952 resultados para Social Housing, Pilastro, Retrofit, Bologna


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Over the last two decades social vulnerability has emerged as a major area of study, with increasing attention to the study of vulnerable populations. Generally, the elderly are among the most vulnerable members of any society, and widespread population aging has led to greater focus on elderly vulnerability. However, the absence of a valid and practical measure constrains the ability of policy-makers to address this issue in a comprehensive way. This study developed a composite indicator, The Elderly Social Vulnerability Index (ESVI), and used it to undertake a comparative analysis of the availability of support for elderly Jamaicans based on their access to human, material and social resources. The results of the ESVI indicated that while the elderly are more vulnerable overall, certain segments of the population appear to be at greater risk. Females had consistently lower scores than males, and the oldest-old had the highest scores of all groups of older persons. Vulnerability scores also varied according to place of residence, with more rural parishes having higher scores than their urban counterparts. These findings support the political economy framework which locates disadvantage in old age within political and ideological structures. The findings also point to the pervasiveness and persistence of gender inequality as argued by feminist theories of aging. Based on the results of the study it is clear that there is a need for policies that target specific population segments, in addition to universal policies that could make the experience of old age less challenging for the majority of older persons. Overall, the ESVI has displayed usefulness as a tool for theoretical analysis and demonstrated its potential as a policy instrument to assist decision-makers in determining where to target their efforts as they seek to address the issue of social vulnerability in old age. Data for this study came from the 2001 population and housing census of Jamaica, with multiple imputation for missing data. The index was derived from the linear aggregation of three equally weighted domains, comprised of eleven unweighted indicators which were normalized using z-scores. Indicators were selected based on theoretical relevance and data availability.


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Housing Partnerships (HPs) are collaborative arrangements that assist communities in the delivery of affordable housing by combining the strengths of the public and private sectors. They emerged in several states, counties, and cities in the eighties as innovative solutions to the challenges in affordable housing resulting from changing dynamics of delivery and production. ^ My study examines HPs with particular emphasis upon the identification of those factors associated with the successful performance of their mission of affordable housing. I will use the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework in this study. The identification of performance factors facilitates a better understanding of how HPs can be successful in achieving their mission. The identification of performance factors is significant in the context of the current economic environment because HPs can be viewed as innovative institutional mechanisms in the provision of affordable housing. ^ The present study uses a mixed methods research approach, drawing on data from the IRS Form 990 tax returns, a survey of the chief executives of HPs, and other secondary sources. The data analysis is framed according to the four perspectives of BSC: the financial, customer, internal business, and learning and growth. Financially, revenue diversification affects the financial health of HPs and overall performance. Although HPs depend on private and government funding, they also depend on service fees to carry out their mission. From a customer perspective, the HPs mainly serve low and moderate income households, although some serve specific groups such as seniors, homeless, veterans, and victims of domestic violence. From an internal business perspective, HPs’ programs are oriented toward affordable housing needs, undertaking not only traditional activities such as construction, loan provision, etc., but also advocacy and educational programs. From an employee and learning growth perspective, the HPs are small in staff size, but undertake a range of activities with the help of volunteers. Every part of the HP is developed to maximize resources, knowledge, and skills in order to assist communities in the delivery of affordable housing and related needs. Overall, housing partnerships have played a key role in affordable housing despite the housing market downturn since 2006. Their expenses on affordable housing activities increased despite the decrease in their revenues.^


