998 resultados para Area Optimization
Mestrado em Engenharia Química - Ramo Optimização Energética na Indústria Química
The increasing integration of wind energy in power systems can be responsible for the occurrence of over-generation, especially during the off-peak periods. This paper presents a dedicated methodology to identify and quantify the occurrence of this over-generation and to evaluate some of the solutions that can be adopted to mitigate this problem. The methodology is applied to the Portuguese power system, in which the wind energy is expected to represent more than 25% of the installed capacity in a near future. The results show that the pumped-hydro units will not provide enough energy storage capacity and, therefore, wind curtailments are expected to occur in the Portuguese system. Additional energy storage devices can be implemented to offset the wind energy curtailments. However, the investment analysis performed show that they are not economically viable, due to the present high capital costs involved.
As it is well known, competitive electricity markets require new computing tools for power companies that operate in retail markets in order to enhance the management of its energy resources. During the last years there has been an increase of the renewable penetration into the micro-generation which begins to co-exist with the other existing power generation, giving rise to a new type of consumers. This paper develops a methodology to be applied to the management of the all the aggregators. The aggregator establishes bilateral contracts with its clients where the energy purchased and selling conditions are negotiated not only in terms of prices but also for other conditions that allow more flexibility in the way generation and consumption is addressed. The aggregator agent needs a tool to support the decision making in order to compose and select its customers' portfolio in an optimal way, for a given level of profitability and risk.
A population-based clinical epidemiologic study on schistosomiasis mansoni was carried out in Tuparecê, Minas Gerais. The patients were interviewed for symptoms, water contact, past history and examined for spleen and liver enlargement. From the 830 people registered in the census, 777 (93.6%) had their stools examined (Kato-Katz method) and 696 (83.9%) were clinically evaluated. The overall index of Schistosoma mansoni infection was 43.2%. Significant and increased infection risks could be detected in the young age group (2-14 years old) regarding occupation, time of residence in the area and frequency of water contact. Bloody stools were significantly more prevalent among positives, while diarrhea was significantly more prevalent among those negative. The area was shown to have a low morbidity as well as a low intensity of infection measured by the number of S. mansoni eggs per gram of feces. A close correlation was found between water contact pattern and the age prevalence curve. It has emphasized the importance of habits in determining prevalence rates, besides suggesting that schistosomiasis mansoni in the area is manifested as a light and somewhat harmless infection with little consequence for the population as a whole.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica. A presente dissertação foi desenvolvida no Erasmus Medical Center em Roterdão, Holanda
This paper presents an optimization approach for the job shop scheduling problem (JSSP). The JSSP is a difficult problem in combinatorial optimization for which extensive investigation has been devoted to the development of efficient algorithms. The proposed approach is based on a genetic algorithm technique. The scheduling rules such as SPT and MWKR are integrated into the process of genetic evolution. The chromosome representation of the problem is based on random keys. The schedules are constructed using a priority rule in which the priorities and delay times of the operations are defined by the genetic algorithm. Schedules are constructed using a procedure that generates parameterized active schedules. After a schedule is obtained a local search heuristic is applied to improve the solution. The approach is tested on a set of standard instances taken from the literature and compared with other approaches. The computation results validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Two cross-sectional studies on schistosomiasis mansoni were done in Comercinho, Minas Gerais (Brazil), at an interval of 7 years. In 1974 and 1981 feces examinations (KATO-KATZ method) were done in 89 and 90% of the population (about 1,500 inhabitants) and clinical examinations were done in 78 and 92% of the patients who excreted Schistosoma mansoni eggs in the feces, respectively. The rate of infection by S. mansoni did not change (69.9% in 1974 and 70.4% in 1981), but the geometrical mean of eggs per gram of feces (431 ± 4 and 334 ± 4, respectively) and the rate of splenomegaly (11 and 7%, respectively) decreased significantly in 1981, when compared to 1974. This reduction was observed only in the central zones of the town (zones 1-2) where the rate of dwellings with piped water increased from 17 to 44%. In the surroundings (zones 3-4), where the proportion of houses with piped water did not change significantly between 1974 (10%) and 1981 (7%), the geometrical mean of S. mansoni eggs and the rate of splenomegaly did not change either.
Trypanosoma cruzi prevalence rates of human, dog and cat populations from 47 households of 3 rural localities of the phytogeographical Chaqueña area of Argentina were determined both by serological and xenodiagnostic procedures. Human prevalence rates were uniform and ranged from 49.6 to 58.7%. Overall prevalence rate in dogs (75.0%) was significantly higher than in humans (51.0%). The overall proportion of parasitemic individuals assessed by xenodiagnosis was significantly higher in either dog (64.2%) or cat (63.6%) populations than among humans (12.5%). Although both the average number of resident as well as infected individuals per household was higher for people than for dogs (6.5 vs. 3.3, and 3.4 vs. 2.4, respectively), the reverse was recorded when parasitemic individuals were considered (1.0 vs. 2.1). Results are discussed in relation to dog between dogs and people, and dogs and bugs. In the light of present data, dogs must be considered as the major donors of parasites to vector bugs and thus, principal contributors to transmission in this region of Argentina.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
The trajectory planning of redundant robots is an important area of research and efficient optimization algorithms are needed. This paper presents a new technique that combines the closed-loop pseudoinverse method with genetic algorithms. The results are compared with a genetic algorithm that adopts the direct kinematics. In both cases the trajectory planning is formulated as an optimization problem with constraints.
