745 resultados para derogatory labels
RNAi ist ein bedeutendes Werkzeug zur Funktionsanalyse von Genen und hat großes Potential für den Einsatz in der Therapie. Obwohl effiziente Knockdowns in der Zellkultur erzielt werden, erweist sich eine in vivo Anwendung als schwierig. Die großen Hürden sind dabei der Transport der siRNA ins Zielgewebe und deren voranschreitende Degradierung.rnMarkierte siRNA kann sowohl zur eigenen Integritätsmessung als auch zur Lokalisierung verwendet werden. Zwei Farbstoffe an den jeweiligen 3’- bzw. -5’-Enden des Sense- bzw. Antisense-Stranges erzeugen ein robustes FRET-System (Hirsch et al. 2012). Das Verhältnis von FRET- zu Donor-Signal, das R/G-Ratio, dient zur sensitiven Klassifizierung des Integritätslevels einer siRNA Probe (Järve et al. 2007; Hirsch et al. 2011; Kim et al. 2010). Mit diesem System kann eine Degradierung von weniger als 5 % in der Küvette und in Zellen nachgewiesen werden.rnDie vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Evaluierung von potentiellen FRET Farbstoffpaaren hinsichtlich deren Eignung für in vitro und in vivo Anwendung. Verschiedenste FRET-Paare, die das gesamte sichtbare Spektrum abdecken, wurden evaluiert und ermöglichen nun die Auswahl eines geeigneten Paares für die jeweilige Anwendung oder Kombination mit anderen Farbstoffen.rnMit Hilfe von Alexa555/Atto647N siRNA wurde ein erfolgreicher Einschluss von siRNA in Liposomen beobachtet. Eine anschließende Evaluierung der RNase-Protektion ergab für Liposomen, Nanohydrogele und kationische Peptide hervorragende protektive Eigenschaften. Basierend auf den Ergebnisse können diese und andere Transportsysteme nun für eine zelluläre Aufnahme optimiert werden.rnAtto488/Atto590 zeigte die besten Eigenschaften für Echtzeit-Integritätsmessungen in der Lebendzellmikroskopie. Verringerte Bleicheigenschaften und minimaler spektraler “Cross-Talk” ermöglichten es, transfizierte Zellen über einen Zeitraum von bis zu 8 Stunden zu beobachten. Mittels Atto488/Atto590 siRNA wurde die Einschleusung und Freisetzung in Zellen in Echtzeit untersucht. Dabei konnten Freisetzung und Verteilung in einzelnen Zellen beobachtet und analysiert werden. rnAuf eine anfängliche Phase mit hoher Freisetzungsrate folgte eine Phase mit geringerer Rate für den restlichen Beobachtungszeitraum. Die durchschnittliche Verweildauer im Zytosol betrug 24 und 58 Minuten, wobei zwischen lang- und kurzanhaltenden Ereignissen unterschieden werden konnte. Obwohl ein Import von siRNA in den Zellkern beobachtet wurde, konnte kein Schema bzw. genauer Zeitpunkt, in Bezug auf den Transfektionszeitraum für diese Ereignisse bestimmt werden. Die beobachteten Freisetzungsprozesse fanden sporadisch statt und Änderungen in der zellulären Verteilung geschahen innerhalb von wenigen Minuten. Einmal freigesetzte siRNA verschwand mit der Zeit wieder aus dem Zytosol und es blieben nur kleine Aggregate von siRNA mit immer noch geringer Integrität zurück.rn
In this work, a method for the functionalization of biocompatible, poly(lactic acid)-based nanoparticles with charged moieties or fluorescent labels is presented. Therefore, a miniemulsion solvent evaporation procedure is used in which prepolymerized poly(L-lactic acid) is used together with a previously synthesized copolymer of methacrylic acid or a polymerizable dye, respectively, and an oligo(lactic acid) macromonomer. Alternatively, the copolymerization has been carried out in one step with the miniemulsion solvent evaporation. The increased stability in salty solutions of the carboxyl-modified nanoparticles compared to nanoparticles consisting of poly(lactic acid) only has been shown in light scattering experiments. The properties of the nanoparticles that were prepared with the separately synthesized copolymer were almost identical to those in which the copolymerization and particle fabrication were carried out simultaneously. During the characterization of the fluorescently labeled nanoparticles, the focus was on the stable bonding between the fluorescent dye and the rest of the polymer chain to ensure that none of it is released from the particles, even after longer storage time or during lengthy experiments. In a fluorescence correlation spectroscopy experiment, it could be shown that even after two weeks, no dye has been released into the solvent. Besides biomedical research for which the above described, functionalized nanoparticles were optimized, nanoparticles also play a role in coating technology. One possibility to fabricate