463 resultados para contributory negligence


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One of the known risk factors for abuse and neglect of the elderly is the decrease in functionat capacity, contributíng to self care dependency of instrumental actívities of daily living and basic activities of daily Itving (OMS, 2015). Methods: Cross-sectional study with non probabilistíc sample of 333 elderly, performed in a hospital, homes and day centers for the elderly. The data collectíon protocol tncluded socio-demographic data, Questíons to elicit Elder Abuse (Carney, Kahan B Paris, 2003 adap. By Ferreira Alves & Sousa, 2005), scale of instrumental actívi - ties of daily living Lawton and Brody and Katz index to assess the levei of independence in actívities of daily living. Objectives: To evaluate the assodation between abuse and neglect in the elderly, instrumental actívitíes of daily living and levei of independence in actívitíes of daily living. Results: Emotional abuse is signifícantty correlated with the levei of independence in activities of daity Uving (p = 0. 000), older peopie with less independence tend to have higher leveis of emotional abuse. The total abuse is signtficantly correlated with the leveis of independence in activittes of daily living (p = 0. 002), less independent elderty tend to suffer greater abuse and neglect. There were no statistically significant associations between abuse and neglect and instrumental activities of daily l1v1ng. Conclusions: The less independent elderly are more vulnerable to situatíons of abuse and neglect, being more exposed to emotional abuse. These results point to the need for health professionals/ nurses develop prevention interventions, including strategies to support carers and early screentng tn less independent elderly. Keywords: Elder abuse. Negligence. Nursing care. Frail elderly. PREVALENCE OF SURGICAL WOUND INFECTION AFTER SURGERY FOR BREAST CÂNCER: SYSTEMATIC REVIEW C. Amaral3, C. Teixeira"'1', F. Sousa'', C. Antãoa "Polythecnic Institute o f Bragança, Bragança, Portugal; bEPI Unit, Public Health Institute, University of Porto, Portugal. Contact details: catarinaisabeln.amaraliSsmaU.com Introduction: Breast câncer is one of the most common mahgnant pathology in European countries, as Portugal, where annual inddence is around 90 new cases per 100,000 women. Breast surgery is the usual treatment for this pathology, however such procedure can be complicated by the infection of surgical site. Objectives: To know the prevalence and determtnants of surgtcal wound infection after breast surgery. Methods: We conducted a systematic review by searching of the Web of Sdence electronic database for articles published over the last s1x years 1n developed countries. Over three hundred dtatíons were obtained and after excludtng citations with reasons, fíve artícles met our inclusion criteria and were included in the present review. Results: Prevalence of surgical wound infection varied across studies between 0. 1% and 12. 5%. Bilateral mastectomy is assodated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than unilateral mastectomy (3. 6% vs 3, 3%), lumpectomy with immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) is related with higher frequency of wound infectíon than surgery with no IBR (0, 5% vs 0, 1%), also, mastectomy with IBR is associated with higher prevalence of wound infectíon than mastectomy wtth no IBR (1, 5% vs 0, 3%) and breast surgery followed by axiltary lymph nade dissectíon is related with higher prevalence of wound infection than surgical procedures wtth no axillary lymph node dissection (2, 82% vs 1, 66%). Conclusions: Nurses that provide post-operatíve care to women after breast surgery should be aware about risk of wound tnfectíon, partícularly after more invasive procedures.


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada para obtenção de grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.


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O presente relatório procura refletir o trabalho desenvolvido no âmbito do estágio profissionalizante, inserido no Ramo de Aprofundamento de Competências Profissionais do Mestrado em Reabilitação Psicomotora, da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Este estágio decorreu na Associação Crescer com Sentido, em Lisboa, onde se procurou aprofundar as competências ao nível da observação, avaliação e intervenção psicomotora. Nesta instituição foi feita observação de sessões de psicomotricidade de crianças com Perturbações do Desenvolvimento e Dificuldades de Aprendizagem. A estagiária teve ainda oportunidade de realizar as suas atividades de estágio noutras instituições, com as quais a Associação Crescer com Sentido estabeleceu parceria. Uma das instituições foi a Creche e Jardim-de-Infância “O Botãozinho”, sediada em Carcavelos, onde foram feitos rastreios das competências pré-académicas a todas as crianças do último ano da educação pré-escolar. Após a análise dos rastreios foi selecionado um grupo de crianças, com resultados mais baixos, que foi alvo de sessões de estimulação das competências de literacia emergente, de forma a prevenir eventuais dificuldades de aprendizagem. Noutra instituição, o Externato “A Ritinha”, foram realizadas sessões semanais, em grupo, de psicomotricidade, de forma a estimular o desenvolvimento das crianças em idade pré-escolar. Por fim, a estagiária teve, ainda, oportunidade de avaliar e acompanhar uma criança, de nove anos, com Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo. As intervenções realizadas consideram-se benéficas e contributivas para um melhor desenvolvimento e percurso académico destas crianças.