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The study of the private management of public housing is an important topic to be critically analyzed as the government search for ways to increase efficiency in providing housing for the poor. Public Housing Authorities must address the cost for repairing or replacing the deteriorating housing stock, the increase in the need for affordable housing, and the lack of supply. There is growing pressure on efficient use of public funds that has heightened the need for profound structural reform. An important strategy for carrying out such reform is through privatization. Although privatization does not work in every case, the majority position in the traditional privatization literature is that reliance on private organizations normally, but not always, results in cost savings. ^ The primary purpose of this dissertation is to determine whether a consensus exist among decision-makers on the efficiency of privatizing the management of public housing. A secondary purpose is to review the techniques (best practices) used by the private sector that results in cost-efficiencies in the management of public housing. The study employs the use of a triangulated research design utilizing cross-sectional survey methodology that included use of a survey instrument to solicit responses from the private managers. The study consists of qualitative methods using interviews from key informants of private-sector management firms and public housing agencies, case studies, focus groups, archival records and housing authorities documents. ^ Results indicated that important decision-makers perceive that private managers made a positive contribution to cost-efficiencies in the management of public housing. The performance of private contractors served as a yardstick for comparison of efficiency of services that are produced in-house. The study concluded that private managers made the benefits of their management techniques well known creating a sense of competition between public and private managers. Competition from private contractors spurred municipal worker and management productivity improvements creating better management results for the public housing authorities. The study results are in concert with a review of recent research and studies that also concluded private managers have some distinct advantages to controlling costs in the management of public housing. ^


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The public political investments of urban mobility financed by PAC of Cup 2014 have developed discussions and questions by the civil society in Brazil expecting positive results to the urban infrastructure referring to the possible human rights violation and, specially, rights of habitation related to the removing/expropriation noticed. Natal, capital of Rio Grande do Norte, is into this context, due to the urban mobility project linking North Zone of the city to the Arena das Dunas stadium, financed by the PAC of Cup 2014, named West Structural Corridor, that crosses a field of social interest and proposes almost 400 expropriations. This research analyzes how strategies and mechanisms of integration were presented between the mobility project of West Structural Corridor and the Social Interest Habitation affected by this project. We have as hypothesis those projects financed by PAC of Cup 2014/Urban Mobility to Natal/RN present many problems related to the integration of social interest to the housing project, however the National Politics of Urban Development has planned this integration. As a result we detach 3 strategies in the elaboration process about the integration of those politics: (i) integration between municipal secretaries involved in this project; (ii) urban integration of the city; and (iii) integration of public rules or public politics integrated. For each strategy were presented the main mechanisms used to establish the integration of the project. Those mechanisms, however, in this process of establishment/implementation of the empirical research, presented many contradictions and conflicts that compose problems to the integration between the mobility project and the housing area affected.


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This study investigated the role of psychologists in Social Assistance Reference Centres in the Amazon region of Marajó, considering its specificities: extensive territory, spread population and presence of native communities. Eleven interviews were conducted in 10 out of the total 16 cities. There’s a context of fragile economies and poor housing; incomplete or disarticulated public services; bad working conditions. The activities are ad hoc or asystematic. Promising experiences bet on decentralized and intersectoral services. Experiences from other groups point to the importance of long-term work. We conclude that a powerful way of action is to strengthen the sociability that is characteristic of the native peoples, valuing their knowledge and developing their social protagonism.


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Nell’ottica della pianificazione di interventi di Retrofit Energetico che possano migliorare l’efficienza energetica del comparto edilizio-residenziale, in relazione agli obiettivi della vigente normativa energetica di ispirazione comunitaria, obiettivo della tesi è la ricerca e validazione di strumenti economici che possano guidare le committenze nella scelta del migliore rapporto tra costi e benefici delle opere. La tesi affronta l’approccio dell’analisi del Costo Globale come previsto dalla normativa comunitaria formato dalla direttiva 2010/31/UE sulla prestazione energetica degli edifici, dal regolamento delegato UE n°244 del 16 gennaio 2012 e dalla norma EN 15459 del 2008. Obiettivo è la comparazione di tre interventi alternativi di retrofit energetico per un edificio ad uso misto sito nel centro di Bologna. Si tratta di interventi mirati all’efficientamento e all’abbattimento del fabbisogno energetico per la climatizzazione invernale dello stabile, con gradi successivi di approfondimento, come definiti dalla attuale normativa (ristrutturazione importante di primo livello, di secondo livello e riqualificazione energetica). Lo studio si sviluppa definendo le criticità dello stato attuale del costruito e i possibili interventi migliorativi necessari. Definiti i pacchetti tecnici delle soluzioni di intervento si è passato alla ricerca dei dati necessari comprendenti dati finanziari su tassi di sconto e di inflazione e sui costi di investimento iniziali, costi di gestione e manutenzione, costi di sostituzione e costi energetici relativi alle varie alternative di progetto. I risultati dell’analisi economica delle alternative progettuali, nel periodo di studio considerato, vengono poi confrontati con i dati relativi all’impatto energetico e delle emissioni di CO2 e con le relative classi energetiche.


