as instrumental series of the NAO and WI are available, their combined use would allow inferring European drought variability for the last two centuries and improve the calibration and interpretation of paleoclimatic proxies associated with drought.


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Dissertação de mest. em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2004


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2015.


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Antecedentes: Sayausí, pese a su urbanización en los últimos 20 años aún mantiene costumbres ancestrales andinas, como el uso de plantas medicinales: recurso preventivo y terapéutico en salud. Objetivo: Conocer el manejo de las plantas medicinales en Sayausí, según los principios de la cosmovisión andina. Materiales y Métodos: Investigación con enfoque cualitativo e intercultural. Estudia el uso de plantas medicinales bajo los postulados de la cosmovisión andina, con los sabios de la comunidad. Fundamento teórico para el análisis de los datos: el diseño narrativo, generando conceptos e interpretaciones a partir de la información obtenida de los sabios. Técnicas utilizadas: entrevistas. Instrumentos: formularios con preguntas abiertas, grabaciones y fotografías. Las entrevistas se redactaron utilizando citas, códigos y memos, procesadas con el programa Atlas ti; las categorías principales agrupadas según taxonomías; la información complementada con tablas y figuras. Resultados: los Yachak explicaron con sus propias palabras y vivencias los cinco principios: relacionalidad, reciprocidad, correspondencia, complementariedad y paridad. En su racionalidad todo funciona como proceso holístico, involucra a todos los componentes del universo. El sanar con montes constituye un verdadero ritual: incluye los principios, las plantas, el cuerpo y el espíritu. En el proceso formativo de los sabios intervienen: aprendizaje, don y necesidad. Las plantas tienen tres funciones principales: sanación, alimentación y elemento sagrado. Las formas para clasificar las plantas fueron: género, forma, color, y estado térmico. La recolección del monte, su preparación y la administración son los tres momentos del proceso de curación


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O presente trabalho de investigação aplicado é subordinado à área de conhecimento de Gestão Estratégica e intitulado “O Hoshin Kanri como Instrumento de Alinhamento Estratégico. Estudo de Caso: Serviços Sociais da Guarda Nacional Republicana”. Apesar de se tratar de um modelo bastante recente, sem exploração académica ou exemplos de aplicação em outras instituições de natureza pública, identificamos de forma prévia o modo como o Hoshin Kanri, quando em complemento do Balanced Scorecard, pode contribuir para potenciar a gestão organizacional e, numa segunda fase, perspetivar a sua aplicação aos Serviços Sociais da Guarda Nacional Republicana. Na investigação que conduzimos, utilizámos o método hipotético-dedutivo e o método inquisitivo, tivemos em conta três fases distintas, embora complementares: exploratória, analítica e conclusiva. Ao longo destas fases, recorreu-se à análise documental, entrevistas, inquéritos por questionários na recolha e análise de informação. Desta forma, verificou-se que as chefias de topo dos Serviços Sociais da Guarda Nacional Republicana vêm uma oportunidade na implementação do Hoshin Kanri, enquanto modelo com grandes potencialidades que permite o desdobramento da estratégia conceptualizada pelo Balanced Scorecard e, consequentemente, um alinhamento mais estreito entre os vários níveis de gestão, privilegiando o acompanhamento e controlo necessário à adoção atempada de medidas corretivas. O estudo realizado permitiu ainda perceber que a sua implementação depende essencialmente da dinâmica interna daquele Serviço e não de condicionantes externas, o que constitui um indicador bastante positivo se considerarmos a sua introdução prioritária. Resulta da simbiose entre o Balanced Scorecard e o Hoshin Kanri a definição da rota estratégica e a sua execução prática, o que permite perspetivar uma melhoria dos resultados alcançados. Desta interação e complementaridade poderá advir a necessidade de ajustamento ou revisão da estratégia organizacional alavancando a performance institucional. Nesse desiderato, construímos e apresentamos um modelo conceptual resultante da aplicação do Balanced Scorecard e do Hoshin Kanri à realidade da Instituição.


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El artículo propone una aproximación epistemológica pluralista a la investigación de las relaciones entre comunicación y cambio social. A tal fin, se parte de la propuesta de fusión epistemológica realizada por Johan Galtung para los Estudios para la Paz, tomando en cuenta, además, las particularidades del fenómeno de la comunicación. Según Galtung, la combinación del cartesianismo, del verum-factum (Vico) y del taoísmo permitiría contrarrestar los riesgos del monismo epistemológico y superar sus limitaciones. En este mismo sentido, el artículo plantea ampliar cada una de estas epistemologías en un nivel más general y abarcador (ciencia, humanidades, ecologismo holista-dialéctico), y describir su recorrido histórico para identificar las posibilidades de complementariedad y su valor para el estudio de la comunicación y el cambio.