The concept of differentiation and integration to non-integer order has its origins in the seventeen century. However, only in the second-half of the twenty century appeared the first applications related to the area of control theory. In this paper we consider the study of a heat diffusion system based on the application of the fractional calculus concepts. In this perspective, several control methodologies are investigated and compared. Simulations are presented assessing the performance of the proposed fractional-order algorithms.
A new cross-sectional survey of household- associated mongrel dogs as well as follow-up of previously parasitemic individuals was carried out in 1984 toy means of xenodiagnosis and serologic techniques to get a deeper insight into the relationship of T. cruzi parasitemia and age among canine hosts in a rural area of Argentina. Persistence of detectable parasitemia was age-independent, or at most, loosely related to age, confirming the pattern observed in 1982. Similarly no significant age-decreasing effect was recorded among seropositive dogs in: a) the probability of detecting parasites in a 2-year follow-up; b) their intensity of infectiousness (=infective force) for T. infestans 3rd-4th instar nymphs, as measured by the percentage of infected bugs observed in each dog xenodiagnosis. Moreover, not only was the infective force of seropositive dogs for bugs approximately constant through lifetime, but it was significantly higher than the one recorded for children in the present survey, and for human people by other researchers. Therefore, and since T. infestans field populations show high feeding frequencies on dogs, the latter are expected to make the greatest contribution to the pool of infected vectors in the rural household of Argentina. This characteristic should be sufficient to involve canine reservoirs definitely as a risk factor for human people residing in the same house. The increased severity of parasitemia observed among dogs in this survey may be related to the acute undernutrition characteristic of canine populations of poor rural areas in our country, which is expected to affect the ability of the host to manage the infection.
Portugal, as well as the Mediterranean basin, is favorable to the occurrence of forest fires. In this work a statistical analysis was carried out based on the official information, considering the forest fires occurrences and the corresponding burned area for each of the districts of the mainland Portugal, between 1996 and 2010. Concerning to the forest fires occurrence it was possible to identify three main regions in mainland Portugal, while the burned area can be characterized in two main regions. Associations between districts and years are different in the two approaches. The results obtained provide a synthetic analysis of the phenomenon of forest fires in continental Portugal, based on all the official information available to date.
Numa Estação de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR), a otimização do processo de Digestão Anaeróbia (DA) é fundamental para o aumento da produção de biogás, que por sua vez é convertido em energia, essencial para a rentabilidade de exploração de ETAR. No entanto, a complexidade do processo de Digestão Anaeróbia das lamas constitui um obstáculo à sua otimização. Com este trabalho pretende-se efetuar a análise e tratamento de dados de Digestão Anaeróbia, com recurso a Redes Neuronais Artificiais (RNA), contribuindo, desta forma, para a compreensão do processo e do impacto de algumas variáveis na produção de biogás. As Redes Neuronais Artificiais são modelos matemáticos computacionais inspirados no funcionamento do cérebro humano, com capacidade para entender relações complexas num determinado conjunto de dados, motivo por que se optou pela sua utilização na procura de soluções que permitem predizer o comportamento de uma DA. Para o desenvolvimento das RNA utilizou-se o programa NeuralToolsTM da PalisadeTM. Como caso de estudo, a metodologia foi aplicada ao Digestor A da ETAR Sul da SIMRIA, empresa onde teve lugar o estágio curricular que originou o presente trabalho. Nesse contexto, utilizaram-se dados com informação referente aos últimos dois anos de funcionamento do digestor, disponíveis na empresa. Apesar de se terem verificado certas limitações, na predição em alguns casos particulares, de um modo geral, considera-se que os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que as redes neuronais modeladas apresentam boa capacidade de generalização na imitação do processo anaeróbio. Conclui-se, portanto, que o estudo realizado pode constituir um contributo com interesse para a otimização da produção do biogás na DA de ETAR Sul da SIMRIA e que a utilização de RNA poderá ser uma ferramenta a explorar, quer nessa área, quer noutras áreas de gestão de sistemas de saneamento básico.
The interrelation between schistosomiasis and the retinol blood levels was studied in a double blind method, by comparing the serum vitamin A of the infected and non-infected group of an endemic area of Schistosoma mansoni infection. The infected group was characterized by 106 parasitized persons in the intestinal and hepatointestinal forms, who eliminated less than 500 eggs/gram of feces (Modified Kato's method); the non-infected group was characterized by 112 inhabitants of this endemic area without eggs in the stools and presenting negative intradermal reactions, and absence of previous specific treatment. The blood levels of retinol was determinated using trifluoracetic acid method, regarding the normal levels > 20,0mg/100ml. The results of this study point out the absence of correlation between S. mansoni infection and blood levels of vitamin A.