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Objetivos: Este estudio tuvo como objetivo elaborar un recuento y caracterizar a la población sin hogar de la ciudad de Coimbra. Se quería conocer quiénes son las personas sin hogar en Coimbra, sus características sociodemográficas, características psicosociales, síntomas depresivos, sentido de la vida y percepción de apoyo social, para disponer de un mayor conocimiento de su situación y necesidades y así mejorar la intervención social orientada al sinhogarismo. Método: El trabajo empírico realizado incluyó dos procedimientos simultáneos: (a) Un recuento de personas sin hogar, durante 3 días, en las instituciones especializadas de apoyo social y en las calles. (b) Una caracterización psicosocial a través de una entrevista estructurada a partir de los cuatro instrumentos siguientes: Cuestionario de Realojamiento y Evaluación (RTAS), Escala de Depresión del Centro para Estudios Epidemiológicos (CES-D), Cuestionario del sentido de la vida (PIL-R) y Cuestionario de Apoyo Social Percibido (CASP). Los datos fueron analizados mediante los programas SPSS, versión 18.0 y AMOS, versión 18.0. El recuento de personas sin hogar se realizó siguiendo la tipología Europea creada por FEANTSA, llamada ETHOS (European Typology on Homelessness and Housing Exclusion). Partiendo de esta tipología, en el recuento fueron identificadas 257 personas sin hogar, 175 de las cuales accedieron a ser entrevistadas, resultando válidas 174 entrevistas. Resultados: Verificamos que la mayoría de las personas sin hogar de nuestro estudio son hombres de menos de 50 años (edad media 46 años), portugueses, nacidos o con residencia en Coimbra hace más de un año, con escasos estudios, y que están solteros o divorciados. La mayoría duerme en instituciones (28,1%), vive en cuartos alquilados (23,6%) o en la calle (12,6%); han consumido drogas o alcohol (50%) y presentan problemas de salud mental (21,8%). En cuanto a ingresos, la mayoría percibe una renta mínima de inserción (37,9%) o se dedica a la mendicidad (17,2%). En cuanto a las causas percibidas de su situación de personas sin hogar, la mayoría apunta al desempleo (35%) y la pobreza (25,3%)...


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Over the last two decades social vulnerability has emerged as a major area of study, with increasing attention to the study of vulnerable populations. Generally, the elderly are among the most vulnerable members of any society, and widespread population aging has led to greater focus on elderly vulnerability. However, the absence of a valid and practical measure constrains the ability of policy-makers to address this issue in a comprehensive way. This study developed a composite indicator, The Elderly Social Vulnerability Index (ESVI), and used it to undertake a comparative analysis of the availability of support for elderly Jamaicans based on their access to human, material and social resources. The results of the ESVI indicated that while the elderly are more vulnerable overall, certain segments of the population appear to be at greater risk. Females had consistently lower scores than males, and the oldest-old had the highest scores of all groups of older persons. Vulnerability scores also varied according to place of residence, with more rural parishes having higher scores than their urban counterparts. These findings support the political economy framework which locates disadvantage in old age within political and ideological structures. The findings also point to the pervasiveness and persistence of gender inequality as argued by feminist theories of aging. Based on the results of the study it is clear that there is a need for policies that target specific population segments, in addition to universal policies that could make the experience of old age less challenging for the majority of older persons. Overall, the ESVI has displayed usefulness as a tool for theoretical analysis and demonstrated its potential as a policy instrument to assist decision-makers in determining where to target their efforts as they seek to address the issue of social vulnerability in old age. Data for this study came from the 2001 population and housing census of Jamaica, with multiple imputation for missing data. The index was derived from the linear aggregation of three equally weighted domains, comprised of eleven unweighted indicators which were normalized using z-scores. Indicators were selected based on theoretical relevance and data availability.