coatings is the electrophoretic deposition of particles. In this process, the mobility of nanoparticles near electrode interfaces plays a crucial role. In this thesis, the nanoparticle mobility has been investigated with resonance enhanced dynamic light scattering (REDLS). A new setup has been developed in which the evanescent electromagnetic eld of a surface plasmon that propagates along the gold-sample interface has been used as incident beam for the dynamic light scattering experiment. The gold layer that is necessary for the excitation of the plasmon doubles as an electrode. Due to the penetration depth of the surface plasmon into the sample layer that is limited to ca. 200 nm, insights on the voltage- and frequency dependent mobility of the nanoparticles near the electrode could be gained. Additionally, simultaneous measurements at four different scattering angles can be carried out with this setup, therefore the investigation of samples undergoing changes is feasible. The results were discussed in context with the mechanisms of electrophoretic deposition.
The two modes most widely used in Western music today convey opposite moods—a distinction that nonmusicians and even young children are able to make. However, the current studies provide evidence that, despite a strong link between mode and affect, mode perception is problematic. Nonmusicians found mode discrimination to be harder than discrimination of other melodic features, and they were not able to accurately classify major and minor melodies with these labels. Although nonmusicians were able to classify major and minor melodies using affective labels, they performed at chance in mode discrimination. Training, in the form of short lessons given to nonmusicians and the natural musical experience of musicians, improved performance, but not to ceiling levels. Tunes with high note density were classified as major, and tunes with low note density as minor, even though these features were actually unrelated in the experimental material. Although these findings provide support for the importance of mode in the perception of emotion, they clearly indicate that these mode perceptions are inaccurate, even in trained individuals, without the assistance of affective labeling.
Two experiments investigated the structure of memory for titles of 54 familiar tunes. The titles were presented in the form of a hierarchy, with nodes labeled by genre (e.g., Rock or Patriotic). Four groups of subjects received logical or randomized titles, and logical or randomized labels. Goodness of label and title structure had equal and additive beneficial effects on recall with a 3-min exposure of the stimuli. With a 4-min exposure, good title structure became a larger contributor to good recall. Clustering analyses suggested that subjects were mentally representing the tune titles hierarchically, even when presentation was random.
This article provides a selective overview of the functional neuroimaging literature with an emphasis on emotional activation processes. Emotions are fast and flexible response systems that provide basic tendencies for adaptive action. From the range of involved component functions, we first discuss selected automatic mechanisms that control basic adaptational changes. Second, we illustrate how neuroimaging work has contributed to the mapping of the network components associated with basic emotion families (fear, anger, disgust, happiness), and secondary dimensional concepts that organise the meaning space for subjective experience and verbal labels (emotional valence, activity/intensity, approach/withdrawal, etc.). Third, results and methodological difficulties are discussed in view of own neuroimaging experiments that investigated the component functions involved in emotional learning. The amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and striatum form a network of reciprocal connections that show topographically distinct patterns of activity as a correlate of up and down regulation processes during an emotional episode. Emotional modulations of other brain systems have attracted recent research interests. Emotional neuroimaging calls for more representative designs that highlight the modulatory influences of regulation strategies and socio-cultural factors responsible for inhibitory control and extinction. We conclude by emphasising the relevance of the temporal process dynamics of emotional activations that may provide improved prediction of individual differences in emotionality.
