841 resultados para Child Language Brokering,School Language Brokering,peer-teaching,integrazione,mediazione
Early epilepsy is known to worsen the developmental prognosis of young children with a congenital focal brain lesion, but its direct role is often very difficult to delineate from the other variables. This requires prolonged periods of follow-up with simultaneous serial electrophysiological and developmental assessments which are rarely obtained. We studied a male infant with a right prenatal infarct in the territory of the right middle cerebral artery resulting in a left spastic hemiparesis, and an epileptic disorder (infantile spasms with transient right hemihypsarrhythmia and focal seizures) from the age of 7 months until the age of 4 years. Pregnancy and delivery were normal. A dissociated delay of early language acquisition affecting mainly comprehension without any autistic features was documented. This delay was much more severe than usually expected in children with early focal lesions, and its evolution, with catch-up to normal, was correlated with the active phase of the epilepsy. We postulate that the epilepsy specifically amplified a pattern of delayed language emergence, mainly affecting lexical comprehension, reported in children with early right hemisphere damage.
A 7-year-old right-handed girl developed partial complex seizures with a left-sided onset. A brief period of post-ictal aphasia of the conduction type was documented before seizure control and complete normalization of oral language were obtained. We also found that she had a history of previous unexplained difficulty with written language acquisition that had occurred prior to the clinically recognized epilepsy and a subsequent loss of this ability. This rapidly improved with control of the epilepsy. The evolution of written language were been followed for 3 years, and continued improvement has occurred with fluctuations related to her epilepsy. This observation adds support to the growing body of data indicating that specific cognitive disturbances can be due to epilepsy in young children. It shows the vulnerability of skills which are in a period of active development, and the possibility that oral/written language can be differentially involved by cerebral dysfunction in the young child.
Immigration, intégration, précarité, échec scolaire, ignorance du français, délinquance sont des thèmes qui animent régulièrement les débats publics, médiatiques et politiques. Bien que les migrations ont toujours fait partie de l'histoire humaine, elles sont souvent décrites comme un trouble aux identités nationales, elles-mêmes mises à mal par la mondialisation. Cependant, les mécanismes sous-tendant les difficultés rencontrées par certains enfants de migrants demeurent bien moins débattus et considérés que leurs conséquences bruyantes et visibles. Après une réflexion sur l'impact de la migration elle-même sur le sujet et un bref aperçu de l'ethnopsychiatrie, nous allons décrire les difficultés que peut rencontrer l'enfant de migrants, leurs origines et leurs conséquences. Nous nous intéresserons ensuite à la manière dont notre société, nos institutions en tiennent compte ou pas. Nous terminerons notre propos par la mise en relief des besoins thérapeutiques et éducatifs spéciaux de ces enfants et la manière dont ceux-ci sont comblés (ou non). Immigration, social integration, precariousness, language barrier, delinquency are constantly stimulating public, political and media debate. Migrations always were part of the human history but they are often described like a disorder of the national identities, themselves put at evil by globalization. However, the origin of the difficulties that certain children of migrants encounter is often overlooked. Only their disturbing implications are frequently studied. After a brief comment on the impact of the migration and the ethnopsychiatry, we will outline the difficulties sometimes faced by the children of migrants, their origins and consequences. Then we will describe how the society and the institutions take them in account (or not). We finally will delineate the specific needs of those children and how they are meeting (or not).
This thesis is about the educational purpose of foreign language teaching (FLT) in an increasingly internationalised world.The past 20-30 years have witnessed a fundamental rethinking of the aims of FLT, entailing a shift in emphasis from linguistic competence over communicative competence to intercultural competence. The growing emphasis on cultural issues, called for by research and international curricular documents, places new demandson language teachers. The overall aim of this study is to deepen the knowledge about the attitudes of teachers at the upper level of the Finland-Swedish comprehensive school towards the treatment of culture in English foreign language (EFL) teaching. The questions in focus are: 1) How do teachers interpret the concept"culture" in EFL-teaching?, 2) How do they specify the cultural objectives of their teaching? and 3) What do they do to attain these objectives? The thesis strives to reveal whether or not language teaching today can be describedas intercultural, in the sense that culture is taught with the aim of promotingintercultural understanding, tolerance and empathy. This abductive and largely exploratory study is placed within a constructivist and sociocultural framework,and is inspired by both phenomenography and hermeneutics. It takes its starting-point in language didactics, and can also be regarded as a contribution to teacher cognition research. The empirical data consists of verbatim transcribed interviews with 13 Finland-Swedish teachers of English at grades 7-9. The findings are presented according to three orientations and reviewed with reference to the 2004 Finnish National Framework Curriculum. Within the cognitive orientation, "culture" is perceived as factual knowledge, and the teaching of cultureis defined in terms of the transmission of knowledge, especially about Britain and the USA (Pedagogy of Information). Within the action-related orientation, "culture" is seen as skills of a social and socio-linguistic nature, andthe teaching aims at preparing the students for contacts with people from the target language areas (Pedagogy of Preparation). Within the affective orientation, which takes a more holistic approach, "culture" is seen as a bi-directional perspective. Students are encouraged to look at their own familiar culture from another perspective, and learn to empathise with and show respect for otherness in general, not just concerning representatives of English-speaking countries (Pedagogy of Encounter). Very few of the interviewed teachers represent the third approach, which is the one that can be characterised as truly intercultural. The study indicates that many teachers feel unsure about how to teach culture in an appropriate and up-to-date manner. This is attributed to, among other things, lack of teacher insights as well as lack of time and adequate material. The thesis ends with a set of recommendations as to how EFL could be developed ina more intercultural direction.
