986 resultados para faillite, special purpose vehicle, Pfandbrief, asset-backed securities, investment fund


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This paper describes a rainfall simulator developed for field and laboratory studies that gives great flexibility in plot size covered, that is highly portable and able to be used on steep slopes, and that is economical in its water use. The simulator uses Veejet 80100 nozzles mounted on a manifold, with the nozzles controlled to sweep to and from across a plot width of 1.5 m. Effective rainfall intensity is controlled by the frequency with which the nozzles sweep. Spatial uniformity of rainfall on the plots is high, with coefficients of variation (CV) on the body of the plot being 8-10%. Use of the simulator for erosion and infiltration measurements is discussed.


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By describing and discussing Australian data on outbound tourism, this paper investigates the bimodal (double peaked) lifecycle pattern predicted and observed in the literature. These theories are primarily based on demand for holiday tourism, but tourists do not just go overseas for this purpose, with visiting friends and relatives, business, convention and conference, employment and educational tourism relevant purposes also. Trips overseas by Australians are split into these groups, enabling the age-related lifecycles of each to be examined separately. Unlike holiday tourism, all other purposes are unimodal, although they vary with respect to the age groups at which they peak and their relative positions.


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Hermeneutic Case Reconstruction (Rosenthal, 1993) is a systematic method of analysing biographical self-presentations from an interpretivist perspective. The method consists of five major analytic steps. The first is an analysis of the biographical data that can stand independently of the narrator’s perspective. ‘Objective’ data is extracted from the text or interview transcript and ordered chronologically. Secondly, a thematic field analysis is undertaken in which the data is divided into separate units according to the type of text used, whilst keeping the sequence of these texts units intact. In this step, hypotheses are developed regarding the potential significance of the style and sequence of the events presented. The product of this second step is a reconstruction of the life story. A reconstruction of the life history then follows as the third step. The purpose of this step is to generate hypotheses about the meanings that biographical experiences might have had for the narrator at the time they occurred, given the sociocultural context in which they occurred. In the fourth step, microanalysis of individual text segments is undertaken, in which all hypotheses generated in the earlier steps are tested against the text for support or refutation. The final step consists of a contrastive comparison of the life history and life story. The life story and life history are compared to determine, for example, which aspects of the narrator’s experience have been emphasised or minimised. Through this comparison, the selective process is highlighted. This is referred to as the case structure. This paper describes an application of this method to a published first-person narrative of a woman’s experiences of sustaining a brain injury in a motor vehicle accident.


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Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate the feasibility and practicalities or testing children in special school settings using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) and tympanometry. Children studying in special schools, particularly those with intellectual impairment, may be highly susceptible to hearing pathologies and can be difficult to assess using traditional test batteries. Researchers have recently suggested the possible applicability of TEOAE testing. in lieu of conventional behavioral methods, as a hearing screening device for persons with intellectual impairment. However, to date. few publications have detailed the particulars and results of such testing. Methods: A total of 489 children, with a mean age of 9.6 years, were tested in 15 special schools. Case information was obtained regarding birth history, medical history and type,degree of impairment, for later comparison with screening results. TEOAEs were collected using Quickscreen mode of the ILO292 Otodynamics Analyzer, whilst tympanometry was performed utilizing a Madsen Zodiac 901 Middle Ear Analyzer. Results: In total, 80% of students were able to be tested using TEOAEs. Average test time per ear was 2 min. However, a large proportion (40 of those able to be tested) failed TEOAE testing in at least one ear. No significant effects were found between could-not-test (CNT) cases and case history factors, A significant difference in TEOAE failure rates was found across history of neonatal special care nursery residency and history of parental concern regarding possible hearing impairment. Failure rates were higher for those who indicated positive histories. A total of 74% of subjects could be tested using tympanometry, with 25% of those able to be tested failing in at least one ear. Notably, neither type nor degree of impairment had any significant bearing on CNT or failure rates for tympanometry or TEOAE screening. Conclusions: Findings of the present investigation lend support to the review of hearing screening programs for children in special schools. with TEOAEs presenting as a potential alternative procedure. Further examination of the performance measures of protocols incorporating TEOAEs would now be advantageous. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose was to develop an evaluative case study of six 3-hr sessions, spaced over 3 months, of psychological skills training (PST) provided to athletes with an intellectual disability who were training for the Basketball Australia State Championships. Participants were 7 males and 7 females, aged 15.8 to 27.1 years, with a receptive language level of 7 to 13.7 years, 2 female coaches, 2 psychologists, and I registered psychologist supervisor. Sessions focused specifically on stress management, with primary attention given to cue words, breathing techniques, and positive thinking. Findings, based on interviews and participant observations, revealed that all participants believed that the PST was appropriate and worthwhile.


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It has been suggested that twinning may influence handedness through the effects of birth order, intra-uterine crowding and mirror imaging. The influence of these effects on handedness (for writing and throwing) was examined in 3657 Monozygotic (MZ) and 3762 Dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs (born 1893-1992). Maximum likelihood analyses revealed no effects of birth order on the incidence of left-handedness. Twins were no more likely to be left-handed than their singleton siblings (n = 1757), and there were no differences between the DZ co-twin and sibling-twin covariances, suggesting that neither intra-uterine crowding nor the experience of being a twin affects handedness. There was no evidence of mirror imaging; the co-twin correlations of monochorionic and dichorionic MZ twins did not differ. Univariate genetic analyses revealed common environmental factors to be the most parsimonious explanation of familial aggregation for the writing-hand measure, while additive genetic influences provided a better interpretation of the throwing hand data.