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To know how marketing variables affect customer value is essential for a company in order to be market and customer oriented, and to improve investment efficiency in both attracting and retaining customers. Thus, the assessment of the influence of marketing variables in customer value is of prime importance. This is recognized in many empirical studies of these variables, which address the impact of a single variable (or sets of a few variables) on customer value. A comprehensive, integrated assessment of all marketing variables and their interdependencies is an arduous and complex task for researchers and marketing managers. This research proposes a theoretical model of customer value that takes into account all significant marketing variables that have been partially addressed in empirical investigations of other researchers. These marketing variables include brand and reputation, point of sale, employees, price, termination fee commitment, discounts, complementarity of products, experiences, emotions, perceived value, quality, satisfaction, switching costs, and loyalty. The model incorporates the relationship between each variable with retention and with customer value as well as the relationships between them. A special focus is placed on the empirical analysis of the termination fee commitment and its relationship with customer value. This variable is widely used in the telecommunication’s industry for its influence on customer retention from the moment of purchase. However, there is strikingly little research in this topic. A large customer database of a telecommunications company containing five years information about 63.165 customers is used for this purpose. Multivariate linear regression and ANOVA method are applied...


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This article aims to reflect on the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the educational context, focusing on the potential contributions of the use of Digital Educational Resources (RED) in the process of teaching and learning. For this purpose, the results of the use of the RED will be presented:. Digital Classroom - The World's 1st Year Carochinha The study was accomplished in a class of the 1st grade of the 1st CEB, composed of 27 students, aged 6-7 years in Castelo Branco City Schools Group within the Supervised Teaching Practice. The results obtained after the analysis and processing of the data showed that when using this RED students show they have acquired the content covered by the fact that they enhanced levels of greater interest, commitment, motivation, commitment and initiative in the course of activities proposals. But, perhaps because they are students of 1st year of the 1st CEB, do not neglect the presence and monitoring of the teacher and the use of paper-based resources. This means that there should be a complementarity that reconciles the human factor (teacher), with the use of digital media resources and paper support resources (Manual).


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In spite of increasing globalization around the world, the effects of international trade on economic growth are not very clear. I consider an endogenous economic growth model in an open economy with the Home Market Effect (HME) and non-homothetic preferences in order to identify some determinants of the different results in this relationship. The model shows how trade between similar countries leads to convergence in economic growth when knowledge spillovers are present, while trade between very asymmetric countries produces divergence and may become trade in a poverty or growth trap. The results for welfare move in the same direction as economic growth since convergence implies increases in welfare for both countries, while divergence leads to increases in welfare for the largest country and the opposite for its commercial partner in the absence of knowledge spillovers. International trade does not implicate greater welfare as is usual in a static context under CES preferences.


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Este estudo procura caracterizar a relação entre Escola e Família na perspectiva de alunos futuros Educadores de Infância e Professores do Ensino Básico do 1º ciclo, no contexto do seu estágio final de quarto ano. Partindo do pressuposto que as concepções dos alunos não se formulam num vazio, procura-se compreender as concepções teóricas e práticas acerca da relação entre Escola e Família destes alunos, no contexto da formação que os enquadra e igualmente no contexto das escolas onde realizam o seu estágio final. Realizámos um estudo de caso em duas Instituições de Ensino Superior, a Escola Superior de Educação de Beja e a Universidade de Évora, nomeadamente a quatro turmas de quarto ano das duas licenciaturas já referidas. Como instrumentos de recolha de dados fizemos uma análise das disciplinas do plano de estudos de cada licenciatura, assim como fizemos também uma análise dos instrumentos de planificação e avaliação que estes estabelecimentos de ensino utilizam, e ainda aplicámos aos alunos um inquérito por questionário. Os resultados que obtivemos mostram que os alunos dão importância à relação de complementaridade e de relação entre Escola e Família, não considerando assim a separação entre estes dois agentes educativos. Como tal, estes alunos consideraram que os professores e educadores devem ter em consideração o envolvimento das Famílias nas suas planificações de actividades e assumir os pais como agentes educativos activos. Estes dados só fazem sentido, uma vez que quer a Escola Superior de Educação de Beja, quer a Universidade de Évora, parecem fornecer aos seus alunos, formação para que estes estejam sensibilizados para a promoção da relação entre Escola e Família, através de vários propósitos que exigem aos seus alunos. Contudo salientamos uma formação inicial mais abrangente e exigente na Universidade de Évora. Ainda assim, é um facto que estes alunos encontraram factores que dificultaram o estabelecimento da relação entre Escola e Família ao longo dos seus estágios finais, no entanto, conseguiram estabelecer estratégias de modo a ultrapassá-las, estratégias estas, na sua maioria inseridas nos tipo 2 e 3 da tipologia de Joyce Epstein, assim como estratégias ligadas à comunicação e promoção da participação conjunta em actividades realizadas tanto dentro como fora da sala e/ou Instituição. ABSTRACT: This study characterizes the school-family relationships from the point of view of pre­school and primary student-teachers in their final year of initial training. Assuming that the student’s conceptions are not build in an empty context, we seek to understand the theoretical and practical concepts about the school-family relationships of these students, in the context of their experience at the University and at the schools where they undergo their final practicum. This is a case-study of two higher education institutions: Escola Superior de Educação de Beja and Universidade de Évora, and two courses in each institution: Pre-school Education and Primary School Teaching; the students belong to the four final years of these courses. Data included documentary analysis of the courses plans and the planning and evaluation instruments used within each course and a questionnaire to all students of each course. Results point out to an understanding of school-family relationships characterized by complementarity and reciprocity, rejecting a view of separation between school and family. These students considered important that teachers include in their plans opportunities to involve families and that they consider families as active educational agents. These results seem to be associated with the higher education institutions programs which encourage and require students to adopt such approach. The results seem to suggest that the teachers' training at the Universidade de Évora is slightly broader and more demanding. Despite these students having found some resistances and difficulties during their practicum in relation to implementing school and family links, they were also able to implement some strategies to overcome these difficulties. The strategies students used were mainly within Joyce Epstein's type tow and tree; strategies were mainly directed to promote communication and joint participation in activities inside as well as outside the classroom and the school.