Individual learner, peer group and teacher roles in fostering autonomous language-learning behaviour
Julkaisumaa: Bulgaria
This action research observes a second year Japanese class at a university where foreign language courses are elective for undergraduate students. In this study, using the six strategies to teach Japanese speech acts that Ishihara and Cohen (2006) suggested, I conducted three classes and analyzed my teaching practice with a critical friend. These strategies assist learners toward the development of their understanding of the following Japanese speech acts and also keep the learners to use them in a manner appropriate to the context: (I) invitation and refusal; (2) compliments; and (3) asking for a permission. The aim of this research is not only to improve my instruction in relation to second language (L2) pragmatic development, but also to raise further questions and to develop future research. The findings are analyzed and the data derived from my journals, artifacts, students' work, observation sheets, interviews with my critical friend, and pretests and posttests are coded and presented. The analysis shows that (I) after my critical friend encouraged my study and my students gave me some positive comments after each lesson, I gained confidence in teaching the suggested speech acts; (2) teaching involved explaining concepts and strategies, creating the visual material (a video) showing the strategies, and explaining the relationship between the strategy and grammatical forms and samples of misusing the forms; (3) students' background and learning styles influenced lessons; and (4) pretest and posttests showed that the students' Icvel of their L2 appropriate pragmatics dramatically improved after each instruction. However, after careful observation, it was noted that some factors prevented students from producing the correct output even though they understood the speech act differences.
Research points clearly to the need for all concerned stakeholders to adopt a preventative approach while intervening with children who are at-risk for future reading disabilities. Research has indicated also that a particular sub-group of children at-risk for reading impairments include preschool children with language impairments (Catts, 1993). Preschool children with language impairments may have difficulties with emergent literacy skills - important prerequisite skills necessary for successful formal reading. Only in the past decade have researchers begun to study the effects of emergent literacy intervention on preschool children with language impairments. As such, the current study continues this investigation of how to effectively implement an emergent literacy therapy aimed at supporting preschool children with language impairments. In addition to this, the current study explores emergent literacy intervention within an applied clinical setting. The setting, presents a host of methodological and theoretical challenges - challenges that will advance the field of understanding children within naturalistic settings. This exploratory study included thirty-eight participants who were recruited from Speech Services Niagara, a local preschool speech and language program. Using a between-group pre- and posttest design, this study compared two intervention approaches - an experimental emergent literacy intervention and a traditional language intervention. The experimental intervention was adopted from Read It Again! (Justice, McGinty, Beckman, & Kilday, 2006) and the traditional language intervention was based on the traditional models of language therapy typically used in preschool speech and language models across Ontario. 5 Results indicated that the emergent literacy intervention was superior to the ,t..3>~, ~\., ;./h traditional language therapy in improving the children's alphabet knowledge, print and word awareness and phonological awareness. Moreover, results revealed that children with more severe language impairments require greater support and more explicit instruction than children with moderate language impairments. Another important finding indicated that the effects of the preschool emergent literacy intervention used in this study may not be sustainable as children enter grade one. The implications of this study point to the need to support preschool children with language impairments with intensive emergent literacy intervention that extends beyond preschool into formal educational settings.
This paper provides recent evidence about the beneÖts of attending preschool on future performance. A non-parametric matching procedure is used over two outcomes: math and verbal scores at a national mandatory test (Saber11) in Colombia. It is found that students who had the chance of attending preschool obtain higher scores in math (6.7%) and verbal (5.4%) than those who did not. A considerable fraction of these gaps comes from the upper quintiles of studentís performance, suggesting that preschool matters when is done at high quality institutions. When we include the number of years at the preschool, the gap rises up to 12% in verbal and 17% in math.
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Resumen basado en el de la publicación. Resumen en español
El artículo revisar diferentes propuestas de investigación y teóricas sobre el aprendizaje y enseñanza de la segunda lengua.
Este libro intenta ofrecer una panorámica diferente de la enseñanza de idiomas y llenar el vacío con el que con mucha frecuencia se encuentran los opositores al cuerpo de Enseñanza de Escuelas Oficiales de Idiomas y de Secundaria cuando deciden buscar información sobre un amplio temario. Esta obra combina una base teórica, que cubre aspectos sobre las teorías del lenguaje y de la enseñanza, con un diseño curricular práctico. La primera parte consta de cuatro bloques: 1) El proceso de comunicación, funciones del lenguaje y comunicación oral y escrita. 2) Competencia comunicativa y enseñanza comunicativa del inglés. 3) Teorías sobre el aprendizaje y la adquisición de un idioma extranjero, el concepto de interlenguaje y el tratamiento de error. 4) Evolución de la enseñanza de idiomas. La segunda parte trata del diseño curricular: los objetivos principales que se persiguen en la enseñanza de un idioma, los contenidos, la metodología a seguir con los estudiantes y criterios de evaluación. Es un tratado basado en la propia experiencia personal de la autora como profesora de inglés.