During osteoporosis induction in sheep, side effects of the steroids were observed in previous studies. The aim of this study was to improve the induction regimen consisting of ovariectomy, calcium/vitamin D- restricted diet and methylprednisolone (-MP)- medication with respect to the bone metabolism and to reduce the adverse side effects. Thirty-six ewes (age 6.5 +/- 0.6 years) were divided into four MP-administration groups (n = 9) with a total dose of 1800 mg MP: group 1: 20 mg/day, group 2: 60 mg/every third day, group 3: 3 x 500 mg and 1 x 300 mg at intervals of three weeks, group 4: weekly administration, starting at 70 mg and weekly reduction by 10 mg. After double-labelling with Calcein Green and Xylenol Orange, bone biopsy specimens were taken from the iliac crest (IC) at the beginning and four weeks after the last MP injection, and additionally from the vertebral body (VB) at the end of the experiment. Bone samples were processed into stained and fluorescent sections, static and dynamic measurements were performed. There were no significant differences for static parameters between the groups initially. The bone perimeter and the bone area values were significantly higher in the VB than in the IC (Pm: 26%, p < 0.0001, Ar: 11%, p < 0.0166). A significant decrease (20%) of the bone area was observed after corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis (p < 0.0004). For the dynamic parameters, no significant difference between the groups was found. Presence of Calcein Green and Xylenol Orange labels were noted in 50% of the biopsies in the IC, 100% in the VB. Group 3 showed the lowest prevalence of adverse side effects. The bone metabolism changes were observed in all four groups, and the VB bone metabolism was higher when compared to the IC. In conclusion, when using equal amounts of steroids adverse side effects can be reduced by decreasing the number of administrations without reducing the effect regarding corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis. This information is useful to reduce the discomfort of the animals in this sheep model of corticosteroid-induced osteoporosis.
Airway disease in childhood comprises a heterogeneous group of disorders. Attempts to distinguish different phenotypes have generally considered few disease dimensions. The present study examines phenotypes of childhood wheeze and chronic cough, by fitting a statistical model to data representing multiple disease dimensions. From a population-based, longitudinal cohort study of 1,650 preschool children, 319 with parent-reported wheeze or chronic cough were included. Phenotypes were identified by latent class analysis using data on symptoms, skin-prick tests, lung function and airway responsiveness from two preschool surveys. These phenotypes were then compared with respect to outcome at school age. The model distinguished three phenotypes of wheeze and two phenotypes of chronic cough. Subsequent wheeze, chronic cough and inhaler use at school age differed clearly between the five phenotypes. The wheeze phenotypes shared features with previously described entities and partly reconciled discrepancies between existing sets of phenotype labels. This novel, multidimensional approach has the potential to identify clinically relevant phenotypes, not only in paediatric disorders but also in adult obstructive airway diseases, where phenotype definition is an equally important issue.
An international graduate teaching assistant‘s way of speaking may pose a challenge for college students enrolled in STEM courses at American universities. Students commonly complain that unfamiliar accents interfere with their ability to comprehend the IGTA or that they have difficulty making sense of the IGTA‘s use of words or phrasing. These frustrations are echoed by parents who pay tuition bills. The issue has provoked state and national legislative debates over universities‘ use of IGTAs. However, potentially productive debates and interventions have been stalemated due to the failure to confront deeply embedded myths and cultural models that devalue otherness and privilege dominant peoples, processes, and knowledge. My research implements a method of inquiry designed to identify and challenge these cultural frameworks in order to create an ideological/cultural context that will facilitate rather than impede the valuable efforts that are already in place. Discourse theorist Paul Gee‘s concepts of master myth, cultural models, and meta-knowledge offer analytical tools that I have adapted in a unique research approach emphasizing triangulation of both analytic methods and data sites. I examine debates over IGTA‘s use of language in the classroom among policy-makers, parents of college students, and scholars and teachers. First, the article "Teach Impediment" provides a particularly lucid account of the public debate over IGTAs. My analysis evidences the cultural hold of the master myth of monolingualism in public policy-making. Second, Michigan Technological University‘s email listserve Parentnet is analyzed to identify cultural models supporting monolingualism implicit in everyday conversation. Third, a Chronicle of Higher Education colloquy forum is analyzed to explore whether scholars and teachers who draw on communication and linguistic research overcome the ideological biases identified in earlier chapters. My analysis indicates that a persistent ideological bias plays out in these data sites, despite explicit claims by invested speakers to the contrary. This bias is a key reason why monolingualism remains so tenaciously a part of educational practice. Because irrational expectations and derogatory assumptions have gone unchallenged, little progress has been made despite decades of earnest work and good intentions. Therefore, my recommendations focus on what we say not what we intend.
