489 resultados para 1459


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This research investigated the career-plateau patterns of general managers (GMs) in mid-scale hotels. In regard to plateau categories, by far the largest number of GMs reported that they were in the productively plateaued category. The hotel industry can use this research to view the career satisfaction and productivity of GMs in light of the plateau pattern into which they are classified.


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Vol. 24, Issue 9, 12 pages


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The Tara Oceans Expedition (2009-2013) sampled the world oceans on board a 36 m long schooner, collecting environmental data and organisms from viruses to planktonic metazoans for later analyses using modern sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies. Tara Oceans Data are particularly suited to study the genetic, morphological and functional diversity of plankton. The present data set includes properties of seawater, particulate matter and dissolved matter from physical, optical and imaging sensors mounted on a vertical sampling system (Rosette) used during the 2009-2013 tara Oceans Expedition. It comprised 2 pairs of conductivity and temperature sensors (SEABIRD components), and a complete set of WEtLabs optical sensors, including chrorophyll and CDOM fluorometers, a 25 cm transmissiometer, and a one-wavelength backscatter meter. In addition, a SATLANTIC ISUS nitrate sensor and a Hydroptic Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP) were mounted on the rosette. In the Arctic Ocean and Arctic Seas (2013), a second oxygen sensor (SBE43) and a four frequency Aquascat acoustic profiler were added. The system was powered on specific Li-Ion batteries and data were self-recorded at 24HZ. Sensors have all been factory calibrated before, during and after the four year program. Oxygen was validated using climatologies (WOA09). Nitrate and Fluorescence data were adjusted with discrete measurements from Niskin bottles mounted on the Rosette, and optical darks were performed monthly on board. A total of 839 quality checked vertical profiles were made during the tara Oceans expedition 2009-2013.


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The goal of the power monitoring in electrical power systems is to promote the reliablility as well as the quality of electrical power.Therefore, this dissertation proposes a new theory of power based on wavelet transform for real-time estimation of RMS voltages and currents, and some power amounts, such as active power, reactive power, apparent power, and power factor. The appropriate estimation the of RMS and power values is important for many applications, such as: design and analysis of power systems, compensation devices for improving power quality, and instruments for energy measuring. Simulation and experimental results obtained through the proposed MaximalOverlap Discrete Wavelet Transform-based method were compared with the IEEE Standard 1459-2010 and the commercial oscilloscope, respectively, presenting equivalent results. The proposed method presented good performance for compact mother wavelet, which is in accordance with real-time applications.


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This synthesis dataset contains records of freshwater peat and lake sediments from continental shelves and coastal areas. Information included is site location (when available), thickness and description of terrestrial sediments as well as underlying and overlying sediments, dates (when available), and references.


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Various techniques and devices have been developed for the purpose of detecting wildlife but many only provide optimum results in particular habitats, for certain species or under ideal weather conditions. It is therefore advantageous to understand the efficiency and suitability of techniques under different scenarios. The effectiveness of methods for detecting rural Irish hedgehogs was investigated as part of a larger study in April 2008. Road kill sightings and questionnaires were employed to locate possible hedgehog sites. Six sites were subsequently selected, and in these areas trapping, spotlighting and foot print tunnels were employed to investigate whether hedgehogs were indeed in the surrounding landscape. Infrared thermal imagery was examined as a detection device. Trapping and infrared imagery failed to detect hedgehogs in areas where they had previously been recorded. Footprint tunnels proved to be unsuccessful in providing absolute proof of hedgehogs in an area. No single method of detection technique could be relied upon to conclude the presence of hedgehogs in an area. A combination of methods is therefore recommended. However, spotlighting was the most effective method, taking a mean of 4 nights to detect a hedgehog, in comparison to 48 nights if footprint tunnels were used as a sole method of detection. This was also suggested by rarefaction curves of these two detection techniques, where over a 48 night period hedgehogs were expected to be recorded 27 times through spotlighting and just 5 times in an equivalent period of footprint tunnel nights.


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Mercury concentrations ([Hg]) in Arctic food fish often exceed guidelines for human subsistence consumption. Previous research on two food fish species, Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), indicates that anadromous fish have lower [Hg] than nonanadromous fish, but there have been no intraregional comparisons. Also, no comparisons of [Hg] among anadromous (sea-run), resident (marine access but do not migrate), and landlocked (no marine access) life history types of Arctic char and lake trout have been published. Using intraregional data from 10 lakes in the West Kitikmeot area of Nunavut, Canada, we found that [Hg] varied significantly among species and life history types. Differences among species-life history types were best explained by age-at-size and C:N ratios (indicator of lipid); [Hg] was significantly and negatively related to both. At a standardized fork length of 500 mm, lake trout had significantly higher [Hg] (mean 0.17 µg/g wet wt) than Arctic char (0.09 µg/g). Anadromous and resident Arctic char had significantly lower [Hg] (each 0.04 µg/g) than landlocked Arctic char (0.19 µg/g). Anadromous lake trout had significantly lower [Hg] (0.12 µg/g) than resident lake trout (0.18 µg/g), but no significant difference in [Hg] was seen between landlocked lake trout (0.21 µg/g) and other life history types. Our results are relevant to human health assessments and consumption guidance and will inform models of Hg accumulation in Arctic fish.