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As espécies invasoras são uma das principais ameaças à biodiversidade causando impactes ecológicos, económicos e nos serviços dos ecossistemas. O conhecimento conjunto da dinâmica das séries de vegetação e da ecologia das plantas invasoras é uma ferramenta útil na recuperação ecológica de áreas invadidas e na prevenção de invasões. Este trabalho tem como objectivo principal averiguar a relação entre a distribuição das plantas invasoras e as comunidades vegetais terrestres do Sul de Portugal. Para tal, fez-se corresponder a distribuição de nove plantas invasoras selecionadas com as séries de vegetação e territórios biogeográficos, em 60 quadrículas com 1 Km2. A Província Lusitana-Andaluza Costeira revelou-se a mais invadida, com predomínio de Acacia dealbata, Acacia longifolia e Opuntia maxima no potencial climatófilo de sobreiral psamófilo; A. longifolia dominou no potencial edafoxerófilo de zimbral de Juniperus turbinata e A. dealbata e Arundo donax no potencial edafo-higrófilo de freixial. Com base nos resultados, estabeleceram-se áreas prioritárias para intervenção; INVASIVE PLANTS IN SOUTHERN PORTUGAL A BIOGEOGRAPHICAL APPROACH Abstract: Invasive species are one of the main threats to biodiversity worldwide and are responsible for negative impacts at ecological, economic and ecosystem services level. Complementarity between vegetation series dynamics and invasive plants ecology knowledge is essential to address ecological restoration and to prevent invasions. The main goal of this work is to investigate the relationship between invasive plants distribution and terrestrial plant communities of Southern Portugal. Fieldwork was conducted in 60 1 Km2 sampling plots and a correspondence was made between nine selected invasive plants and the vegetation series and the biogegraphic units The Andalusian-Lusitanian Coastal province was the most invaded biogeographic unit and revealed the dominance of Acacia dealbata, Acacia longifolia and Opuntia maxima in the cork oak psammophilous series; A. longifolia dominated in the maritime turbinate juniper edapho-xerophilous series and A. dealbata and Arundo donax in the ash edaphohygrophilous groves potential. Based on the results, priority areas for intervention were defined.


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The present study locates the challenges faced by defendants during cooperation proceedings in the context of the unique structural system of the Court, and the inherent tensions and limitations that characterize the ICC’s functioning. The study is divided into two parts. The first part sets out the institutional and jurisdictional context in which cooperation plays out at the ICC. Chapter 2 addresses the ICC dependence on cooperation from an institutional, a political and a normative dimension, showing that compliance with requests for cooperation is ultimately tied to State political willingness and international political pressure; Chapter 3 delves into the connection between cooperation and the complementary jurisdiction of the Court, criticising the ‘positive approach’ to complementarity endorsed by the Prosecutor in order to enhance states cooperation. The second part of the study addresses the impact that cooperation occurring in the above-explained context has on the right to liberty of defendants and on equality of arms. Chapter 4 and 5 analyse the ICC’s law protecting the selected rights, as well as the practice regarding allegations of violations of these rights brought forward by some defendants. It concludes that, so far, the organs of the Court (i.e., the Prosecutor and the judges) have failed to engage with the structural tensions and limitations of the Court with a view of protecting the rights of suspects and accused.