991 resultados para post-consumer


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La mecanización integral de la cosecha se reduce todavía a un número limitado de explotaciones, aunque cada día son más las plantaciones en las que se utilizan vibradores en la cosecha. La utilización de cosechadoras está reservada a explotaciones superiores a las 20 ha y se suele recurrir a vibradores de ramas mientras los árboles no alcanzan la envergadura de adultos. Una correcta cosecha se suelen realizar en dos pasadas y en pocas explotaciones se utilizan productos para la maduración artificial. Prácticamente la mayoría de las nuevas plantaciones de nogal disponen de sistemas de secado y acondicionado de las nueces, los productores son conscientes de la importancia del tratamiento de post-cosecha que, sin duda, marca la calidad final de la producción y con ella el precio de la nuez. En la misma explotación las nueces son peladas, lavadas, secadas y muy habitualmente calibradas y envasadas. Las nueces se secan entre 10-12% bh. en cáscara, y hasta 5-6% bh. en grano, utilizando secadores de aire insuflado por la base, los tradicionales de ‘falso fondo’ son los más habituales.


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Objectiu: Descripció de la metodologia del renograma isotòpic basal/postcaptopril (RIB/P) en pacients portadors de empelt renal amb sospita de malaltia vasculo-renal (MVR). Material i mètodes: Es va realitzar en 44 pacients trasplantats renals un renograma basal i 48 hores després un renograma postcaptopril administrant 25 mg de captopril v.o i realitzant una adquisició 30 minuts després. Resultats: Dels 44 estudis 6 van ser positius, constatant-se MVR per angio-TC i 38 van ser negatius tractats posteriorment amb IECAs o ARAII i no van mostrar alteracions significatives del funcionalisme renal. Conclusions: El RIB/P es una eina útil para determinar MVR en pacients amb empelt renal i hipertensió arterial.


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This Report aims to set out the general facts in relation to paediatric post-mortem practice in Ireland from 1970 to 2000, the way in which information was communicated to parents of deceased children in relation to post-mortemexaminations, and how these practices might be improved upon for the future Read the Report  


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Vaginal delivery can cause lesions of the various pelvic structures responsible for the mechanisms of continence. These lesions may perhaps be prevented in the future by measuring pressure generated during childbirth. Tear of the anal sphincter during childbirth is a marker of a global impairment of the urinary, ano-rectal and sexual pelvic functions in the short and medium term. Persistence of a defect of the anal sphincter is frequent in spite of immediate suture. The correlation between these defects and ano-rectal incontinence are not established in our experience. The quality of the contraction of the sphincter complex and pubo-rectal sling seems to play a more important role in ano-rectal continence after a traumatic childbirth.