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A pobreza infantil é reconhecida, na comunidade científico, como um problema social grave que viola os direitos das crianças, sendo este um fator favorável à vulnerabilização e à possibilidade de ocorrência de casos de negligência. Em consequência, esta fundamenta-se pela necessidade de intervenções, que a par de medidas de proteção social do Estado, em particular o Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI), potenciem o desempenho de funções parentais protetoras. Por conseguinte, definiu-se como principal objetivo analisar a relação e/ou influência da medida do RSI sobre as funções parentais (des) protetoras no contexto da pobreza infantil em 15 crianças (dos 0 aos 6 anos), assim como compreender os domínios do seu bem-estar a partir dos Reports card`s da UNICEF. A investigação decorreu no concelho de Albergaria-a-Velha entre os meses de fevereiro a julho de 2013. A metodologia utilizada foi o método qualitativo de natureza exploratória cujos dados foram recolhidos através de dois inquéritos dirigidos às 11 famílias abrangidas pelo estudo e aos respetivos técnicos. A análise dos dados permitiu retirar as principais conclusões destacando-se que o Bem-estar Material e Habitacional das crianças encontram-se comprometidos, uma vez que, os rendimentos médios das famílias estudadas são inferiores ao salário mínimo nacional, o RSI a principal fonte de rendimentos, a maioria dos agregados beneficiam, para além deste, de apoios económicos, quatro famílias estão identificadas como pobreza intergeracional projeta-se para a maioria, a continuidade da “dependência” dos serviços de ação social. Perante estes dados as crianças podem vivenciar privações ou carências múltiplas. Constatou-se falta de privacidade e de conforto habitacional apesar das melhorias significativas nesta dimensão. Na dimensão do Bem-estar Saúde e Segurança enquadra-se a negligência, deste modo, as praticas parentais de risco/negligência foram distribuídas pelos níveis “baixo, moderado e elevado”, apurou-se que em 6 agregados apenas um pratica uma parentalidade não protetora; para os restantes consideramos que o RSI contribui para atenuar a intensidade do stress parental face às privações económicas. / Child poverty is recognized in the scientific community as a serious social problem, which goes against the rights of children. It is a favorable factor to their increasing vulnerability and to the possibility of occurrence of negligence. It is based on the need of interventions that measures social protection of the Goverment through the Social Insertion Income (SII), potentiate the protective performance of parental functions. Thus, the main objective of this study was to analyze the relationship and / or influence of SII on parental protective functions in the context of child poverty in 15 children (aged 0 to 6 years), as well as understand the areas of their welfare according to the UNICEF Report Card’s. The research took place in the Municipality of Albergaria-a-Velha between the months February to July 2013. The used methodology was the qualitative method with exploratory contours and the data collected through two questionnaires surveys directed to the 11 families and Technicians. The information analysis led us to the main conclusions that the children’s Welfare Material and Housing are compromised, since the average yield of the families studied are lower than the minimum national wage, the RSI is the main source of income that most households benefit, in addition to this economic support the continuous "dependency" of social services is projected for the future and four families are identified as intergenerational poverty. Based on these facts the children can experience multiple disadvantage or deprivation. According to the housing conditions it was found lack of privacy and comfort, although exists significant improvements in this dimension. In the dimension of Wellbeing Health and Safety fits negligence, in this way the parental practice of risk / negligence were distributed by the levels of "low, moderate and high", it was found that only one of eight cases do not practice a protective parenting, for the remaining households we consider that the SII contributes to mitigate the intensity of the parental stress against the economic deprivation.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Published to coincide with the International Day of Older Persons, this viewpoint explores some of the findings from Adult Social Services Environments and Settings(ASSET), a research project that was funded by the NIHR School for Social Care Research from February 2012 to April 2014. The project explored how adult social care services are commissioned and delivered in extra care housing and retirement villages. It is a timely paper, coming hot off the heels of the recent Commission on Residential Care, chaired by former Care Services Minister, Paul Burstow MP. This recommended greater clarification on what constitutes housing with care.