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Homeowners, landowners, pesticide applicators, and farmers are concerned about pesticide drift. It may injure a homeowner’s garden or flowers or ruin a neighboring farmer’s crop. While no Maryland court has considered the issue of liability from pesticide drift, courts in other states have. These decisions provide some guidance on how a Maryland court might handle the issue. Depending on the facts of the drift case, pesticide applicators and farmers could owe damages for nuisance or trespass case, or for uses inconsistent with the pesticide label.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2016.


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Farmacêuticas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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Purpose: To explore the literature regarding prevalance, risk factors and the involvement of antihypertensive drugs in erectile dysfunction (ED). Methods: Original research articles, reviews, editorials and case reports published in English language on the prevalence of sexual/erectile dysfunction in hypertensive men taking antihypertensive drugs and risk factors were identified through a search of four bibliographic databases, namely, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL and EBSCO Health. Results: Recent analyses suggest that hypertensive men of almost all age groups suffer from ED but it is more prevalent in elderly male patients. The involvement of β-blockers was found to be controversial. Nevertheless, some evidence had been found regarding the use of propranolol in high doses. Conclusion: The present review indicates the need for research to unravel the role of β-blockers in the manifestation of ED in hypertensive males, whom there are no contributory factors such as sedentary lifestyle, aging, stress and anxiety, etc.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Serviço Social, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Política Social, 2016.


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Predicting the evolution of a coastal cell requires the identification of the key drivers of morphology. Soft coastlines are naturally dynamic but severe storm events and even human intervention can accelerate any changes that are occurring. However, when erosive events such as barrier breaching occur with no obvious contributory factors, a deeper understanding of the underlying coastal processes is required. Ideally conclusions on morphological drivers should be drawn from field data collection and remote sensing over a long period of time. Unfortunately, when the Rossbeigh barrier beach in Dingle Bay, County Kerry, began to erode rapidly in the early 2000’s, eventually leading to it breaching in 2008, no such baseline data existed. This thesis presents a study of the morphodynamic evolution of the Inner Dingle Bay coastal system. The study combines existing coastal zone analysis approaches with experimental field data collection techniques and a novel approach to long term morphodynamic modelling to predict the evolution of the barrier beach inlet system. A conceptual model describing the long term evolution of Inner Dingle Bay in 5 stages post breaching was developed. The dominant coastal processes driving the evolution of the coastal system were identified and quantified. A new methodology of long term process based numerical modelling approach to coastal evolution was developed. This method was used to predict over 20 years of coastal evolution in Inner Dingle Bay. On a broader context this thesis utilised several experimental coastal zone data collection and analysis methods such as ocean radar and grain size trend analysis. These were applied during the study and their suitability to a dynamic coastal system was assessed.