As more and more open-source software components become available on the internet we need automatic ways to label and compare them. For example, a developer who searches for reusable software must be able to quickly gain an understanding of retrieved components. This understanding cannot be gained at the level of source code due to the semantic gap between source code and the domain model. In this paper we present a lexical approach that uses the log-likelihood ratios of word frequencies to automatically provide labels for software components. We present a prototype implementation of our labeling/comparison algorithm and provide examples of its application. In particular, we apply the approach to detect trends in the evolution of a software system.
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes TagDrive wird die Applikation von passiven Transpondern auf 13,56 MHz-Basis untersucht, die auf der Fahrbahn befestigt und zur Spurführung und Navigation von Fahrzeugen verwendet werden. Um den Einsatz von Folientranspondern (Smart Labels) bei hohen Fahrzeuggeschwindigkeiten in Zusammenhang mit Transponderlesegeräten am Fahrzeug zu testen, wurde ein Hochgeschwindigkeitsprüfstand für Relativgeschwindigkeiten zwischen Transponder und Lesegerät von bis zu 100 km/h entwickelt und Versuche bei variierenden Leseabständen durchgeführt. Für mechanische Prüfungen der applizierten Transponder inklusive Gehäuse wurden Druckprüfungen mit Hilfe einer servohydraulischen Prüfeinrichtung durchgeführt und ein neuer pneumatischer Prüfstand entwickelt, der den Überrollvorgang durch ein Rad nachbildet. Für klimatische Tests unter anderem nach DIN EN 60068-2-67 bzw. IEC 68-2-67 wurde ein Klimaschrank verwendet.
Measurement of perfusion in longitudinal studies allows for the assessment of tissue integrity and the detection of subtle pathologies. In this work, the feasibility of measuring brain perfusion in rats with high spatial resolution using arterial spin labeling is reported. A flow-sensitive alternating recovery sequence, coupled with a balanced gradient fast imaging with steady-state precession readout section was used to minimize ghosting and geometric distortions, while achieving high signal-to-noise ratio. The quantitative imaging of perfusion using a single subtraction method was implemented to address the effects of variable transit delays between the labeling of spins and their arrival at the imaging slice. Studies in six rats at 7 T showed good perfusion contrast with minimal geometric distortion. The measured blood flow values of 152.5+/-6.3 ml/100 g per minute in gray matter and 72.3+/-14.0 ml/100 g per minute in white matter are in good agreement with previously reported values based on autoradiography, considered to be the gold standard.
Das schweizerische Verfassungsrecht belässt dem Gesetzgeber einen hinreichenden Spielraum, Massnahmen bezüglich der Inverkehrsetzung von importierten Produkten nach Massgabe von Anforderungen an die Produktionsbedingungen im Exportland (Production and Process Methods, PPMs) im Bereich der untersuchten Produkte (Palmöl, Soya, biogene Treibstoffe, Textilien, Baumwolle) im Rahmen eines Bundesgesetzes zu erlassen. Der Gestaltungsspielaum bemisst sich im einzelnen nach den detaillierten Bestimmungen des WTO Rechts. Dabei steht die Förderung freiwilliger Labels und von internationalen Standards für Best Practices im Vordergrund. Es schliesst indessen auch einseitige Import- restriktionen auf Grund von PPMs nicht aus, soweit vorgängig durchgeführte Verhand- lungen mit den Exportstaaten nicht zielführend sind und freiwillige Massnahmen nicht genügen. Das kann vor allem im Rohstoffhandel und im Konzernhandel (intrafirm trade) zutreffen. Die Regelungen unterliegen einer Verhältnismässigkeitsprüfung und sie dürfen sich nicht zum Schutze der einheimischen Industrie auswirken. Das GATT-recht erlaubt auch zollrechtliche Massnahmen als Mittel und Anreiz zur Förderung von Best Practices im Exportstaat. Das Freihandelsabkommen Schweiz-EU folgt den gleichen Grundsätzen, schliesst indessen zollrechtliche Massnahmen bezüglich der erfassten Produkte aus. Das Bundesgesetz über die Beseitigung technischer Handelshemmnisse verlangt die Anpassung an EU-rechtliche PPM Standards, soweit diese bestehen. Damit werden auch Spannungen im Rahmen des Freihandelsabkommens vermieden. Das THG erlaubt aber auch die ein- seitige Entwicklung von Best Practices und damit die Schaffung von Anreizen für die Ent- wicklung internationaler Standards. Das Cassis-de-Dijon Prinzip findet vorliegend keine unmittelbare Anwendung. Die hier behandelten Importregelungen beschränken sich auf die Rohstoffe und die unmittelbar daraus gewonnenen Basisprodukte. Sie lassen sich nicht auf verarbeitete Produkte übertragen. Diese können nur im Rahmen einer internationalen Harmonisierung miteinbezogen werden, welche alle Stufen der Verarbeitungsskette zu erfassen vermögen. Dies kann im Alleingang nicht erreicht werden.