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L'utilisation de l'Internet comme medium pour faire ses courses et achats a vu une croissance exponentielle. Cependant, 99% des nouveaux business en ligne échouent. La plupart des acheteurs en ligne ne reviennent pas pour un ré-achat et 60% abandonnent leur chariot avant de conclure l'achat. En effet, après le premier achat, la rétention du consommateur en ligne devient critique au succès du vendeur de commerce électronique. Retenir des consommateurs peut sauver des coûts, accroître les profits, et permet de gagner un avantage compétitif.Les recherches précédentes ont identifié la loyauté comme étant le facteur le plus important dans la rétention du consommateur, et l'engagement ("commitment") comme étant un des facteurs les plus importants en marketing relationnel, offrant une réflexion sur la loyauté. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver d'étude en commerce électronique examinant l'impact de la loyauté en ligne et de l'engagement en ligne ("online commitment") sur le ré-achat en ligne. Un des avantages de l'achat en ligne c'est la capacité à chercher le meilleur prix avec un clic. Pourtant, nous n'avons pu trouver de recherche empirique en commerce électronique qui examinait l'impact de la perception post-achat du prix sur le ré-achat en ligne.L'objectif de cette recherche est de développer un modèle théorique visant à comprendre le ré-achat en ligne, ou la continuité d'achat ("purchase continuance") du même magasin en ligne.Notre modèle de recherche a été testé dans un contexte de commerce électronique réel, sur un échantillon total de 1,866 vrais acheteurs d'un même magasin en ligne. L'étude est centrée sur le ré-achat. Par conséquent, les répondants sélectionnés aléatoirement devaient avoir acheté au moins une fois de ce magasin en ligne avant le début de l'enquête. Cinq mois plus tard, nous avons suivi les répondants pour voir s'ils étaient effectivement revenus pour un ré-achat.Notre analyse démontre que l'intention de ré-achat en ligne n'a pas d'impact significatif sur le ré-achat en ligne. La perception post-achat du prix en ligne ("post-purchase Price perception") et l'engagement normatif en ligne ("Normative Commitment") n'ont pas d'impact significatif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. L'engagement affectif en ligne ("Affective Commitment"), l'attitude loyale en ligne ("Attitudinal Loyalty"), le comportement loyal en ligne ("Behavioral Loyalty"), l'engagement calculé en ligne ("Calculative Commitment") ont un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. De plus, l'attitude loyale en ligne a un effet de médiation partielle entre l'engagement affectif en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. Le comportement loyal en ligne a un effet de mediation partielle entre l'attitude loyale en ligne et l'intention de ré-achat en ligne.Nous avons réalisé deux analyses complémentaires : 1) Sur un échantillon de premiers acheteurs, nous trouvons que la perception post-achat du prix en ligne a un impact positif sur l'intention de ré-achat en ligne. 2) Nous avons divisé l'échantillon de l'étude principale entre des acheteurs répétitifs Suisse-Romands et Suisse-Allemands. Les résultats démontrent que les Suisse-Romands montrent plus d'émotions durant l'achat en ligne que les Suisse-Allemands. Nos résultats contribuent à la recherche académique mais aussi aux praticiens de l'industrie e-commerce.AbstractThe use of the Internet as a shopping and purchasing medium has seen exceptional growth. However, 99% of new online businesses fail. Most online buyers do not comeback for a repurchase, and 60% abandon their shopping cart before checkout. Indeed, after the first purchase, online consumer retention becomes critical to the success of the e-commerce vendor. Retaining existing customers can save costs, increase profits, and is a means of gaining competitive advantage.Past research identified loyalty as the most important factor in achieving customer retention, and commitment as one of the most important factors in relationship marketing, providing a good description of what type of thinking leads to loyalty. Yet, we could not find an e-commerce study investing the impact of both online loyalty and online commitment on online repurchase. One of the advantages of online shopping is the ability of browsing for the best price with one click. Yet, we could not find an e- commerce empirical research investigating the impact of post-purchase price perception on online repurchase.The objective of this research is to develop a theoretical model aimed at understanding online repurchase, or purchase continuance from the same online store.Our model was tested in a real e-commerce context with an overall sample of 1, 866 real online buyers from the same online store.The study focuses on repurchase. Therefore, randomly selected respondents had purchased from the online store at least once prior to the survey. Five months later, we tracked respondents to see if they actually came back for a repurchase.Our findings show that online Intention to repurchase has a non-significant impact on online Repurchase. Online post-purchase Price perception and online Normative Commitment have a non-significant impact on online Intention to repurchase, whereas online Affective Commitment, online Attitudinal Loyalty, online Behavioral Loyalty, and online Calculative Commitment have a positive impact on online Intention to repurchase. Furthermore, online Attitudinal Loyalty partially mediates between online Affective Commitment and online Intention to repurchase, and online Behavioral Loyalty partially mediates between online Attitudinal Loyalty and online Intention to repurchase.We conducted two follow up analyses: 1) On a sample of first time buyers, we find that online post-purchase Price perception has a positive impact on Intention. 2) We divided the main study's sample into Swiss-French and Swiss-German repeated buyers. Results show that Swiss-French show more emotions when shopping online than Swiss- Germans. Our findings contribute to academic research but also to practice.


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Desenvolupar una aplicació web en Java j2ee, i més concretament un cercador de formacions.


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safefood research into consumer concerns about the food chain has indicated that more than 40 per centof consumers are most concerned aboutchicken in terms of how it is produced, packaged, sold and handled at home. Our review of theindustry foundit was highly regulated while adhering to rigorous international standards. This review found that chicken is the main protein source for many consumers on the island of Ireland. It alsooutlined the need for consumers to ensure that chicken is cooked andhandled properly to avoid food borne illnesses.


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Our review into the finfish food chain on the island of irelandrevealed that despite a highly regulated industry producing a very nutritious food source, the consumption of fish remains low and consumer barriers to purchasing and eating fish still remain.