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Uno de los elementos críticos del urbanismo castellano en la Edad Media era el acceso a recursos hídricos que pudieran servir para el abastecimiento humano. En función del clima, la orografía, y las infraestructuras heredadas de épocas anteriores, cada ciudad y villa del reino trató de buscar la mejor manera de asegurar el suministro de agua para sus vecinos. A lo largo de este trabajo se analiza la forma en la que el concejo de Guadalajara, así como los principales poderes religiosos y nobiliarios de la ciudad, fueron trazando la red de abastecimiento urbano durante la Baja Edad Media, a partir de las fuentes del paraje conocido como El Sotillo, y cómo realizaron la explotación económica del cauce del río Henares en las cercanías del municipio. El agua, bien escaso en la Alcarria, fue durante los siglos bajomedievales un elemento de gran importancia económica y símbolo de prestigio social, que despertó el interés de todos los grupos de la sociedad arriacense.


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Surface flow types (SFT) are advocated as ecologically relevant hydraulic units, often mapped visually from the bankside to characterise rapidly the physical habitat of rivers. SFT mapping is simple, non-invasive and cost-efficient. However, it is also qualitative, subjective and plagued by difficulties in recording accurately the spatial extent of SFT units. Quantitative validation of the underlying physical habitat parameters is often lacking, and does not consistently differentiate between SFTs. Here, we investigate explicitly the accuracy, reliability and statistical separability of traditionally mapped SFTs as indicators of physical habitat, using independent, hydraulic and topographic data collected during three surveys of a c. 50m reach of the River Arrow, Warwickshire, England. We also explore the potential of a novel remote sensing approach, comprising a small unmanned aerial system (sUAS) and Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry (SfM), as an alternative method of physical habitat characterisation. Our key findings indicate that SFT mapping accuracy is highly variable, with overall mapping accuracy not exceeding 74%. Results from analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) tests found that strong differences did not exist between all SFT pairs. This leads us to question the suitability of SFTs for characterising physical habitat for river science and management applications. In contrast, the sUAS-SfM approach provided high resolution, spatially continuous, spatially explicit, quantitative measurements of water depth and point cloud roughness at the microscale (spatial scales ≤1m). Such data are acquired rapidly, inexpensively, and provide new opportunities for examining the heterogeneity of physical habitat over a range of spatial and temporal scales. Whilst continued refinement of the sUAS-SfM approach is required, we propose that this method offers an opportunity to move away from broad, mesoscale classifications of physical habitat (spatial scales 10-100m), and towards continuous, quantitative measurements of the continuum of hydraulic and geomorphic conditions which actually exists at the microscale.


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There is a limited amount of research in the area of missing persons, especially adults. The aim of this research is to expand on the understanding of missing people, by examining adults' behaviours while missing and determining if distinct behavioural themes exist. Based on previous literature it was hypothesised that three behavioural themes will be present; dysfunctional, escape, and unintentional. Thirty-six behaviours were coded from 362 missing person police reports and analysed using smallest space analysis (SSA). This produced a spatial representation of the behaviours, showing three distinct behavioural themes. Seventy percent of the adult missing person reports were classified under one dominant theme, 41% were ‘unintentional’, 18% were ‘dysfunctional’, and 11% were ‘escape’. The relationship between a missing person's dominant behavioural theme and their assigned risk level and demographic characteristics were also analysed. A significant association was found between the age, occupational status, whether they had any mental health issues, and the risk level assigned to the missing person; and their dominant behavioural theme. The findings are the first step in the development of a standardised checklist for a missing person investigation. This has implications on how practitioners prioritise missing adults, and interventions to prevent individuals from going missing. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Este articulo trata de observaciones de migración local matinal de Aratinga holochlora Strenua durante un año, demuestran que están gobernadas principalmente con la hora de salida del sol, estableciéndose un coeficiente de correlación de + 0.89, entre ambos parámetros comparados.


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La actividad literaria y su dimensión más pública a través del espectáculo siempre estuvo muy estrechamente ligada al poder real, especialmente durante la Edad Media. Repasamos aquí aquellos escritores que hicieron su obra bajo los auspicios de la corte catalano-aragonesa a fines del siglo xiv, con los últimos reyes de la dinastía autóctona, y durante el siglo xv, bajo la nueva estirpe de los Trastámara: Bernat Metge, Ausiàs March, Joanot Martorell, Pere Miquel Carbonell, y sobre todo aquellas manifestaciones espectaculares que sirvieron como instrumento de exaltación y propaganda de la monarquía reinante, particularmente el despliegue urbano de Entrada Real y los espectáculos palaciegos de Fiesta de Coronación


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Reproductive variables are provided for batoids regularly taken as by-catch in the east coast otter-trawl fishery on the inner-mid continental shelf off the south-east and central coasts of Queensland, Australia. Total length at maturity (LT50 and 95% c.i.) for the eastern shovelnose ray Aptychotrema rostrata was 639·5 mm (617·6–663·4 mm) for females and 597·3 mm (551·4–648·6 mm) for males. Litter size (n = 9) ranged from nine to 20 (mean ± s.e. = 15·1 ± 1·2). This species exhibited a positive litter size–maternal size relationship. Disc width at maturity (WD50 and 95% c.i.) for the common stingaree Trygonoptera testacea was 162·7 mm (155·8–168·5 mm) for females and 145·9 mm (140·2–150·2 mm) for males. Gravid T. testacea (n = 6) each carried a single egg in the one functional (left) uterus. Disc width at maturity (WD50 and 95% c.i.) for the Kapala stingaree Urolophus kapalensis was 153·7 mm (145·1–160·4 mm) for females and 155·2 mm (149·1–159·1 mm) for males. Gravid U. kapalensis (n = 16) each carried a single egg or embryo in the one functional (left) uterus. A single female yellowback stingaree Urolophus sufflavus carried an embryo in each uterus. A global review of the litter sizes of shovelnose rays (Rhinobatidae) and stingarees (Urolophidae) is provided.