Der verfassungsrechtliche Spielraum des Gesetzgebers bei der Konkretisierung der Ziele der Nachhaltigkeit im Wirtschafts- und Umweltrecht wird in erster Linie durch die völkerrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der WTO sowie die Rechtsbeziehungen der Schweiz mit der EU definiert. Der vorliegende Beitrag behandelt die Frage, ob und inwieweit die Einfuhr von Rohstoffen und unmittelbar daraus gewonnenen Basisprodukten von einer nachhaltigen Produktionsweise im Ausland abhängig gemacht werden darf. Diese Thematik ist in der Umwelt- und Klimapolitik von zunehmender Bedeutung. Herstellungsverfahren und ihre Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt rücken in den Vordergrund. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, dass die Förderung von freiwilligen Labels und internationalen Standards für Best Practices zwar im Vordergrund steht, einseitige Importrestriktionen von Produkten anknüpfend am Kriterium von sog. PPM (Production and Process Methods) im Rahmen des WTO-Rechts jedoch nicht ausgeschlossen sind, sofern die Grundsätze der Nichtdiskriminierung sowie der Verhältnismässigkeit beachtet werden und vorgängig eine einvernehmliche Lösung mit dem Exportstaat angestrebt wird. Solche Importrestriktionen haben – nebst freiwilligen Massnahmen − als wichtige Instrumente der Umwelt- und Klimapolitik in der Rechtsprechung Anerkennung gefunden. Dies sowohl im Rahmen des Allgemeinen Zoll- und Handelsabkommens als auch des Abkommens zur Beseitigung technischer Handelshemmnisse. Bisher wenig genutzte Möglichkeiten, die Einfuhr zu begrenzen, bestehen darüber hinaus in der Zollpolitik für Produkte, die von ausserhalb des Europäischen Wirtschaftraumes eingeführt werden. Das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der Schweiz und der EU folgt im Wesentlichen den gleichen Grundsätzen wie das WTO-Recht und lässt PPMs als Unterscheidungsmerkmale für an sich gleichartige Produkte ebenfalls grundsätzlich zu.
In this paper we propose a new fully-automatic method for localizing and segmenting 3D intervertebral discs from MR images, where the two problems are solved in a unified data-driven regression and classification framework. We estimate the output (image displacements for localization, or fg/bg labels for segmentation) of image points by exploiting both training data and geometric constraints simultaneously. The problem is formulated in a unified objective function which is then solved globally and efficiently. We validate our method on MR images of 25 patients. Taking manually labeled data as the ground truth, our method achieves a mean localization error of 1.3 mm, a mean Dice metric of 87%, and a mean surface distance of 1.3 mm. Our method can be applied to other localization and segmentation tasks.
We agree with the authors' attitude toward fostering the principle of parsimony (also known as Ockham's razor(3) ) - whereby no unnecessary entities/labels should be posited whenever a phenomenon can be reduced to a set of less complex constituents. Nevertheless, we take issue with some of the shortcuts which we feel they engaged in along their line of reasoning. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.