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Introducción: Las patologías del hombro suelen ser una de las causas de mayor solicitud de consulta en el ámbito laboral, con generación de incapacidad y pérdidas económicas, tanto para el afectado como para la empresa e incluso, la Entidad Promotora de Salud responsable de la atención y tratamiento. Entre las patologías de hombro más frecuentes se hallan el síndrome del manguito rotador, bursitis del hombro, síndrome de abducción dolorosa del hombro, tendinitis del bíceps, traumatismos del tendón del manguito rotador y tendinitis calcificante del hombro. Objetivo: Determinar y caracterizar las patologías del hombro de origen común y laboral, las prestaciones asistenciales y económicas que de estas se deriva en una EPS durante el periodo 2012 a 2014 en la ciudad de Bogotá. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal con datos secundarios procedentes de 657 afiliados del Régimen Contributivo en una EPS de la ciudad de Bogotá, con información de las patologías del hombro registradas de origen común y laboral, durante el periodo de 2012 a 2014. Las variables incluidas fueron las sociodemográficas, ocupacionales y clínicas. Se describieron las variables cualitativas en términos de proporción y las variables cuantitativas a través de medidas de tendencia central (medias/ medianas) y dispersión (rangos, desviación estándar, cuartiles). Para evaluar la asociación entre variables se utilizó la prueba de Chi cuadrado de Pearson usando nivel de significación α de 0,05. Resultados: Del total de afiliados se encontró que el 27,3% de las patologías fueron de origen laboral y el resto de origen común, predominando el género femenino (76.9%); el estado civil casado (34,4%), la escolaridad secundaria (60,4%). Un alto porcentaje de los pacientes se han desempeñado en la industria manufacturera (51%) y el diagnóstico más frecuente fue el síndrome de manguito rotatorio (89,2%). Al revisar los factores asociados con el origen de la patología en la calificación de estas, se encontró asociación con la edad (p = 0,000), la escolaridad (p = 0,013), la actividad económica (p = 0,0000), el factor ocupacional ergonómico (p = 0,0000) y con los diagnósticos de patologías del hombro (p = 0,025). Los días de incapacidad por las patologías del hombro reportaron una mediana de 111 días con rango de 0 a 1925 días. El tiempo de exposición al factor de riesgo ocupacional presento un rango de 6 a 470 meses, los costos por las patologías del hombro generadas correspondieron a un rango de $4000 a $68894438, con una mediana de $2287304. Es transcendental diagnosticar a tiempo e instaurar medidas terapéuticas, que permitan mejorar la sintomatología que ocasionan las patologías del hombro y la alteración en la funcionalidad del mismo, minimizando así los costos y días de incapacidad que a esto conlleva.


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Introduction: One of the known risk factors for abuse and neglect of the elderly is the decrease in functional capacity, contributing to self care dependency of instrumental activities of daily living and basic activities of daily living (OMS, 2015). Methods: Cross-sectional study with non probabilistic sample of 333 elderly, performed in a hospital, homes and day centers for the elderly. The data collection protocol included socio-demographic data, Questions to elicit Elder Abuse (Carney, Kahan & Paris, 2003 adap. By Ferreira Alves & Sousa, 2005), scale of instrumental activities of daily living Lawton and Brody and Katz index to assess the level of independence in activities of daily living. Objectives: To evaluate the association between abuse and neglect in the elderly, instrumental activities of daily living and level of independence in activities of daily living. Results: Emotional abuse is significantly correlated with the level of independence in activities of daily living (p = 0.000), older people with less independence tend to have higher levels of emotional abuse. The total abuse is significantly correlated with the levels of independence in activities of daily living (p = 0.002), less independent elderly tend to suffer greater abuse and neglect. There were no statistically significant associations between abuse and neglect and instrumental activities of daily living. Conclusions: The less independent elderly are more vulnerable to situations of abuse and neglect, being more exposed to emotional abuse. These results point to the need for health professionals/ nurses develop prevention interventions, including strategies to support carers and early screening in less independent elderly.


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Introduction: One of the known risk factors for abuse and neglect of the elderly is the decrease in functional capacity, contributing to self care dependency of instrumental activities of daily living and basic activities of daily living (OMS, 2015). Methods: Cross-sectional study with non probabilistic sample of 333 elderly, performed in a hospital, homes and day centers for the elderly. The data collection protocol included socio-demographic data, Questions to elicit Elder Abuse (Carney, Kahan & Paris, 2003 adap. By Ferreira Alves & Sousa, 2005), scale of instrumental activities of daily living Lawton and Brody and Katz index to assess the level of independence in activities of daily living. Objectives: To evaluate the association between abuse and neglect in the elderly, instrumental activities of daily living and level of independence in activities of daily living. Results: Emotional abuse is significantly correlated with the level of independence in activities of daily living (p = 0.000), older people with less independence tend to have higher levels of emotional abuse. The total abuse is significantly correlated with the levels of independence in activities of daily living (p = 0.002), less independent elderly tend to suffer greater abuse and neglect. There were no statistically significant associations between abuse and neglect and instrumental activities of daily living. Conclusions: The less independent elderly are more vulnerable to situations of abuse and neglect, being more exposed to emotional abuse. These results point to the need for health professionals/ nurses develop prevention interventions, including strategies to support carers and early screening in less independent elderly.