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The authors identify key issues that researchers, funding bodies, ethics committees and ethicists might consider in contemplating research subject payment ethics. They argue that what is missing from the broader debate is due consideration of ethics committee decision processes; research subject reasons for participation; and current research practices. The authors explore these issues and how they relate to existing guidelines on voluntary consent, and arguments that have been proposed for and against research subject payments. (non- author abstract)


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Recent behavioural experiments have shown that birds use ultraviolet (UV)-reflective and fluorescent plumage as cues in mate choice. It remains controversial, however, whether such UV signals play a special role in sexual communication, or whether they are part of general plumage coloration. We use a comparative approach to test for a general association between sexual signalling and either UV-reflective or fluorescent plumage. Among the species surveyed, 72% have UV colours and there is a significant positive association between UV reflectance and courtship displays. Among parrots (Psittaciformes), 68% of surveyed species have fluorescent plumage, and again there is a strong positive association between courtship displays and fluorescence. These associations are not artefacts of the plumage used in courtship displays, being generally more 'colourful' because there is no association between display and colours lacking UV reflectance or fluorescence. Equally, these associations are not phylogenetic artefacts because all results remain unchanged when families or genera, rather than species, are used as independent data points. We also find that, in parrots, fluorescent plumage is usually found adjacent to UV-reflective plumage. Using a simple visual model to examine one parrot, the budgerigar Melopsittacus undulatus, we show that the juxtaposition of UV-reflective and fluorescent plumage leads to a 25-fold increase in chromatic contrast to the budgerigar's visual system. Taken together, these results suggest that signals based on UV contrast are of special importance in the context of active sexual displays. We review briefly six hypotheses on why this may be the case: suitability for short-range signalling; high contrast with backgrounds; invisibility to predators; exploitation of pre-existing sensory biases; advertisement of feather structure; and amplification of behavioural signals.


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Despite widespread awareness that children with Down syndrome are particularly susceptible to hearing pathologies, the audiological status of students with Down syndrome in special schools is all too often unknown. Unfortunately, hearing screening for this population is unable to rely on standard, behavioural test batteries. To facilitate future improvements in screening protocols, this study investigated the results of tympanometry and transient evoked otoacoustic emission (TEOAE) testing for a group of children with Down syndrome. Assessments were not conducted in the artificial context of a clinic or laboratory, but within the school environment. Outcomes are reported for 27 subjects with a mean age of 10 years 5 months (SD = 4;11). Tympanometry testing was failed in at least one ear by 41.7% of subjects, while a failure rate of 81.5% of subjects was observed for TEOAE testing. Therefore, it is concluded that immediate review of hearing screening programs for students with Down syndrome is highly advisable.


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O objetivo deste texto ?? iniciar um levantamento da dificuldades impostas ?? reforma administrativa a partir da considera????o do problema da neutralidade da burocracia versus o requisito da autonomia de decis??o, elemento fundamental do Modelo de Administra????o P??blica Gerencial. Tal problema assume especial relev??ncia frente aos objetivos de aumentar a governan??a do Estado e constitui um dos desafios centrais do Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, particularmente no que diz respeito ?? forma de administra????o do chamado ???n??cleo estrat??gico??? ??? respons??vel pela defini????o das leis e pol??ticas p??blicas ??? e das ???atividades exclusivas de Estado??? ??? caracterizadas pelo exerc??cio do poder de legislar e tributar, fiscalizando, regulamentando e transferindo recursos. Para isso, a discuss??o est?? organizada em quatro se????es. Na primeira, s??o rapidamente apresentados os conceitos de governabilidade e governan??a, com ??nfase no fato de que a distin????o entre eles representa apenas um recurso anal??tico. Na segunda se????o, a partir das distin????es cl??ssicas de Max Weber entre pol??tica e administra????o, pol??ticos e burocratas, busca-se caracterizar a neutralidade burocr??tica e mostrar que representa, na realidade, apenas um dos elementos de uma constru????o t??pico ideal, cada vez mais distante de qualquer correspond??ncia com o mundo real. Em seguida, comenta-se rapidamente o processo de mudan??a do modelo de administra????o p??blica; e s??o apresentadas algumas das caracter??sticas do chamado Modelo de Administra????o P??blica Gerencial que, em lugar da neutralidade, implicam elevado grau de autonomia por parte dos agentes burocr??ticos. Por fim, s??o tecidas algumas considera????es, procurando mostrar que, da mesma maneira que a neutralidade, a autonomia burocr??tica apresenta dificuldades e que a proposta da ???autonomia imersa??? ou ???autonomia inserida??? exibe implica????es que merecem reflex??o mais demorada.


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A institui????o do Programa Pr??-equidade de G??nero ?? o reconhecimento p??blico da desigualdade de tratamento e de oportunidades, que ainda permanece entre mulheres e homens. A implementa????o ?? consolidada com a coloca????o em pr??tica dos planos de a????es firmados entre a Secretaria Especial de Pol??ticas para as Mulheres (SPM) e as organiza????es aderentes. A pesquisa explorat??ria teve como objetivo apresentar o programa e discuti-lo com base no modelo "policy cycle como aprendizado", de Silva e Melo (2000). Os resultados subsidiar??o pesquisa futura sobre a avalia????o do programa. Dentro da estrat??gia adotada, a coleta de dados ocorreu em documentos institucionais e dados bibliogr??ficos em mar??o de 2009, com o seguinte resultado: a avalia????o n??o trata de forma clara da efetividade e da sustentabilidade do programa. Este trabalho est?? dividido em seis partes: descri????o do m??todo utilizado; apresenta????o do Programa Pro-equidade de G??nero; avalia????o de suas duas primeiras edi????es; breve contextualiza????o das pol??ticas p??blicas no Brasil e o modelo "policy cicle como aprendizado"; rela????es entre o programa e o modelo; e considera????es finais.