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Questo progetto è stato sviluppato durante un periodo di ricerca presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile del Trinity College e continuato presso l’Università di Bologna. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di analizzare le soluzioni per l’ampliamento, la sostituzione degli impianti e l’ottimizzazione energetica di un tipico edificio residenziale Irlandese, una end of terrace in mattoni costruita negli anni ’20, collocata a Blackrock (Dublino). Diversi studi sostengono che lo stock abitativo irlandese è il peggiore del nord Europa per quanto riguarda la performance energetica. Questa tesi consta di una prima parte di studio del contesto e delle tecniche costruttive tradizionali irlandesi; è presente un capitolo di approfondimento sulle leggi riguardanti le costruzioni e gli incentivi forniti dal governo irlandese per interventi di retrofit energetico. Il terzo capitolo è un’analisi dell'esistente, con disegni del rilievo geometrico, immagini dell’edificio originale, termogrammi e dati riguardanti l’attuale performance energetica. Vengono poi mostrate diverse ipotesi di progetto e, una volta determinata la disposizione degli spazi interni, vengono considerate due soluzioni simili, ma costruite con pacchetti costruttivi diversi. Nel Progetto A l’involucro dell’addizione ha una struttura in muratura, nel Progetto B la struttura è in X-lam. Le performance energetiche delle due proposte vengono confrontate tramite una simulazione attuata grazie all'utilizzo del software dinamico IES-VE. Viene valutata l’applicazione di energie rinnovabili, quali l’energia solare e eolica e l’apporto che queste possono dare al bilancio energetico. Infine viene fatta un’analisi dei costi, valutando possibili suddivisioni dei lavori e ipotizzando un piano di ritorno dell’investimento, anche in combinazione con l’applicazione di energie rinnovabili. Alla fine del progetto si trova una valutazione quantitativa dei miglioramenti dell’edificio e un’analisi critica dei limiti del progetto.


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The aim of this study was to describe health care- and social service professionals' experiences of a quality-improvement program implemented in the south of Sweden. The focus of the program was to develop inter-professional collaboration to improve care and service to people with psychiatric disabilities in ordinary housing. Focus group interviews and a thematic analysis were used. The result was captured as themes along steps in process. (I) Entering the quality-improvement program: Lack of information about the program, The challenge of getting started, and Approaching the resources reluctantly. (II) Doing the practice-based improvement work: Facing unprepared workplaces, and Doing twice the work. (III) Looking backevaluation over 1 year: Balancing theoretical knowledge with practical training, and Considering profound knowledge as an integral part of work. The improvement process in clinical practice was found to be both time and energy consuming, yet worth the effort. The findings also indicate that collaboration across organizational boundaries was broadened, and the care and service delivery were improved.


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This book’s guideline is a description of the activities developed during the University Extension project entitled "Housing and Environment: building dialogue over the urbanization of the settlement Ilha", located in the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. This project was coordinated by professors from the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). The initial objectives of the extension project were to investigate ways of intervention on the scenario of poor conditions of housing and urbanization of the settlement Ilha, for their land regularization. The book tells the story of the extension project, showing how the initial goals have changed with time. In addition, this book describes the frustrations and the learning process along the way, from the view of professors and students of UTFPR who actively participated in this project. This book also intends to report the feelings that the villagers attributed to their place of residence; the joys, stumbling and learning by using a participatory methodology from what Paulo Freire says about popular education. Moreover, the book brings the confrontation between the technical and popular vision on the regularization of the area.