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Pig meat production was valued at €290 (£198) million at farm gate in Republic of Ireland (ROI) in 2007. In Northern Ireland (NI) in 2006, pig meat was estimated to account for almost seven percent of gross turnover in the food and drinks processing sector at £190 (€280) million. Whilst researching for this report it emerged that comparable figures for the value of the pig meat industry on ROI and NI are not available. This report showed that pig production on the IOI has changed from a small-scale enterprise carried out by a large number of mixed farmers to a modern industry comprised of a small number of specialist producers operating large-scale units. Most products for retailers are prepared and packed in specialised cutting and processing units which may or may not be integrated in the slaughter plant. For some pork products, various additives such as salt, herbs and flavour enhancers are added. Pork products are then stored and transported, frozen or chilled to wholesale, retail and catering facilities for ultimate sale to consumers.


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This study examined consumer food safety knowledge on the island of Ireland. Domestic refrigerators were tested for the presence of a range of pathogenic bacteria.


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This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. his review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. It focuses on ready-to-eat (RTE) fresh fruit and vegetables which are consumed raw, whether whole or prepared, and includes products packaged under vacuum or in a modified atmosphere that have not undergone any treatment (chemical, physical or biological) to ensure preservation, other than chilling. The key finding was that 75% of Irish consumers are now able to identify that they should eat five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but only a third (36%) of consumers say they are doing so. The average intake of fruit and vegetables is currently less than half that recommended, at 2.4 portions per day. Issues to do with cost, shelf life, preparation time and habit were seen by consumers as barriers to buying and consuming more fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf This review provides an update on the fruit and vegetable review conducted in 2007. It collates and considers the information available – academic, regulatory, public health – on the health and food safety implications of fruit and vegetables. - See more at: http://www.safefood.eu/Publications/Research-reports/Consumer-Focused-Review-of-Fruit-and-Vegetables.aspx#sthash.T98zN2UU.dpuf


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Increasing attention has been paid to the burden of ill-health experienced by men in many Western countries. In Europe and internationally, the Republic of Ireland has been leading the way by developing a national policy for men’s health. In most countries around the world, women now have a longer life expectancy than men. Similarly, on the island of Ireland, in spite of recent increases in men’s life expectancy, men continue to have higher death rates at all ages and from all leading causes of death. In Northern Ireland, in 2010, men’s life expectancy at birth was 77.08 years (81.53 years for women), while in the Republic of Ireland, figures published in 2009 revealed that men’s life expectancy at birth was 76.8 years (compared to 81.6 years for women). Key health issues for men include circulatory diseases, cancers and respiratory diseases. In relation to food and health, obesity has been highlighted as a major concern in relation to men’s health. While physiological difference between men and women explain some of the variation in the rate and/or onset of disease (e.g., protective effects of oestrogen in relation to the onset of cardiovascular diseases), other factors, such as socio-cultural influences, which are the main focus of this report, also play an important role. It is acknowledged that men and women experience different influences and motivations with respect to their knowledge and attitudes of and behaviours towards food and health. The purpose of this report is therefore not to compare men with women or to encourage men to model themselves on women in relation to their food and health behaviour. Rather, the goal is to provide recommendations to improve communications, resources, interventions, education and services targeted at boys and men in relation to food.


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Gastric bypass surgery is an effective treatment for morbid obesity, allowing a substantial weight loss together with an improvement of the cardiovascular and metabolic comorbidities, particularly the glucose control. However, after gastric bypassing, an imbalance between sensitivity and insulin secretion may be observed. This disorder gives rise to hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia (late dumping syndrome) and is characterized by a dizziness that can be disabling. This problem must be distinguished from conditions provoking similar symptoms, as for instance the early dumping syndrome and the food restriction-related hypoglycemia. Since all these conditions need a particular management, their distinction is essential.


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The Kilkenny post-primary school survey was carried out in the spring of 1987 on a stratified random sample of 445 post-primary school children in county Kilkenny. The study was designed as the basis for evaluation of the Kilkenny Health Project's school health education programme. The study examined knowledge, attitudes and behaviour relevant to non-communicable disease. The results showed that levels of adolescent alcohol and tobacco use were similar to those found in neighbouring countries. Smoking and drinking increased during adolescence and were more prevalent in males. Physical activity decreased throughout adolescence and a high intake of 'snack' foods was found. Health related knowledge levels were high but were not related to behaviour; however attitudes were found to be consistent with behaviour. These and other results are discussed. Literature relevant to school health education and the aetiology of non-communicable disease is described, with particular reference to Ireland. The evidence supporting health promotion intervention programmes against non-communicable disease is examined and WHO and Irish policies on health promotion outlined. The importance of health and disease prevention programmes commencing in youth is emphasised and the suitability and efficacy of school health education programmes are noted. A number of school health education programmes world-wide are described. The role of the community physician in relation to such programmes is discussed. Finally recommendations are made and areas for further research are made.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.